def main(opts):
    out = [opts['-o'],]
    args = izip(ts_iter_images(opts['-i']), cycle(out))
    count = 0
    for _ in imap(process_image, args):
        if count % 10 == 0:
            print("Renamed {} images!".format(count), end="\r")
        count += 1
    print("Renamed {} images!\n\n".format(count))
def ts_to_tsnc(ts_path, tsnc_path):
    log = logging.getLogger("timestreamlib")
    # Get timestream images
    imgs = list(ts_iter_images(ts_path))
    # Make netcdf4 file
    root = ncdf.Dataset(tsnc_path, 'w', format="NETCDF4")
    # Make dimensions
    # Kludge time!!!
    root.createDimension('y', mat0.shape[0])
    root.createDimension('x', mat0.shape[1])
    root.createDimension('z', mat0.shape[2])
    root.createDimension('t', None)
    mat0 = None
    mat_n = 0
    while mat0 is None:
            mat0 = read_image(imgs[mat_n])
            mat_n += 1
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError("Didn't find a valid image in {}".format(ts_path))
    # setup variables
    times = root.createVariable("time", 'f8', ('t',))
    times.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0"
    times.calendar = "standard"
    root.createVariable("z", 'u1', ('z',))
    root.createVariable("y", 'u4', ('y',))
    root.createVariable("x", 'u4', ('x',))
    # create actual pixel array
    px_type = 'u{:d}'.format(mat0.dtype.itemsize)
    pixels = root.createVariable("pixel", px_type, ('t', 'y', 'x', 'z'),
                                 zlib=True)"Created netcdf4 file {} with pixel array dimensions {!r}".format(
        tsnc_path, pixels.shape))
    # iteratively add images
    count = 0
    for img_n, mat in enumerate(imap(read_image, imgs)):
        img = imgs[img_n]
        if mat is None:
        n_dates = len(root.dimensions['t'])
        time = ts_parse_date_path(img)
        times[n_dates] = date2num([time, ], units=times.units,
        pixels[n_dates, :, :, :] = mat
        count += 1
        log.debug("Processed {}. Matrix shape is {!r}".format(img,
        log.log(NOEOL, "Processed {: 5d} images.\r".format(count))"Processed {: 5d} images. ts_to_tsnc finished!".format(count))
def main(opts):
    pool = mp.Pool()
    if opts['-t']:
        pool = mp.Pool(opts['-t'])
    xy = tuple(map(int, opts['-s'].replace('x', ',').split(',')))
    if len(xy) == 1:
        xy = (xy[0], 0)
    xy = [xy, ]
    out = [opts['-o'],]
    args = izip(ts_iter_images(opts['-i']), cycle(out), cycle(xy))
    count = 0
    print("Resizing {} to {}".format(opts['-i'], opts['-s']))
    for _ in pool.imap(process_image, args):
        print("Resized {: 5d} images!".format(count), end="\r")
        count += 1
    print("Resized {: 5d} images! Done!".format(count))
Esempio n. 4
def ts_to_tsnc(ts_path, tsnc_path):
    log = logging.getLogger("CONSOLE")
    # Get timestream images
    imgs = list(ts_iter_images(ts_path))
    mats = ts_iter_numpy(imgs)
    # Make netcdf4 file
    root = ncdf.Dataset(tsnc_path, 'w', format="NETCDF4")
    # Make dimensions
    # Kludge time!!!
    mat0 = next(ts_iter_numpy([imgs[0], ]))[1]
    root.createDimension('y', mat0.shape[0])
    root.createDimension('x', mat0.shape[1])
    root.createDimension('z', mat0.shape[2])
    root.createDimension('t', None)
    # setup variables
    times = root.createVariable("time", 'f8', ('t',))
    times.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0"
    times.calendar = "standard"
    root.createVariable("z", 'u1', ('z',))
    root.createVariable("y", 'u4', ('y',))
    root.createVariable("x", 'u4', ('x',))
    # create actual pixel array
    px_type = 'u{d}'.format(mat0.dtype.itemsize)
    pixels = root.createVariable("pixel", px_type, ('t', 'y', 'x', 'z'),
                                 zlib=True)"Created netcdf4 file {} with pixel array dimensions {!r}".format(
        tsnc_path, pixels.shape))
    # iteratively add images
    count = 0
    for img, mat in mats:
        n_dates = len(root.dimensions['t'])
        time = ts_parse_date_path(img)
        times[n_dates] = date2num([time, ], units=times.units,
        pixels[n_dates, :, :, :] = mat
        count += 1
        log.debug("Processed {}. Matrix shape is {!r}".format(img,
        if count % 2 == 0:
            log.log(NOEOL, "Processed {: 5d} images.\r".format(count))"Processed {: 5d} images. ts_to_tsnc finished!".format(count))
Esempio n. 5
 def test_good_timestream_manifold(self):
     """Test ts_iter_images with a timestream with a manifold"""
     res = ts_iter_images(helpers.FILES["timestream_manifold"])
     self.assertListEqual(sorted(list(res)), helpers.TS_MANIFOLD_FILES_JPG)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, rootPath):
     self.img_iter = ts_iter_images(rootPath)
     self.counter = -1
def main(argv):
    HelpString = ' -i <image file> ' + \
                    '-f <root image folder> '+ \
                    '-o <output file>\n' + \
                 'Example:\n' + \
                 "$ ./ -f /mnt/phenocam/a_data/TimeStreams/BorevitzTest/BVZ0018/BVZ0018-GC04L~fullres-orig/ -k /mnt/phenocam/a_data/TimeStreams/BorevitzTest/BVZ0018/BVZ0018-GC04L~fullres-corr/calib_param_700Dcam.yml -g /mnt/phenocam/a_data/TimeStreams/BorevitzTest/BVZ0018/BVZ0018-GC04L~fullres-corr/CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3in.png -c /mnt/phenocam/a_data/TimeStreams/BorevitzTest/BVZ0018/BVZ0018-GC04L~fullres-corr/CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3inCaptured.png -o /mnt/phenocam/a_data/TimeStreams/BorevitzTest/BVZ0018/BVZ0018-GC04L~fullres-corr/ -j 16"
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:f:c:k:b:g:t:o:j:",\
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    if len(opts) == 0:

