def AutoRegisterClass_handler(self,Class_Tuple,Class_Info): Waitwindow = tix.Toplevel() Waitwindow.title("자동 신청 - %s"%(Class_Info[3])) Waitwindow.resizable(0,0) self.AutoRegisterEnabled = True Waitwindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",lambda:self.OnAutoWindowClose(Waitwindow)) Label(Waitwindow,text="강좌이름").grid(row=0,column=0) Label(Waitwindow,text=Class_Info[3]).grid(row=0,column=1) Label(Waitwindow,text="현재 보인아이 시간").grid(row=1,column=0) literal = "%d:%d:%d"%(,, clocklabel = Label(Waitwindow, text=literal) clocklabel.grid(row=1, column=1) clocklabel.after(500, lambda: self.UpdateBoiniClock(clocklabel)) Label(Waitwindow, text="자동신청 시간").grid(row=2,column=0) Label(Waitwindow, text="%s"%(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.localtime(self.AutoRegisterTime.get())))).grid(row=2, column=1) Label(Waitwindow, text="상태").grid(row=3, column=0) statuslabel = Label(Waitwindow,text="대기중",fg="green") statuslabel.grid(row=3,column=1) Label(Waitwindow, text="기기등록 확인").grid(row=4,column=0) Label(Waitwindow, textvariable=self.checkincrement).grid(row=4,column=1) textframe = Frame(Waitwindow) textframe.grid(row=5,rowspan=3,column=0,columnspan=2) infotext = Text(textframe, borderwidth=1, relief=SUNKEN) infotext.pack(side=LEFT,expand=YES,fill=BOTH) infotext.insert(END, "자동신청이 이 강좌에 한해 활성화되었습니다. 취소하려면 이 창을 끄면 됩니다.\n") infotext.insert(END, str(Class_Tuple)+"\n") infotext.config(state=DISABLED) textscroll = Scrollbar(textframe,command=infotext.yview) textscroll.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y) infotext.config(yscrollcommand=textscroll.set) self.devicecheckcount.set(0) root.after(500,lambda: self.CheckAutoRegister(Waitwindow,statuslabel,infotext, Class_Tuple))
def text_view(view_text: str, title='TkPy text view', geometry=None, min_size=None, max_size=None, base_root=None): def Copy(): copy_text = text.get(tk.SEL_FIRST, tk.SEL_LAST) or text.get( 0.0, tk.END) pyperclip.copy(copy_text) root = tk.Toplevel(base_root) root.transient(base_root) root.title(title) root.resizable(0, 0) if geometry is not None: root.geometry(geometry) if min_size: root.minsize(*min_size) if max_size: root.maxsize(max_size) text = tk.Text(root) ycrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(root) Frame = tk.Frame(root) CopyButton = ttk.Button(Frame, text='复制', command=Copy) CloseButton = ttk.Button(Frame, text='关闭', command=root.destroy) text.insert(tk.END, view_text) CopyButton.pack(fill=tk.X, expand=True, side=tk.RIGHT) CloseButton.pack(fill=tk.X, expand=True, side=tk.LEFT) ycrollbar.config(command=text.yview) Frame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X, expand=True) ycrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) text.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) text.config(yscrollcommand=ycrollbar.set, state=tk.DISABLED) root.mainloop()
def about_license_clicked(self): about = tix.Toplevel() # bg="#0f0" does not work about.title("License") about.resizable(width=False, height=False) set_window_icon(about) about.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: about.destroy()) ### msg1 = tix.Message( about, width=420, text=licenseText, font=("DejaVu Sans", 9, "bold"), ) msg1.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ########### frame = tix.Frame(about) closeB = ttk.Button( frame, text="Close", command=about.destroy, # bg="#ff0000", # activebackground="#ff5050", ) closeB.pack(side="right") frame.pack(fill="x")
