Esempio n. 1
def plot_retention(lmbda, a, t0, t1):
    assert isinstance(lmbda, const)
    assert isinstance(a, const)
    assert isinstance(t0, const)
    assert isinstance(t1, const)
    rt = percent_retention_model(lmbda, a)
    rt_fn = tof(rt)
    derv_rt = deriv(rt)
    derv_tof = tof(derv_rt)

    xvals = np.linspace(t0.get_val(), t1.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([rt_fn(x) for x in xvals])

    xvals2 = np.linspace(t0.get_val(), t1.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals2 = np.array([derv_tof(x) for x in xvals])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle('Ebbinghaus Model of Forgetting')
    plt.ylabel('prf and dprf')
    plt.ylim([-20, 100])
    plt.xlim([t0.get_val(), t1.get_val()])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='prf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals2, yvals2, label='dprf', c='b')

Esempio n. 2
def plot_spread_of_news(p, k, tl, tu):
    assert isinstance(p, const) and isinstance(k, const)
    assert isinstance(tl, const) and isinstance(tu, const)
    nm = spread_of_news_model(p, k)
    nm_tof = tof(nm)
    deriv_nm = deriv(nm)
    deriv_nm_tof = tof(deriv_nm)

    xvals = np.linspace(tl.get_val(), tu.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([nm_tof(x) for x in xvals])

    xvals2 = np.linspace(tl.get_val(), tu.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals2 = np.array([deriv_nm_tof(x) for x in xvals])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle('Spread of News')
    plt.ylabel('snf and dsnf')
    plt.ylim([-2000, 52000])
    plt.xlim([tl.get_val(), tu.get_val()])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='snf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals2, yvals2, label='dsnf', c='b')

Esempio n. 3
def plot_plant_growth(m, t0, h0, t1, h1, tl, tu):
    assert isinstance(m, const) and isinstance(t1, const)
    assert isinstance(t0, const) and isinstance(h0, const)
    assert isinstance(h1, const) and isinstance(tl, const)
    assert isinstance(tu, const)
    pg = plant_growth_model(m, t0, h0, t1, h1)
    pg_tof = tof(pg)
    derv_pg = deriv(pg)

    derv_tof = tof(derv_pg)

    xvals = np.linspace(tl.get_val() - t0.get_val(), tu.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([pg_tof(x) for x in xvals])

    xvals2 = np.linspace(tl.get_val() - t0.get_val(), tu.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals2 = np.array([derv_tof(x) for x in xvals2])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle('Plant Growth')
    plt.ylabel('pgf and dpgf')
    plt.ylim([-2, 58])
    plt.xlim([tl.get_val() - t0.get_val(), tu.get_val()])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='pgf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals2, yvals2, label='dpgf', c='b')

Esempio n. 4
    def test_10(self):
        print("****Unit Test 10********")
        fex0 = make_prod(make_const(3.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0))
        fex1 = make_plus(fex0, make_const(2.0))
        fex = make_pwr_expr(fex1, 4.0)
        afex = antideriv(fex)
        assert not afex is None
        afexf = tof(afex)
        err = 0.0001

        def gt(x):
            return (1.0 / 15) * ((3 * x + 2.0)**5)

        for i in range(1, 10):
            assert abs(afexf(i) - gt(i)) <= err
        fexf = tof(fex)
        assert not fexf is None
        fex2 = deriv(afex)
        assert not fex2 is None
        fex2f = tof(fex2)
        assert not fex2f is None
        for i in range(1, 1000):
            assert abs(fexf(i) - fex2f(i)) <= err
        print('Test 10:pass')
Esempio n. 5
def plot_spread_of_disease(p, t0, p0, t1, p1, tl, tu):
    assert isinstance(p, const) and isinstance(t0, const)
    assert isinstance(p0, const) and isinstance(t1, const)
    rt = spread_of_disease_model(p, t0, p0, t1, p1)
    rt_tof = tof(rt)
    derv_rt = deriv(rt)

    derv_tof = tof(derv_rt)

    xvals = np.linspace(tl.get_val(), tu.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([rt_tof(x) for x in xvals])

    xvals2 = np.linspace(tl.get_val(), tu.get_val(), 10000)
    yvals2 = np.array([derv_tof(x) for x in xvals])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle('Spread of Disease')
    plt.ylabel('sdf and dsdf')
    plt.ylim([0, 100000])
    plt.xlim([tl.get_val(), tu.get_val()])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='sdf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals2, yvals2, label='dsdf', c='b')