    ImageFile = ''
    InputRootFolder = ''
    OutputFolder = ''
    InitialGeometryFile = 'ColorcardTrayPotSelections.yml'
    ColorCardTrueFile = 'CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3in.png'
#    ColorCardTrueFile = 'CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3in180deg.png'
#    ColorCardCapturedFile = 'CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3inCaptured.png'
    ColorCardCapturedFile = 'Card_%d.png'
    TrayCapturedFile = 'Tray_%d.png'
    PotCapturedFile = 'PotCaptured2.png' #'PotCaptured.png' #'PotCaptured4.png' #'PotCaptured3.png' #
    CalibFile = 'Canon700D_18mm_CalibParam.yml'
    ConfigFolder = ''
    RotationAngle = None
    NoJobs = 1
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
            ImageFile = arg
        elif opt in ("-f", "--ifolder"):
            InputRootFolder = arg
        elif opt in ("-c", "--configfolder"):
            ConfigFolder = arg
        elif opt in ("-b", "--captured-colorcard"):
            ColorCardCapturedFile = arg
        elif opt in ("-g", "--groundtruth-colorcard"):
            ColorCardTrueFile = arg
        elif opt in ("-t", "--tray-image-pattern"):
            TrayCapturedFile = arg
        elif opt in ("-k", "--calibfile"):
            CalibFile = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--ofolder"):
            OutputFolder = arg
        elif opt in ("-j", "--jobs"):
            NoJobs = int(arg)

