def _create_filters(self): filter_frame = LabelFrame(self) filter_frame.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, fill=X) self._create_range_filter(filter_frame) self._create_occurrence_filter(filter_frame) for child in filter_frame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=PAD_X, pady=PAD_Y, sticky=W)
class NetCalcGUI: def __init__(self): self.subnet = Subnet() = Tk()'Network Address Calculator') self.net_from_cidr = LabelFrame(, text='Network Address: CIDR Address') self.cidr_label = Label(self.net_from_cidr, text='CIDR Address:', width=20) self.cidr_entry = Entry(self.net_from_cidr, width=25) self.net_from_ip_range = LabelFrame(, text='Network Address: Assignable IP Range') self.ip_range_label = Label(self.net_from_ip_range, text='Assignable IP Range:', width=20) self.ip_range_entry = Entry(self.net_from_ip_range, width=25) self.learning_steps = LabelFrame(, text='Learning Steps') self.calculate = Button(self.net_from_cidr, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_net_from_cidr()) self.calculate2 = Button(self.net_from_ip_range, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_net_from_ip_range()) self.net_from_cidr.grid(row=0) self.net_from_ip_range.grid(row=1) self.learning_steps.grid(row=2, sticky='W') self.cidr_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.cidr_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate.grid(row=0, column=2) self.ip_range_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.ip_range_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate2.grid(row=0, column=2) # def get_net_from_cidr(self): if self.subnet.network_address != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.cidr_address = self.cidr_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_network_address_from_cidr() step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') cidr_address = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.cidr_address)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') network = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.network_address)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') cidr_address.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') network.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def get_net_from_ip_range(self): if self.subnet.network_address != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.ip_range = self.ip_range_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_network_address_from_ip_range() steps = self.subnet.network_address_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') ip_range = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Assignable IP Range: {}'.format( self.subnet.ip_range)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') front = Label(self.learning_steps, text='(Front - 1): {}'.format( steps[0]['Front - 1'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') network = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.network_address)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') ip_range.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') front.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') network.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def clear_and_reset(self): self.cidr_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.ip_range_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.subnet.reset_variables() for child in self.learning_steps.winfo_children(): child.destroy() def generate_main(self):
class NetmaskCalcGUI: def __init__(self): self.subnet = Subnet() = Tk()'Netmask Calculator') self.netmask_from_cidr = LabelFrame(, text='Netmask: CIDR Address') self.cidr_label = Label(self.netmask_from_cidr, text='CIDR Address:', width=20) self.cidr_entry = Entry(self.netmask_from_cidr, width=25) self.netmask_from_ip_range = LabelFrame(, text='Netmask: Assignable IP Range') self.ip_range_label = Label(self.netmask_from_ip_range, text='Assignable IP Range:', width=20) self.ip_range_entry = Entry(self.netmask_from_ip_range, width=25) self.learning_steps = LabelFrame(, text='Learning Steps') self.calculate = Button(self.netmask_from_cidr, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_net_from_cidr()) self.calculate2 = Button(self.netmask_from_ip_range, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_net_from_ip_range()) self.netmask_from_cidr.grid(row=0) self.netmask_from_ip_range.grid(row=1) self.learning_steps.grid(row=2, sticky='W') self.cidr_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.cidr_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate.grid(row=0, column=2) self.ip_range_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.ip_range_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate2.grid(row=0, column=2) # def get_net_from_cidr(self): if self.subnet.netmask != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.cidr_address = self.cidr_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_netmask_from_cidr() steps = self.subnet.netmask_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') cidr_address = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.cidr_address)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') net_bits = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Bits: {}'.format( steps[0]['Network Bits'])) host_bits = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Host Bits: {}'.format( steps[0]['Host Bits'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') mask_binary = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Netmask Binary: {}'.format( steps[1]['Netmask Binary'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') netmask = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Netmask: {}'.format(self.subnet.netmask)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') cidr_address.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') net_bits.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') host_bits.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') mask_binary.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') netmask.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def get_net_from_ip_range(self): if self.subnet.netmask != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.ip_range = self.ip_range_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_netmask_from_ip_range() steps = self.subnet.netmask_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') ip_range = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Assignable IP Range: {}'.format( self.subnet.ip_range)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') front = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Front: {}'.format(steps[0]['Front'])) back = Label(self.learning_steps, text=' Back: {}'.format(steps[0]['Back'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') comparison = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Comparison: {}'.format( steps[1]['Comparison'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') netmask = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Netmask: {}'.format(self.subnet.netmask)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') ip_range.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') front.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') back.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') comparison.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky='W') netmask.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def clear_and_reset(self): self.cidr_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.ip_range_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.subnet.reset_variables() for child in self.learning_steps.winfo_children(): child.destroy() def generate_main(self):
class IPRangeCalcGUI: def __init__(self): self.subnet = Subnet() self.range = Tk() self.range.wm_title('Assignable IP Range Calculator') self.ip_range_from_cidr = LabelFrame(self.range, text='Assignable IP Range: CIDR Address') self.cidr_label = Label(self.ip_range_from_cidr, text='CIDR Address:', width=25) self.cidr_entry = Entry(self.ip_range_from_cidr, width=25) self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast = LabelFrame(self.range, text='Assignable IP Range: Network ' 'Address, Broadcast Address') = Label(self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast, text='Network Address:', width=25) self.broadcast = Label(self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast, text='Broadcast Address:', width=25) self.network_entry = Entry(self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast, width=25) self.broadcast_entry = Entry(self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast, width=25) self.learning_steps = LabelFrame(self.range, text='Learning Steps') self.calculate = Button(self.ip_range_from_cidr, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_ip_range_from_cidr()) self.calculate2 = Button(self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_ip_range_from_network_broadcast()) self.ip_range_from_cidr.grid(row=0) self.ip_range_from_network_broadcast.grid(row=1) self.learning_steps.grid(row=2, sticky='W') self.cidr_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.cidr_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate.grid(row=0, column=2), column=0, sticky='W') self.broadcast.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') self.network_entry.grid(row=1, column=0) self.broadcast_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) self.calculate2.grid(row=1, column=2) # self.broadcast.mainloop() def get_ip_range_from_cidr(self): if self.subnet.ip_range != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.cidr_address = self.cidr_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_ip_range_from_cidr() steps = self.subnet.ip_range_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') cidr_address = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR Address: {}'.format(self.subnet.cidr_address)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') front = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Front: {}'.format(steps[0]['Front'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') cidr = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR: {}'.format(steps[1]['CIDR'])) host = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Host Bits: 32 - {} = {}'.format(steps[1]['CIDR'], (32 - int(steps[1]['CIDR'])))) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') net_binary = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Binary: {}'.format(steps[1]['Network Binary'])) step5 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 5:') back_binary = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Back Binary (Broadcast - 1): {}'.format(steps[2]['Back Binary'])) step6 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 6:') ip_range = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Assignable IP Range: {}'.format(self.subnet.ip_range)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') cidr_address.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') front.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') cidr.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') host.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') net_binary.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step5.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky='W') back_binary.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step6.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='W') ip_range.grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def get_ip_range_from_network_broadcast(self): if self.subnet.ip_range != