Esempio n. 1
 def getSize(cls, url):
     if url.scheme.lower() == 'ftp':
         return None
     for attempt in retry_http():
         with attempt:
             with closing(urlopen(url.geturl())) as readable:
                 # just read the header for content length
                 return int('content-length'))
Esempio n. 2
    def _readFromUrl(cls, url, writable):
        for attempt in retry_http():
            # We can only retry on errors that happen as responses to the request.
            # If we start getting file data, and the connection drops, we fail.
            # So we don't have to worry about writing the start of the file twice.
            with attempt:
                with closing(urlopen(url.geturl())) as readable:
                    # Make something to count the bytes we get
                    # We need to put the actual count in a container so our
                    # nested function can modify it without creating its own
                    # local with the same name.
                    size = [0]

                    def count(l):
                        size[0] += l

                    counter = WriteWatchingStream(writable)

                    # Do the download
                    shutil.copyfileobj(readable, counter)
                    return size[0]
Esempio n. 3
 def _readFromUrl(cls, url, writable):
     for attempt in retry_http():
         with attempt:
             with closing(urlopen(url.geturl())) as readable:
                 shutil.copyfileobj(readable, writable)