def valueMenuItemCustomSelected(self, treev, format, optName, menu=None): if menu: menu.destroy() = None value = treev.set(optName, self.valueCol) dialog = tix.Toplevel(master=treev) # bg="#0f0" does not work dialog.resizable(width=True, height=True) dialog.title(optName) set_window_icon(dialog) dialog.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: dialog.destroy()) px, py, pw, ph = decodeGeometry(treev.winfo_toplevel().geometry()) w = 300 h = 100 dialog.geometry( encodeGeometry( px + pw // 2 - w // 2, py + ph // 2 - h // 2, w, h, )) frame = tix.Frame(master=dialog) label = ttk.Label(master=frame, text="Value for " + optName) label.pack() entry = ttk.Entry(master=frame) entry.insert(0, value) entry.pack(fill="x") def okClicked(event=None): value = entry.get() treev.set(optName, self.valueCol, value) treev.set(optName, "#1", "1") # enable it col_w = tkFont.Font().measure(value) if treev.column("Value", width=None) < col_w: treev.column("Value", width=col_w) dialog.destroy() entry.bind("<Return>", okClicked) label = ttk.Label(master=frame) label.pack(fill="x") button = ttk.Button( frame, text="Ok", command=okClicked, # bg="#ff0000", # activebackground="#ff5050", ) button.pack(side="right") ### frame.pack(fill="x") dialog.focus()
def ShowClock(self): self.SetServerTimeOffset() clockwindow = tix.Toplevel() clockwindow.resizable(0,0) tix.Label(clockwindow, text="현재 보인아이 시간").pack() clocklabel = Label(clockwindow, text="00:00:00", font=("TkDefaultFont", 50, "bold")) clocklabel.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) clockwindow.update_idletasks() fontscale = Scale(clockwindow,label="글자크기",from_=10, to=200, orient=HORIZONTAL, resolution=10) fontscale.pack(fill=Y,anchor=S) fontscale.set(50) fontscale.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",lambda x: self.UpdateStandaloneClock(clocklabel, fontscale)) clocklabel.after(100, self.UpdateBoiniClock(clocklabel))
def showsets(self): if self.set_codes is None : self.set_codes = list_sets() tl = tix.Toplevel(self.main.master) lb = tix.ScrolledListBox(tl) lb.listbox.insert(0, *[x[0] for x in self.set_codes]) lb.listbox.configure(width=30, height=30, bg="#ffffff") tl.bind("<Escape>", tl.destroy) def finish(event): index = lb.listbox.curselection() if not len(index) : return[index[0]][1]) tl.destroy() lb.listbox.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", finish) lb.pack(fill="both",expand=True)
def AddPersonalInfo(self): Register_window = tix.Toplevel(self.master) Register_window.grab_set() Register_window.resizable(0,0) Label(Register_window,text="이름").grid(row=0,column=0) Label(Register_window,text="학번").grid(row=1,column=0) Label(Register_window,text="메모").grid(row=2,column=0) Entry(Register_window,textvariable=self.Student_Name).grid(row=0,column=1) Entry(Register_window,textvariable=self.Student_ID).grid(row=1,column=1) Entry(Register_window,textvariable=self.Memo).grid(row=2,column=1) Register_window.columnconfigure(0,weight=1) Register_window.columnconfigure(0,weight=1) Label(Register_window,text="이름과 학번은 어떻게 치든 본인걸로 등록됩니다.",foreground="red").grid(row=3,column=0,columnspan=2) Button(Register_window,text="닫기",command=lambda:Register_window.destroy()).grid(row=4,column=0,columnspan=2)
def __init__(self, base_root=None): self.root = tk.Toplevel(base_root) self.root.transient(base_root) self.root.minsize(400, 50) self.root.resizable(0, 0) self.all_file_types = [('图片文件', ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'))] self.root.title('文字识别') self.Frame = tk.Frame(self.root) self.scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self.root, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) self.LabelFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.root, text='文件目录: ') self.Entry = ttk.Entry(self.LabelFrame, xscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.scrollbar.config(command=self.Entry.xview) self.Entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.Button = ttk.Button(self.Frame, text='选择文件', command=self.askfile) self.submmitButton = ttk.Button( self.Frame, text='识别', command=lambda: self.ok(self.Entry.get()))