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.network_address = self.network_entry.get() self.subnet.broadcast_address = self.broadcast_entry.get() if self.subnet.network_address != '' and self.subnet.broadcast_address != '' \ and self.subnet.verify_variables() \ and (ipaddress.IPv4Address(self.subnet.network_address) + 2) \ < ipaddress.IPv4Address(self.subnet.broadcast_address): self.subnet.calculate_ip_range_from_network_broadcast() steps = self.subnet.ip_range_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') network = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Address: {}'.format(self.subnet.network_address)) broadcast = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Broadcast Address: {}'.format(self.subnet.broadcast_address)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') front = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Front: {}'.format(steps[0]['Front'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') back = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Back: {}'.format(steps[1]['Back'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') ip_range = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Assignable IP Range: {}'.format(self.subnet.ip_range)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') network.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') broadcast.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') front.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') back.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') ip_range.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def clear_and_reset(self): self.cidr_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.network_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.broadcast_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.subnet.reset_variables() for child in self.learning_steps.winfo_children(): child.destroy() def generate_main(self): self.range.mainloop()
class TotalHostCalcGUI: def __init__(self): self.subnet = Subnet() = Tk()'Total Host Count Calculator') self.count_from_cidr = LabelFrame(, text='Total Host Count: CIDR Address') self.cidr_label = Label(self.count_from_cidr, text='CIDR Address:', width=20) self.cidr_entry = Entry(self.count_from_cidr, width=25) self.count_from_netmask = LabelFrame(, text='Total Host Count: Netmask') self.netmask_label = Label(self.count_from_netmask, text='Netmask:', width=20) self.netmask_entry = Entry(self.count_from_netmask, width=25) self.count_from_ip_range = LabelFrame(, text='Total Host Count: Assignable IP Range') self.ip_range_label = Label(self.count_from_ip_range, text='Assignable IP Range:', width=20) self.ip_range_entry = Entry(self.count_from_ip_range, width=25) self.learning_steps = LabelFrame(, text='Learning Steps') self.calculate = Button(self.count_from_cidr, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_count_from_cidr()) self.calculate2 = Button(self.count_from_netmask, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_count_from_netmask()) self.calculate3 = Button( self.count_from_ip_range, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_count_from_ip_range()) self.count_from_cidr.grid(row=0) self.count_from_netmask.grid(row=1) self.count_from_ip_range.grid(row=2) self.learning_steps.grid(row=3, sticky='W') self.cidr_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.cidr_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate.grid(row=0, column=2) self.netmask_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.netmask_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate2.grid(row=0, column=2) self.ip_range_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.ip_range_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.calculate3.grid(row=0, column=2) # pass def get_count_from_cidr(self): if self.subnet.total_host_count != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.cidr_address = self.cidr_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_total_host_count_from_cidr() steps = self.subnet.total_host_count_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') cidr_address = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.cidr_address)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') cidr = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR: {}'.format(steps[0]['CIDR'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') host = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Host Bits: {}'.format( steps[1]['Host Bits'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') count = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Total Host Count: 2{} = {}'.format( exponent( steps[1]['Host Bits'].split(' ')[-1]), self.subnet.total_host_count)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') cidr_address.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') cidr.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') host.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') count.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def get_count_from_netmask(self): if self.subnet.total_host_count != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.netmask = self.netmask_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_total_host_count_from_netmask() steps = self.subnet.total_host_count_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') netmask = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Netmask: {}'.format(self.subnet.netmask)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') netmask_binary = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Netmask Binary: {}'.format( steps[0]['Netmask Binary'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') host = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Host Bits: {}'.format( steps[1]['Host Bits'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') count = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Total Host Count: 2{} = {}'.format( exponent(str(steps[1]['Host Bits'])), self.subnet.total_host_count)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') netmask.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') netmask_binary.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') host.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') count.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def get_count_from_ip_range(self): if self.subnet.total_host_count != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.ip_range = self.ip_range_entry.get() if self.subnet.verify_variables(): self.subnet.calculate_total_host_count_from_ip_range() steps = self.subnet.total_host_count_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') ip_range = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Assignable IP Range: {}'.format( self.subnet.ip_range)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') front = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Front: {}'.format(steps[0]['Front'])) back = Label(self.learning_steps, text=' Back: {}'.format(steps[0]['Back'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') comparison = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Comparison: {}'.format( steps[1]['Comparison'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') host = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Host Bits: {}'.format( steps[2]['Host Bits'])) step5 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 5:') count = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Total Host Count: 2{} = {}'.format( exponent(str(steps[2]['Host Bits'])), self.subnet.total_host_count)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') ip_range.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') front.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') back.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') comparison.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky='W') host.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky='W') step5.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='W') count.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def clear_and_reset(self): self.cidr_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.netmask_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.ip_range_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.subnet.reset_variables() for child in self.learning_steps.winfo_children(): child.destroy() def generate_main(self):
class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.send_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind((host, port)) self.grid() self.columnconfigure(0, minsize=100) self.columnconfigure(1, minsize=200) self.columnconfigure(2, minsize=200) self.columnconfigure(3, minsize=150) self.columnconfigure(4, minsize=150) self.columnconfigure(5, minsize=150) self.columnconfigure(6, minsize=150) self.create_widgets() self.settables = self.assemble_settables() self.gui_logger = logging.getLogger('gui') self.request_update() def create_widgets(self): self.create_monitor() self.create_check_buttons() self.create_ranges() self.create_scales() self.create_radio_buttons() self.create_voices() self.quitButton = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.quit) self.quitButton.grid(columnspan=7, sticky=E + W) def assemble_settables(self): settables = self.winfo_children() for w in settables: settables += w.winfo_children() return [w for w in settables if w.__class__.__name__ in ['Scale', 'Checkbutton']] def create_radio_buttons(self): # Scale related entries = ['DIATONIC', 'HARMONIC', 'MELODIC', 'PENTATONIC', 'PENTA_MINOR', 'GREEK_CHROMATIC', 'GREEK_ENHARMONIC'] self.scale = StringVar() self.scale.set('DIATONIC') self.rb_frame = Frame(self) for e in entries: rb = Radiobutton(self.rb_frame, value=e, text=e, anchor=W, command=self.send_scale, variable=self.scale) rb.grid(row=len(self.rb_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W) self.rb_frame.grid(column=1, row=len(self.grid_slaves(column=1)), rowspan=3) def create_monitor(self): self.monitor_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Monitor and Transport") this_cycle = Scale(self.monitor_frame, label='cycle_pos', orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=1, to=16, resolution=1) this_cycle.disable, this_cycle.enable = (None, None) this_cycle.ref = 'cycle_pos' this_cycle.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E + W) self.updateButton = Button(self.monitor_frame, text='Reload all Settings', command=self.request_update) self.updateButton.grid(row=1, sticky=E + W) self.ForceCaesuraButton = Button(self.monitor_frame, text='Force Caesura', command=self.force_caesura) self.ForceCaesuraButton.grid(row=2, sticky=E + W) self.saveBehaviourButton = Button(self.monitor_frame, text='Save current behaviour', command=self.request_saving_behaviour) self.saveBehaviourButton.grid(row=3, sticky=E + W) self.saveBehaviourNameEntry = Entry(self.monitor_frame) self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.grid(row=4, sticky=E + W) self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.request_saving_behaviour) self.selected_behaviour = StringVar() self.selected_behaviour.trace('w', self.new_behaviour_chosen) self.savedBehavioursMenu = OptionMenu(self.monitor_frame, self.selected_behaviour, None,) self.savedBehavioursMenu.grid(row=5, sticky=E + W) self.monitor_frame.