def _gridded_perm_translation(self, gp: GriddedPerm,
                               placed_cell: Cell) -> GriddedPerm:
     Return the gridded permutation with all of the cells translated
     assuming that the point was placed at placed cell
     newpos = [
         self._point_translation(gp, index, placed_cell)
         for index in range(len(gp))
     return gp.__class__(gp.patt, newpos)
 def _gridded_perm_translation_with_point(self, gp: GriddedPerm,
                                          point_index: int) -> GriddedPerm:
     Return the stretched gridded permutation obtained when the point at
     point_index in gp is placed.
     # TODO: to prepare for intervals consider all ways of drawing a
     #       rectangle around point in cell.
     new_pos = [
         self._point_translation(gp, i, (point_index, gp.patt[point_index]))
         if i != point_index else self._placed_cell(gp.pos[point_index])
         for i in range(len(gp))
     return gp.__class__(gp.patt, new_pos)