Esempio n. 1
    def searchPeople(self, name, lang=False):
        """Searches for a People by name.
        Returns a list if matching persons and a dictionary of their attributes
        tmp_name = name.strip().replace(u' ',u'+')
            id_url = urllib.quote(tmp_name.encode("utf-8"))
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
            id_url = urllib.quote(tmp_name)
        if lang: # Override language
            URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
            URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
        url = URL % (id_url)
        if self.config['debug_enabled']:        # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
            sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)

        etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
        if etree is None:
            raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No People matches found for the name (%s)' % name)
        if not etree.find(u"people").find(u"person"):
            raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No People matches found for the name (%s)' % name)

        people = []
        for item in etree.find(u"people").getchildren():
            if item.tag == u"person":
                person = {}
                for p in item.getchildren():
                    if p.tag != u'images':
                        person[p.tag] = self.textUtf8(p.text.strip())
                    elif len(p.getchildren()):
                        person[p.tag] = {}
                        for image in p.getchildren():
                            person[p.tag][image.get('size')] = image.get('url').strip()

        # Check if no ui has been requested and therefore just return the raw search results.
        if (self.config['interactive'] == False and self.config['select_first'] == False and self.config['custom_ui'] == None) or not len(people):
            return people

        # Select the first result (most likely match) or invoke user interaction to select the correct movie
        if self.config['custom_ui'] is not None:
            self.log.debug("Using custom UI %s" % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
            ui = self.config['custom_ui'](config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = name.strip())
            if not self.config['interactive']:
                self.log.debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
                ui = BaseUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = name.strip())
                self.log.debug('Interactivily selecting movie using ConsoleUI')
                ui = ConsoleUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = name.strip())
        return ui.selectMovieOrPerson(people)
Esempio n. 2
    def searchTitle(self, title, lang=False):
        """Searches for a film by its title.
        Returns SearchResults (a list) containing all matches (Movie instances)
        if lang: # Override language
            URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
            URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
        org_title = title
        title = urllib.quote(title.encode("utf-8"))
        url = URL % (title)
        if self.config['debug_enabled']:        # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
            sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)

        etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
        if etree is None:
            raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the title (%s)' % org_title)

        search_results = SearchResults()
        for cur_result in etree.find(u"movies").findall(u"movie"):
            if cur_result == None:
            cur_movie = self._tmdbDetails(cur_result)
        if not len(search_results):
            raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the title (%s)' % org_title)

        # Check if no ui has been requested and therefore just return the raw search results.
        if (self.config['interactive'] == False and self.config['select_first'] == False and self.config['custom_ui'] == None) or not len(search_results):
            return search_results

        # Select the first result (most likely match) or invoke user interaction to select the correct movie
        if self.config['custom_ui'] is not None:
            self.log.debug("Using custom UI %s" % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
            ui = self.config['custom_ui'](config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = org_title)
            if not self.config['interactive']:
                self.log.debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
                ui = BaseUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = org_title)
                self.log.debug('Interactivily selecting movie using ConsoleUI')
                ui = ConsoleUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = org_title)
        return ui.selectMovieOrPerson(search_results)