Esempio n. 1
def parse_pass_one(fin, args):
    address = 0
    symbols_table = {}
    # Suppress instruction warnings
    prev_warn = cp.warn
    prev_warn32 = cp.warn32
    cp.warn = False
    cp.warn32 = False
    for line in fin:
        result = parser.parse(line)
        if result is None:  # 原因不明
        if result["tokens"] is None:

        if result['type'] is 'non_label':
            address += 4

        if not result['tokens']['label'] in symbols_table:
            symbols_table[result['tokens']['label']] = address
            cp.cprint_fail("Error: " + str(result['tokens']['lineno']) +
                           " : Redeclaration of label '" +
                           str(result['tokens']) + "'.")
    # Restore warning state
    cp.warn = prev_warn
    cp.warn32 = prev_warn32
    return symbols_table
Esempio n. 2
def parse_pass_two(fin, fout, symbols_table, args):, 0)
    # Reset line number state
    address = 0
    for line in fin:
        result = parser.parse(line)
        if result is None:
        if result["tokens"] is None:

        if result['type'] is 'label':

        instr = None
        result = result['tokens']
        if 'label' in result:
            if result['label'] not in symbols_table:
                cp.cprint_fail("Error: " + str(result['lineno']) +
                               " : Label used but never defined '" +
                               str(result['label']) + "'.")
            result = encode_offset(result, address,
        if result:
            instr, instr_dict = mcg.convert_to_binary(result)
        if not instr:

        fout.write(instr + '\n')
        address += 4
Esempio n. 3
    def op_jal(self, tokens):
        imm[20] imm[10:1] imm[11] imm[19:12] rd opcode
        immediate is already shuffled in tokens
        bin_opcode = None
        bin_rd = None
        rd = None
        imm = None

            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_JAL
            rd = tokens['rd']
            bin_rd = self.get_bin_register(rd)
            imm = tokens['imm']
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: AUIPC: could not parse" +
                           "tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = imm + bin_rd + bin_opcode
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)

        tok_dict = {'opcode': bin_opcode, 'rd': bin_rd, 'imm': imm}
        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 4
def p_error(p):
    lineno = ''
    if p:
        lineno = str(p.lineno)
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + lineno + ": Invalid or incomplete token" +
                       " found '" + str(p.value) + "'")
        cp.cprint_fail("Error: Invalid or incomplete token found " +
                       "Did you end with a newline?")
Esempio n. 5
def p_register(p):
    'register : REGISTER'
    r = p[1]
    r = r[1:]
    r = int(r)
    if (r < 0) or (r > 31):
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) +
                       ":Invalid register index.")
        raise SyntaxError
    p[0] = p[1]
Esempio n. 6
    def op_arithi(self, tokens):
        imm[11:0]   rs1 funct3   rd  opcode

        The immediate for SLLI and SRLI needs to have the upper
        7 bets set to 0 and for SRAI, it needs to be set to
        opcode = tokens['opcode']
        bin_opcode = None
        funct3 = None
        rs1 = None
        bin_rs1 = None
        bin_rd = None
        rd = None
        imm = None

            funct3 = self.CONST.FUNCT3_ARITHI[opcode]
            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_ARITHI
            rs1 = tokens['rs1']
            bin_rs1 = self.get_bin_register(rs1)
            rd = tokens['rd']
            bin_rd = self.get_bin_register(rd)
            imm = tokens['imm']
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: ARITHI: could not parse" +
                           "tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = imm + bin_rs1 + funct3 + bin_rd + bin_opcode
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)

        if opcode in (self.CONST.INSTR_SLLI, self.CONST.INSTR_SRLI):
            if imm[0:7] != '0000000':
                cp.cprint_warn("Warning:" + str(tokens['lineno']) +
                               ": Upper 7 bits of immediate should be 0")

        if opcode in (self.CONST.INSTR_SRAI):
            if imm[0:7] != '0100000':
                cp.cprint_warn("Warning:" + str(tokens['lineno']) +
                               ": Upper 7 bits of immediate should be " +

