Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.__ipcon = IPConnection()  # Create IP connection
        self.__rs = BrickletRemoteSwitch(CONFIG.uid,
                                         self.__ipcon)  # Create device object
        self.__ipcon.connect(, CONFIG.port)  # Connect to brickd

        self.__operations = deque()
        self.__operations_worker = Thread(target=self.__work_operations)
        self.__keep_worker_running = True

        self.__mqtt = None"RSBController running")
Esempio n. 2
class RSBController(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__ipcon = IPConnection()  # Create IP connection
        self.__rs = BrickletRemoteSwitch(CONFIG.uid,
                                         self.__ipcon)  # Create device object
        self.__ipcon.connect(, CONFIG.port)  # Connect to brickd

        self.__operations = deque()
        self.__operations_worker = Thread(target=self.__work_operations)
        self.__keep_worker_running = True

        self.__mqtt = None"RSBController running")

    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    def inject_mqtt_processor(self, mqtt):
        Add an mqtt processor that may be used for message publishing.

        :param mqtt: the mqtt processor
        self.__mqtt = mqtt

    def add_socket_switch_operation_to_queue(self, address, unit, state):
        Add a switch operation for the given socket to the RSBController.

        :param address: the address of the socket
        :param unit: the unit of the socket
        :param state: 0 (off) or 1 (on)
        self.__operations.append([int(address), int(unit), int(state)])

    def shutdown(self):"RSBController stopping")
        self.__keep_worker_running = False
        while self.__operations_worker.isAlive():
            LOG.debug("Waiting for operations worker to stop")
        self.__ipcon.disconnect()"RSBController shutdown")

    def __work_operations(self):"Operations worker running")
        while self.__keep_worker_running:
            if self.__operation_open():
                operation = self.__dequeueOperation()
                # valid assumptions, as operations can only be added through 'RSBController.add_socket_switch_operation_to_queue'
                self.__switch_socket_B(operation[0], operation[1],


    def __operation_open(self):
        if self.__operations:
            return True
        return False

    def __dequeueOperation(self):
        return self.__operations.popleft()

    def __switch_socket_B(self, address, unit, state):
        Switch socket of type B

        :param address: the address of the socket
        :param unit: the unit of the socket
        :param state: 0 (off) or 1 (on)

            if state == 0:
                LOG.debug("Switching {0}-{1} to off".format(address, unit))
            elif state == 1:
                LOG.debug("Switching {0}-{1} to on".format(address, unit))
                    "State {0} is no valid switching value".format(state))

            tries = 0
            while self.__rs.get_switching_state() == 1 and tries < 100:
                # wait until ready to switch
                tries += 1

            if tries == 100:
                    "Sender was not ready to switch again after 100 tries")

            self.__rs.switch_socket_b(address, unit, state)
            self.__mqtt.publish(address, unit, state)
        except Error as err:
Esempio n. 3
 def dim_socket(self, uid, address, unit, value):
     rs = BrickletRemoteSwitch(uid, self.ipcon)
     rs.dim_socket_b(address, unit, value)
Esempio n. 4
 def switch_socket(self, uid, address, unit, state):
     rs = BrickletRemoteSwitch(uid, self.ipcon)
     rs.switch_socket_b(address, unit, state)
Esempio n. 5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 4223
UID = "XYZ"  # Change XYZ to the UID of your Remote Switch Bricklet

from tinkerforge.ip_connection import IPConnection
from tinkerforge.bricklet_remote_switch import BrickletRemoteSwitch

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ipcon = IPConnection()  # Create IP connection
    rs = BrickletRemoteSwitch(UID, ipcon)  # Create device object

    ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT)  # Connect to brickd
    # Don't use device before ipcon is connected

    # Switch on a type A socket with house code 17 and receiver code 1.
    # House code 17 is 10001 in binary (least-significant bit first)
    # and means that the DIP switches 1 and 5 are on and 2-4 are off.
    # Receiver code 1 is 10000 in binary (least-significant bit first)
    # and means that the DIP switch A is on and B-E are off.
    rs.switch_socket_a(17, 1, rs.SWITCH_TO_ON)

    raw_input("Press key to exit\n")  # Use input() in Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 4223
UID = "XYZ" # Change XYZ to the UID of your Remote Switch Bricklet

from tinkerforge.ip_connection import IPConnection
from tinkerforge.bricklet_remote_switch import BrickletRemoteSwitch

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ipcon = IPConnection() # Create IP connection
    rs = BrickletRemoteSwitch(UID, ipcon) # Create device object

    ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT) # Connect to brickd
    # Don't use device before ipcon is connected

    # Switch on a type A socket with house code 17 and receiver code 1.
    # House code 17 is 10001 in binary (least-significant bit first)
    # and means that the DIP switches 1 and 5 are on and 2-4 are off.
    # Receiver code 1 is 10000 in binary (least-significant bit first)
    # and means that the DIP switch A is on and B-E are off.
    rs.switch_socket_a(17, 1, rs.SWITCH_TO_ON)

    raw_input("Press key to exit\n") # Use input() in Python 3