def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file (local access to the dCache file) is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system TODO: document GPFN format TODO: document better constraint """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # get the DQ2 tracing report try: report = pdict['report'] except: report = {} else: # set the proper protocol report['protocol'] = 'HU' # mark the relative start report['relativeStart'] = time() # the current file report['filename'] = lfn # guid report['guid'] = guid.replace('-','') # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup try: timeout = pdict['timeout'] except: timeout = 5*3600 if( gpfn.find('SFN') != -1 ): s = gpfn.split('SFN=') loc_pfn = s[1] else: _tmp = gpfn.split('/', 3) loc_pfn = '/'+_tmp[3] _cmd_str = '%snecp %s %s/%s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, path, lfn) tolog("NECP executing (timeout %s): %s" % (timeout, _cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def copy(self, cmd, stagein=False): """ Perfom the actual file transfer """ ec = 0 pilotErrorDiag = "" error = PilotErrors() tolog("Executing command: %s" % (cmd)) try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(cmd, self.timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = self.timeout
def check_space(self, storage_endpoint): """ available spave in the SE """ # build setup string envsetup = self.getEnvsetup() # build the df command execStr = self.__localspace % (envsetup, '', storage_endpoint) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (execStr)) # execute try: status, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(execStr, self.__timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog(self.__warningStr % self.__pilotErrorDiag) status = 1 output = str(e) telapsed = self.__timeout
except Exception, e: tolog( "Warning: Failed to get RSE: %s (can not add this info to tracing report)" % str(e)) else: report['localSite'], report['remoteSite'] = (_RSE, _RSE) tolog("RSE: %s" % (_RSE)) if testLevel == "1": source = "thisisjustatest" cmd = 'source %s; dccp %s %s' % (self._setup, source, sedir) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (cmd)) report['transferStart'] = time.time() try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(cmd, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 e = sys.exc_info() o = str(e[1]) # set error message from exception text telapsed = timeout else: o = cout + cerr tolog("Elapsed time: %d" % (telapsed)) if s != 0: o = o.replace('\n', ' ') check_syserr(s, o) pilotErrorDiag = "Error in copying: %s" % str(o)
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file is assubed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system TODO: document GPFN format (SURL from catalog srm://host/path) TODO: document better constraint """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the Rucio tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'castorSVC', lfn, guid) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) # Hard code the configuration dictionary for now, but eventually this should be # set dynamically. # # There are the following configuration sections: # setup - base environment veriables to be set # svcClassMap - dictionary of string matches vs. service class names # svcClassList - list of all service classes in case the svcClassMap matching fails # svcClassDefault - the service class to set if the file appears to be staged no where # # Information from RAL: # [root@srm0661 ~]# listStorageArea -v atlas # <Space Token> <Description> <service class> <type> <status> # 4948ef55-0000-1000-b7dd-9b38bdd87201 "ATLASGROUP" "atlasStripDeg" "DURABLE" "ALLOCATED" # 4948ef38-0000-1000-8606-973e4e998e02 "ATLASMCDISK" "atlasSimStrip" "DURABLE" "ALLOCATED" # 4948eec6-0000-1000-8ca2-aba0529b4806 "ATLASDATADISK" "atlasStripInput" "DURABLE" "ALLOCATED" # 4948ee8e-0000-1000-9ac5-81bb9b34ba7b "ATLASMCTAPE" "atlasSimRaw" "PERMANENT" "ALLOCATED" # 4948ee71-0000-1000-b611-a0afad31f6c8 "ATLASDATATAPE" "atlasT0Raw" "PERMANENT" "ALLOCATED" # "ATLASHOTDISK" "atlasHotDisk" # In addition there is the "atlasFarm" class, which is used when data is staged back from tape castorConfig = { 'setup': { 'STAGE_HOST': '', 'STAGER_HOST': '', 'RFIO_USE_CASTOR_V2': 'YES', }, 'svcClassList': ( 'atlasHotDisk', 'atlasSimStrip', 'atlasStripInput', 'atlasFarm', 'atlasStripDeg', 'atlasT0Raw', 'atlasSimRaw', 'atlasScratchDisk', ), 'svcClassMap': { '/atlashotdisk/': 'atlasHotDisk', '/atlasmcdisk/': 'atlasStripInput', '/atlasdatadisk/': 'atlasStripInput', '/atlasgroupdisk/': 'atlasStripDeg', '/atlasdatatape/': 'atlasFarm', '/atlasmctape/': 'atlasFarm', '/atlasscratchdisk/': 'atlasScratchDisk', '/atlasProdDisk/': 'atlasScratchDisk', }, 'svcClassDefault': 'atlasFarm', } # Set all environment variables for castor setup for envVar, value in castorConfig['setup'].iteritems(): os.environ[envVar] = value # Strip the gpfn (SURL) back to its bare castor component tolog("gpfn is %s" % gpfn) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag loc_pfn = '' if (gpfn.find('SFN') != -1): s = gpfn.split('SFN=') loc_pfn = s[1] tolog("Found SFN string. Local file name %s" % loc_pfn) else: _tmp = gpfn.split('/', 3) loc_pfn = '/' + _tmp[3] tolog("Splitting SURL on slashes. Got local file name %s" % loc_pfn) if not loc_pfn.startswith('/castor/'): tolog( "WARNING: Problem with local filename: Does not start with '/castor/'." ) # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") elif rootFile: tolog( "Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", ftype="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", ftype="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") # Now need to find the service class associated with the file. # If we find a clear indication of a space token in the file path # then this is easy. However, if we don't, then use stager_qry to # interrogate each possible service class. If this fails then use # atlasFarm in desperation. serviceClass = None for pathMatch, svcClass in castorConfig['svcClassMap'].iteritems(): if loc_pfn.find(pathMatch) >= 0: tolog('Matched path element %s - service class is %s' % (pathMatch, svcClass)) serviceClass = svcClass break else: tolog('Path element %s for service class %s - no match' % (pathMatch, svcClass)) # For testing the fallback, then we need to hobble ourselves by unsetting serviceClass: #tolog('Automatic service class was: %s' % serviceClass) #tolog('Unsetting service class for fallback testing') #serviceClass = None if serviceClass == None: tolog("Warning: Failed to find service class hint in SURL.") for tryMe in castorConfig['svcClassList']: os.environ['STAGE_SVCCLASS'] = tryMe tolog('Trying service class %s for file' % tryMe) err, output = commands.getstatusoutput('stager_qry -M %s' % loc_pfn) if err != 0: tolog( 'WARNING: Unexpected status from stager_qry: %d\n%s' % (err, output)) else: if output.find('STAGED') >= 0: tolog('Found file in service class %s' % tryMe) serviceClass = tryMe break else: tolog('File not found in service class %s' % tryMe) if serviceClass == None: tolog( 'WARNING: Failed to find file in any expected service class - will set STAGE_SVCCLASS to %s' % castorConfig['svcClassDefault']) serviceClass = castorConfig['svcClassDefault'] tolog('Setting STAGE_SVCCLASS to %s' % serviceClass) os.environ['STAGE_SVCCLASS'] = serviceClass dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) _cmd_str = '%s/usr/bin/rfcp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() # execute timeout = 3600 try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % (e) tolog("!!WARNING!!1111!