def OnAutomate(self): Register_window = tix.Toplevel(self.master) Register_window.grab_set() Register_window.resizable(0, 0) clocklabel = Label(Register_window,text="현재 이 컴퓨터의 시간: %s:%s:%s"%(str(,"0"), str(,"0"),str(,"0"))) boini_clock_label = Label(Register_window,text="현재 보인아이 홈페이지의 시간: (동기화 중...잠시만 기다려주세요)") clocklabel.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=2) boini_clock_label.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2) clocklabel.after(500, lambda: self.UpdateOnAutomateClock(clocklabel, True)) boini_clock_label.after(1000, lambda: self.GetServerTime(boini_clock_label)) Label(Register_window,text="등록시작을 원하는 시간을 현재 보인아이의 시간을 기준으로 24시간:분:초 형식으로 입력해주세요\n(예:8시부터 신청을 원하면 20:00:00). 이 사간부터 프로그램은 될때까지 등록을 계속 합니다.").grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=2) Label(Register_window, text="시간(24시간 형식):분:초").grid(row=3, column=0) timeentry = Entry(Register_window,textvariable=self.AutoRegisterInput) timeentry.grid(row=3, column=1) timeentry.bind("<KeyRelease>",self.OnAutomateCallBack) #Button(Register_window, text="설정하기", command= lambda: self.OnAutomateCallBack("event")).grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2) Label(Register_window, textvariable=self.AutoRegisterInfo).grid(row=4,column=0,columnspan=2) Button(Register_window, text="닫기", command=lambda: Register_window.destroy()).grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2)
def __enter__( self ): # Remove the app window from the display self._root.withdraw( ) # Calculate the geometry to center the splash image scrnWt = self._root.winfo_screenwidth( ) scrnHt = self._root.winfo_screenheight( ) imgWt = self._image.width() imgHt = self._image.height() imgXPos = (scrnWt / 2) - (imgWt / 2) imgYPos = (scrnHt / 2) - (imgHt / 2) # Create the splash screen self._splash = Tix.Toplevel() self._splash.overrideredirect(1) self._splash.geometry( '+%d+%d' % (imgXPos, imgYPos) ) Tix.Label( self._splash, image=self._image, cursor='watch' ).pack( ) # Force Tk to draw the splash screen outside of mainloop() self._splash.update( )
def about_credits_clicked(self): about = tix.Toplevel() # bg="#0f0" does not work about.title("Credits") about.resizable(False, False) set_window_icon(about) ### msg1 = tix.Message( about, width=500, text="\n".join(authors), font=("DejaVu Sans", 9, "bold"), ) msg1.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ########### frame = tix.Frame(about) closeB = tix.Button( frame, text="Close", command=about.destroy, # bg="#ff0000", # activebackground="#ff5050", ) closeB.pack(side="right") frame.pack(fill="x")
def about_license_clicked(self): about = tix.Toplevel() ## bg='#0f0' does not work about.title('License') about.resizable(False, False) about.wm_iconbitmap('@%s' % xbmLogo) ### msg1 = tix.Message( about, width=420, text=licenseText, font=('DejaVu Sans', 9, 'bold'), ) msg1.pack(fill='x', expand=True) ########### frame = tix.Frame(about) closeB = tix.Button( frame, text='Close', command=about.destroy, #bg='#ff0000', #activebackground='#ff5050', ) closeB.pack(side='right') frame.pack(fill='x')
def about_credits_clicked(self): about = tix.Toplevel() ## bg='#0f0' does not work about.title('Credits') about.resizable(False, False) set_window_icon(about) ### msg1 = tix.Message( about, width=500, text='\n'.join(authors), font=('DejaVu Sans', 9, 'bold'), ) msg1.pack(fill='x', expand=True) ########### frame = tix.Frame(about) closeB = tix.Button( frame, text='Close', command=about.destroy, #bg='#ff0000', #activebackground='#ff5050', ) closeB.pack(side='right') frame.pack(fill='x')