        tok_dict = {
            'opcode': bin_opcode,
            'funct3': funct3,
            'rs1': bin_rs1,
            'rd': bin_rd,
            'imm': imm
        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 7
def p_statement_R(p):
    'statement : OPCODE register COMMA register COMMA register NEWLINE'
    if p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_R:
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) +
                       ": Incorrect opcode or arguments")
        raise SyntaxError
    p[0] = {
        'opcode': p[1],
        'rd': p[2],
        'rs1': p[4],
        'rs2': p[6],
        'lineno': p.lineno(1)
Esempio n. 8
def encode_offset(ltokens, address, target):
    In instructions having label, this function calculates
    the value of the offset that has to be encoded inplace of the
    the label.
    It uses the current address of the instruction and the target address
    to calculate the difference and encode the offset in binary

    returns: immediate offset in binary
    # Offset address, should be divisible by 2 (2-byte aligned)
    offset = target - address
    assert (offset % 2 == 0)
    lineno = ltokens['lineno']
    if ltokens['opcode'] == mcc.INSTR_JAL:
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_UJ(offset, lineno)
        if not ret:
            # Label translation should not raise errors,
            # Warnings make sense.
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal error:" + str(tokens['lineno']) + ":" +
        result = {
            'opcode': ltokens['opcode'],
            'rd': ltokens['rd'],
            'imm': imm,
            'lineno': lineno

    elif ltokens['opcode'] in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_SB:
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_SB(offset, lineno)
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal error:" + str(lineno) + ":" + msg)
        result = {
            'opcode': ltokens['opcode'],
            'rs1': ltokens['rs1'],
            'rs2': ltokens['rs2'],
            'imm': imm,
            'lineno': lineno
    elif ltokens['opcode'] == mcc.INSTR_JALR:
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_I(offset, lineno)
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(lineno) + ":" + msg)
            raise SyntaxError

        result = {
            'opcode': ltokens['opcode'],
            'rd': ltokens['rd'],
            'rs1': ltokens['rs1'],
            'imm': imm,
            'lineno': lineno
        cp.cprint_fail("Error: " + str(lineno) + " : " +
                       "Label not supported in '" + str(ltokens['opcode']) +

    return result
Esempio n. 9
def p_statement_UJ_LABEL(p):
    'statement : OPCODE register COMMA LABEL NEWLINE'

    if (p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_UJ):
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) +
                       ": Incorrect opcode or arguments")
        raise SyntaxError
    else:  # UJ Type
        p[0] = {
            'opcode': p[1],
            'rd': p[2],
            'label': p[4],
            'lineno': p.lineno(1)
Esempio n. 10
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        exit("Error: No file specified")
    fin = None
        fin = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
    except IOError:
        cp.cprint_fail("File does not seem to exist or" +
                       " you do not have the required permissions.")
        return 1

    for line in fin:
        result = parser.parse(line)
        if result:
Esempio n. 11
 def get_bin_register(self, r):
     converts the register in format
     r'[0-9][0-9]?' to its equivalent
     r = r[1:]
         r = int(r)
         cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: get_bin_register:" +
                        " Register could not be parsed")
     assert (r >= 0)
     assert (r < 32)
     rbin = format(r, '05b')
     return rbin
Esempio n. 12
    def op_store(self, tokens):
        imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode
        immediates returned in tokens as touple (imm_11_5, imm_4_0)
        opcode = tokens['opcode']
        imm_11_5 = None
        imm_4_0 = None
        funct3 = None
        rs1 = None
        bin_rs1 = None
        bin_rs2 = None
        rs2 = None
            funct3 = self.CONST.FUNCT3_STORE[opcode]
            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_STORE
            rs1 = tokens['rs1']
            bin_rs1 = self.get_bin_register(rs1)
            rs2 = tokens['rs2']
            bin_rs2 = self.get_bin_register(rs2)
            imm_11_5, imm_4_0 = tokens['imm']
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: STORE: could not parse" +
                           " tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = imm_11_5 + bin_rs2 + bin_rs1 + funct3 + imm_4_0 + bin_opcode
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)

        if imm_4_0[-2:] != '00':
            cp.cprint_warn_32("32_Warning:" + str(tokens['lineno']) +
                              ": Missaligned address." +
                              " Address should be 4 bytes aligned.")

        tok_dict = {
            'opcode': bin_opcode,
            'funct': funct3,
            'rs1': bin_rs1,
            'rs2': bin_rs2,
            'imm_11_5': imm_11_5,
            'imm_4_0': imm_4_0