Esempio n. 6
def plot_spread_of_disease(p, t0, p0, t1, p1, tl, tu):
    assert isinstance(p, const) and isinstance(t0, const)
    assert isinstance(p0, const) and isinstance(t1, const)

    expr = spread_of_disease_model(p, t0, p0, t1, p1)

    disease = tof(expr)
    disease_derive = tof(deriv(expr))

    min = tl.get_val()
    max = tu.get_val()

    xvals = np.linspace(min, max, 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([disease(x) for x in xvals])
    yvals2 = np.array([disease_derive(x) for x in xvals])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle("Spread of Disease")
    plt.ylabel('sdf and dsdf')
    ymax = max(np.max(yvals1), np.max(yvals2))
    ymin = min(np.min(yvals1), np.min(yvals2))
    plt.ylim([ymin, ymax])
    plt.xlim([min, max])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='sdf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals2, label='dsdf', c='b')
Esempio n. 7
    def test_08(self):
        #(5x-7)^-2  => -1/5 * (5x-7)^-1
        print("****Unit Test 08********")
        fex1 = make_plus(make_prod(make_const(5.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0)),
        fex = make_pwr_expr(fex1, -2.0)
        afex = antideriv(fex)
        assert not afex is None
        print("antideriv: ", afex)
        afexf = tof(afex)
        err = 0.0001

        def gt(x):
            return (-1.0 / 5.0) * ((5 * x - 7.0)**-1)

        for i in range(1, 100):
            assert abs(afexf(i) - gt(i)) <= err
        fexf = tof(fex)
        assert not fexf is None
        fex2 = deriv(afex)
        assert not fex2 is None
        print("deriv fex2: ", fex2)
        fex2f = tof(fex2)
        assert not fex2f is None
        for i in range(1, 100):
            print(fexf(i), " ", fex2f(i))
            assert abs(fexf(i) - fex2f(i)) <= err
        print('Test 08:pass')
Esempio n. 8
def plot_spread_of_news(p, k, tl, tu):
    assert isinstance(p, const) and isinstance(k, const)
    assert isinstance(tl, const) and isinstance(tu, const)

    expr = spread_of_news_model(p, k)
    news = tof(expr)

    expr_deriv = deriv(expr)
    news_deriv = tof(expr_deriv)

    min = tl.get_val()
    max = tu.get_val()

    xvals = np.linspace(min, max, 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([news(x) for x in xvals])
    yvals2 = np.array([news_deriv(x) for x in xvals])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle("Spread of News")
    plt.ylabel('snf and dsnf')
    ymax = max(np.max(yvals1), np.max(yvals2))
    ymin = min(np.min(yvals1), np.min(yvals2))
    plt.ylim([ymin, ymax])
    plt.xlim([min, max])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='snf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals2, label='dnsf', c='b')

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print("test 1: ")
        fex = percent_retention_model(make_const(1.0), make_const(1.0))
Esempio n. 9
def gt21_02(x):
    ''' ground truth for 2nd taylor of fexpr2_01. '''
    fexpr2_01 = make_prod(make_pwr('x', 1.0), make_e_expr(make_pwr('x', 1.0)))
    f0 = tof(fexpr2_01)
    f1 = tof(deriv(fexpr2_01))
    f2 = tof(deriv(deriv(fexpr2_01)))
    return f0(2.0) + f1(2.0) * (x - 2.0) + (f2(2.0) / 2) * (x - 2.0)**2
Esempio n. 10
    def test_09(self):
        #3*(x+2)^-1 => 3*ln|x+2|
        print("****Unit Test 09********")
        fex0 = make_plus(make_pwr('x', 1.0), make_const(2.0))
        fex1 = make_pwr_expr(fex0, -1.0)
        fex = make_prod(make_const(3.0), fex1)
        afex = antideriv(fex)
        print("antideriv: ", afex)
        err = 0.0001
        afexf = tof(afex)

        def gt(x):
            return 3.0 * math.log(abs(2.0 + x), math.e)