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=E + W) def request_update(self): self.send({'sys': 'update'}) def request_saving_behaviour(self, event=None): """callback for save behaviour button and textentry""" if event and event.widget == self.saveBehaviourNameEntry: if event.keysym == 'Return': name = self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.get() self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.delete(0, len(name)) else: return else: # button was pressed name = self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.get() if name: self.send({'sys': ['save_behaviour', name]}) def force_caesura(self): self.send({'force_caesura': True}) def create_voices(self): voice_ids = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] SCALES = OrderedDict([ ('pan_pos', {'min': -1, 'max': 1, 'start': 0.5, 'res': 0.001}), ('volume', {'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'start': 0.666, 'res': 0.001}), ('slide_duration_msecs', {'min': 0, 'max': 2000, 'start': 60, 'res': 1}), ('slide_duration_prop', {'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'start': 0.666, 'res': 0.001}), ('binaural_diff', {'min': 0, 'max': 66, 'start': 0.2, 'res': 0.01}) ]) for vid in voice_ids: counter = 0 for sca in SCALES: name = 'voice_' + vid + '_' + sca setattr(self, 'min_' + name, SCALES[sca]['min']) setattr(self, 'max_' + name, SCALES[sca]['max']) this_sca = Scale(self, label=sca, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=getattr(self, 'min_' + name), to=getattr(self, 'max_' + name), resolution=SCALES[sca]['res']) this_sca.enable = ('enable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and SCALES[sca]['enable'] or None) this_sca.disable = ('disable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and SCALES[sca]['disable'] or None) this_sca.grid(column=int(2 + int(vid)), row=counter, sticky=E + W) this_sca.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) this_sca.ref = name counter += 1 CHECK_BUTTONS = OrderedDict( [('mute', False), ('automate_binaural_diffs', True), ('automate_note_duration_prop', True), ('use_proportional_slide_duration', {'val': True, 'label': 'proportional slide'}), ('automate_pan', True), ('automate_wavetables', True)]) for vid in voice_ids: counter = 0 cb_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Voice {0} - Automation".format(vid)) setattr(self, 'voice_' + vid + '_cb_frame', cb_frame) for cb in CHECK_BUTTONS: options = CHECK_BUTTONS[cb] name = 'voice_' + vid + '_' + cb if isinstance(options, dict) and 'label' in list(options.keys()): label = options['label'] else: label = cb[9:] if cb[:9] == 'automate_' else cb setattr(self, name, IntVar( value=type(options) == dict and options['val'] or options)) self.this_cb = Checkbutton(cb_frame, text=label, variable=getattr(self, name)) self.this_cb.bind('<Button-1>', self.check_boxes_handler) self.this_cb.disable = None self.this_cb.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=counter) self.this_cb.ref = name counter += 1 # add trigger wavetable-button trigWavetableButton = Button(cb_frame, text='Next Wavetable') trigWavetableButton.bind('<Button-1>', self.trigger_waveform_handler) trigWavetableButton.ref = 'voice_' + vid + "_trigger_wavetable" trigWavetableButton.grid(row=counter) cb_frame.grid(column=int(vid) + 2, row=5, sticky=E + W + N, rowspan=8) for vid in voice_ids: generation_types = ["random", "random_harmonic", "harmonic"] partial_pools = ["even", "odd", "all"] prefix = 'voice_' + vid + '_' types_name = prefix + 'wavetable_generation_type' pools_name = prefix + 'partial_pool' setattr(self, types_name, StringVar()) getattr(self, types_name).set("random") setattr(self, pools_name, StringVar()) getattr(self, pools_name).set("all") target_frame = getattr(self, 'voice_' + vid + '_cb_frame') gen_typ_frame = LabelFrame(target_frame, text="type") gen_typ_frame.grid(row=len(target_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W) for gen_t in generation_types: gen_t_entry = Radiobutton(gen_typ_frame, value=gen_t, text=gen_t, anchor=W, variable=getattr(self, types_name)) gen_t_entry.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.wt_handler) gen_t_entry.ref = types_name gen_t_entry.grid(row=len(gen_typ_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W) pp_frame = LabelFrame(target_frame, text="harmonics") for pp in partial_pools: pp_entry = Radiobutton(pp_frame, value=pp, text=pp, anchor=W, variable=getattr(self, pools_name)) pp_entry.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.wt_handler) pp_entry.ref = pools_name pp_entry.grid(row=len(pp_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W) this_num_partials = Scale(pp_frame, label='number of harmonics', orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=1, to=24, resolution=1) this_num_partials.ref = prefix + 'num_partials' this_num_partials.grid(column=0, row=len(pp_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W) this_num_partials.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) pp_frame.grid(row=len(target_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W) def wt_handler(self, event): print( ref = event.widget.ref self.send({ref: getattr(self, ref).get()}) def create_check_buttons(self): self.cb_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Global Settings") for cb in CHECK_BUTTONS: label = cb target_parent = self.cb_frame if isinstance(CHECK_BUTTONS[cb], dict) and 'sub_frame' in list(CHECK_BUTTONS[cb].keys()): target_parent = getattr(self, CHECK_BUTTONS[cb]['sub_frame']) setattr(self, cb, IntVar(value=type(CHECK_BUTTONS[cb]) == dict and CHECK_BUTTONS[cb]['val'] or CHECK_BUTTONS[cb])) self.this_cb = Checkbutton(target_parent, text=label, variable=getattr(self, cb)) self.this_cb.bind('<Button-1>', self.check_boxes_handler) self.this_cb.disable = (type(CHECK_BUTTONS[cb]) == dict and 'disable' in list(CHECK_BUTTONS[cb].keys())) self.this_cb.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=len(target_parent.winfo_children())) self.this_cb.ref = cb for but in GLOBAL_BUTTONS: label = but ele = GLOBAL_BUTTONS[but] this_but = Button(self.cb_frame, text=but) this_but.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', getattr(self, ele['handler'])) this_but.ref = but this_but.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=len(self.cb_frame.winfo_children())) self.cb_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, rowspan=10, sticky=N) def new_behaviour_chosen(self, a, b, c): self.send({'sys': ['change_behaviour', self.selected_behaviour.get()]}) def set_value(self, name, val): '''sets a widget to the specified value various different widget types need custom setting functionality''' direct = ['scale', 'wavetable_generation_type', 'partial_pool'] if [x for x in direct if match("(voice_\d_|)" + x, name)]:"setting: '{0}' to '{1}' in GUI".format(name, val)) getattr(self, name).set(val) return if name == 'saved_behaviours' and len(val): self.savedBehavioursMenu.destroy() self.savedBehavioursMenu = OptionMenu(self.monitor_frame, self.selected_behaviour, *sorted(val)) self.savedBehavioursMenu.grid(row=5, sticky=E + W) return for w in self.settables: typ = w.__class__.__name__ if w.ref == name: # print "setting '{0}' of type: '{1}' to: {2}".format(name, typ, val) if typ == 'Scale': w.set(val) elif typ == "Checkbutton": if val else w.deselect() def check_boxes_handler(self, event): '''handles checkbox events. shows and hides gui elements according to their enable/disable fields''' # print event.__dict__ # print event.widget.__dict__ ref = event.widget.ref val = not getattr(self, ref).get() # because is read before the var is changed self.send({ref: val}) # print ref, val # handle gui elements # enable/disable functionality temporarily(?) commented on: # Wed Aug 17 09:39:54 CEST 2011 # if event.widget.disable: # for w in self.children.values(): # # # this try clause is for debugging, remove when stable # try: # w.ref # #print w.ref # except: # pass # if (w.__class__.__name__ == 'Scale' and # (w.disable or w.enable)): # if w.disable == ref: # if val: # w.grid() # else: # w.grid_remove() # elif w.enable == ref: # if val: # w.grid_remove() # else: # w.grid() # #print w.disable, w.enable def create_scales(self): counter = 0 for sca in SCALES: label = SCALES[sca]['label'] if 'label' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) else sca setattr(self, 'min_' + sca, SCALES[sca]['min']) setattr(self, 'max_' + sca, SCALES[sca]['max']) self.this_scale = Scale(self, label=label, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=getattr(self, 'min_' + sca), to=getattr(self, 'max_' + sca), resolution=SCALES[sca]['res']) self.this_scale.set(SCALES[sca]['start']) self.this_scale.enable = ('enable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and SCALES[sca]['enable'] or None) self.this_scale.disable = ('disable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and SCALES[sca]['disable'] or None) if 'pos' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()): pos = SCALES[sca]['pos'] col = pos['c'] row = pos['r'] else: row = counter col = 1 counter += 1 self.this_scale.grid(column=col, row=row, sticky=E + W) self.this_scale.ref = sca self.this_scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) def scale_handler(self, event): self.send({event.widget.ref: event.widget.get()})"handling scale: {0}, with new value: {1}".format( event.widget.ref, event.widget.get())) def trigger_waveform_handler(self, event): self.send({event.widget.ref: True}) # print event.widget.ref, "- triggering wavetable" def send_scale(self): do = {'scale': self.scale.get()} self.send(do) def send(self, msg):"sending: {0}".format(msg)) self.send_sock.sendto(json.dumps(msg), (remote_host, send_port)) def create_ranges(self): counter = 0 for ran in RANGES: setattr(self, 'min_' + ran, RANGES[ran]['min']) setattr(self, 'max_' + ran, RANGES[ran]['max']) self.this_min_scale = Scale(self, label='min ' + ran, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=getattr(self, 'min_' + ran), to=getattr(self, 'max_' + ran), resolution=RANGES[ran]['res']) self.this_max_scale = Scale(self, label='max ' + ran, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=getattr(self, 'min_' + ran), to=getattr(self, 'max_' + ran), resolution=RANGES[ran]['res']) self.this_min_scale.set(RANGES[ran]['min_start']) self.this_max_scale.set(RANGES[ran]['max_start']) self.this_min_scale.enable = ('enable' in list(RANGES[ran].keys()) and RANGES[ran]['enable'] or None) self.this_min_scale.disable = ('disable' in list(RANGES[ran].keys()) and RANGES[ran]['disable'] or None) self.this_max_scale.enable = ('enable' in list(RANGES[ran].keys()) and RANGES[ran]['enable'] or None) self.this_max_scale.disable = ('disable' in list(RANGES[ran].keys()) and RANGES[ran]['disable'] or None) self.this_min_scale.grid(column=2, row=counter, sticky=E + W) self.this_max_scale.grid(column=2, row=counter + 1, sticky=E + W) self.this_min_scale.ref = 'min_' + ran self.this_max_scale.ref = 'max_' + ran self.this_min_scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) self.this_max_scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) counter += 2 def socket_read_handler(self, file, mask): data_object = json.loads(file.recv(1024)) do = list(data_object.items())[0] self.set_value(do[0], do[1])