    if len(ConfigFolder) > 0:
        ColorCardTrueFile     = os.path.join(ConfigFolder, os.path.basename(ColorCardTrueFile))
        ColorCardCapturedFile = os.path.join(ConfigFolder, os.path.basename(ColorCardCapturedFile))
        TrayCapturedFile      = os.path.join(ConfigFolder, os.path.basename(TrayCapturedFile))
        PotCapturedFile       = os.path.join(ConfigFolder, os.path.basename(PotCapturedFile))
        CalibFile             = os.path.join(ConfigFolder, os.path.basename(CalibFile))
        InitialGeometryFile   = os.path.join(ConfigFolder, os.path.basename(InitialGeometryFile))

    if len(OutputFolder) > 0 and not os.path.exists(OutputFolder):
    if len(CalibFile) > 0:
        ImageSize, SquareSize, CameraMatrix, DistCoefs, RVecs, TVecs = utils.readCalibration(CalibFile)
        print('CameraMatrix =', CameraMatrix)
        print('DistCoefs =', DistCoefs)
        UndistMapX, UndistMapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(CameraMatrix, DistCoefs, \
            None, CameraMatrix, ImageSize, cv2.CV_32FC1)    
    if len(InitialGeometryFile):
        rotationAngle, distortionCorrected, colorcardList, trayList, potList = utils.readGeometries(InitialGeometryFile)
        print('trayList =', trayList)
        RotationAngle = rotationAngle
        colorcardCentre, colorcardWidth, colorcardHeight, colorcardAngle = utils.getRectangleParamters(colorcardList[0])
        colorcardPosition = [int(colorcardCentre[0]), int(colorcardCentre[1])]
        print('colorcardPosition =', colorcardPosition)
        potCentre, potWidth, potHeight, potAngle = utils.getRectangleParamters(potList[0])
        potSize = (int(potWidth), int(potHeight))
        print('potSize =', potSize)
        trayPositions = []
        for tray in trayList:
            trayCentre, trayWidth, trayHeight, trayAngle = utils.getRectangleParamters(tray)
            trayPositions.append([int(trayCentre[0]), int(trayCentre[1])])
    P24ColorCardTrueImage = cv2.imread(ColorCardTrueFile)[:,:,::-1] # read and convert to R-G-B image
    SquareSize = int(P24ColorCardTrueImage.shape[0]/4)
    HalfSquareSize = int(SquareSize/2)
    P24ColorCardCapturedImage = cv2.imread(ColorCardCapturedFile %0)[:,:,::-1] # read and convert to R-G-B image
    P24ColorCardCaptured_PyramidImages = utils.createImagePyramid(P24ColorCardCapturedImage)

    Tray_PyramidImagesList = []
    for i in range(8):
        TrayFilename = TrayCapturedFile %(i)
        TrayImage = cv2.imread(TrayFilename)
        if TrayImage == None:
            print('Unable to read', TrayFilename)
#            Tray_PyramidImages = None
            TrayImage = TrayImage[:,:,::-1]
            Tray_PyramidImages = utils.createImagePyramid(TrayImage)

    PotCapturedImage = cv2.imread(PotCapturedFile)[:,:,::-1] # read and convert to R-G-B image
    # supress green channel
    PotCapturedImage[:,:,1] = 0
    if PotCapturedImage == None:
        print('Unable to read', TrayFilename)
    scaleFactor = potSize[1]/PotCapturedImage.shape[0]
    print('scaleFactor', scaleFactor)
    PotCapturedImage = cv2.resize(PotCapturedImage, potSize, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    Pot_PyramidImages = utils.createImagePyramid(PotCapturedImage)