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ copy input file from SE to local dir """ # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied) useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report try: report = pdict['report'] except: report = {} else: # set the proper protocol report['protocol'] = 'local' # mark the relative start report['relativeStart'] = time() # the current file report['filename'] = lfn # guid report['guid'] = guid.replace('-','') if not path: tolog('path is empty, using current directory') path = os.getcwd() # build setup string envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn = False dInfo = getDirectAccessDic(readpar('copysetupin')) # if copysetupin did not contain direct access info, try the copysetup instead if not dInfo: dInfo = getDirectAccessDic(readpar('copysetup')) tolog("dInfo: %s" % str(dInfo)) # check if we should use the copytool if dInfo: directIn = dInfo['directIn'] if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) return 0, self.__pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") else: tolog("not directIn") # build the get command _params = "" if fchecksum and fchecksum != 'None' and fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "0" and not self.isDummyChecksum(fchecksum): csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) # special case for md5sum (command only understands 'md5' and 'adler32', and not 'ad' and 'md5sum') if csumtype == 'md5sum': csumtype = 'md5' execStr = self.__localget % (envsetup, _params, gpfn, os.path.join(path, lfn)) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (execStr)) report['transferStart'] = time() try: status, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(execStr, self.__timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog(self.__warningStr % self.__pilotErrorDiag) status = 1 output = str(e) telapsed = self.__timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file is assubed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report try: report = pdict['report'] except: report = {} else: # set the proper protocol report['protocol'] = 'rfcpLFC' # mark the relative start report['relativeStart'] = time() # the current file report['filename'] = lfn # guid report['guid'] = guid.replace('-','') tolog("gpfn is %s" % gpfn) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) try: if not loc_pfn.startswith(('/dpm', '/castor')): tolog("Potential problem with local filename. Does not start with '/dpm' or '/castor/'.") except TypeError: # Older version of python pass # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", type="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", type="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) #PN _cmd_str = '%srfcp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) # if ".lib." in loc_pfn: # _cmd_str = '%srfcp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) # else: # _cmd_str = '%srfcpXXX %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() # execute timeout = 3600 try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % (e) tolog("!!WARNING!!1111!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
except EnvironmentError, e: # includes OSError (permission) and IOError (write error) pilotErrorDiag = "put_data mkdirWperm failed: %s" % str(e) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) self.prepareReport('MKDIRWPERM_FAIL', report) return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_MKDIR, pilotErrorDiag, surl=dst_gpfn) report['transferStart'] = time() # execute dccp cmd = "%sdccp %s %s" % (_setup_str, source, dst_loc_sedir) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (cmd)) try: # t0 = time.time() # s, cout = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) # cerr = "" # telapsed = time.time() - t0 s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(cmd, timeout) print "DEBUG: s = ", s, type(s) print "DEBUG: telapsed = ", telapsed, type(telapsed) print "DEBUG: cout = ", cout, type(cout) print "DEBUG: cerr = ", cerr, type(cerr) cout = self.filter_text(cout) cerr = self.filter_text(cerr) if not self.is_number(s): s = 1 if not self.is_number(telapsed): telapsed = 0 except Exception, e: # There may be exceptions like permission errors tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % (e)) s = 1 e = sys.exc_info()
except ImportError: import commands timed_command = None # Wrapper around commands or timed_command def run_command(cmd, timeout=0, workdir=None): """Run an external command in the workdir directory. Timeout is available only if timed_command is available.""" olddir = None if workdir: olddir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(workdir) except OSError, e: return 1, "cd to workdir %s failed: %s" % (workdir, e) if timed_command: ec, elapsed, out, err = timed_command.timed_command(cmd, timeout) outerr = out + err else: ec, outerr = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if olddir: os.chdir(olddir) return ec, outerr # Test connection to host:port def ping(host, port="80"): """Check if able to connect to HOST on the specified PORT (80 as default). Return True/False and a message.""" # Simple alive test # There are more complex implementation of ping running the command in a subprocess, # as python function, or within a library: # #
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ Fetch a input file Use uberftp, invoked as shell command, to copy a file on a Gridftp server to a local directory gpfn -- full URL of the source file (gsiftp://... ) path -- destination directory (local path, absolute or relative to the execution dir, in a local file system). It is assumed to be there. get_data returns an error if the path is missing fsize -- source file size, if not provided it is evaluated using uberftp as execution agent fchecksum -- source file MD5 checsum, if not provided it is evaluated using uberftp as execution agent """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" try: timeout = pdict['timeout'] except: timeout = 5*3600 # hot fix for OSCER, remove troubling port number if present gpfn = gpfn.replace(":2811","") import socket if( gpfn.find('SFN') != -1 ): s = gpfn.split('SFN=') src_pfn = s[1] # in this case the file is local src_host = socket.getfqdn() else: # it assumes gpfn to be a URL: the host to have a GSIftp server, and it to see the file in the path of the URL _tmp = gpfn.split('/', 3) src_pfn = '/'+_tmp[3] src_host = _tmp[2] src_dirname = os.path.dirname(src_pfn) src_filename = os.path.basename(src_pfn) dest_file = os.path.join(path, src_filename) # when the file has been copied we will rename it to the lfn (to remove the __DQ2-string on some files) final_dest_file = os.path.join(path, lfn) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = '' # do we have a proxy? s, pilotErrorDiag = self.verifyProxy(envsetup=_setup_str) if s != 0: return s, pilotErrorDiag # protect against double slashes that might cause problems # [path] /lscratch/usatlas1_912327//Panda_Pilot... -> /lscratch/usatlas1_912327/Panda_Pilot... # [src_dirname] //ibrix/data/dq2-cache -> /ibrix/data/dq2-cache path = path.replace('//', '/') src_dirname = src_dirname.replace('//', '/') # download the remote file to the local directory # if you end the command string with ';' you'll always receive error (ec=1) _cmd_str_remote = '%suberftp %s "lcd %s; cd %s; get %s; ls %s"|grep %s|grep -v uberftp' %\ (_setup_str, src_host, path, src_dirname, src_filename, src_filename, src_filename) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str_remote)) try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str_remote, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def put_data(self, src_pfn, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, dsname='', extradirs='', **pdict): """ Copy all output file to the local SE Check SiteMover.put_data for a description of the first parameters src_pfn (source), destination, fsize, fchecksum dsname -- name of the dataset, used as additional path for the destination file extradirs -- additional directories The function tries to create the destination directory if missing """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" try: timeout = pdict['timeout'] except: timeout = 5*3600 if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = '' # do we have a proxy? s, pilotErrorDiag = self.verifyProxy(envsetup=_setup_str, limit=2) if s != 0: return self.put_data_retfail(s, pilotErrorDiag) # hot fix for OSCER, remove troubling port number if present src_pfn = src_pfn.replace(":2811","") # preparing variables if fsize == 0 or fchecksum == 0: ec, pilotErrorDiag, fsize, fchecksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(src_pfn) if ec != 0: return self.put_data_retfail(ec, pilotErrorDiag) dst_se = destination if dst_se.find('SFN') != -1: # srm:// s = dst_se.split('SFN=') dst_loc_se = s[1] dst_prefix = s[0] else: _sentries = dst_se.split('/', 3) dst_serv = _sentries[0] + '//' + _sentries[2] # 'method://host:port' is it always a ftp server? can it be srm? something else? dst_host = _sentries[2] # host and port dst_loc_se = '/'+ _sentries[3] dst_prefix = dst_serv dst_relative_path = os.path.join(extradirs, dsname) # dst_loc_se = base directory, not including the destination sub dir dst_loc_sedir = os.path.join(dst_loc_se, dst_relative_path) # dst_loc_sedir = full path to the final destination directory dst_relpath_list = [i for i in dst_relative_path.split('/') if i] # >>> a='/root/asd/sss' # >>> b=[i for i in a.split('/') if i] # ['root', 'asd', 'sss'] src_filename = os.path.basename(src_pfn) src_dirname = os.path.dirname(src_pfn) # Destination file name has to be the same, else all the code of the function has to be checked dst_filename = src_filename dst_loc_pfn = os.path.join(dst_loc_sedir, dst_filename) dst_gpfn = dst_prefix + dst_loc_pfn # get the number of directories that don't have to be created [from the dst_relpath_list] # TODO: check if the syntax host:port works for uberftp existing_dir_count_ev,__err = UberftpSiteMover._checkDir(dst_host, dst_loc_se, dst_relpath_list, _setup_str) if existing_dir_count_ev < 0: if existing_dir_count_ev == -2: pilotErrorDiag = ": %s" % (str(__err)) return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_PUTTIMEOUT, pilotErrorDiag) else: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! Control of existing directories failed: %s' % existing_dir_count_ev) # If you try to copy a file and the directory does not exist the copy fails # If you try to create an already existing directory you get 'File exists' error # If the counting of existing directories failed, try to create all of them existing_dir_count = 0 # to try to copy the file directly (creating no directory) # existing_dir_count = len(dst_relpath_list) else: existing_dir_count = existing_dir_count_ev # Preparing and executing the transfer command _start_dir = dst_loc_se _additional_dir = '' _relative_dir = '' # eg. _start_dir = /ibrix/data/dq2-cache if existing_dir_count < len(dst_relpath_list): # if existing_dir_count >= 0: for i in dst_relpath_list: if existing_dir_count > 0: # for every loop iteration, add directory i to _start_dir _start_dir = os.path.join(_start_dir, i) # eg. _start_dir = /ibrix/data/dq2-cache/testpanda.destDB.72c916bd-c490-461b-8665-9fb9990081cf_sub0 # eg. i = testpanda.destDB.72c916bd-c490-461b-8665-9fb9990081cf_sub0 existing_dir_count -= 1 else: _relative_dir = os.path.join(_relative_dir, i) _additional_dir += "mkdir %s;" % (_relative_dir) _additional_dir += "chmod %s %s;" % (str(oct(PERMISSIONS_DIR)), _relative_dir) if _relative_dir: _relative_dir = "cd %s;" % _relative_dir _ftp_cmd_0 = "cd %s; %s%s" % (_start_dir, _additional_dir, _relative_dir) else: # directories are already all there _ftp_cmd_0 = "cd %s; " % (os.path.join(_start_dir, dst_relative_path)) # protect against double slashes that might cause problems # [src_dirname] //ibrix/data/dq2-cache -> /ibrix/data/dq2-cache src_dirname = src_dirname.replace('//', '/') # uberftp $host "cd $directory; get $fileName; ls $fileName"|grep $fileName|grep -v uberftp > /tmp/fileSize.txt _ftp_cmd_str = '%s lcd %s; put %s; ls %s' %\ (_ftp_cmd_0, src_dirname, src_filename, dst_filename) _cmd_str = "%swhich uberftp;uberftp %s '%s'" %\ (_setup_str, dst_host, _ftp_cmd_str) # local dir should exist # _cmd_str = Copying uberftp: source /hep/home/gridapp/atlas_app/UberFTP/; uberftp # 'mkdir /ibrix/data/dq2-cache; # cd /ibrix/data/dq2-cache/testpanda.destDB.72c916bd-c490-461b-8665-9fb9990081cf_sub0; # lcd /lscratch/usatlas1_207555/Panda_Pilot_12498_1174944165/PandaJob_1280039_1174944165; # put 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root; # lls 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root; # ls 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root;'| # grep 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root|grep -v uberftp tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ copy input file from SE to local dir """ # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'local', lfn, guid) if not path: tolog('path is empty, using current directory') path = os.getcwd() # build setup string envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.__sendReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", type="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", type="input") return 0, self.__pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") else: tolog("not directIn") # THE FOLLOWING CODE UNTIL THE END OF THIS FUNCTION SHOULD BE REPLACED WITH NEW CODE FOR GLOBUS-ONLINE def downloadGC(): """Download Globus Connect file from Globus Server """ arg = ['curl','--connect-timeout','20','--max-time','120','-s','-S','','-o','globusconnect'] tolog("Download Arguments: %s" % (arg)) #Function to retrieve users proxy from Cern myproxy server. #The credential should be deposite to the server by the user under the Pilots DN username #and authoried to retrieve it by the Pilot without passphrase, #to run Globus Online. #Code partially extracted from #Uses as parameter userID, which is obtained from job info from Panda. def getproxy(userID): """Gets users myproxy from cern server """ dn = userID if dn.count('/CN=') > 1: first_index = dn.find('/CN=') second_index = dn.find('/CN=', first_index+1) dn = dn[0:second_index] arg = ['myproxy-logon','-s','','--no_passphrase','-l',dn] #Fuction uses endpoint as parameter, that the user specifies at job submission. #Corresponds to the name of the endpoint for the working node using Globus- #Connect. Returns the code for the setup def createEndpoint(endpoint): """Create the endpoint the user specifies and returns the code for setup """ arg = ['gsissh', '', 'endpoint-add','--gc', endpoint] proc = subprocess.Popen(arg, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return_code = proc.wait() i = 0 for line in proc.stdout: tolog(" %s " % (line.rstrip())) i += 1 if i == 3: code = line return code #Function uses endpoint as parameter to get the code and run the #setup in Globus Connect. This connects the endpoint on the working node with #Globus Online def setupGC(endpoint): """Installing Globus Connect on working node. Creates endpoint, get the setup code and uses it on setup mode """ code = createEndpoint(endpoint) code = code.strip() arg = ['sh', 'globusconnect', '-setup', code] tolog("Arguments: %s:" % (arg)) #Function that runns Globus Connect on the background of the working node #to make it a Globus Online Endpoint def startGC(): """Start Globus Connect process on working node, on the background """ tolog("-----Running Globus Connect------") arg = ['sh', 'globusconnect', '-start'] subprocess.Popen(arg) #Function uses source and destinations as parameters.Source is a #Globus Online Endpoint and path to file, like this: #SITE1:/home/osg_data/panda/0064.file #Destination is the Endpoint on the working node ,using Globus Connect, #like this: #OSGDEV:/direct/usatlas+u/ccontrer/pilot/autopilot/trunk/ #User defines source and destination at job submission. #This function activates the source endpoint, under the consideration #it is a gridFTP server. Destination is already activated since it is a #Globus Connect endpoint and need no manual activation #This function creates one transfer task, so it should be executed #for as many source files as the user specifies #For a better dinamic, destination path can/should be obtained from job information (?) #and the endpoint is specified by user, as above. dest = endpoint + ':' + jobdir def stageincmdGO(src, dest): """create command for stage-in using Globus Online """ #Activate the source endpoint source = src.split(':')[0] arg = ['gsissh', '', 'endpoint-activate','-g', source] #Create transfer task cmd = 'gsissh scp -v %s %s'%(src, dest) tolog("Transfer task created: %s" % (cmd)) return cmd #END OF GLOBUS ONLINE FUNCTIONS # build the get command _params = "" if fsize != 0 and fsize != "0": _params += self.__par_filesize % (fsize,) if fchecksum and fchecksum != 'None' and fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "0" and not self.isDummyChecksum(fchecksum): csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) # special case for md5sum (command only understands 'md5' and 'adler32', and not 'ad' and 'md5sum') if csumtype == 'md5sum': csumtype = 'md5' _params += self.__par_checksum % ("%s:%s" % (csumtype, fchecksum),) # add the guid option _params += " --guid %s" % (guid) execStr = self.__localget % (envsetup, _params, gpfn, os.path.join(path, lfn)) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (execStr)) report['transferStart'] = time() try: status, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(execStr, self.__timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog(self.__warningStr % self.__pilotErrorDiag) status = 1 output = str(e) telapsed = self.__timeout
if fchecksum != 0: # special case for md5sum (command only understands 'md5' and 'adler32', and not 'ad' and 'md5sum') if csumtype == 'md5sum': _csumtype = 'md5' else: _csumtype = csumtype _params += self.__par_checksum % ("%s:%s" % (_csumtype, fchecksum),) # add the guid option _params += " --guid %s" % (guid) execStr = self.__localput % (envsetup, _params, source, dst_gpfn) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (execStr)) report['transferStart'] = time() try: status, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(execStr, self.__timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog(self.__warningStr % self.__pilotErrorDiag) status = 1 output = str(e) telapsed = self.__timeout else: output = cout + cerr tolog("Elapsed time: %d" % (telapsed)) tolog("Command output:\n%s" % (output)) report['validateStart'] = time() # validate if status:
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ copy input file from SE to local dir """ # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'local', lfn, guid) if not path: tolog('path is empty, using current directory') path = os.getcwd() # build setup string envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(self.__error, envsetup) if ec != 0: self.__sendReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.__sendReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", type="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", type="input") return self.__error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, self.__pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") else: tolog("not directIn") # build the get command _params = "" if fsize != 0 and fsize != "0": _params += self.__par_filesize % (fsize,) if fchecksum and fchecksum != 'None' and fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "0" and not self.isDummyChecksum(fchecksum): csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) # special case for md5sum (command only understands 'md5' and 'adler32', and not 'ad' and 'md5sum') if csumtype == 'md5sum': csumtype = 'md5' _params += self.__par_checksum % ("%s:%s" % (csumtype, fchecksum),) # add the guid option _params += " --guid %s" % (guid) dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) #PN # if ".lib." in gpfn: # localGet = self.__localget # else: # localGet = self.__localgetBAD # execStr = localGet % (envsetup, _params, gpfn, dest_path) execStr = self.__localget % (envsetup, _params, gpfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (execStr)) report['transferStart'] = time() try: status, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(execStr, self.__timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog(self.__warningStr % self.__pilotErrorDiag) status = 1 output = str(e) telapsed = self.__timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file (local access to the dCache file) is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') analJob = pdict.get('analJob', False) timeout = pdict.get('timeout', 5 * 3600) prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the Rucio tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'BNLdCache', lfn, guid) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) copyprefixin = readpar('copyprefixin') if copyprefixin != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefixin.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefixin to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) else: copyprefix = readpar('copyprefix') if copyprefix != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefix.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefix to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) report['relativeStart'] = time.time() pnfsid = self.getPnfsid(loc_pfn, guid) # for analysis jobs, skip input file if on tape or if lib file if analJob: if not self.isLibFile(loc_pfn): if pnfsid == None: isStaged = self.isFileStaged(_setup_str, loc_pfn) else: _com = "/cacheinfos/isFileInPool?pnfsid=%s" % (pnfsid) isStaged = self.isFileStaged( _setup_str, loc_pfn, url="", com=_com) if not isStaged: pilotErrorDiag = "File %s is not staged and will be skipped for analysis job" % ( loc_pfn) self.prepareReport('FILE_ON_TAPE', report) return error.ERR_FILEONTAPE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Skipping file stage check for lib file") # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") elif rootFile: tolog( "Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", ftype="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", ftype="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) if pnfsid == None: _cmd_str = '%sdccp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) else: _cmd_str = '%sdccp pnfs:// %s' % ( _setup_str, pnfsid, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time.time() try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
try: _dq2SiteName = self.getDQ2SiteName(surl=dst_gpfn) except Exception, e: tolog("Warning: Failed to get the DQ2 site name: %s (can not add this info to tracing report)" % str(e)) else: report['localSite'], report['remoteSite'] = (_dq2SiteName, _dq2SiteName) tolog("DQ2 site name: %s" % (_dq2SiteName)) # Directory not created: the copy command creates the direcrory if necessary, # all with the right permission report['transferStart'] = time() try: _cmd_str = '%snecp %s %s' % (_setup_str, source, dst_loc_sedir) tolog("NECP executing (timeout %s): %s" % (timeout, _cmd_str)) s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: # Command may have exceptions like permission errors # timed_command hsould block/filter out all exceptions; remove try block? s = 1 e = sys.exc_info() o = str(e[1]) #set error message from exception text telapsed = timeout else: o = cout + cerr tolog("Elapsed time: %d" % (telapsed)) report['validateStart'] = time() if s != 0: check_syserr(s, o) pilotErrorDiag = "Error in copying: %s" % (o)
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file (local access to the dCache file) is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') analJob = pdict.get('analJob', False) timeout = pdict.get('timeout', 5*3600) prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'BNLdCache', lfn, guid) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.__sendReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) copyprefixin = readpar('copyprefixin') if copyprefixin != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefixin.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefixin to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) else: copyprefix = readpar('copyprefix') if copyprefix != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefix.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefix to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) report['relativeStart'] = time.time() pnfsid = self.getPnfsid(loc_pfn, guid) # for analysis jobs, skip input file if on tape or if lib file if analJob: if not self.isLibFile(loc_pfn): if pnfsid == None: isStaged = self.isFileStaged(_setup_str, loc_pfn) else: _com = "/cacheinfos/isFileInPool?pnfsid=%s" % (pnfsid) isStaged = self.isFileStaged(_setup_str, loc_pfn, url="", com=_com) if not isStaged: pilotErrorDiag = "File %s is not staged and will be skipped for analysis job" % (loc_pfn) self.__sendReport('FILE_ON_TAPE', report) return error.ERR_FILEONTAPE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Skipping file stage check for lib file") # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.__sendReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", type="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", type="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) if pnfsid == None: _cmd_str = '%sdccp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) else: _cmd_str = '%sdccp pnfs:// %s' % (_setup_str, pnfsid, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time.time() try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ Moves a DS file the local SE (where was put from DDM) to the working directory. Performs the copy and, for systems supporting it, checks size and md5sum correctness gpfn: full source URL (e.g. method://[host[:port]/full-dir-path/filename - a SRM URL is OK) path: destination absolute path (in a local file system) returns the status of the transfer. In case of failure it should remove the partially copied destination """ # The local file is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' # loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied) useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'xrootd', lfn, guid) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = '' ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.__sendReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag tolog("xrootdSiteMover get_data using setup: %s" % (_setup_str)) # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path src_loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) src_loc_filename = lfn # source vars: gpfn, loc_pfn, loc_host, loc_dirname, loc_filename # dest vars: path if fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "": csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) else: csumtype = "default" # protect against bad pfn's src_loc_pfn = src_loc_pfn.replace('///','/') src_loc_pfn = src_loc_pfn.replace('//xrootd/','/xrootd/') # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") else: rootFile = self.isRootFile(src_loc_pfn, setup=_setup_str) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (src_loc_pfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.__sendReport('IS_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", type="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", type="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") else: tolog("No direct access mode") ec = 0 if fsize == 0 or fchecksum == 0: ec, pilotErrorDiag, fsize, fchecksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(src_loc_pfn, csumtype=csumtype) if ec != 0: self.