Esempio n. 1
    def graph_package_deps(self, p, pngname):
        tl = Timeline()
        def epoch(t): return t.toordinal() #float(t.strftime("%s"))
        def authColor(p): return hashColor(

        #depbar = "LightSkyBlue"
        #focalbar = "Yellow"
        reflbar = "PaleGoldenrod"

        vers_names = self.versions(p)

        # extend each version until the end of hte subsequent version
        for v,w in zip(vers_names[:-1], vers_names[1:]):     # Lost author for author color
            tl.span(p, epoch(self.dc[p][v]), epoch(self.dc[p][w]), p + ":" + v, v, authColor(p), None)
        vlast = vers_names[-1]
        tl.span(p, epoch(self.dc[p][vlast]), epoch(self.end_of_time), p + ":" + vlast, vlast, authColor(p), None)
        for dep in self.dependencies(p):
            for (ref,st,en) in self.dep_version_spans(p, dep):
                tl.span(dep, epoch(st), epoch(en), dep + "::" + ref, ref, reflbar, "bottom")
            depvers = self.dep_versions(p, dep)
                vn2 = self.versions(dep)
                for vv,ww in zip(vn2[:-1], vn2[1:]):
                    self.logwith( "deploop", vv,ww, self.dc[dep].keys())
                    tl.span(dep, epoch(self.dc[dep][vv]), epoch(self.dc[dep][ww]),
                            dep + ":" + vv, vv, authColor(dep), "top") 
                vvlast = vn2[-1]
                tl.span(dep, epoch(self.dc[dep][vvlast]), epoch(self.end_of_time),
                       dep + ":" + vvlast, vvlast, authColor(dep), "top") 
            except Exception, e:
                self.logwith("Exception processing dependency", dep, e)
            for vn in vers_names:
                if vn in depvers:
                    dep_ver = self.extractVersionLimiter(depvers[vn])
                    self.logwith( dep_ver)
                    destrec = tl.findByKey(dep + ":" + dep_ver)
                    srcrec = tl.findByKey(p + ":" + vn)
                    if len(destrec) > 0 and len(srcrec) > 0:
                        tl.connect(destrec[0], srcrec[0])
                        self.logwith( "version", vn, "of", p, "did link to dependency", dep, "version", dep_ver)
                        self.logwith( "version", vn, "of", p, "***can't*** find dependency", \
                               dep, "version", dep_ver, "lendestrec=", len(destrec), "lensrcrec=", len(srcrec))
                    self.logwith(vn,"is not in",list(depvers))
                    self.logwith( "version", vn, "of", p, "did not update dependency on", dep)
Esempio n. 2
    def graph_package_downstreams(self, p, pngname):
        tl = Timeline()
        def epoch(t): return t.toordinal() #float(t.strftime("%s"))
        def authColor(p): return hashColor(

        reflbar = "PaleGoldenrod"
        vers_names = self.versions(p)

        # Just show the first 20; the image gets too big otherwise
        for dep in list(self.reverse_dependencies(p))[:20]:
            for (ref,st,en) in self.dep_version_spans(dep, p):
                    vname = str(ref).strip()
                    if vname == "": vname = "*"
                    self.logwith("Could not correct version name ", ref)
                    vname = ref
                tl.span(dep, epoch(st), epoch(en), dep + "::" + ref, "-->" + vname, reflbar, "bottom", invisibleBar=True)
            depvers = self.dep_versions(dep, p)
                vn2 = self.versions(dep)
                for vv,ww in zip(vn2[:-1], vn2[1:]):
                    self.logwith( "deploop", vv,ww, self.dc[dep].keys())
                    tl.span(dep, epoch(self.dc[dep][vv]), epoch(self.dc[dep][ww]),
                            dep + ":" + vv, vv, authColor(dep), "top") 
                vvlast = vn2[-1]
                tl.span(dep, epoch(self.dc[dep][vvlast]), epoch(self.end_of_time),
                       dep + ":" + vvlast, vvlast, authColor(dep), "top") 
            except Exception, e:
                self.logwith("Exception processing dependency", dep, e)
            for vn in vers_names:
                if vn in depvers:
                    dep_ver = self.extractVersionLimiter(depvers[vn])
                    self.logwith( dep_ver)
                    destrec = tl.findByKey(dep + ":" + dep_ver)
                    srcrec = tl.findByKey(p + ":" + vn)
                    if len(destrec) > 0 and len(srcrec) > 0:
                        tl.connect(destrec[0], srcrec[0])
                        self.logwith( "version", vn, "of", p, "did link to dependency", dep, "version", dep_ver)
                        self.logwith( "version", vn, "of", p, "***can't*** find dependency", \
                               dep, "version", dep_ver, "lendestrec=", len(destrec), "lensrcrec=", len(srcrec))
                    self.logwith(vn,"is not in",list(depvers))
                    self.logwith( "version", vn, "of", p, "did not update dependency on", dep)