class DownloaderApp(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.master.title("Youtube to MP3 GUI") self.pack() self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): # menu bar widgets = Menu(self.master) self.filemenu = Menu(, tearoff=0) self.filemenu.add_command(label="Help", command=self.helper) self.filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.master.quit)"File", menu=self.filemenu) self.about = Menu(, tearoff=0) self.about.add_command(label="Version 2") self.about.add_command(label="About...", command=self.aboutwindow)"About", menu=self.about) # string vars self.url = StringVar() self.message = StringVar() self.artist = StringVar() self.album = StringVar() = None self.art_text = StringVar() # organizing frames self.frame1 = Frame(self.master) self.frame1.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand=True) self.frame2 = Frame(self.master) self.frame2.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) self.frame3 = LabelFrame(self.frame1) self.frame3.pack(padx=5, pady=3) # user input widget self.url_label = Label(self.frame3, text="URL:").grid(row=0, column=0) self.url_entry = Entry(self.frame3, width=40, textvariable=self.url).grid(row=0, column=1) self.artist_label = Label(self.frame3, text="Artist:").grid(row=1, column=0) self.artist_entry = Entry(self.frame3, width=40, textvariable=self.artist).grid(row=1, column=1) self.album_label = Label(self.frame3, text="Album:").grid(row=2, column=0) self.album_entry = Entry(self.frame3, width=40, textvariable=self.album).grid(row=2, column=1) # choose album art widgets self.art_button = Button(self.frame3, text="Choose Album Art", command=self.getArt).grid(row=3, column=0) self.art_label = Label(self.frame3, textvariable=self.art_text).grid(row=3, column=1) # padding around each user input widget for child in self.frame3.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=5, pady=3) # status bar widget; added before download to sticky to bottom first self.statusbar = Label(self.frame1, textvariable=self.message, bd=1, relief="sunken", anchor="w") self.statusbar.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") # download button widget self.download_button = Button(self.frame2, text="Download", self.download_button.pack(side="bottom", padx=5, pady=3) self.master.bind('<Return>', self.master.config( def download(self, *args): #### change the direction of slashes for Windows ### self.folder = str(Path.home()) + '/Desktop/NewMusic' request = str(self.url.get()) self.artist_text = str(self.artist.get()) self.album_text = str(self.album.get()) if request != EMPTY: try: if path.isdir(self.folder) != True: mkdir(self.folder) else: self.remove_temp() mkdir(self.folder) output = self.folder + '/%(title)s.%(ext)s' ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': output, 'progress_hooks': [self.my_hook], 'quiet': True, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192' }] } with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[request]) self.add_meta() self.itunes_import() self.remove_temp() if != None: remove( self.url.set(EMPTY) self.artist.set(EMPTY) self.album.set(EMPTY) self.art_text.set(EMPTY) self.master.update() except DownloadError: self.remove_temp() string = self.url.get() string = "Download Error..." + string + " is not a valid URL." self.message.set(string) self.url.set(EMPTY) self.master.update() def my_hook(self, d): if d['status'] == 'downloading': string = 'Downloading.....' + d['_percent_str'] self.message.set(string) self.master.update() elif d['status'] == 'finished': string = 'Download Complete....' self.message.set(string) self.master.update() else: pass def getArt(self): # get rid of tilde for WINDOWS = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir="~/Desktop", title="Select Image", filetypes=(("jpeg files", "*.jpg"), ("jpeg files", "*.jpeg"))) self.art_text.set( def itunes_import(self): if path.isdir(ITUNES) == True: if path.isdir(self.folder) == True: for file in listdir(self.folder): #removes unwanted title strings before move #doesnt work right might need to eyed3 title of file # still doesnt work with path rename # need to idv3 the title x = self.artist_text + " - " y = "(Offical Video)" newname = sub(x, EMPTY, file) newname = sub(y, EMPTY, newname) file_path = self.folder + "/" + file new_path = self.folder + "/" + newname rename(file_path, new_path) import_path = ITUNES + '/' + file move(new_path, import_path) def remove_temp(self): if path.isdir(self.folder) == True: for file in listdir(self.folder): file_path = self.folder + "/" + file remove(file_path) rmdir(self.folder) def add_meta(self): #test artist and album tags with mutagen if self.artist != EMPTY: for file in listdir(self.folder): file_path = self.folder + "/" + file audiofile = eyed3.load(file_path) audiofile.tag.artist = self.artist_text if self.album != EMPTY: for file in listdir(self.folder): file_path = self.folder + "/" + file audiofile = eyed3.load(file_path) audiofile.tag.album = self.album_text if != None: for file in listdir(self.folder): file_path = self.folder + "/" + file audiofile = MP3(file_path, ID3=ID3) audiofile.tags.add( APIC(mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc=u'Cover', data=open(, 'rb').read())) def helper(self): HELP_TEXT = """ In the case of Errors or Failed Download: - Download Location: - downloads are save the iTunes Automatic Import folder - if the song is not in your itunes then the download failed - Check video URL: - navigate directly to video/playlist and copy url from the web browser - make sure you are not signed into Youtube Premium premium videos are unsupported """ toplevel = Toplevel() label1 = Label(toplevel, text=HELP_TEXT, height=0, width=100, justify='left') label1.pack() def aboutwindow(self): ABOUT = """About""" ABOUT_TEXT = """ Youtube to MP3 Downloader is a GUI interface that allows users to download high quality albums from Youtube and other music hosting sites directly to the users desktop. For a full list of support sites visit:""" SITES = "http://ytdl-org" DISCLAIMER = """ Disclaimer""" DISCLAIMER_TEXT = """ Youtube to MP3 Downloader was created using Python 3 and youtube-dl, an open sourced command line tool. This software is protected by the GNU General Public License and as such can be shared freely. """ WARNING = """******* This software comes with no guarantee. Use at your own risk. ******* Copyright 2011-2020 youtube-dl developers """ toplevel = Toplevel() label0 = Label(toplevel, text=ABOUT, height=0, width=100) label0.pack() label1 = Label(toplevel, text=ABOUT_TEXT, height=0, width=100, justify="left") label1.pack() label2 = Label(toplevel, text=SITES, fg="blue", cursor="hand2", height=0, width=100) label2.pack() label3 = Label(toplevel, text=DISCLAIMER, height=0, width=100) label3.pack() label4 = Label(toplevel, text=DISCLAIMER_TEXT, height=0, width=100, justify="left") label4.pack() label5 = Label(toplevel, text=WARNING, height=0, width=100) label5.pack()
def create_voices(self): voice_ids = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] SCALES = OrderedDict([ ('pan_pos', {'min': -1, 'max': 1, 'start': 0.5, 'res': 0.001}), ('volume', {'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'start': 0.666, 'res': 0.001}), ('slide_duration_msecs', {'min': 0, 'max': 2000, 'start': 60, 'res': 1}), ('slide_duration_prop', {'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'start': 0.666, 'res': 0.001}), ('binaural_diff', {'min': 0, 'max': 66, 'start': 0.2, 'res': 0.01}) ]) for vid in voice_ids: counter = 0 for sca in SCALES: name = 'voice_' + vid + '_' + sca setattr(self, 'min_' + name, SCALES[sca]['min']) setattr(self, 'max_' + name, SCALES[sca]['max']) this_sca = Scale(self, label=sca, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=getattr(self, 'min_' + name), to=getattr(self, 'max_' + name), resolution=SCALES[sca]['res']) this_sca.enable = ('enable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and SCALES[sca]['enable'] or None) this_sca.disable = ('disable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and SCALES[sca]['disable'] or None) this_sca.grid(column=int(2 + int(vid)), row=counter, sticky=E + W) this_sca.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) this_sca.ref = name counter += 1 CHECK_BUTTONS = OrderedDict( [('mute', False), ('automate_binaural_diffs', True), ('automate_note_duration_prop', True), ('use_proportional_slide_duration', {'val': True, 'label': 'proportional slide'}), ('automate_pan', True), ('automate_wavetables', True)]) for vid in voice_ids: counter = 0 cb_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Voice {0} - Automation".format(vid)) setattr(self, 'voice_' + vid + '_cb_frame', cb_frame) for cb in CHECK_BUTTONS: options = CHECK_BUTTONS[cb] name = 'voice_' + vid + '_' + cb if isinstance(options, dict) and 'label' in list(options.keys()): label = options['label'] else: label = cb[9:] if cb[:9] == 'automate_' else cb setattr(self, name, IntVar( value=type(options) == dict and options['val'] or options)) self.this_cb = Checkbutton(cb_frame, text=label, variable=getattr(self, name)) self.this_cb.bind('<Button-1>', self.check_boxes_handler) self.this_cb.disable = None self.this_cb.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=counter) self.this_cb.ref = name counter += 1 # add trigger wavetable-button trigWavetableButton = Button(cb_frame, text='Next Wavetable') trigWavetableButton.bind('<Button-1>', self.trigger_waveform_handler) trigWavetableButton.ref = 'voice_' + vid + "_trigger_wavetable" trigWavetableButton.grid(row=counter) cb_frame.grid(column=int(vid) + 2, row=5, sticky=E + W + N, rowspan=8) for vid in voice_ids: generation_types = ["random", "random_harmonic", "harmonic"] partial_pools = ["even", "odd", "all"] prefix = 'voice_' + vid + '_' types_name = prefix + 'wavetable_generation_type' pools_name = prefix + 'partial_pool' setattr(self, types_name, StringVar()) getattr(self, types_name).set("random") setattr(self, pools_name, StringVar()) getattr(self, pools_name).set("all") target_frame = getattr(self, 'voice_' + vid + '_cb_frame') gen_typ_frame = LabelFrame(target_frame, text="type") gen_typ_frame.grid(row=len(target_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W) for gen_t in generation_types: gen_t_entry = Radiobutton(gen_typ_frame, value=gen_t, text=gen_t, anchor=W, variable=getattr(self, types_name)) gen_t_entry.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.wt_handler) gen_t_entry.ref = types_name gen_t_entry.grid(row=len(gen_typ_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W) pp_frame = LabelFrame(target_frame, text="harmonics") for pp in partial_pools: pp_entry = Radiobutton(pp_frame, value=pp, text=pp, anchor=W, variable=getattr(self, pools_name)) pp_entry.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.wt_handler) pp_entry.ref = pools_name pp_entry.grid(row=len(pp_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W) this_num_partials = Scale(pp_frame, label='number of harmonics', orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=1, to=24, resolution=1) this_num_partials.ref = prefix + 'num_partials' this_num_partials.grid(column=0, row=len(pp_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W) this_num_partials.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler) pp_frame.grid(row=len(target_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W)
def _clear_frame(frame: tk.LabelFrame): for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy()