        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 13
    def op_load(self, tokens):
        opcode = tokens['opcode']
        imm[11:0] rs1 funct3 rd opcode
        opcode = tokens['opcode']
        bin_opcode = None
        funct3 = None
        rs1 = None
        bin_rs1 = None
        bin_rd = None
        rd = None
        imm = None

            funct3 = self.CONST.FUNCT3_LOAD[opcode]
            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_LOAD
            rs1 = tokens['rs1']
            bin_rs1 = self.get_bin_register(rs1)
            rd = tokens['rd']
            bin_rd = self.get_bin_register(rd)
            imm = tokens['imm']
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: LOAD: could not parse" +
                           "tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = imm + bin_rs1 + funct3 + bin_rd + bin_opcode
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)

        if imm[-2:] != '00':
            cp.cprint_warn_32("32_Warning:" + str(tokens['lineno']) +
                              ": Missaligned address." +
                              " Address should be 4 bytes aligned.")

        tok_dict = {
            'opcode': bin_opcode,
            'funct': funct3,
            'rs1': bin_rs1,
            'rd': bin_rd,
            'imm': imm
        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 14
    def op_branch(self, tokens):
        imm[12|10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1|11] opcode
        immediates returned in tokens as touple (imm_12_10_5, imm_4_1_11)
        opcode = tokens['opcode']
        imm_12_10_5 = None
        imm_4_1_11 = None
        funct3 = None
        rs1 = None
        rs2 = None
        bin_rs1 = None
        bin_rs2 = None
            funct3 = self.CONST.FUNCT3_BRANCH[opcode]
            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_BRANCH
            rs1 = tokens['rs1']
            bin_rs1 = self.get_bin_register(rs1)
            rs2 = tokens['rs2']
            bin_rs2 = self.get_bin_register(rs2)
            imm_12_10_5, imm_4_1_11 = tokens['imm']
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: BRANCH: could not parse" +
                           " tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = imm_12_10_5 + bin_rs2 + bin_rs1 + funct3
        bin_str += imm_4_1_11 + bin_opcode
        if imm_4_1_11[-2] != '0':
            cp.cprint_warn_32("32_Warning:" + str(tokens['lineno']) +
                              ": Missaligned address." +
                              " Address should be 4 bytes aligned.")
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)
        tok_dict = {
            'opcode': bin_opcode,
            'funct': funct3,
            'rs1': bin_rs1,
            'rs2': bin_rs2,
            'imm_12_10_5': imm_12_10_5,
            'imm_4_1_11': imm_4_1_11

        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 15
    def op_arith(self, tokens):
        funct7  rs2 rs1 funct3  rd  opcode
        opcode = tokens['opcode']
        bin_opcode = None
        funct3 = None
        funct7 = None
        rs1 = None
        rs2 = None
        rd = None
        bin_rs1 = None
        bin_rs2 = None
        bin_rd = None

            funct3 = self.CONST.FUNCT3_ARITH[opcode]
            funct7 = self.CONST.FUNCT7_ARITH[opcode]
            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_ARITH
            rs1 = tokens['rs1']
            rs2 = tokens['rs2']
            rd = tokens['rd']
            bin_rs1 = self.get_bin_register(rs1)
            bin_rs2 = self.get_bin_register(rs2)
            bin_rd = self.get_bin_register(rd)
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: ARITH: could not parse" +
                           "tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = funct7 + bin_rs2 + bin_rs1 + funct3 + bin_rd + bin_opcode
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)

        tok_dict = {
            'opcode': bin_opcode,
            'funct3': funct3,
            'funct7': funct7,
            'rs1': bin_rs1,
            'rd': bin_rd,
            'rs2': bin_rs2
        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 16
    def convert_to_binary(self, tokens):
        The driver function for converting tokens to machine code.
        Takes the tokens parsed by the lexer and returns the
        binary equivalent.

        Returns a touple (instr, dict),
        where instr is the binary string of the instruction
        and the dict is the tokens converted individually
            opcode = tokens['opcode']
        except KeyError:
            print("Internal Error: Key not found (opcode)")
            return None

        if opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_LUI:
            return self.op_lui(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_AUIPC:
            return self.op_auipc(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_JAL:
            return self.op_jal(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_JALR:
            return self.op_jalr(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_BRANCH:
            return self.op_branch(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_LOAD:
            return self.op_load(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_STORE:
            return self.op_store(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_ARITHI:
            return self.op_arithi(tokens)
        elif opcode in self.CONST.INSTR_BOP_ARITH:
            return self.op_arith(tokens)
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(tokens['lineno']) +
                           ": Opcode: '%s' not implemented" % opcode)
            return None

