Esempio n. 1
    def change_para_html(self, html_cont, data):
        if data == "":
            return html_cont

        replace_data = self.html_replace_data(data)
        for data in replace_data:
            if "=" not in data:
                raise Exception("error format,not found =")
                if ":=" not in data:
                    raise Exception("error format")
                sval = get_var(data.split(":=")[1])
                name = data.split(":=")[0]
                # 对参数做num,str区分 数字:222222, str:'222222'
                if "," in sval:
                    sval = sval.split(",")
                if sval != "" and isinstance(sval, str):
                    if Core.is_numeric(sval):
                        sval = int(sval)
                    elif "\'" in sval:
                        sval = sval.replace("\'", "")
                    elif sval.startswith("[") or sval.startswith("{"):
                        sval = Core.eval_str(sval)
                # 对入参类型为bool, null的处理
                if sval == 'false':
                    sval = False
                elif sval == 'true':
                    sval = True
                elif sval == 'null' or sval == "":
                    sval = None
                scmd = '''html_cont[%s]="%s" ''' % (name, sval)
                html_cont[name] = sval
            except Exception, e:
                raise Exception("error after %s, %s" % (scmd, str(e)))
Esempio n. 2
    def rh_html_check_result(self, input, response_json):
        data = str(input).strip().replace("\n", "").replace("”", "\"").replace("‘", "\'").replace("’", "\'")\
            # .replace(";", ";")

        if data is None:
            raise Exception("error format,prepareResult is none.")

        flag = False
        # eval()对特殊值处理
        # null = ""
        # true = True
        # false = False
        # 返回结果为list[]或者 json格式 比较
        if response_json.startswith("[") or response_json.startswith("{"):
            response_json = Core.eval_str(response_json)  # str转成list
            cmp_result = Core.rh_check_result(input, response_json)
            if "[success]" in cmp_result:
                flag = True
                return cmp_result
        # 返回结果为text
            except_message = data.split(":=")[1]
            if response_json.__contains__(except_message):
                flag = True
                return "[fail]:response data do not contains %s." % data
        if flag:
            return "[success]:response data contains %s." % data
Esempio n. 3
    def change_para_json(self, json_cont, data):
        if data == "":
            return json_cont
        # try:
        #     t_js = json.loads(data)
        #     for ixe in t_js.keys():
        #         t_ixv = t_js.get(ixe)
        #         if isinstance(t_ixv, (basestring, dict, list)):
        #             t_ixv = get_var(t_ixv)
        #         json_cont[ixe] = t_ixv
        #     return json_cont
        # except:
        replace_data = self.json_replace_data(data)

        for data in replace_data:
            if "=" not in data:
                raise Exception("error format,not found =")
                if ":=" not in data:
                    raise Exception("error format")
                sval = get_var(data.split(":=")[1])
                name = data.split(":=")[0]
                # sval = sval.replace("'", "\"")
                # 对参数做num,str区分 数字:222222, str:'222222'
                if sval != "":
                    if sval.startswith("'") and sval.endswith("'"):
                        sval = str(sval[1:-1])
                    elif Core.is_numeric(sval):
                        if "." in sval:
                            sval = float(sval)
                            sval = int(sval)
                    # 支持替换成空list或dict: a=[]; a={}
                    elif sval.startswith("[") or sval.startswith("{"):
                        # elif sval.replace(" ", "") == "[]" or sval.replace(" ", "") == "{}":
                        sval = Core.eval_str(sval)
                # 嵌套json替换
                obj = ""
                for i in name.split("."):
                    if Core.is_numeric(i):
                        obj = "%s[%s]" % (obj, i)
                        obj = "%s['%s']" % (obj, i)
                # 对值为为bool, null的处理
                if sval == 'false':
                    sval = False
                elif sval == 'true':
                    sval = True
                elif sval == 'null' or sval == "":  # 若需要传  {"A":null}  则可以用默认参数或者 A:=null  或者 A:=
                    sval = None
                elif sval == "\"\"":  # 若需要传  {"A":""}  则替换值时需这样处理  A:=\"\"
                    sval = ""  # 字符串处理
                scmd = "%s%s = sval" % ("json_cont", obj)
                exec scmd
            except Exception, e:
                raise Exception("error occur %s" % scmd)
Esempio n. 4
 def dict_handle(self, dict_data):
     该方法处理json嵌套中,嵌套的json和list是str类型。则需要eval处理。 eg: {"a": "[]"}  --> {"a": []}
     :param dict_data: 
     for k, v in dict_data.items():
         if type(v) in [
                 types.StringType, types.UnicodeType
         ] and (str(v).startswith("[") or str(v).startswith("{")):
             v1 = Core.eval_str(v)
             dict_data[k] = v1
     return dict_data
Esempio n. 5
 def get_nestdict_value(self, keytag, dict_data):
     if type(dict_data) not in [types.ListType,
                                types.DictType]:  # 处理返回值为 "{}" ,"[]"情况
         # dict_data = json.loads(dict_data)
         dict_data = Core.eval_str(dict_data)  # 效果同上
     # 处理 "a": "[]" 情况
     dict_data = self.dict_handle(dict_data)
     sname = keytag.strip()
     obj = scmd = realval = ""
     for i in sname.split("."):
         if Core.is_numeric(i):
             obj = "%s[%s]" % (obj, i)
             if 'str(' in i:
                 i = i[i.find('(') + 1:-1]
             obj = "%s['%s']" % (obj, i)
     scmd = "%s%s" % ("dict_data", obj)
         realval = eval(scmd)
         return "[Failed]:cmd change error,eval(%s)" % scmd
     return realval