def display_window(screen_def, query=None): """ Creates a window to display the HList if it doesn't already exist and populates the HList with the results of the HList's query. Returns the query that it ran. """ if debug: # Check to see if the ConnectionInfo attributes are set properly logger.debug('The connection object = {}'. \ format(ConnectionInfo.cx_Oracle_connection_object)) logger.debug('The connect string = {}'. \ format(ConnectionInfo.Oracle_connect_string)) logger.debug('The current DB = {}'.format(ConnectionInfo.current_db)) db_connection = ConnectionInfo.cx_Oracle_connection_object # Build the HList if it doesn't already exist try: screen_def['window'].deiconify() except: if debug: logger.debug('Building display for {}'.format(screen_def['name'])) screen_def['window'] = tix.Toplevel(width=80) screen_def['window'].configure build_screen(screen_def) # Add the database to the HList's title title = '{} on {}'.format(screen_def['title'], ConnectionInfo.Oracle_version) screen_def['window'].title(title) # Clear the current contents of the HList screen_def['hlist'].delete_all() if query == None: # Get the fields that the SQL query is ordered by from the # screen's dictionary definition query = screen_def['query'].replace('var_order_by', screen_def['order_by']) # Set the column width and get the number of columns to display screen_def['hlist'].column_width(0, chars=30) total_cols = len(screen_def['columns']) # Create a cursor and execute the HList's query try: cur = db_connection.cursor() cur.execute(query) # Step through the rows returned by the query and populate the HList i = 0 for row in cur: i = i + 1 screen_def['hlist'].add(i, itemtype=tix.TEXT, text=row[0]) # Step through the columns of the row and insert the data for col_num in range(total_cols): screen_def['hlist'].item_create(i, col_num, itemtype=tix.TEXT, text=row[col_num]) # Set the row count label to the number of rows returned by the query. screen_def['varRows'].set('Total Rows: {}'.format(cur.rowcount)) except Exception as e: logger.exception(str(e)) display_error('display_window Error', str(e)) screen_def['window'].destroy() cur.close() # Return the SQL statement that was executed screens.displayed_query = query
'title': 'N', 'summary': '''\ summary of N very very very long long long long summary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 : a''', 'content': 32 }] top = tix.Toplevel() d = matdb_frame.MatDBFrame(top, entries) d.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tix.N + tix.E + tix.S + tix.W) top.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) top.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) def c(): print(d.get_current_selection()) tix.Button(app, text='get value', command=c).pack() top.wait_window() app.mainloop()
def about_clicked(self): about = tix.Toplevel(width=600) # bg="#0f0" does not work about.title("About PyGlossary") about.resizable(False, False) set_window_icon(about) ### msg1 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text="PyGlossary %s (Tkinter)" % VERSION, font=("DejaVu Sans", 13, "bold"), ) msg1.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ### msg2 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text=aboutText, font=("DejaVu Sans", 9, "bold"), justify=tix.CENTER, ) msg2.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ### msg3 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text=homePage, font=("DejaVu Sans", 8, "bold"), fg="#3333ff", ) msg3.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ### msg4 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text="Install PyGTK to have a better interface!", font=("DejaVu Sans", 8, "bold"), fg="#00aa00", ) msg4.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ########### frame = tix.Frame(about) ### button = tix.Button( frame, text="Close", command=about.destroy, # bg="#ff0000", # activebackground="#ff5050", ) button.pack(side="right") ### button = tix.Button( frame, text="License", command=self.about_license_clicked, # bg="#00e000", # activebackground="#22f022", ) button.pack(side="right") ### button = tix.Button( frame, text="Credits", command=self.about_credits_clicked, # bg="#0000ff", # activebackground="#5050ff", ) button.pack(side="right") ### frame.pack(fill="x")
