Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: kr1/roqba
 def create_monitor(self):
     self.monitor_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Monitor and Transport")
     this_cycle = Scale(self.monitor_frame, label='cycle_pos', orient=HORIZONTAL,
                        from_=1, to=16, resolution=1)
     this_cycle.disable, this_cycle.enable = (None, None)
     this_cycle.ref = 'cycle_pos'
     this_cycle.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E + W)
     self.updateButton = Button(self.monitor_frame,
                                text='Reload all Settings',
     self.updateButton.grid(row=1, sticky=E + W)
     self.ForceCaesuraButton = Button(self.monitor_frame,
                                      text='Force Caesura',
     self.ForceCaesuraButton.grid(row=2, sticky=E + W)
     self.saveBehaviourButton = Button(self.monitor_frame,
                                       text='Save current behaviour',
     self.saveBehaviourButton.grid(row=3, sticky=E + W)
     self.saveBehaviourNameEntry = Entry(self.monitor_frame)
     self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.grid(row=4, sticky=E + W)
     self.saveBehaviourNameEntry.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.request_saving_behaviour)
     self.selected_behaviour = StringVar()
     self.selected_behaviour.trace('w', self.new_behaviour_chosen)
     self.savedBehavioursMenu = OptionMenu(self.monitor_frame,
                                           self.selected_behaviour, None,)
     self.savedBehavioursMenu.grid(row=5, sticky=E + W)
     self.monitor_frame.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=E + W)
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: kr1/roqba
    def create_voices(self):
        voice_ids = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
        SCALES = OrderedDict([
                  ('pan_pos', {'min': -1, 'max': 1, 'start': 0.5, 'res': 0.001}),
                  ('volume', {'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'start': 0.666, 'res': 0.001}),
                  ('slide_duration_msecs', {'min': 0, 'max': 2000, 'start': 60, 'res': 1}),
                  ('slide_duration_prop', {'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'start': 0.666, 'res': 0.001}),
                  ('binaural_diff', {'min': 0, 'max': 66, 'start': 0.2, 'res': 0.01})

        for vid in voice_ids:
            counter = 0
            for sca in SCALES:
                name = 'voice_' + vid + '_' + sca
                setattr(self, 'min_' + name, SCALES[sca]['min'])
                setattr(self, 'max_' + name, SCALES[sca]['max'])
                this_sca = Scale(self, label=sca, orient=HORIZONTAL,
                                 from_=getattr(self, 'min_' + name),
                                 to=getattr(self, 'max_' + name),
                this_sca.enable = ('enable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and
                                   SCALES[sca]['enable'] or None)
                this_sca.disable = ('disable' in list(SCALES[sca].keys()) and
                                    SCALES[sca]['disable'] or None)
                this_sca.grid(column=int(2 + int(vid)), row=counter, sticky=E + W)
                this_sca.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler)
                this_sca.ref = name
                counter += 1
        CHECK_BUTTONS = OrderedDict(
                 [('mute', False),
                  ('automate_binaural_diffs', True),
                  ('automate_note_duration_prop', True),
                  ('use_proportional_slide_duration', {'val': True, 'label': 'proportional slide'}),
                  ('automate_pan', True),
                  ('automate_wavetables', True)])
        for vid in voice_ids:
            counter = 0
            cb_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Voice {0} - Automation".format(vid))
            setattr(self, 'voice_' + vid + '_cb_frame', cb_frame)
            for cb in CHECK_BUTTONS:
                options = CHECK_BUTTONS[cb]
                name = 'voice_' + vid + '_' + cb
                if isinstance(options, dict) and 'label' in list(options.keys()):
                    label = options['label']
                    label = cb[9:] if cb[:9] == 'automate_' else cb
                setattr(self, name, IntVar(
                    value=type(options) == dict and options['val'] or options))
                self.this_cb = Checkbutton(cb_frame, text=label, variable=getattr(self, name))
                self.this_cb.bind('<Button-1>', self.check_boxes_handler)
                self.this_cb.disable = None
                self.this_cb.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=counter)
                self.this_cb.ref = name
                counter += 1
            # add trigger wavetable-button
            trigWavetableButton = Button(cb_frame, text='Next Wavetable')
            trigWavetableButton.bind('<Button-1>', self.trigger_waveform_handler)
            trigWavetableButton.ref = 'voice_' + vid + "_trigger_wavetable"
            cb_frame.grid(column=int(vid) + 2, row=5, sticky=E + W + N, rowspan=8)
        for vid in voice_ids:
            generation_types = ["random", "random_harmonic", "harmonic"]
            partial_pools = ["even", "odd", "all"]
            prefix = 'voice_' + vid + '_'
            types_name = prefix + 'wavetable_generation_type'
            pools_name = prefix + 'partial_pool'
            setattr(self, types_name, StringVar())
            getattr(self, types_name).set("random")
            setattr(self, pools_name, StringVar())
            getattr(self, pools_name).set("all")
            target_frame = getattr(self, 'voice_' + vid + '_cb_frame')
            gen_typ_frame = LabelFrame(target_frame, text="type")
            gen_typ_frame.grid(row=len(target_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W)
            for gen_t in generation_types:
                gen_t_entry = Radiobutton(gen_typ_frame, value=gen_t, text=gen_t, anchor=W,
                                          variable=getattr(self, types_name))
                gen_t_entry.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.wt_handler)
                gen_t_entry.ref = types_name
                gen_t_entry.grid(row=len(gen_typ_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=W)
            pp_frame = LabelFrame(target_frame, text="harmonics")
            for pp in partial_pools:
                pp_entry = Radiobutton(pp_frame, value=pp, text=pp, anchor=W,
                                       variable=getattr(self, pools_name))
                pp_entry.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.wt_handler)
                pp_entry.ref = pools_name
                pp_entry.grid(row=len(pp_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W)
            this_num_partials = Scale(pp_frame, label='number of harmonics', orient=HORIZONTAL,
                                      from_=1, to=24, resolution=1)
            this_num_partials.ref = prefix + 'num_partials'
            this_num_partials.grid(column=0, row=len(pp_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W)
            this_num_partials.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.scale_handler)
            pp_frame.grid(row=len(target_frame.winfo_children()), sticky=E + W)