Esempio n. 1
def media_ok(raw):
    if not raw:
        return True
    if raw == 'amzn-mobi':  # Optimization for the common case
        return False

    def query_ok(mq):
        matched = True
        if mq.media_type not in ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES:
            matched = False
        # Media queries that test for device specific features always fail
        for media_feature, expr in mq.expressions:
            if media_feature in IGNORED_MEDIA_FEATURES:
                matched = False
        return mq.negated ^ matched

        for mq in CSSMedia3Parser().parse_stylesheet('@media %s {}' %
            if query_ok(mq):
                return True
        return False
    except Exception:
    return True
Esempio n. 2
    def test_media_queries(self):
        'Test parsing of media queries from the CSS 3 media module'
        for css, media_query_list, expected_errors in [
                # CSS 2.1 (simple media queries)
            ('@media {}', [MQ()], []),
            ('@media all {}', [MQ()], []),
            ('@media screen {}', [MQ('screen')], []),
            ('@media , screen {}', [MQ(), MQ('screen')], []),
            ('@media screen, {}', [MQ('screen'), MQ()], []),

                # Examples from the CSS 3 specs
            ('@media screen and (color) {}',
             [MQ('screen', (('color', None), ))], []),
            ('@media all and (min-width:500px) {}',
             [MQ('all', (('min-width', ('DIMENSION', 500)), ))], []),
            ('@media (min-width:500px) {}',
             [MQ('all', (('min-width', ('DIMENSION', 500)), ))], []),
            ('@media (orientation: portrait) {}',
             [MQ('all', (('orientation', ('IDENT', 'portrait')), ))], []),
            ('@media screen and (color), projection and (color) {}', [
                MQ('screen', (('color', None), )),
                MQ('projection', (('color', None), )),
            ], []),
            ('@media not screen and (color) {}',
             [MQ('screen', (('color', None), ), True)], []),
            ('@media only screen and (color) {}',
             [MQ('screen', (('color', None), ))], []),
            ('@media aural and (device-aspect-ratio: 16/9) {}',
                 (('device-aspect-ratio', ('RATIO', (16, 9))), ))], []),
            ('@media (resolution: 166dpi) {}',
             [MQ('all', (('resolution', ('DIMENSION', 166)), ))], []),
            ('@media (min-resolution: 166DPCM) {}',
             [MQ('all', (('min-resolution', ('DIMENSION', 166)), ))], []),

                # Malformed media queries
            ('@media (example, all,), speech {}',
             [MQ(negated=True), MQ('speech')], ['expected a :']),
            ('@media &test, screen {}', [MQ(negated=True),
             ['expected a media expression not a DELIM']),
            stylesheet = CSSMedia3Parser().parse_stylesheet(css)
            self.assert_errors(stylesheet.errors, expected_errors)
  , 1)
            rule = stylesheet.rules[0]
  , media_query_list)