class WaltzGUI(lx.Lx200Commands): def __init__(self, master): """Class builds GUI to control Waltz Telescope. Uses Tkinter for GUI functionality. Inherits from lx200commands.Lx200Commands class. This class provides functionality to talk to serial connection using the lx200 protocol. """ super().__init__() self.master = master master.title("Waltz Control Panel") #Store CET and UCT self.CET = '' self.UTC = '' #Store if telescope is waiting for slew to finish self.waiting=True ## Building up GUI Widgets ## #Menubars menubar=Menu(self.master) #Connection menu connectionmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) connectionmenu.add_command(label="Open Connection", command=self.open_connection_buttonclick) connectionmenu.add_command(label="Close Connection", command=self.close_connection_buttonclick) menubar.add_cascade(label="Connection", menu=connectionmenu) #settings_menu settings_menu=Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) settings_menu.add_command(label="Enable buttons",command=self.stop_waiting) settings_menu.add_command(label="Toggle Precision",command=super().toggle_precision) menubar.add_cascade(label="Settings",menu=settings_menu) #Pointing_stars_menu pointing_stars_menu=Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) pointing_stars_menu.add_command(label="Pointing Star", command=self.save_pointing_star) menubar.add_cascade(label="Save as", menu= pointing_stars_menu) #Special_positions_menu special_positions_menu=Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) special_positions_menu.add_command(label="Slew to Primary Mirror Position",command=self.primary_mirror_pos_buttonclick) special_positions_menu.add_command(label="Slew to Secondary Mirror Position",command=self.secondary_mirror_pos_buttonclick) special_positions_menu.add_command(label="Slew to Park Position",command=self.park_telescope_buttonclick) menubar.add_cascade(label="Special Positions",menu=special_positions_menu) #Show menubar self.master.config(menu=menubar) #Output frame output_frame=Frame(master) output_frame.grid(row=0,columnspan=3) self.LST_label = Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text="LST") self.LST_label.grid(row=0,column=0) self.LST_display = Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='light green') self.LST_display.grid(row=0, column=1,padx=10, pady=10) self.local_time_label= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text='LT') self.local_time_label.grid(row=0, column=3) self.local_time_display = Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='light green') self.local_time_display.grid(row=0, column=4,padx=10,pady=10) self.UTC_label= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text='UTC') self.UTC_label.grid(row=0, column=5) self.UTC_display = Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='light green') self.UTC_display.grid(row=0, column=6,padx=10,pady=10) self.RA_label= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text= "RA") self.RA_label.grid(row=1, column =0) self.RA_display= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='light green') self.RA_display.grid(row=1, column =1) self.DEC_label= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text= "DEC") self.DEC_label.grid(row=1, column =3) self.DEC_display= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='light green') self.DEC_display.grid(row=1, column =4) self.HA_label= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text= "HA") self.HA_label.grid(row=1, column =5) self.HA_display= Label(output_frame, font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='light green') self.HA_display.grid(row=1, column=6) #Interchange_frame #To interchange W<->E buttons and N<->S self.interchange_frame=Frame(master) self.interchange_frame.grid(row=1, column=0,pady=10) #Define Variables self.inter_WE=IntVar() self.inter_NS=IntVar() self.inter_NS_checkbox=Checkbutton(self.interchange_frame, text='N <> S', font=('arial', 10, 'bold'), variable=self.inter_NS, command=self.interchange_north_south) self.inter_NS_checkbox.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky='w',pady=5) self.inter_WE_checkbox=Checkbutton(self.interchange_frame, text='W <> E', font=('arial', 10, 'bold'), variable=self.inter_WE, command=self.interchange_west_east) self.inter_WE_checkbox.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky='w',pady=5) #Control frame self.control_frame=Frame(master) self.control_frame.grid(row=1,column=1,pady=10) self.south_button = Button(self.control_frame, text="S", font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='LightGrey', height = 1, width = 2) self.south_button.grid(row=0,column=1) self.west_button = Button(self.control_frame, text="W", font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='LightGrey', height = 1, width = 2) self.west_button.grid(row=1,column=0) self.east_button = Button(self.control_frame, text="E", font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='LightGrey', height = 1, width = 2) self.east_button.grid(row=1,column=2) self.north_button = Button(self.control_frame, text="N", font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), bg='LightGrey', height = 1, width = 2) self.north_button.grid(row=2,column=1) self.stop_button = Button(self.control_frame, text="STOP", font=('arial',20, 'bold'), fg='White', bg='Red', activeforeground='Red', activebackground='White', command=super().stop_at_current_pos) self.stop_button.grid(row=3,column=0, columnspan=3, pady=10) #Radiobutton frame self.radiobutton_frame=Frame(master) self.radiobutton_frame.grid(row=1,column=2,pady=10) radiobutton_parameters=[('Slew',0,self.set_speed_max), ('Find',1, self.set_speed_find), ('Center',2, self.set_speed_center), ('Guide',3, self.set_speed_guide)] self.speed=StringVar() #Initialize speed to guiding speed self.speed.set('Guide') for keyword, position, execute in radiobutton_parameters: self.speed_radiobutton= Radiobutton(self.radiobutton_frame, text=keyword, variable=self.speed, value=keyword, command=execute, font=('arial', 10, 'bold')) self.speed_radiobutton.grid(row=position,column=0,sticky=W) #Options Frame self.options_frame=Frame(master) self.options_frame.grid(row=0,column=3,padx=20) self.sync_button = Button(self.options_frame, text="Synchronize \n with Target", font=('arial', 12, 'bold'), bg='LightGrey', command=self.sync_yes_no, state='disabled') self.sync_button.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5) #Target Frame self.target_frame=LabelFrame(master, text='Select Target (apparent position)', font=('arial', 15)) self.target_frame.grid(row=1,rowspan=1,column=3,padx=20) self.HIP_label = Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), text="Hipparcos") self.HIP_label.grid(row=0,column=0) self.HIP_entry= Entry(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15)) self.HIP_entry.grid(row=0, column=1,pady=10) self.target_ra_label = Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), text="RA \n [hh mm ss]") self.target_ra_label.grid(row=1,column=0) self.target_ra_entry= Entry(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15)) self.target_ra_entry.grid(row=1, column=1,pady=10) self.target_dec_label = Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), text="""DEC \n [°° mm ss]""") self.target_dec_label.grid(row=2,column=0) self.target_dec_entry= Entry(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15)) self.target_dec_entry.grid(row=2, column=1,pady=10) self.target_time_label= Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), text=" Obs \n Time") self.target_time_label.grid(row=0,column=2,padx=10) self.target_time_display=Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), bg='red', width=10) self.target_time_display.grid(row=0,column=3,pady=10) self.target_alt_label = Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), text="ALT") self.target_alt_label.grid(row=1,column=2,padx=10) self.target_alt_display= Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), bg='red', width=10) self.target_alt_display.grid(row=1, column=3,pady=10) self.target_az_label = Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), text="AZ") self.target_az_label.grid(row=2,column=2,padx=10) self.target_az_display= Label(self.target_frame, font=('arial', 15), bg='red', width=10) self.target_az_display.grid(row=2, column=3,pady=10) self.slew_target_button = Button(self.target_frame, text="Slew to Target", font=('arial', 15), bg='LightGrey', state='disabled', command=self.slew_to_target_buttonclick) self.slew_target_button.grid(row=3,columnspan=4) #Plot Frame self.plot_frame=Frame(master) self.plot_frame.grid(row=2,columnspan=4) #Add instance variables to store the plot and the different axes, #and positions globally self.canvas=False self.ax1=False self.star_plot=False self.traj_plot=False self.pos_plot=False self.ax2=False #At first check if serial connection is open (also contains initial commands) self._respond_to_connection_state() #Message box for Warning caution=("CAUTION: THIS IS A FIRST ATTEMPT TO CONTROL THE WALTZ TELESCOPE.\n"+ "BAD INPUTS OR CRASHES OF THE PROGRAM COULD BE HARMFUL TO THE TELESCOPE.\n"+ "DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM ALONE AND ALWAYS PREPARE FOR STOPING MOVEMENTS "+ "OF THE TELESCOPE VIA THE EMERGENCY STOPS IN THE DOME!") messagebox.showwarning("Warning",message=caution,parent=master) def close_connection_buttonclick(self): """ Closes the connection to serial and responds properly to it """ #First check the connection state if self.connected==False: print('Connection already closed') return 0 #Close serial connection super().close_connection() #Check if connection is realy closed #this will set self.connected=False #Respond to closed connection self._respond_to_connection_state() def open_connection_buttonclick(self): """ Closes the connection to serial and responds properly to it """ #First check the connection state if self.connected==True: print('Connection already open') return 0 #Open serial connection super().open_connection() #Respond to open connection self._respond_to_connection_state() def _start_commands(self): """ Contains all functions to be executed at start of program. """ #Commands to be executed even without connection self.refresh_times() self.initialize_plot() #If connection is not open close program if not self.connected: return 0 #Commands for initial settings self.set_speed_guide() #This is the StringVar defining which initial setting the speed Radiobuttons have self.speed.set('Guide') #Commands to be executed all the time (if connection is open) self.display_coordinates() self.refresh_target_alt_az_ha() #Check for format of coordinates and toggle automatically #We always want format DEC=dd mm ss if len(self.dec)==7: super().toggle_precision() def _respond_to_connection_state(self): """ Checks connection to serial port. Print Warning if not and closes program. Enables and binds all buttons if connection is set. """ #If connection to Waltz is closed if not self.connected: #Disable all buttons self.disable_all_buttons() self.stop_button.config(state='disabled') #Message box if serial connection is not open caution=("Warning: No Connection to Waltz") messagebox.showwarning("Warning",message=caution,parent=self.master) #Start Commands #(it will take care that only the ones that do not use the serial connection are executed) self._start_commands() if self.connected: #Enable all buttons self.enable_all_buttons() #Start Commands self._start_commands() def refresh_times(self): """ Refreshs all times (LST, LT, UTC) Introduced to have only one function call in the background. Better to syn clocks """ #Refresh individual times self.refresh_LST() self.refresh_local_time() self.refresh_UTC() #Also refresh hour_angle synced to times because it will change in the same pace super().calculate_hour_angle() self.HA_display.config(text=self.ha) #Calls itself all 200 ms self.master.after(200, self.refresh_times) def refresh_local_time(self): """ Displays the current Central Eruopean Time on CET_display. Calls itself all 200ms to refresh time. """ # get the current local time from the PC local_time_now = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') # if time string has changed, update it if local_time_now != self.CET: self.local_time = local_time_now self.local_time_display.config(text=self.local_time) def refresh_LST(self): """ Displays the current Local Sidereal Time on LST_display. Calls itself all 200ms to refresh time. """ super().get_LST() self.LST_display.config(text=self.LST) def refresh_UTC(self): """ Displays the current Coordinated Universal Time on UTC_display. Calls itself all 200 ms to refresh time. """ #Get current UTC from datetime