def valueMenuItemCustomSelected(self, treev, format, optName, menu=None): if menu: menu.destroy() = None value = treev.set(optName, self.valueCol) dialog = tix.Toplevel(master=treev) # bg="#0f0" does not work dialog.resizable(width=True, height=True) dialog.title(optName) set_window_icon(dialog) dialog.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: dialog.destroy()) px, py, pw, ph = decodeGeometry(treev.winfo_toplevel().geometry()) w = 300 h = 100 dialog.geometry( encodeGeometry( px + pw // 2 - w // 2, py + ph // 2 - h // 2, w, h, )) frame = tix.Frame(master=dialog) label = ttk.Label(master=frame, text="Value for " + optName) label.pack() entry = ttk.Entry(master=frame) entry.insert(0, value) entry.pack(fill="x") prop = Glossary.plugins[format].optionsProp[optName] def customOkClicked(event=None): rawValue = entry.get() if not prop.validateRaw(rawValue): log.error( f"invalid {prop.typ} value: {optName} = {rawValue!r}") return treev.set(optName, self.valueCol, rawValue) treev.set(optName, "#1", "1") # enable it col_w = tkFont.Font().measure(rawValue) if treev.column("Value", width=None) < col_w: treev.column("Value", width=col_w) dialog.destroy() entry.bind("<Return>", customOkClicked) label = ttk.Label(master=frame) label.pack(fill="x") customOkbutton = newTTKButton( frame, text="OK", command=customOkClicked, # bg="#ff0000", # activebackground="#ff5050", ) customOkbutton.pack(side="right") ### frame.pack(fill="x") dialog.focus()
def about_clicked(self): about = tix.Toplevel(width=600) ## bg='#0f0' does not work about.title('About PyGlossary') about.resizable(False, False) about.wm_iconbitmap('@%s' % xbmLogo) ### msg1 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text='PyGlossary %s (Tkinter)' % VERSION, font=('DejaVu Sans', 13, 'bold'), ) msg1.pack(fill='x', expand=True) ### msg2 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text=aboutText, font=('DejaVu Sans', 9, 'bold'), justify=tix.CENTER, ) msg2.pack(fill='x', expand=True) ### msg3 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text=homePage, font=('DejaVu Sans', 8, 'bold'), fg='#3333ff', ) msg3.pack(fill='x', expand=True) ### msg4 = tix.Message( about, width=350, text='Install PyGTK to have a better interface!', font=('DejaVu Sans', 8, 'bold'), fg='#00aa00', ) msg4.pack(fill='x', expand=True) ########### frame = tix.Frame(about) ### button = tix.Button( frame, text='Close', command=about.destroy, #bg='#ff0000', #activebackground='#ff5050', ) button.pack(side='right') ### button = tix.Button( frame, text='License', command=self.about_license_clicked, #bg='#00e000', #activebackground='#22f022', ) button.pack(side='right') ### button = tix.Button( frame, text='Credits', command=self.about_credits_clicked, #bg='#0000ff', #activebackground='#5050ff', ) button.pack(side='right') ### frame.pack(fill='x')
def buttonClicked(self): formatD = self.formatVar.get() if not formatD: return format = Glossary.descFormat[formatD] options = self.kindFormatsOptions[self.kind][format] optionsProp = Glossary.formatsOptionsProp[format] dialog = tix.Toplevel() # bg="#0f0" does not work dialog.resizable(width=True, height=True) dialog.title(self.kind + " Options") set_window_icon(dialog) dialog.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: dialog.destroy()) ### self.valueCol = "#3" cols = [ "Enable", # bool "Name", # str "Value", # str "Comment", # str ] treev = ttk.Treeview( master=dialog, columns=cols, show="headings", ) for col in cols: treev.heading( col, text=col, #command=lambda c=col: sortby(treev, c, 0), ) # adjust the column's width to the header string treev.column( col, width=tkFont.Font().measure(col.title()), ) ### def valueMenuItemSelected(optName, menu, value): treev.set(optName, self.valueCol, value) treev.set(optName, "#1", "1") # enable it col_w = tkFont.Font().measure(value) if treev.column("Value", width=None) < col_w: treev.column("Value", width=col_w) menu.destroy() = None def valueCellClicked(event, optName): if not optName: return prop = optionsProp[optName] propValues = prop.values if not propValues: if prop.customValue: self.valueMenuItemCustomSelected(treev, format, optName, None) else: log.error(f"invalid option {optName}, values={propValues}" f", customValue={prop.customValue}") return if prop.typ == "bool": rawValue = treev.set(optName, self.valueCol) if rawValue == "": value = False else: value, isValid = prop.evaluate(rawValue) if not isValid: log.error(f"invalid {optName} = {rawValue!r}") value = False treev.set(optName, self.valueCol, str(not value)) treev.set(optName, "#1", "1") # enable it return menu = tk.Menu( master=treev, title=optName, tearoff=False, ) = menu # to destroy it later if prop.customValue: menu.add_command( label="[Custom Value]", command=lambda: self.valueMenuItemCustomSelected( treev, format, optName, menu), ) groupedValues = None if len(propValues) > 10: groupedValues = prop.groupValues() maxItemW = 0 if groupedValues: for groupName, subValues in groupedValues.items(): if subValues is None: menu.add_command( label=str(value), command=lambda value=value: valueMenuItemSelected( optName, menu, value), ) maxItemW = max(maxItemW, tkFont.Font().measure(str(value))) else: subMenu = tk.Menu(tearoff=False) for subValue in subValues: subMenu.add_command( label=str(subValue), command=lambda value=subValue: valueMenuItemSelected(optName, menu, value), ) menu.add_cascade(label=groupName, menu=subMenu) maxItemW = max(maxItemW, tkFont.Font().measure(groupName)) else: for value in propValues: value = str(value) menu.add_command( label=value, command=lambda value=value: valueMenuItemSelected( optName, menu, value), ) def close(): menu.destroy() = None menu.add_command( label="[Close]", command=close, ) try: menu.tk_popup( event.x_root, event.y_root, ) # do not pass the third argument (entry), so that the menu # apears where the pointer is on its top-left corner finally: # make sure to release the grab (Tk 8.0a1 only) menu.grab_release() def treeClicked(event): if = None return optName = treev.identify_row(event.y) # optName is rowId if not optName: return col = treev.identify_column(event.x) # "#1" to self.valueCol if col == "#1": value = treev.set(optName, col) treev.set(optName, col, 1 - int(value)) return if col == self.valueCol: valueCellClicked(event, optName) treev.bind( "<Button-1>", # "<<TreeviewSelect>>", # event.x and event.y are zero treeClicked, ) treev.pack(fill="x", expand=True) ### for optName in options: prop = optionsProp[optName] comment = prop.typ if prop.comment: comment += ", " + prop.comment row = [ int(optName in self.values), optName, str(self.values.get(optName, "")), comment, ] treev.insert("", "end", values=row, iid=optName) # iid should be rowId # adjust column's width if necessary to fit each value for col_i, value in enumerate(row): value = str(value) if col_i == 3: value = value.zfill( 20 ) # to reserve window width, because it's hard to resize it later col_w = tkFont.Font().measure(value) if treev.column(cols[col_i], width=None) < col_w: treev.column(cols[col_i], width=col_w) ########### frame = tix.Frame(dialog) ### def okClicked(): for optName in options: enable = bool(int(treev.set(optName, "#1"))) if not enable: if optName in self.values: del self.values[optName] continue rawValue = treev.set(optName, self.valueCol) prop = optionsProp[optName] value, isValid = prop.evaluate(rawValue) if not isValid: log.error(f"invalid option value {optName} = {rawValue}") continue self.values[optName] = value dialog.destroy() button = ttk.Button( frame, text="OK", command=okClicked, # bg="#ff0000", # activebackground="#ff5050", ) button.pack(side="right") ### frame.pack(fill="x") ### # x, y, w, h = decodeGeometry(dialog.geometry()) w, h = 380, 250 # w and h are rough estimated width and height of `dialog` px, py, pw, ph = decodeGeometry(self.winfo_toplevel().geometry()) # move dialog without changing the size dialog.geometry( encodeLocation( px + pw // 2 - w // 2, py + ph // 2 - h // 2, )) dialog.focus()