        for i in range(1, 101):
            assert abs(afexf(i) - gt(i)) <= err
        assert not afex is None
        fexf = tof(fex)
        assert not fexf is None
        fex2 = deriv(afex)
        assert not fex2 is None
        fex2f = tof(fex2)
        assert not fex2f is None
        for i in range(1, 1000):
            assert abs(fexf(i) - fex2f(i)) <= err
        print('Test 09:pass')
Esempio n. 11
def maximize_revenue(
        constraint=lambda x: x >= 0):  #only works on linear demand eqs
    rev = incrementPolyPwrs(dmnd_eq, 1)
    rev_drv = deriv(rev)
    # print 'eq:',dmnd_eq
    # print 'rev',rev
    # print 'rev deriv',rev_drv
    rev_drv_f = tof(rev_drv)
    dmnd_f = tof(dmnd_eq)
    rev_f = tof(rev)
    # print 'f(20)',dmnd_f(20)
    # print 'R(20)',rev_f(20)
    # print 'R`(20)',rev_drv_f(20)
    xtrm = loc_xtrm_2nd_drv_test(rev)
    for val in xtrm:
        # print val[0]
        # print val[1]
        x = val[1].get_x().get_val()
        y = val[1].get_y().get_val()

        if (val[0] == 'max' and constraint(x)):
            num_units = const(x)
            revenue = const(y)
            price = const(dmnd_f(x))

    return (num_units, revenue, price)
Esempio n. 12
def plot_plant_growth(m, t1, x1, t2, x2, tl, tu):
    assert isinstance(m, const) and isinstance(t1, const)
    assert isinstance(x1, const) and isinstance(t2, const)
    assert isinstance(x2, const) and isinstance(tl, const)
    assert isinstance(tu, const)

    expr = plant_growth_model(m, t1, x1, t2, x2)
    growth = tof(expr)
    growth_deriv = tof(deriv(expr))

    min = tl.get_val()
    max = tu.get_val()

    xvals = np.linspace(min, max, 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([growth(x) for x in xvals])
    yvals2 = np.array([growth_deriv(x) for x in xvals])

    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig1.suptitle("Plant Growth")
    plt.ylabel('pgf and dgdf')
    ymax = max(np.max(yvals1), np.max(yvals2))
    ymin = min(np.min(yvals1), np.min(yvals2))
    plt.ylim([ymin, ymax])
    plt.xlim([min, max])
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label='pgf', c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals2, label='dgdf', c='b')
Esempio n. 13
def consumer_surplus(dexpr, a):
    assert isinstance(a, const)

    B = const(-1 * tof(dexpr)(a.get_val()))

    f = make_plus(dexpr, B)
    surplus = tof(antideriv(f))
    return surplus(a.get_val()) - surplus(0)
Esempio n. 14
def evaluate_expression(expr, abc):

    # ((((1/3)*3(x^(3-1)) +-(2)*(x^(2-1)) + (3)*(x^(1-1)) + 0)
    if abc['a'] != None and abc['b'] != None and abc['c'] != None:
        return abc

    if isinstance(expr, plus):
        # a + b^1
        results = evaluate_expression(expr.get_elt1(), abc)
        if results['degrees'] == 2:
            results['a'] = 1
            results['degrees'] = -1
        elif results['degrees'] == 1:
            results['b'] = 1
            results['degrees'] = -1
        elif results['degrees'] == 0:
            results['c'] = 1
            results['degrees'] = -1

        results = evaluate_expression(expr.get_elt2(), abc)  # should be 5
        if results['degrees'] == 2:
            results['a'] = 2
            results['degrees'] = -1
        elif results['degrees'] == 1:
            results['b'] = 1
            results['degrees'] = -1
        elif results['degrees'] == 0:
            results['c'] = 1
            results['degrees'] = -1

        if isinstance(expr.get_elt2(), const):
            results['c'] = expr.get_elt2().get_val()

        return results

    elif isinstance(expr, prod):  # 3 * x^1
        evaluate_expression(expr.get_mult1(), abc)
        results = evaluate_expression(expr.get_mult2(), abc)

        if results['degrees'] == 2:
            results['a'] = tof(expr.get_mult1())(0)
            results['degrees'] = -1
        elif results['degrees'] == 1:
            results['b'] = tof(expr.get_mult1())(0)
            results['degrees'] = -1
        elif results['degrees'] == 0:
            results['c'] = tof(expr.get_mult1())(0)
            results['degrees'] = -1

        return results

    elif isinstance(expr, pwr):  # x^1
        if isinstance(expr.get_base(), var):
            abc['degrees'] = tof(expr.get_deg())(0)  # should be a 1
            return abc
            evaluate_expression(pwr.get_base(), abc)
    return abc
Esempio n. 15
def newton_raphson(poly_fexpr, g, n):
    tof_expr = tof(poly_fexpr)
    deriv_expr = tof(deriv(poly_fexpr))

    for i in range(n.get_val()):
        x = g.get_val() - (tof_expr(g.get_val()) / deriv_expr(g.get_val()))
        g = const(x)