        print("Internal Error: Control should not reach here!")
        return None
Esempio n. 17
def p_statement_SB__JALR_LABEL(p):
    'statement : OPCODE register COMMA register COMMA LABEL NEWLINE'
    # Branch and JALR
    if (p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_SB) and (p[1] != mcc.INSTR_JALR):
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) +
                       ": Incorrect opcode or arguments")
        raise SyntaxError
    if p[1] in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_SB:
        p[0] = {
            'opcode': p[1],
            'rs1': p[2],
            'rs2': p[4],
            'label': p[6],
            'lineno': p.lineno(1)
    elif p[1] == mcc.INSTR_JALR:
        p[0] = {
            'opcode': p[1],
            'rd': p[2],
            'rs1': p[4],
            'label': p[6],
            'lineno': p.lineno(1)
Esempio n. 18
def parse_input(infile, **kwargs):
    fin = None
        fin = open(infile, 'r')
    except IOError:
        cp.cprint_fail("Error: File does not seem to exist or" +
                       " you do not have the required permissions.")
        return 1

    outfile = kwargs['outfile']
    fout = None
        fout = open(outfile, 'w')
    except IOError:
        cp.cprint_fail("Error: Could not create '" + outfile + "' for output")
        return 1

    # Pass 1: Address resolution of labels
    symbols_table = parse_pass_one(fin, kwargs)
    # Pass 2: Mapping instructions to binary coding
    parse_pass_two(fin, fout, symbols_table, kwargs)
Esempio n. 19
    def op_auipc(self, tokens):
        imm[31:12] rd opcode
        bin_opcode = None
        bin_rd = None
        rd = None
        imm = None

            bin_opcode = self.CONST.BOP_AUIPC
            rd = tokens['rd']
            bin_rd = self.get_bin_register(rd)
            imm = tokens['imm']
            cp.cprint_fail("Internal Error: AUIPC: could not parse" +
                           "tokens in " + str(tokens['lineno']))

        bin_str = imm + bin_rd + bin_opcode
        assert (len(bin_str) == 32)

        tok_dict = {'opcode': bin_opcode, 'rd': bin_rd, 'imm': imm}
        return bin_str, tok_dict
Esempio n. 20
def p_statement_I_S_SB(p):
    'statement : OPCODE register COMMA register COMMA IMMEDIATE NEWLINE'
    if (p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_I) and (p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_S) and (
            p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_SB):
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) +
                       ": Incorrect opcode or arguments")
        raise SyntaxError
    elif p[1] in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_I:
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_I(p[6], p.lineno(6))
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(6)) + ":" + msg)
            raise SyntaxError

        p[0] = {
            'opcode': p[1],
            'rd': p[2],
            'rs1': p[4],
            'imm': imm,
            'lineno': p.lineno(1)
    elif p[1] in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_S:
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_S(p[6], p.lineno(6))
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) + ":" + msg)
            raise SyntaxError
        p[0] = {
            'opcode': p[1],
            'rs1': p[2],
            'rs2': p[4],
            'imm': imm,
            'lineno': p.lineno(1)
    else:  # SB (BRANCH)
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_SB(p[6], p.lineno(6))
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) + ":" + msg)
            raise SyntaxError
        p[0] = {
            'opcode': p[1],
            'rs1': p[2],
            'rs2': p[4],
            'imm': imm,
            'lineno': p.lineno(1)
Esempio n. 21
def p_statement_U_UJ(p):
    'statement : OPCODE register COMMA IMMEDIATE NEWLINE'

    if (p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_U) and (p[1] not in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_UJ):
        cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) +
                       ": Incorrect opcode or arguments")
        raise SyntaxError
    elif p[1] in mcc.INSTR_TYPE_U:
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_U(p[4], p.lineno(4))
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) + ":" + msg)
            raise SyntaxError
        p[0] = {'opcode': p[1], 'rd': p[2], 'imm': imm, 'lineno': p.lineno(1)}
    else:  # UJ Type
        ret, imm, msg = get_imm_UJ(p[4], p.lineno(4))
        if not ret:
            cp.cprint_fail("Error:" + str(p.lineno(1)) + ":" + msg)
            raise SyntaxError
        p[0] = {'opcode': p[1], 'rd': p[2], 'imm': imm, 'lineno': p.lineno(1)}