UTC_now= datetime.datetime.utcnow() UTC_now=UTC_now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") #Check if UTC has changed since last call if UTC_now != self.UTC: #Save current UTC in self.UTC self.UTC = UTC_now #Display UTC self.UTC_display.config(text=self.UTC) def initialize_plot(self): """Refreshs Plot. """ #Close all plots for safety reasons #plt.close('all') (fig, self.ax1) = plot_traj_limits_altaz_GUI(False,False,False,False) self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master = self.plot_frame) self.canvas._tkcanvas.grid(row=0,column=0) self.plot_current_pos() def plot_current_pos(self): """Overplots current position. Plot needs to already exist. """ #First remove existing pos_plot (if it exists) if self.pos_plot: self.pos_plot.pop(0).remove() #Now add new pos_plot self.pos_plot=add_current_pos(self.ax1,self.ha_float,self.dec_float) self.canvas.draw() self.master.after(1000,self.plot_current_pos) def plot_star_and_traj(self): """Overplots star position and trajectory. Plot need to already exist. Will be called periodically with refresh_target_alt_az_ha. """ #First remove existing star_plot/traj_plot (if they exists) if self.star_plot: self.star_plot.pop(0).remove() self.traj_plot.pop(0).remove() self.ax2.remove() if not self.target_ra_float or not self.target_dec_float: return 0 #Now add new_star_plot (self.star_plot, self.traj_plot, self.ax2)=add_star_and_traj(self.ax1, self.target_ha_float, self.target_dec_float) self.canvas.draw() def display_coordinates(self): """ Displays Right ascension and Declination. Hour angle will be displayed synced to times. It should change at the same rate as LST. Look at refresh_times() """ #If connection is not open close program if not self.connected: return 0 self.get_coordinates() self.RA_display.config(text=self.ra) self.DEC_display.config(text=self.dec) if not self.connected: self._respond_to_connection_state() self.master.after(500,self.display_coordinates) def refresh_target_alt_az_ha(self,call_itself=True): """ Executes Lx200Commands.calculate_target_alt_az_ha every 500 ms. """ #Calculate target alt and az and obs time super().calculate_target_alt_az_ha() #Display alt, az and obs time self.target_alt_display.config(text=self.target_alt) self.target_az_display.config(text=self.target_az) self.target_time_display.config(text=self.target_obs_time) #Check coordinates to reply with correct colors if check_coordinates(self.target_alt_float, self.target_az_float): self.display_alt_az('light green') else: self.display_alt_az('red') #Update the plot self.plot_star_and_traj() #Optionally call itself if call_itself: self.master.after(5000,self.refresh_target_alt_az_ha) def interchange_west_east(self): """Interchanges West and East Buttons. """ #self.inter_WE.get() will return 1 if box is checked and 0 if not if self.inter_WE.get(): #Grid Positions if checkbutton is checked self.west_button.grid(row=1,column=2) self.east_button.grid(row=1,column=0) if not self.inter_WE.get(): #Grid Position in default state self.west_button.grid(row=1,column=0) self.east_button.grid(row=1,column=2) def interchange_north_south(self): """Interchanges North and South Buttons. """ #self.inter_WE.get() will return 1 if box is checked and 0 if not if self.inter_NS.get(): #Grid Positions if checkbutton is checked self.south_button.grid(row=2,column=1) self.north_button.grid(row=0,column=1) if not self.inter_NS.get(): #Grid Position in default state self.south_button.grid(row=0,column=1) self.north_button.grid(row=2,column=1) def start_move_west_buttonclick(self, event): """ Sends move west LX200 command to serial connection """ super().start_move_west() def stop_move_west_buttonclick(self, event): """ Sends stop move west LX200 command to serial connection """ super().stop_move_west() def start_move_north_buttonclick(self, event): super().start_move_north() def stop_move_north_buttonclick(self, event): super().stop_move_north() def start_move_south_buttonclick(self, event): super().start_move_south() def stop_move_south_buttonclick(self, event): super().stop_move_south() def start_move_east_buttonclick(self, event): super().start_move_east() def stop_move_east_buttonclick(self, event): super().stop_move_east() def slew_to_target_buttonclick(self): """Slews to target. Target must be set before via set_target_dec_from_string and set_target_ra_from_string """ super().set_target_coordinates() #Slew to target and wait for slew to finish super().slew_to_target() self.wait_for_slew_finish() #After slewing (and if something went wrong): #Set all valid_target entries to 0 (controller won't let you slew to #the same coordinates twice self.valid_target=[0,0] self.slew_target_button.config(state='disabled') #def continue_slew(self,initial_target_ra, initial_target_dec): """ Continues slewing after possible initial slew to medium position. Performs slewing if no slew to medium position is necessary. """ #Check if slew is finished. Default Value of slew_done=True, #so it will also be True if no slew to medium position was necessary.) #if self.slew_done: #Set the initial target coordinates as normal target coordinates again #super().set_target_ra_from_string(initial_target_ra) #super().set_target_dec_from_string(initial_target_dec) #Slew to target #super().slew_to_target() #Wait for the slew to finish (disables all buttons etc.) #self.wait_for_slew_finish() #else: #If previous slew is not finished the funcion will call itself every second. #self.master.after(1000, self.continue_slew, initial_target_ra, initial_target_dec) def park_telescope_buttonclick(self,counter=1,park=True): """Parks telescope and waits for slew to finish. counter counts if parking is executed the first or second time. park specifies if controller gets a parking command or if the function just waits until first slew has finished. """ #We need to call park telescope twice #because the tracking will change RA while DEC is still adjusting #Park telescope for the first time if counter==1: #If parking is activated if park: print('Slew to Park Position the first time') #Slew telescope to parking position super().park_telescope() self.refresh_target_alt_az_ha(call_itself=False) #Start waiting: Call wait_for_slew_finish with call_itself=False #So the funtion will just check if slew has finished if not self.wait_for_slew_finish(call_itself=False): #If slew has not yet finished print('Waiting for First Parking to finish') #Call the park funtion after 1 sec with counter=1 and slew=False #So it will be in counter=1 loop but will not send #a park command to the controller self.master.after(1000,self.park_telescope_buttonclick, 1,False) return 0 else: #If slewing has finished #Disable all buttons (need because it will otherwise wait #for one second until it disables again) self.disable_all_buttons() print('Finished First Parking') #Call park function again after 1 second but enter counter=2 loop #Also activate parking again with park=True #Useful to wait one second as safetiy that slewing has stopped self.master.after(1000,self.park_telescope_buttonclick, 2,True) return 0 #Second Parking loop if counter==2: if park: #If parking is activated print('Slew to Park Position the second time') #Slew telescope to parking position super().park_telescope() self.refresh_target_alt_az_ha(call_itself=False) #Wait again as above. But call counter=2 fpr second parking loop if not self.wait_for_slew_finish(call_itself=False): print('Waiting for Second Parking to finish') self.master.after(1000,self.park_telescope_buttonclick, 2,False) return 0 else: #When slewing is done print('Finished Second Parking') #Show message box to tell user to shut off the controller message=("Turn off the telescope controller to stop tracking"+ " and remain in park position!") messagebox.showinfo("Information",message=message,parent=self.master) return 0 def primary_mirror_pos_buttonclick(self): """Slew Telescope to Primary Mirror Cover Position. Uses LX200Commands primary_mirror_pos. """ super().primary_mirror_pos() self.refresh_target_alt_az_ha(call_itself=False) self.wait_for_slew_finish() def secondary_mirror_pos_buttonclick(self): """Slew Telescope to Secondary Mirror Cover Position. Uses LX200Commands secondary_mirror_pos. """ super().secondary_mirror_pos() self.refresh_target_alt_az_ha(call_itself=False) self.wait_for_slew_finish() def set_target_coordinates_gui(self): """ Calls set_target_coordinates() of Lx200Commands. Defines GUIs reaction to target_coordinates. """ #Call set_target_coordinates if not self.set_target_coordinates(): self.slew_target_button.config(state='disabled') self.display_alt_az('red') #Also plot target coordinates self.plot_star_and_traj() return 0 else: #Display target_alt and az self.slew_target_button.config(state='normal') self.display_alt_az('light green') #Also plot target coordinates self.plot_star_and_traj() def display_alt_az(self,color): """Displays alt and az with given color. Convenience function. """ self.target_alt_display.config(text=self.target_alt) self.target_alt_display.config(bg=color) self.target_az_display.config(text=self.target_az) self.target_az_display.config(bg=color) self.target_time_display.config(text=self.target_obs_time) self.target_time_display.config(bg=color) def set_hip_target_from_entry(self, event): """ Gets a HIP number from the HIP_entry widget and calculates the coordinates. Sets these coordinates as target_ra and target_dec and displays them in the corresponding entry widgets. """ hip_nr=self.HIP_entry.get() super().set_hip_target(hip_nr) self.target_ra_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_ra_entry.insert(0, self.target_ra) self.target_dec_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_dec_entry.insert(0, self.target_dec) self.set_target_coordinates_gui() def set_target_ra_from_entry(self, event): """ Gets a ra input from the target_ra_entry widget and sets it as target_ra. Accepted formats include hh mm ss and hh mm.t. Also tries to set set target dec from entry. Clears text of HIP_entry widget. """ #Delete hip entry self.HIP_entry.delete(0, END) #Get ra input and set as target_ra ra_input=self.target_ra_entry.get() super().set_target_ra_from_string(ra_input) self.target_ra_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_ra_entry.insert(0, self.target_ra) #Try to get dec entry also dec_input=self.target_dec_entry.get() #If dec entry is empty do not try to set target_dec if not dec_input=='': super().set_target_dec_from_string(dec_input) self.target_dec_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_dec_entry.insert(0, self.target_dec) self.set_target_coordinates_gui() def set_target_dec_from_entry(self, event): """ Gets a dec input from the target_dec_entry widget and sets it as target_ra. Accepted formats include dd mm ss and dd mm. Clears text of HIP_entry widget. """ #Delete hip entry #Get dec input and set as target_dec self.HIP_entry.delete(0, END) dec_input=self.target_dec_entry.get() super().set_target_dec_from_string(dec_input) self.target_dec_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_dec_entry.insert(0, self.target_dec) #Try to get ra entry also ra_input=self.target_ra_entry.get() #If ra entry is empty do not try to set target_ra if not ra_input=='': super().set_target_ra_from_string(ra_input) self.target_ra_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_ra_entry.insert(0, self.target_ra) self.set_target_coordinates_gui() def sync_yes_no(self): """Displays yes/no message if sync_button is clicked on. """ result=messagebox.askyesno("Synchroniziation", "Do you really want to synchronize coordinates with target coordinates?") if result: self.sync_on_target_buttonclick() def sync_on_target_buttonclick(self): """Gets target coordinates from entries. Synchronizes coordinates with target coordinates. In Case of Hipparcos target it will recalculate target coordinates at time of synchronization. """ hip_nr=self.HIP_entry.get() if hip_nr!