    return g
Esempio n. 16
def demand_elasticity(demand_eq, price):
    assert isinstance(price, const)
    # E(p) = (-p*f`(p))/f(p)
    f = tof(demand_eq)
    drv = deriv(demand_eq)
    fprime = tof(drv)
    p = price.get_val()

    return const((-p * fprime(p)) / f(p))
Esempio n. 17
def demand_elasticity(demand_eq, price):
    assert isinstance(price, const)
    fx_drv = tof(deriv(demand_eq))
    fx = tof(demand_eq)

    p = price.get_val()

    n = (-1.0 * p) * fx_drv(p)
    d = fx(p)
    return n / d
Esempio n. 18
def line_intersection(lneq1, lneq2):
    # Case 1: 2 const lines
    if is_const_line(lneq1):
        if is_const_line(lneq2):
            if lneq1.get_lhs().get_name() == 'x':
                x = lneq1.get_rhs().get_val()
                y = lneq2.get_rhs().get_val()
            elif lneq1.get_lhs().get_name() == 'y':
                y = lneq1.get_rhs().get_val()
                x = lneq2.get_rhs().get_val()
                raise Exception('line_intersection: ' + str(lneq1))
            y = lneq1.get_rhs().get_val()
            x = tof(lneq2.get_rhs())(y)
    elif is_const_line(lneq2):
        #Case 2: 1 const line y = 1 ;y = x -1
        y = lneq2.get_rhs().get_val()
        x = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(y)
    elif isinstance(lneq1.get_rhs(), pwr):  #y = 1x; y = -1x +6
        eq1_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
        eq2_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)
        if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), plus):
            if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2(), const):
                eq2_const = lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val()
                x = eq2_const / (eq1_coeff - eq2_coeff)
                y = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(x)
    elif isinstance(lneq1.get_rhs(), plus):  #y = -0.2x+10; y =0.2x+5
        eq1_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
        eq2_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)
        if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), plus):
            x = (lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val() +
                 lneq1.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val()) / (eq1_coeff -
            y = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(x)
            raise Exception("Unknown plus equation")
    elif isinstance(lneq1.get_rhs(), prod):  #y = 0.5x; y = -0.75x +3
        eq1_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
        eq2_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)
        if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), plus):
            eq2_const = lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val()
            x = eq2_const / (eq1_coeff - eq2_coeff)
            y = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(x)
        elif isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), pwr):  #y = -x, y = x
            x = 0.0
            y = 0.0
            raise Exception("Unknown prod equation")

        raise Exception('line_intersection: ' + 'unknown equations')

    return make_point2d(x, y)
Esempio n. 19
def nra(poly_fexpr, g, n):
    assert isinstance(g, const)
    assert isinstance(n, const)
    poly_fexprFunc = tof(poly_fexpr)
    poly_fexprPrime = deriv(poly_fexpr)
    poly_fexprPrimeF = tof(poly_fexprPrime)
    currGuessVal = g.get_val()
    for i in range(int(n.get_val())):
        prevVal = currGuessVal
        currGuessVal = prevVal - (poly_fexprFunc(prevVal) /
    return currGuessVal
Esempio n. 20
def demand_elasticity(p):
    assert isinstance(p, const)
    demand_eq = make_plus(make_const(100),
                          make_prod(make_const(-2.0), make_pwr('p', 1.0)))
    fx_drv = tof(deriv(demand_eq))
    fx = tof(demand_eq)

    #E(p) = (-p*f'(p)) / f(p)

    num = (-1.0 * p.get_val()) * fx_drv(p.get_val())
    denom = fx(p.get_val())

    return num / denom
Esempio n. 21
def test_deriv(fexpr, gt, lwr, uppr, err):
    assert isinstance(lwr, const)
    assert isinstance(uppr, const)
    assert isinstance(err, const)

    derivfexpr = deriv(fexpr)
    derivfexprfunc = tof(derivfexpr)

    gtfunc = tof(gt)

    for i in range(lwr, uppr):
        print(derivfexprfunc(i), gtfunc(i))
        assert abs(derivfexprfunc(i) - gtfunc(i)) <= err
Esempio n. 22
def loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(expr):
    exprFn = tof(expr)
    derivativeExpr = deriv(expr)
    derivfn = tof(derivativeExpr)

    degree = findDegree(derivativeExpr)

    critical_points = []

    if degree == 2:
        xvalues = find_poly_2_zeros(derivativeExpr)
        for x in xvalues:
            y = exprFn(x.get_val())