    # collect 24 colours from the captured color card:
    Colors = np.zeros([3,24])
    for i in range(24):
        Row = int(i/6)
        Col = i - Row*6
        rr = Row*SquareSize + HalfSquareSize
        cc = Col*SquareSize + HalfSquareSize
        Colors[0,i] = P24ColorCardTrueImage[rr,cc,0]
        Colors[1,i] = P24ColorCardTrueImage[rr,cc,1]
        Colors[2,i] = P24ColorCardTrueImage[rr,cc,2]
    print('Colors = \n', Colors)
    if len(ImageFile):
        img_iter = [sorted(glob.glob(ImageFile))]
    elif len(InputRootFolder):
        img_iter = ts_iter_images(InputRootFolder)
        print('Need imput image for image folder')
    ArgList = []
    for i,ImageFile_ in enumerate(img_iter):
        if i <= 830:
        if len(OutputFolder) > 0 and len(InputRootFolder) == 0:
            OutputFile = os.path.join(OutputFolder, os.path.basename(ImageFile_))
        elif len(OutputFolder) > 0 and len(InputRootFolder) > 0:
            ImagePath = os.path.dirname(ImageFile_)
            ImageName = os.path.basename(ImageFile_)
            OutputPath = os.path.join(OutputFolder, ImagePath[len(InputRootFolder):])
            OutputFile = os.path.join(OutputPath, ImageName)
        ArgList.append([ImageFile_, RotationAngle, UndistMapX, UndistMapY, P24ColorCardCaptured_PyramidImages, colorcardPosition, Colors, Tray_PyramidImagesList, trayPositions, Pot_PyramidImages, OutputFile])
#        if i == 50:
#            break
    Process = Pool(processes = NoJobs)
    import time
    time1 = time.time()
    Results =, ArgList)
#    for Arg in ArgList:
#        correctDistortionAndColor(Arg)
    time2 = time.time()
    json.dump(Results, open(os.path.join(OutputFolder, 'Result.json')))
    InfoFile = os.path.join(OutputFolder, 'ColorCorrectionInfo.txt')
    with open(InfoFile, 'w') as myfile:
        myfile.write('It took %0.3f seconds to process %d files using %d processes\n' % (time2-time1, len(Results), NoJobs))
        myfile.write('ImageFileName; MatchingScore; ColorPosition-X(-1.0 for undetected colorbar); ColorbarPosition-Y(-1.0 for undetected colorbar); CorrectionError(-1.0 for undetected colorbar)\n')
    print('Finished. Saved color correction info to', InfoFile)
RotationAngle = RectData['RotationAngle']
Rect = RectData['Colorbar'].tolist()
print('Rect =', Rect)
Centre, Width, Height, Angle = getRectangleParamters(Rect)
print(Centre, Width, Height, Angle)
ColCardMapX, ColCardMapY = createMap(Centre, Width, Height, Angle)

P24ColorCard = cv2.imread('/home/chuong/Data/ColorbarPositions/CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3in.png')[:,:,::-1] # read and convert to R-G-B image
SquareSize = int(P24ColorCard.shape[0]/4)
HalfSquareSize = int(SquareSize/2)

P24ColorCardCaptured = cv2.imread('/home/chuong/Data/ColorbarPositions/CameraTrax_24ColorCard_2x3inCaptured.png')[:,:,::-1] # read and convert to R-G-B image
SquareSizeCaptured = int(P24ColorCardCaptured.shape[0]/4)
HalfSquareSizeCaptured = int(SquareSizeCaptured/2)

img_iter = ts_iter_images('/home/chuong/Data/ColorbarPositions')
#img_iter = ts_iter_images('/home/chuong/Data/BVZ0012-GC02L-CN650D-Cam01') 
for ImageFile in img_iter:
    Image = cv2.imread(ImageFile)[:,:,::-1]
    if Image.shape[0] > Image.shape[1]:
        RotationAngle = 90
        Image = rotateImage(Image, RotationAngle)
#    maxVal, maxLoc = findColorbarPyramid(Image, P24ColorCardCaptured)
    maxVal, maxLoc, RotationAngle2 = findColorbarPyramid(Image, P24ColorCardCaptured, NoLevels = 5, FinalLevel = 3)
    if maxVal == None:
    RotationAngle = RotationAngle + RotationAngle2
#    if maxVal < maxVal180:
#        RotationAngle = RotationAngle + 180
#        maxVal, maxLoc, maxVal180, maxLoc180 = maxVal180, maxLoc180, maxVal, maxLoc