__sendReport('GET_LOCAL_FILE_INFO_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag dest_file = os.path.join(path, src_loc_filename) report['relativeStart'] = time() # determine which copy command to use cpt = self.getCopytool(_setup_str) report['transferStart'] = time() cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (_setup_str, cpt, src_loc_pfn, dest_file) #PN # if ".lib." in src_loc_pfn: # cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (_setup_str, cpt, src_loc_pfn, dest_file) # else: # cmd = "%s %sXXX %s %s" % (_setup_str, cpt, src_loc_pfn, dest_file) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (cmd)) # execute timeout = 3600 try: rc, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(cmd, timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog("!!WARNING!!1111!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) rc = 1 rs = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ Moves a DS file the local SE (where was put from DDM) to the working directory. Performs the copy and, for systems supporting it, checks size and md5sum correctness gpfn: full source URL (e.g. method://[host[:port]/full-dir-path/filename - a SRM URL is OK) path: destination absolute path (in a local file system) returns the status of the transfer. In case of failure it should remove the partially copied destination """ # The local file is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' # loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied) useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the Rucio tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'xrootd', lfn, guid) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = '' ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag tolog("xrootdSiteMover get_data using setup: %s" % (_setup_str)) # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path src_loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) src_loc_filename = lfn # source vars: gpfn, loc_pfn, loc_host, loc_dirname, loc_filename # dest vars: path if fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "": csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) else: csumtype = "default" # protect against bad pfn's src_loc_pfn = src_loc_pfn.replace('///', '/') src_loc_pfn = src_loc_pfn.replace('//xrootd/', '/xrootd/') # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") else: rootFile = self.isRootFile(src_loc_pfn, setup=_setup_str) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") elif rootFile: tolog( "Found root file: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (src_loc_pfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('IS_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", ftype="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", ftype="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") else: tolog("No direct access mode") ec = 0 if fsize == 0 or fchecksum == 0: ec, pilotErrorDiag, fsize, fchecksum = self.getLocalFileInfo( src_loc_pfn, csumtype=csumtype) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('GET_LOCAL_FILE_INFO_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag dest_file = os.path.join(path, src_loc_filename) report['relativeStart'] = time() # determine which copy command to use cpt = self.getCopytool(_setup_str) report['transferStart'] = time() cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (_setup_str, cpt, src_loc_pfn, dest_file) #PN # if ".lib." in src_loc_pfn: # cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (_setup_str, cpt, src_loc_pfn, dest_file) # else: # cmd = "%s %sXXX %s %s" % (_setup_str, cpt, src_loc_pfn, dest_file) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (cmd)) # execute timeout = 3600 try: rc, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(cmd, timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str( e) tolog("!!WARNING!!1111!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) rc = 1 rs = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file (local access to the dCache file) is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') analJob = pdict.get('analJob', False) timeout = pdict.get('timeout', 5*3600) # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied) useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the Rucio tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'dCache', lfn, guid) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) copyprefixin = readpar('copyprefixin') if copyprefixin != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefixin.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefixin to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) else: copyprefix = readpar('copyprefix') if copyprefix != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefix.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefix to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) report['relativeStart'] = time() # for analysis jobs, skip input file if on tape or if lib file if analJob: if not self.isLibFile(loc_pfn): if not self.isFileStaged(_setup_str, loc_pfn): pilotErrorDiag = "File %s is not staged and will be skipped for analysis job" % (loc_pfn) self.prepareReport('FILE_ON_TAPE', report) return error.ERR_FILEONTAPE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Skipping file stage check for lib file") # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", ftype="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", ftype="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) _cmd_str = '%sdccp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() telapsed = 0 try: # t0 = time() # s, cout = commands.getstatusoutput(_cmd_str) # cerr = "" # telapsed = time() - t0 s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) print "DEBUG: s = ", s, type(s) print "DEBUG: telapsed = ", telapsed, type(telapsed) print "DEBUG: cout = ", cout, type(cout) print "DEBUG: cerr = ", cerr, type(cerr) cout = self.filter_text(cout) cerr = self.filter_text(cerr) if not self.is_number(s): s = 1 if not self.is_number(telapsed): telapsed = 0 except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % (e)) s = 1 o = self.filter_text(e) telapsed = timeout # write traceback info to stderr import traceback exc, msg, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(tb) _pilotErrorDiag = "Unexpected exception: %s" % (get_exc_plus()) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! get_exc_plus: %s" % (_pilotErrorDiag)) print "!!WARNING!!2999!! get_exc_plus: %s" % (_pilotErrorDiag)