            critical_points.append(make_point2d(x.get_val(), y))
    elif degree == 1:
        x = find_poly_1_zeros(derivativeExpr)
        y = exprFn(x.get_val())

        critical_points.append(make_point2d(x.get_val(), y))
    elif degree == 0:
        # The derivative is just a constant so all values will be just the constant
        # f` = 5
        x = derivativeExpr.get_val()
        raise Exception("Not a first or second degree polynomial degree=",

    maxima = None
    minima = None
    for p in critical_points:
        x = p.get_x().get_val()
        less = derivfn(x - 0.5)
        more = derivfn(x + 0.5)
        if less < 0 and more > 0:
            y = exprFn(x)
            minima = make_point2d(x, y)
        elif less > 0 and more < 0:
            y = exprFn(x)
            maxima = make_point2d(x, y)

    if not maxima and not minima:
        return None
        results = []
        if maxima:
            results.append(("max", maxima))
        if minima:
            results.append(("min", minima))

    return results
Esempio n. 23
def problem_1_deriv():  # still has problems

    # f(x) =(x+1)(2x+1)(3x+1) /(4x+1)^.5
    fex1 = make_plus(make_pwr('x', 1.0), const(1.0))
    fex2 = make_plus(make_prod(const(2.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0)), const(1.0))
    fex3 = make_plus(make_prod(const(3.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0)), const(1.0))
    fex4 = make_prod(fex1, fex2)

    fex5 = make_prod(fex4, fex3)

    fex6 = make_pwr_expr(
        make_plus(make_prod(const(4.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0)), const(1.0)), 0.5)
    fex = make_quot(fex5, fex6)
    drv = deriv(fex)
    print('drv: ', drv)
    drvf = tof(drv)

    def gt_drvf(x):
        n = (60.0 * x**3) + (84 * x**2) + 34 * x + 4
        d = (4 * x + 1)**(3 / 2)
        return n / d

    for i in range(1, 10):
        print(drvf(i), gt_drvf(i))
        assert abs(gt_drvf(i) - drvf(i)) <= 0.001

    assert drv is not None

    # zeros = find_poly_2_zeros(drv)
    # print(zeros)

    f1 = tof(fex)
    f2 = tof(deriv(fex))

    xvals = np.linspace(1, 5, 10000)
    yvals1 = np.array([f1(x) for x in xvals])
    yvals2 = np.array([f2(x) for x in xvals])
    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals1, label=fex.__str__(), c='r')
    plt.plot(xvals, yvals2, label=deriv(fex).__str__(), c='g')
Esempio n. 24
def find_infl_pnts(expr):
    drv = deriv(expr)
    drv_2 = deriv(drv)
    # print 'f`(x) = ', drv
    # print 'f``(x) = ', drv_2
    zeros = None
        zeros = find_poly_1_zeros(drv_2)
        # print '1st degree poly'
    except Exception:
        # print 'not a 1st degree poly'

        zeros = find_poly_2_zeros(drv_2)
        # print '2nd degree poly'
    except Exception:
        # print 'not a 2nd degree poly'

    if isinstance(zeros, const):
        zeros = [zeros]

    # print 'zeros:'
    # for z in zeros:
    #     print ':',z.get_val()

    f = tof(expr)
    f_dp = tof(drv_2)
    delta = 0.1
    points = []  #will store array of points and if they are max/min
    #zeros may be None if no inflection points
    if not zeros == None:
        for z in zeros:
            z_val = f(z.get_val())
            z_minus = f_dp(z.get_val() - delta)
            z_plus = f_dp(z.get_val() + delta)
            if z_minus < 0 and z_plus > 0:
                points.append(point2d(z, const(z_val)))
            if z_minus > 0 and z_plus < 0:
                points.append(point2d(z, const(z_val)))
        return None

    if points == []:
        return None
        # print points
        return points
Esempio n. 25
def test_05():
    fexpr2_01 = make_prod(make_pwr('x', 1.0), make_e_expr(make_pwr('x', 1.0)))
    fex = taylor_poly(fexpr2_01, make_const(2.001), make_const(2))
    fex_tof = tof(fex)
Esempio n. 26
def loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(expr):

    #step 1 take derivative
    myderiv = deriv(expr)

    #step2 solve for x
    zeros = find_poly_2_zeros(myderiv)