='': super().sync_on_hip(hip_nr) self.target_ra_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_ra_entry.insert(0, self.target_ra) self.target_dec_entry.delete(0, END) self.target_dec_entry.insert(0, self.target_dec) else: #If no Hip target_ get coordinates from entries #Calling one entry is enough since always both entries are checked #None refers to no event (such as Return) self.set_target_ra_from_entry(None) if hip_nr=='' and self.target_ra and self.target_dec: super().sync_on_coordinates() else: print('No valid coordinates set. Synchronisation stopped') #After sync (and if something went wrong): #Set all valid_target entries to 0 (controller won't let you slew to #the same coordinates twice self.valid_target=[0,0] self.slew_target_button.config(state='disabled') def wait_for_slew_finish(self,call_itself=True): """Waits until coordinates equal target coordinates within tolerance. Disables all (except STOP) buttons until target coordinates are reached. call_itself determines if funtion will call itself after 1 second. This is very useful to set to False if you want to call waiting from different function that should pause until waiting is over. Can be stopped by stop_waiting. """ #Disable all buttons self.disable_all_buttons() #Check if slew has finished or self.stop_waiting parameter=True #Enable buttons if so. #self.stop_waiting parameter can be set by button in menubar #Then break the loop if super().slew_finished(): #Enable all buttons again self.enable_all_buttons() return True else: #If variable call_itself is true #Calls itself after 1 second. #After call is asigned to global variable waiting #to stop it via stop_waiting. if call_itself: global waiting waiting=self.master.after(1000,self.wait_for_slew_finish) return False def stop_waiting(self): """Stops Waiting for slew to finish and enables all buttons. Can be called in the menu. """ #First disable all buttons to avoid binding events more than once. self.disable_all_buttons() #Enable all buttons self.enable_all_buttons() #And try to stop waiting if waiting is going on. try: self.master.after_cancel(waiting) except NameError: return 0 def delete_entries(self,event): """ Deletes entries of target_ra and target_dec. Used when entering new Hipparcos Number. """ self.target_ra_entry.delete(0,END) self.target_dec_entry.delete(0,END) def disable_all_buttons(self): """ Disables all buttons and unbinds all bindings. Except of Stop Button """ #Disable all buttons #We also need to unbind the buttons which are called by events instead of commands for child in self.control_frame.winfo_children(): child.config(state='disabled') child.unbind("<ButtonPress-1>") child.unbind("<ButtonRelease-1>") #Enable Stop Button again. It should always be enabled. self.stop_button.config(state='normal') #Disable and unbind entry widgets in target_frame for child in self.target_frame.winfo_children(): child.config(state='disabled') child.unbind("<Return>") child.unbind("<Tab>") self.sync_button.config(state='disabled') #Radiobuttons for child in self.radiobutton_frame.winfo_children(): child.config(state='disabled') def enable_all_buttons(self): """ Enables all buttons and binds all bindings. Except of Stop Button. All bindings are defined here, except of commands of buttons. """ #Disable all buttons #We also need to bind the buttons which are called by events instead of commands for child in self.control_frame.winfo_children(): child.config(state='normal') #Add the bindings manually self.north_button.bind("<ButtonPress-1>",self.start_move_north_buttonclick) self.north_button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.stop_move_north_buttonclick) self.west_button.bind("<ButtonPress-1>",self.start_move_west_buttonclick) self.west_button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.stop_move_west_buttonclick) self.south_button.bind("<ButtonPress-1>",self.start_move_south_buttonclick) self.south_button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.stop_move_south_buttonclick) self.east_button.bind("<ButtonPress-1>",self.start_move_east_buttonclick) self.east_button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",self.stop_move_east_buttonclick) self.sync_button.config(state='normal') #Enable and bind entry widgets in target_frame for child in self.target_frame.winfo_children(): child.config(state='normal') #Do not enable slew button self.slew_target_button.config(state='disabled') #Add the bindings manually #When entering any new number or char (also when deleting), #the entries of target_ra and target_dec should be deleted #Important to bind Return and Tab after this first binding to override this functionality #Otherwise it would also just delete the entries self.HIP_entry.bind("<Key>", self.delete_entries,add='+') self.HIP_entry.bind("<Return>", self.set_hip_target_from_entry, add="+") self.HIP_entry.bind("<Tab>", self.set_hip_target_from_entry, add="+") self.target_ra_entry.bind("<Return>", self.set_target_ra_from_entry, add="+") self.target_ra_entry.bind("<Tab>", self.set_target_ra_from_entry,add="+") self.target_dec_entry.bind("<Return>", self.set_target_dec_from_entry, add="+") self.target_dec_entry.bind("<Tab>", self.set_target_dec_from_entry, add="+") #Radiobuttons for child in self.radiobutton_frame.winfo_children(): child.config(state='normal') def save_pointing_star(self): """ Saves Pointings Stars Information to file. Takes Hipparcos Number, RA, DEC LST and Date and saves to file. Also Saves Hipparcos Number, RA, DEC, HA, target_ra, target_dec, LST, UTC and Date to second file. This could lead to potentially new system of pointing_star data. This could be easier to handle. Not done yet. """ ### Traditional File ### try: hipparcos=self.HIP_entry.get() #Need integer to catch errors and for formatting hipparcos=int(hipparcos) #Format Hipparcos Number to 000123 hip_pointing="{:06d}".format(hipparcos) except ValueError: print('Invalid Hiparcos number') return 0 #Format RA to hh mm ss (RA_hours,h,rest)=self.ra.partition('h') (RA_min,m,rest)=rest.partition('m') (RA_sec,s,rest)=rest.partition('s') RA_pointing="{} {} {}".format(RA_hours, RA_min, RA_sec) #Format DEC to +dd mm ss (DEC_deg,grad,rest)=self.dec.partition('°') (DEC_min,m,rest)=rest.partition("'") (DEC_sec,s,rest)=rest.partition('"') DEC_pointing="{} {} {}".format(DEC_deg, DEC_min, DEC_sec) #Format LST to hh mm ss (LST_hours,h,rest)=self.LST.partition(':') (LST_min,m,rest)=rest.partition(':') (LST_sec,s,rest)=rest.partition(':') LST_pointing="{} {} {}".format(LST_hours, LST_min, LST_sec) #Get Date in Format (using locale module) today = Date_pointing=today.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') line="{} {} {} {} {}\n".format(hip_pointing, RA_pointing, DEC_pointing, LST_pointing, Date_pointing) #Filename and path using pathlib module #File is in parrent_directory/pointing_stars/pointings_stars.txt current_path=pathlib.Path.cwd() parrent_path=current_path.parent file_path=parrent_path / 'pointing_stars' / 'pointing_stars.txt' #With automatically closes the file in the end with open(str(file_path), 'a') as ps_file: print('Saving pointing star to (old format) file') ps_file.write(line) ### New Format File ### #Format HA to hh mm ss (HA_hours,h,rest)=self.ha.partition('h') (HA_min,m,rest)=rest.partition('m') (HA_sec,s,rest)=rest.partition('s') HA_pointing="{} {} {}".format(HA_hours, HA_min, HA_sec) line=("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}" " {} {} {} {} {} {}\n") line=line.format(hip_pointing, RA_pointing, self.ra_float, DEC_pointing, self.dec_float, HA_pointing, self.ha_float, self.target_ra, self.target_ra_float, self.target_dec, self.target_dec_float, self.target_ha_float, self.LST, self.UTC, Date_pointing) #Filename and path using pathlib module #File is in parrent_directory/pointing_stars/pointings_stars_new_format.txt current_path=pathlib.Path.cwd() parrent_path=current_path.parent file_path=parrent_path / 'pointing_stars' / 'pointing_stars_new_format.txt' #With automatically closes the file in the end with open(str(file_path), 'a') as ps_file: print('Saving pointing star to (new format) file') ps_file.write(line)
class CIDRCalcGUI: def __init__(self): self.subnet = Subnet() self.cidr = Tk() self.cidr.wm_title('CIDR Calculator') self.cidr_from_netmask = LabelFrame( self.cidr, text='CIDR: Network Address & Netmask') self.net_address_label = Label(self.cidr_from_netmask, text='Network Address:') self.netmask_label = Label(self.cidr_from_netmask, text='Netmask:') self.net_address_entry = Entry(self.cidr_from_netmask, width=25) self.netmask_entry = Entry(self.cidr_from_netmask, width=25) self.cidr_from_ip_range = LabelFrame( self.cidr, text='CIDR: Network Address & Assignable IP Range') self.net_address_label2 = Label(self.cidr_from_ip_range, text='Network Address:') self.ip_range_label = Label(self.cidr_from_ip_range, text='Assignable IP Range:') self.net_address_entry2 = Entry(self.cidr_from_ip_range, width=25) self.ip_range_entry = Entry(self.cidr_from_ip_range, width=25) self.learning_steps = LabelFrame(self.cidr, text='Learning Steps') self.calculate = Button(self.cidr_from_netmask, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_cidr_from_netmask()) self.calculate2 = Button(self.cidr_from_ip_range, text='Calculate', command=lambda: self.get_cidr_from_ip_range()) self.cidr_from_netmask.grid(row=0) self.cidr_from_ip_range.grid(row=1) self.learning_steps.grid(row=2, sticky='W') self.net_address_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.net_address_entry.grid(row=1, column=0) self.netmask_label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') self.netmask_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) self.calculate.grid(row=1, column=2) self.net_address_label2.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') self.net_address_entry2.grid(row=1, column=0) self.ip_range_label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') self.ip_range_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) self.calculate2.grid(row=1, column=2) # self.cidr.mainloop() def get_cidr_from_netmask(self): if self.subnet.cidr_address != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.network_address = self.net_address_entry.get() self.subnet.netmask = self.netmask_entry.get() if self.subnet.network_address != '' and self.subnet.netmask != '' and self.subnet.verify_variables( ): self.subnet.calculate_cidr_from_netmask() steps = self.subnet.cidr_address_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') network = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.network_address)) netmask = Label(self.learning_steps, text='NetMask: {}'.format(self.subnet.netmask)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') binary = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Netmask Binary: {}'.format( steps[0]['Netmask Binary'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') count = Label(self.learning_steps, text="(Count 0's from Step 2)") cidr = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR: {}'.format(steps[1]['CIDR'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') cidr_address = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.cidr_address)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') network.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') netmask.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') binary.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') count.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') cidr.