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file (local access to the dCache file) is assumed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') analJob = pdict.get('analJob', False) timeout = pdict.get('timeout', 5 * 3600) # try to get the direct reading control variable (False for direct reading mode; file should not be copied) useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the Rucio tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'dCache', lfn, guid) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) copyprefixin = readpar('copyprefixin') if copyprefixin != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefixin.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefixin to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) else: copyprefix = readpar('copyprefix') if copyprefix != '': # Extract the copy prefix pfrom, pto = copyprefix.split('^') loc_pfn = pfrom + loc_pfn tolog("Added copyprefix to file: %s" % (loc_pfn)) report['relativeStart'] = time() # for analysis jobs, skip input file if on tape or if lib file if analJob: if not self.isLibFile(loc_pfn): if not self.isFileStaged(_setup_str, loc_pfn): pilotErrorDiag = "File %s is not staged and will be skipped for analysis job" % ( loc_pfn) self.prepareReport('FILE_ON_TAPE', report) return error.ERR_FILEONTAPE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Skipping file stage check for lib file") # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") elif rootFile: tolog( "Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", ftype="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", ftype="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) _cmd_str = '%sdccp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() telapsed = 0 try: # t0 = time() # s, cout = commands.getstatusoutput(_cmd_str) # cerr = "" # telapsed = time() - t0 s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) print "DEBUG: s = ", s, type(s) print "DEBUG: telapsed = ", telapsed, type(telapsed) print "DEBUG: cout = ", cout, type(cout) print "DEBUG: cerr = ", cerr, type(cerr) cout = self.filter_text(cout) cerr = self.filter_text(cerr) if not self.is_number(s): s = 1 if not self.is_number(telapsed): telapsed = 0 except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % (e)) s = 1 o = self.filter_text(e) telapsed = timeout # write traceback info to stderr import traceback exc, msg, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(tb) _pilotErrorDiag = "Unexpected exception: %s" % (get_exc_plus()) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! get_exc_plus: %s" % (_pilotErrorDiag)) print "!!WARNING!!2999!! get_exc_plus: %s" % (_pilotErrorDiag)
def put_data(self, source, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, **pdict): """ copy output file from local dir to SE and register into dataset and catalogues """ # Get input parameters from pdict lfn = pdict.get('lfn', '') guid = pdict.get('guid', '') token = pdict.get('token', '') dsname = pdict.get('dsname', '') analJob = pdict.get('analJob', False) sitename = pdict.get('sitename', '') extradirs = pdict.get('extradirs', '') prodSourceLabel = pdict.get('prodSourceLabel', '') dispatchDBlockTokenForOut = pdict.get('dispatchDBlockTokenForOut', '') if sitename == "CERNVM" and dispatchDBlockTokenForOut == "": dispatchDBlockTokenForOut = "chirp^^/panda_test^-d chirp" # get the DQ2 tracing report try: report = pdict['report'] except: report = {} else: # set the proper protocol report['protocol'] = 'local' # mark the relative start report['relativeStart'] = time() # the current file report['filename'] = lfn report['guid'] = guid.replace('-','') # report['dataset'] = dsname filename = os.path.basename(source) # get the local file size and checksum csumtype = self.checksum_command if fsize == 0 or fchecksum == 0: ec, self.__pilotErrorDiag, fsize, fchecksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(source, csumtype=csumtype) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('LOCAL_FILE_INFO_FAIL', report) return self.put_data_retfail(ec, self.__pilotErrorDiag) # do not transfer files larger than 50 MB except for CERNVM if sitename != "CERNVM" and int(fsize) > self.__MAX_FILE_SIZE: self.__pilotErrorDiag = "File sizes larger than %d B can currently not be tranferred with this site mover: size=%s" % (self.__MAX_FILE_SIZE, fsize) tolog("!!WARNING!!2997!! %s" % (self.__pilotErrorDiag)) return self.put_data_retfail(self.__error.ERR_OUTPUTFILETOOLARGE, self.__pilotErrorDiag) # now that the file size is known, add it to the tracing report report['filesize'] = fsize # build the command _params = "" if fchecksum != 0: # special case for md5sum (command only understands 'md5' and 'adler32', and not 'ad' and 'md5sum') if csumtype == 'md5sum': _csumtype = 'md5' else: _csumtype = csumtype # This contains the user configuration for chirp server, path, debug # Format should be like # 'chirp^^/tanyasandoval^-d chirp' dispatchDBlockTokenForOut = pdict.get('dispatchDBlockTokenForOut', '') csplit = dispatchDBlockTokenForOut.split('^') if len(csplit) != 4: tolog("Wrong number of fields in chirp string: %s" % (dispatchDBlockTokenForOut)) self.__pilotErrorDiag = "Wrong number of fields in chirp string: %s" % (dispatchDBlockTokenForOut) return self.put_data_retfail(self.__error.ERR_STAGEOUTFAILED, self.__pilotErrorDiag) # Remove _sub part from dataset name re_sub=re.compile('(.*)_sub\d+') resub if resub: else: dsname_strip=dsname chirp_server = csplit[1] chirp_base = csplit[2] chirp_options = csplit[3] chirp_path = chirp_base+'/'+dsname_strip+'/'+filename tolog("Chirp path: %s" % (chirp_path)) # Make compound command file to run in chirp chirpcom=open('','w') # Create directories. dirs=chirp_path.split('/') dir_path='' for i in range(1,len(dirs)-1): dir_path=dir_path+'/'+dirs[i] chirpcom.write('mkdir '+dir_path+'\n') # and the cop command too chirpcom.write('put %s %s\n'%(source,chirp_path)) chirpcom.close() execStr = self.__chirp % (chirp_options, chirp_server, '') tolog("Executing command: %s" % (execStr)) try: status, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(execStr, self.__timeout) except Exception, e: self.__pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % str(e) tolog(self.__warningStr % self.__pilotErrorDiag) status = 1 output = str(e) telapsed = self.__timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file is assubed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system TODO: document GPFN format (SURL from catalog srm://host/path) TODO: document better constraint """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the Rucio tracing report report = self.getStubTracingReport(pdict['report'], 'castorSVC', lfn, guid) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) # Hard code the configuration dictionary for now, but eventually this should be # set dynamically. # # There are the following configuration sections: # setup - base environment veriables to be set # svcClassMap - dictionary of string matches vs. service class names # svcClassList - list of all service classes in case the svcClassMap matching fails # svcClassDefault - the service class to set if the file appears to be staged no where # # Information from RAL: # [root@srm0661 ~]# listStorageArea -v atlas # <Space Token> <Description> <service class> <type> <status> # 4948ef55-0000-1000-b7dd-9b38bdd87201 "ATLASGROUP" "atlasStripDeg" "DURABLE" "ALLOCATED" # 4948ef38-0000-1000-8606-973e4e998e02 "ATLASMCDISK" "atlasSimStrip" "DURABLE" "ALLOCATED" # 4948eec6-0000-1000-8ca2-aba0529b4806 "ATLASDATADISK" "atlasStripInput" "DURABLE" "ALLOCATED" # 