    # for c in zeros:
    #     print c

    pf = tof(expr)

    extremas = []

    for c in zeros:
        yval = abs(pf(c.get_val()) - 0.0)

        if (pf(c.get_val()) - 1 > 0 & pf(c.get_val()) + 1 < 0):
            extremas.append("min", point2d(c.get_val(), yval))

            extremas.append("max", point2d(c.get_val(), yval))

    return extremas
Esempio n. 27
def problem_3_tangent():
    fex = make_e_expr(make_pwr('x', 1.0))
    print("f(x)= ", fex)
    drv = deriv(fex)
    print("f'(x)= ", drv)
    drvf = tof(drv)
    print("f'(-1)= ", drvf(-1))
Esempio n. 28
    def test_assign_03_prob_01_ut_04(self):
        print('\n***** Assign 03: Problem 01: Unit Test 04 *****')
        e1 = make_pwr('x', 2.0)
        e2 = make_plus(e1, make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0)))
        e3 = make_plus(e2, make_const(-1.0))
        e4 = make_pwr_expr(e3, 4.0)

        e5 = make_pwr('x', 2.0)
        e6 = make_plus(e5, make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0)))
        e7 = make_plus(e6, make_const(1.0))
        e8 = make_pwr_expr(e7, 5.0)

        e9 = make_prod(e4, e8)

        e9f = tof(deriv(e9))
        assert not e9f is None
        err = 0.000001

        def drvf(x):
            return 2 * x * ((x**2 - 1.0)**3) * (
                (x**2 + 1.0)**4) * (9 * x**2 - 1.0)

        for i in range(10):
            #print(e9f(i), drvf(i))
            assert abs(e9f(i) - drvf(i)) <= err
        print('Assign 03: Problem 01: Unit Test 04: pass')
Esempio n. 29
    def test_assign_03_prob_01_ut_06(self):
        print('\n***** Assign 03: Problem 01: Unit Test 06 *****')
        e1 = make_prod(make_const(2.0), make_pwr('x', 4.0))
        e2 = make_prod(make_const(-1.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0))
        e3 = make_plus(e1, e2)
        e4 = make_plus(e3, make_const(1.0))

        e5 = make_prod(make_const(-1.0), make_pwr('x', 5.0))
        e6 = make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 4.0))
        e7 = make_plus(e5, e6)
        e8 = make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 3.0))
        e9 = make_plus(e7, e8)
        e10 = make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 2.0))
        e11 = make_plus(e9, e10)
        e12 = make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0))
        e13 = make_plus(e11, e12)
        e14 = make_plus(e13, make_const(1.0))

        e15 = make_prod(e4, e14)
        print('-- function expression is:\n')
        drv = deriv(e15)
        assert not drv is None
        print('\n-- derivative is:\n')
        e15f = tof(drv)
        assert not e15f is None
        gt = lambda x: -18.0 * (x**8) + 6.0 * (x**5) - 5.0 * (x**4) + 8.0 * (
            x**3) - 1.0
        err = 0.00001
        print('\n--comparison with ground truth:\n')
        for i in range(10):
            #print(e15f(i), gt(i))
            assert abs(e15f(i) - gt(i)) <= err
        print('Assign 03: Problem 01: Unit Test 06: pass')
Esempio n. 30
    def test_assign_03_prob_01_ut_05(self):
        print('\n***** Assign 03: Problem 01: Unit Test 05 *****')
        e1 = make_plus(make_pwr('x', 1.0), make_const(1.0))

        e2 = make_pwr('x', 3.0)
        e3 = make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr('x', 2.0))
        e4 = make_plus(e2, e3)
        e5 = make_prod(make_const(5.0), make_pwr('x', 1.0))
        e6 = make_plus(e4, e5)
        e7 = make_plus(e6, make_const(2.0))

        e8 = make_prod(e1, e7)
        # 1) print the expression we just constructed
        print('-- function expression is:\n')
        # 2) differentiate and make sure that it not None
        drv = deriv(e8)
        assert not drv is None
        print('\n-- derivative is:\n')
        # 3) convert drv into a function
        e8f = tof(drv)
        assert not e8f is None
        # steps 2) and 3) can be combined into tof(deriv(e6)).
        # 4) construct the ground truth function
        gt = lambda x: 4.0 * (x**3) + 3 * (x**2) + 10.0 * x + 7.0
        # 5) compare the ground gruth with what we got in
        # step 3) on an appropriate number range.
        print('\n--comparison with ground truth:\n')
        err = 0.00001
        for i in range(15):
            #print(e8f(i), gt(i))
            assert abs(e8f(i) - gt(i)) <= err
        print('Assign 03: Problem 01: Unit Test 05: pass')