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') cidr_address.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def get_cidr_from_ip_range(self): if self.subnet.cidr_address != '': self.clear_and_reset() else: self.subnet.network_address = self.net_address_entry2.get() self.subnet.ip_range = self.ip_range_entry.get() if self.subnet.network_address != '' and self.subnet.ip_range != '' and self.subnet.verify_variables( ): self.subnet.calculate_cidr_from_ip_range() steps = self.subnet.cidr_address_steps step1 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 1:') network = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Network Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.network_address)) ip_range = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Assignable IP Range: {}'.format( self.subnet.ip_range)) step2 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 2:') front = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Front: {}'.format(steps[0]['Front'])) back = Label(self.learning_steps, text=' Back: {}'.format(steps[0]['Back'])) step3 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 3:') comparison = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Comparison: {}'.format( steps[1]['Comparison'])) step4 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 4:') cidr = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR: {}'.format(steps[2]['CIDR'])) step5 = Label(self.learning_steps, text='Step 5:') cidr_address = Label(self.learning_steps, text='CIDR Address: {}'.format( self.subnet.cidr_address)) step1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='W') network.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='W') ip_range.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='W') step2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') front.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='W') back.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='W') step3.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky='W') comparison.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='W') step4.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='W') cidr.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='W') step5.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky='W') cidr_address.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky='W') else: self.clear_and_reset() HelpGUI() def clear_and_reset(self): self.net_address_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.netmask_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.net_address_entry2.delete(0, 'end') self.ip_range_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.subnet.reset_variables() for child in self.learning_steps.winfo_children(): child.destroy() def generate_main(self): self.cidr.mainloop()
class Set: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent parent.title("Set") parent.iconbitmap("assets/cardsIcon.ico") #parent.config(bg="#384d9c") ################### Instance Variables ################### self.numbers = {1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"} self.colors = {"r": "red", "g": "green", "p": "purple"} self.shadings = {"e": "non", "h": "half", "f": "fully"} self.shapes = {"S": "squiggle", "D": "diamond", "O": "oval"} self.deck = [ Card(w, x, y, z) for w in self.numbers for x in self.colors for y in self.shadings for z in self.shapes ] # field is defined at the bottom since it requires the tk frame it's in self.helds = set() self.justDealt = False = [] self.puzField = [] self.puzSols = [] self.score = 0 self.setsOnBoard = 0 self.gameState = 0 #0 is no game currently being played, 1 is solitaire, 2 is puzzle self.startTime = 0 self.imgDict = { str(w) + x + y + z: PhotoImage(file="assets/" + str(w) + x + y + z + ".png") for w in self.numbers for x in self.colors for y in self.shadings for z in self.shapes } self.empty = PhotoImage(file="assets/empty.png") ########################## GUI ########################## self.gameFrame = Frame(parent) self.fieldFrame = LabelFrame(self.gameFrame, text="") # the foundSets LabelFrame for puzzle mode will also go here self.lowerFrame = Frame(parent) self.foundSets = LabelFrame(self.lowerFrame, text="Sets Found") self.messageFrame = Frame(self.lowerFrame) self.message = Label(self.messageFrame, text="") self.msgUpdate = self.messageFrame.after(1, self.resetMessage, "") self.scoreboard = Label(self.lowerFrame, text="") self.deckStatus = Label(self.lowerFrame, text="") self.solsButton = Button(self.lowerFrame, text="Show current solutions.", command=self.showSolutions) self.field = [[ Spot( i, j, None, Button(self.fieldFrame, image=self.empty, bg="white", command=lambda i=i, j=j: self.bClick(i, j))) for j in range(7) ] for i in range(3)] #This is the game board, 21 spots max. A set is unavoidable with 20 spots. It is redefined in the startSolit method. #For puzzle mode the field will have only 4 columns and a seperate widget showing the found sets will be gridded into the fieldFrame ___TODO____ self.solitButton = Button(self.lowerFrame, text="Start/Restart a Solitaire Game", command=lambda: solit.start(self)) self.puzzleButton = Button(self.lowerFrame, text="Start/Restart a Puzzle Game", command=lambda: puz.start(self)) self.gameFrame.pack() self.fieldFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=40) #.grid(row=0, column=0) for y in range( 3 ): #grid 12 of the 21 possible field buttons, additional buttons will get gridded in only if they have a card for x in range(4): self.field[y][x].button.grid(row=y, column=x) self.lowerFrame.pack() self.messageFrame.pack() self.message.pack() self.scoreboard.pack() self.deckStatus.pack() self.solsButton.pack() self.solitButton.pack() self.puzzleButton.pack(pady=(0, 40)) ######################## METHODS ######################## def gameOver(self): timeDif = ) - self.startTime # datetime timedelta object finTime = "Finished in {} minute{}, {}.{} second{}.".format( timeDif.seconds // 60, "s" if timeDif.seconds // 60 != 1 else "", timeDif.seconds % 60, str(timeDif) [8: 11], #this truncates to milliseconds, doesn't round, shouldn't ever really be an issue "s" if timeDif.seconds > 0 else "") for x in self.field: for y in x: y.button.config(state=DISABLED) if self.gameState == 1: self.message.config(text="No sets and deck is empty, game over! " + finTime) else: self.message.config(text="All sets found, game over! " + finTime) self.gameState = 0 def start_shared(self): self.deck = [ Card(w, x, y, z) for w in self.numbers for x in self.colors for y in self.shadings for z in self.shapes ] self.helds = set() self.score = 0 if self.buttonsInField() != 12: for button in self.fieldFrame.winfo_children(): button.grid_forget() #ungrid the buttons in the field for x in range( 3 ): #grid 12 of the 21 possible field buttons, additional buttons will get gridded in only if they have a card for y in range(4): self.field[x][y].button.grid(row=x, column=y) for row in self.field: for spot in row: spot.card = None spot.button.config(state=NORMAL) self.startTime = def sets_finder(self, cardsList): = [] self.setsOnBoard = 99 sets = [] for i in cardsList: for j in cardsList: if j != i: for k in cardsList: if k != j and k != i and { i, j, k } not in sets and self.is_set([i, j, k]): sets.append({i, j, k}){i, j, k}) if self.gameState == 1: self.setsOnBoard = len(sets) solit.sets_finder_handler(self, self.setsOnBoard) if self.gameState == 2: return sets def is_set(self, givenCards, extraInfo="no"): """takes a set of exactly 3 card objects, extraInfo if called from having full helds in checkSet()), not if called from setsFinder()""" attrSwitcher = { "number": {x.number for x in givenCards}, "color": {x.color for x in givenCards}, "shading": {x.shading for x in givenCards}, "shape": {x.shape for x in givenCards} } if extraInfo == "yes": for attribute in attrSwitcher: if len(attrSwitcher.get(attribute)) == 2: falsRay = [False, "two of", "one of", attribute] notSetAtts = [ eval( "self." + attribute + "s.get(card." + attribute + ")", { "self": self, "card": card }) for card in givenCards ] #the above is hacky but the easiest way to reconcile with the dictionaries print(notSetAtts) for x in notSetAtts: if notSetAtts.count(x) == 2 and x not in falsRay: falsRay[1] = str(x) if notSetAtts.count(x) == 1: falsRay[2] = str(x) print(falsRay) return falsRay #to show reason why it's not a set return [True] else: for attribute in attrSwitcher: if len(attrSwitcher.get(attribute)) == 2: return False return True def checkSet( self ): #TODO ___ this is convoluted, maybe store spots in helds instead of cards? infoRay = self.is_set(self.helds, extraInfo="yes") if infoRay[0]: if self.gameState == 1: solit.found_a_set(self) else: puz.found_a_set(self) else: #Make a grammatically correct string explaining why helds is not a set. Handles a few possible cases. #REMEMBER infoRay = [False, "two of", "one of", attribute] self.messageFrame.after_cancel(self.msgUpdate) whyNot = "two cards {} {} and the other {} {}." badAttr = infoRay[3] whyNotSwitcher = { "number": " symbol", "color": "", "shading": "-shaded", "shape": "" } switchText = whyNotSwitcher.get(badAttr) isNums = badAttr == "number" isShapes = badAttr == "shape" edgeCase = False if isShapes: for card in self.helds: print(self.shapes[card.shape]) #print(infoRay[2]) if self.shapes[card.shape] == infoRay[ 2] and card.number == 1: #if the bat attr is shapes and the "one off" is a singular shape edgeCase = True print("edge case") break if edgeCase: part4 = "a{} ".format("n" if infoRay[2] == "oval" else "") + infoRay[2] + switchText elif isNums and infoRay[2] != "one" or isShapes: part4 = infoRay[2] + switchText + "s" else: part4 = infoRay[2] + switchText self.message.config(text="Not a set, " + whyNot.format( "have" if isNums or isShapes else "are", infoRay[1] + switchText + "s" if isNums and infoRay[1] != "one" or isShapes else infoRay[1] + switchText, "has" if isNums or isShapes else "is", part4)) for x in self.field: for y in x: if y.card in self.helds: y.button.config( bg="white" ) #this is one reason to make helds spots instead of cards self.msgUpdate = self.messageFrame.after( 5000, self.resetMessage, "There are " + str(self.setsOnBoard) + " sets on the board right now." if self.gameState == 1 else str(self.score) + " of 6 sets found.") self.helds = set() ########################################################################################## def bClick(self, i, j): if self.field[i][j].card not in self.helds: self.field[i][j].button.config(bg="orange") self.helds.add(self.field[i][j].card) if len(self.helds) > 2: self.checkSet() else: self.field[i][j].button.config(bg="white") self.helds.remove(self.field[i][j].card) def dealTo(self, i, j): self.field[i][j].card = self.deck.pop() self.update_card(i, j) def update_card(self, i, j): """updates the button image""" self.field[i][j].button.config( bg="white" ) #this is redundant for some calls but better than putting it everywhere self.field[i][j].button.config( image=self.imgDict[str(self.field[i][j].card.number) + self.field[i][j].card.color + self.field[i][j].card.shading + self.field[i][j].card.shape]) def showSolutions(self): msgText = "" for sol in for card in sol: msgText += str.capitalize(self.numbers[card.number] + " " + self.colors[card.color] + " " + self.shadings[card.shading] + "-shaded " + self.shapes[card.shape] + ", ") msgText = msgText[:-2] msgText += ".\n" self.message.config(text=msgText) def buttonsInField(self): i = 0 for x in self.field: for y in x: if y.button.winfo_ismapped(): i += 1 return i def resetMessage(self, msgText): """This only needs to be a separate method for timed event handling purposes""" self.message.config(text=msgText)