4948ee8e-0000-1000-9ac5-81bb9b34ba7b "ATLASMCTAPE" "atlasSimRaw" "PERMANENT" "ALLOCATED" # 4948ee71-0000-1000-b611-a0afad31f6c8 "ATLASDATATAPE" "atlasT0Raw" "PERMANENT" "ALLOCATED" # "ATLASHOTDISK" "atlasHotDisk" # In addition there is the "atlasFarm" class, which is used when data is staged back from tape castorConfig = { 'setup' : { 'STAGE_HOST' : '', 'STAGER_HOST' : '', 'RFIO_USE_CASTOR_V2' : 'YES', }, 'svcClassList' : ('atlasHotDisk', 'atlasSimStrip', 'atlasStripInput', 'atlasFarm', 'atlasStripDeg', 'atlasT0Raw', 'atlasSimRaw', 'atlasScratchDisk', ), 'svcClassMap' : { '/atlashotdisk/' : 'atlasHotDisk', '/atlasmcdisk/' : 'atlasStripInput', '/atlasdatadisk/' : 'atlasStripInput', '/atlasgroupdisk/' : 'atlasStripDeg', '/atlasdatatape/' : 'atlasFarm', '/atlasmctape/' : 'atlasFarm', '/atlasscratchdisk/' : 'atlasScratchDisk', '/atlasProdDisk/' : 'atlasScratchDisk', }, 'svcClassDefault' : 'atlasFarm', } # Set all environment variables for castor setup for envVar, value in castorConfig['setup'].iteritems(): os.environ[envVar] = value # Strip the gpfn (SURL) back to its bare castor component tolog("gpfn is %s" % gpfn) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag loc_pfn = '' if( gpfn.find('SFN') != -1 ): s = gpfn.split('SFN=') loc_pfn = s[1] tolog("Found SFN string. Local file name %s" % loc_pfn) else: _tmp = gpfn.split('/', 3) loc_pfn = '/'+_tmp[3] tolog("Splitting SURL on slashes. Got local file name %s" % loc_pfn) if not loc_pfn.startswith('/castor/'): tolog("WARNING: Problem with local filename: Does not start with '/castor/'.") # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog("Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)") updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", ftype="input") elif rootFile: tolog("Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", ftype="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", ftype="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") # Now need to find the service class associated with the file. # If we find a clear indication of a space token in the file path # then this is easy. However, if we don't, then use stager_qry to # interrogate each possible service class. If this fails then use # atlasFarm in desperation. serviceClass = None for pathMatch, svcClass in castorConfig['svcClassMap'].iteritems(): if loc_pfn.find(pathMatch) >= 0: tolog('Matched path element %s - service class is %s' % (pathMatch, svcClass)) serviceClass = svcClass break else: tolog('Path element %s for service class %s - no match' % (pathMatch, svcClass)) # For testing the fallback, then we need to hobble ourselves by unsetting serviceClass: #tolog('Automatic service class was: %s' % serviceClass) #tolog('Unsetting service class for fallback testing') #serviceClass = None if serviceClass == None: tolog("Warning: Failed to find service class hint in SURL.") for tryMe in castorConfig['svcClassList']: os.environ['STAGE_SVCCLASS'] = tryMe tolog('Trying service class %s for file' % tryMe) err, output = commands.getstatusoutput('stager_qry -M %s' % loc_pfn) if err != 0: tolog('WARNING: Unexpected status from stager_qry: %d\n%s' % (err, output)) else: if output.find('STAGED') >= 0: tolog('Found file in service class %s' % tryMe) serviceClass = tryMe break else: tolog('File not found in service class %s' % tryMe) if serviceClass == None: tolog('WARNING: Failed to find file in any expected service class - will set STAGE_SVCCLASS to %s' % castorConfig['svcClassDefault']) serviceClass = castorConfig['svcClassDefault'] tolog('Setting STAGE_SVCCLASS to %s' % serviceClass) os.environ['STAGE_SVCCLASS'] = serviceClass dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) _cmd_str = '%s/usr/bin/rfcp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() # execute timeout = 3600 try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % (e) tolog("!!WARNING!!1111!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout
def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ The local file is assubed to have a relative path that is the same of the relative path in the 'gpfn' loc_... are the variables used to access the file in the locally exported file system """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" # Get input parameters from pdict useCT = pdict.get('usect', True) jobId = pdict.get('jobId', '') workDir = pdict.get('workDir', '') prodDBlockToken = pdict.get('access', '') # get the DQ2 tracing report try: report = pdict['report'] except: report = {} else: # set the proper protocol report['protocol'] = 'rfcpLFC' # mark the relative start report['relativeStart'] = time() # the current file report['filename'] = lfn # guid report['guid'] = guid.replace('-', '') tolog("gpfn is %s" % gpfn) # get a proper envsetup envsetup = self.getEnvsetup(get=True) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = envsetup ec, pilotErrorDiag = verifySetupCommand(error, _setup_str) if ec != 0: self.prepareReport('RFCP_FAIL', report) return ec, pilotErrorDiag # remove any host and SFN info from PFN path loc_pfn = self.extractPathFromPFN(gpfn) try: if not loc_pfn.startswith(('/dpm', '/castor')): tolog( "Potential problem with local filename. Does not start with '/dpm' or '/castor/'." ) except TypeError: # Older version of python pass # should the root file be copied or read directly by athena? directIn, useFileStager = self.getTransferModes() if directIn: if useCT: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode is switched off (file will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") else: # determine if the file is a root file according to its name rootFile = self.isRootFileName(lfn) if prodDBlockToken == 'local' or not rootFile: directIn = False tolog( "Direct access mode has been switched off for this file (will be transferred with the copy tool)" ) updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="copy_to_scratch", type="input") elif rootFile: tolog( "Found root file according to file name: %s (will not be transferred in direct reading mode)" % (lfn)) report['relativeStart'] = None report['transferStart'] = None self.prepareReport('FOUND_ROOT', report) if useFileStager: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="file_stager", type="input") else: updateFileState(lfn, workDir, jobId, mode="transfer_mode", state="remote_io", type="input") return error.ERR_DIRECTIOFILE, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog("Normal file transfer") dest_path = os.path.join(path, lfn) #PN _cmd_str = '%srfcp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) # if ".lib." in loc_pfn: # _cmd_str = '%srfcp %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) # else: # _cmd_str = '%srfcpXXX %s %s' % (_setup_str, loc_pfn, dest_path) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) report['transferStart'] = time() # execute timeout = 3600 try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: pilotErrorDiag = 'timed_command() threw an exception: %s' % (e) tolog("!!WARNING!!1111!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout