Esempio n. 1
    print("%7d, %8.4f, %8.4f, %7d, %8.4f, %8.4f"%(g1_num+1, -g1_e, g1_e, g2_num+1, -g2_e, g2_e))
    print(select_cri, select_scale)

# start cutoff
mcs = [[], []]
# fg1 & fg2
for i in range(2):
    cat_data_path = data_path + "cata_%s_g%d.hdf5"%(result_source, i+1)

    # tasks distribution
    # if cpus <= total tasks, each core will get at least one task,
    # labeled by a number (0 ~ total_task)
    # if cpus > total tasks, some cores will get one task,
    # and the other will get nothing, a empty task list '[]'.
    tasks = tool_box.allot([i for i in range(gnums[i])], cpus)[rank]
    if len(tasks) != 0:
        for ig in tasks:
            # read the data
            set_name = "/fg%d_%d" % (i + 1, ig)
            h5f = h5py.File(cat_data_path, "r")
            data = h5f[set_name].value

            nstar = data[:, 0]
            idx_s = nstar >= nstar_thres
            area = data[:, 1]
            idx_a = area >= area_thres

            selected_data = data[idx_s & idx_a]
Esempio n. 2
psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3.5, fwhm=0.7, flux=1.0, trunc=2)
if rank == 0:
    psf_img = galsim.ImageD(stamp_size, stamp_size)
    psf.drawImage(image=psf_img, scale=pixel_scale)
    hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(psf_img.array)
    psf_path = total_path + 'psf.fits'
    hdu.writeto(psf_path, overwrite=True)
        "desti: %s, size: %d, pixel_scale: %.3f, noise_sig: %.2f, total galaxy number: %d"
        % (source, stamp_size, pixel_scale, noise_sig, total_chips_num))"seed: %d" % seed)

# task allocation
chip_tags = [i for i in range(total_chips_num)]
chip_tags_rank = tool_box.allot(chip_tags, cpus)[rank]

snr_data_path = para_path + "snr.npz"
snr_data = numpy.load(snr_data_path)["arr_0"]

for shear_id in range(shear_num):
    shear_cata = para_path + "shear.npz"
    shear = numpy.load(shear_cata)
    g1 = shear["arr_0"][shear_id]
    g2 = shear["arr_1"][shear_id]

    paras = para_path + "para_%d.hdf5" % shear_id
    f = h5py.File(paras, 'r')
    e1s = f["/e1"].value
    e2s = f["/e2"].value
    radius = f["/radius"].value
    [dec_min + i * block_scale for i in range(grid_rows + 1)])
ra_bin = numpy.array([ra_min + i * block_scale for i in range(grid_cols + 1)])

if rank == 0:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    nums = numpy.histogram2d(dec, ra, [dec_bin, ra_bin])[0]
    numpy.savez(pic_path + "w_%d_num.npz" % (rank + 1), nums)
    im = ax.imshow(nums)
    plt.savefig(pic_path + "w_%d_num.png" % (rank + 1), bbox_inches='tight')
# [g1, g2]
shear_array = numpy.zeros((grid_rows, grid_cols * 4))
grid_ids = [(i, j) for i in range(grid_rows) for j in range(grid_cols)]
my_grid = tool_box.allot(grid_ids, cpus)[rank]

for grid in my_grid:
    row, col = grid
    dec_1, dec_2 = dec_min + row * block_scale, dec_min + (row +
                                                           1) * block_scale
    ra_1, ra_2 = ra_min + col * block_scale, ra_min + (col + 1) * block_scale

    idx_r1 = dec >= dec_1
    idx_r2 = dec < dec_2

    idx_c1 = ra >= ra_1
    idx_c2 = ra < ra_2

    idxs = idx_r1 & idx_r2 & idx_c1 & idx_c2
Esempio n. 4
if rank == 0:
    h5f = h5py.File(total_cata_path + "cfht_cata/cata.hdf5", "w")
    gal_count = 0

num_in_field = []

for area_id in range(1, 1 + area_num):
    field_paths = []
    field_count = 0
    for field in fields:
        if "w%d" % area_id in field:
            field_path = total_cata_path + "cfht_cata/%s.dat" % field
            field_count += 1
    sub_fields = tool_box.allot(field_paths, cpus)[rank]

    fcount = 0
    data = None
    for field_name in sub_fields:
        t11 = time.time()
            temp = numpy.loadtxt(field_name)
            if fcount == 0:
                data = temp.copy()
                data = numpy.row_stack((data, temp))
            fcount += 1
            print(rank, " can't find ", field_name)
        t12 = time.time()
    h = 0.7
    C_0_hat = 2.99792458
    H_0 = 100 * h
    coeff = 1000 * C_0_hat

    # read foreground
    h5f = h5py.File("./data/%s_sub.hdf5" % area_id, "r")
    RA_f = h5f["/RA"].value
    DEC_f = h5f["/DEC"].value
    Z_f = h5f["/Z"].value
    DIST_f = h5f["/DISTANCE"].value[:, 0]
    fore_num = Z_f.shape[0]

    tasks = [i for i in range(fore_num)]
    my_task = tool_box.allot(tasks, cpus)[rank]
    print("Rank: %d. My: %d ~ %d" % (rank, min(my_task), max(my_task)))

    # read background
    # area_id = "/w_1"
    background_path = "/mnt/perc/hklee/CFHT/gg_lensing/data/cfht_cata_grid.hdf5"
    h5f = h5py.File(background_path, "r")
    Z = h5f["%s/Z" % area_id].value[:, 0]

    back_num = Z.shape[0]
    back_label = numpy.arange(back_num)

    BACK_DATA = numpy.zeros((Z.shape[0], 8))

    BACK_DATA[:, 0] = back_label
    BACK_DATA[:, 1] = h5f["%s/RA" % area_id].value[:, 0]
# dz = 10./(num-1)
# delta_dist = numpy.zeros((num,))
# for i in range(num):
#     z = dz*i
#     com_dist = cosmos.comoving_distance(z).value*h
# t2 = time.time()
# print(t2-t1)
# exit()

h5f = h5py.File(data_path, "r")
redshift = h5f["%sZ" % set_name].value

total_num = redshift.shape[0]
my_list = numpy.array(
    tool_box.allot([i for i in range(total_num)], cpus)[rank])
ch_pts = numpy.random.choice(my_list, ch_num, replace=False).tolist()

# ch_pts = [i for i in range(total_num)]

com_dist_file = h5f["%sDISTANCE" % set_name].value[ch_pts]
com_dist_integ_file = h5f["%sDISTANCE_INTEG" % set_name].value[ch_pts]
redshift = redshift[ch_pts]


delta_dist = numpy.zeros((2, ch_num))
astro_dist = numpy.zeros((2, ch_num))
for i in range(1, ch_num):

    com_dist = cosmos.comoving_distance(redshift[i]).value * h
Esempio n. 7
    total_field_pool = []
    if filter_exist:
        if rank == 0:
            print("Stack the sex snr")
        with open(filter_path, "r") as f:
            contents = f.readlines()
        for area in contents:
            area = area.split("\n")[0]
            if "w" in area:
        if rank == 0:
            print("Filtered list does not exist!")
        total_field_pool = fields

    field_pool = tool_box.allot(total_field_pool, cpus)[rank]

    field_pool = tool_box.allot(fields, cpus)[rank]

absnr1 = []
absnr2 = []
empty_chip = []
snr_expos = []
for field in field_pool:
    expos = list(cfht_dict[field].keys())
    for expo in expos:
        chip_num = 0
        expo_path = field_path + "%s/%s/" % (field, expo)
        sex_npz_path = field_path + "%s/%s_sex.npz" % (field, expo)
        if jobs == "stack":
Esempio n. 8
import tool_box
from subprocess import Popen
from mpi4py import MPI
import time

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

ts = time.time()

data_path = "/mw/w1234/original/"
nm_path = data_path + "nname.dat"
fields = tool_box.field_dict(nm_path)[1]

missions = tool_box.allot(fields, cpus)[rank]

store_path = "/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/hkli/CFHT/catalog/"

for dirs in ["result", "result_int", "result_ext"]:
    for field in missions:
            cmd = "scp -r /mw/w1234/original/%s/%s/ " \
                  "[email protected]:/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/hkli/CFHT/catalog/%s/"\
                  %(field, dirs, field)
            # print(cmd)
            a = Popen(cmd, shell=True)
            print("FAILED %s" % field)
Esempio n. 9
    filter_names = ["sex2_4", "sex4_4",
                    "sex2_2", "sex4_2",
                    "sex2_1.5", "sex4_1.5"]
    gauss_filters = ["gauss_2.0_5x5", "gauss_4.0_7x7",
                     "gauss_2.0_5x5", "gauss_4.0_7x7",
                     "gauss_2.0_5x5", "gauss_4.0_7x7"]

    if sex_filter not in filter_names:
        print("%s not found in "%sex_filter, filter_names)
        raise KeyError

    total_fits_path = [total_path + "/%d/gal_chip_%04d.fits" % (i, j) for i in range(shear_num) for j in
    total_cat_paths = [total_path + "/result/sex_cat/%s/cat/" % (sex_filter, i, j)
                       for i in range(shear_num) for j in range(chip_num)]
    allot_fits_path = tool_box.allot(total_fits_path, cpus)[rank]
    allot_cat_path = tool_box.allot(total_cat_paths, cpus)[rank]

    if rank == 0:
        with open("./default.sex_ori", "r") as f:
            contents = f.readlines()
        sig_level = float(sex_filter.split("_")[1])*noise_sig
        contents[16] = "DETECT_THRESH    %.2f          # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2\n"%sig_level
        contents[18] = "ANALYSIS_THRESH  %.2f          # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2\n"%sig_level
        contents[23] = "FILTER_NAME      %s.conv   # name of the file containing the filter\n"%gauss_filters[filter_names.index(sex_filter)]
        with open("./", "w") as f:

        cat_path = total_path + "/result/sex_cat/%s/cat/"%sex_filter
Esempio n. 10
# log_path = "/home/hkli/work/test/log/log_%d.dat"%rank

cata_path = "/mnt/perc/hklee/CFHT/catalog/cfht_cata/"
log_path = "/home/hklee/work/test/log/log_%d.dat" % rank

logger = tool_box.get_logger(log_path)

t1 = time.time()

if rank == 0:
    cata_name_src = []
    names_src = os.listdir(cata_path + "field_dat/")
    for nms in names_src:
        if "w" in nms and ".dat" in nms and "_new" not in nms and "-pz" not in nms:
    name_src_list = tool_box.allot(cata_name_src, cpus)
        rank, "Before, I got %d files in %d sub-lists" %
        (len(cata_name_src), len(name_src_list)))

    name_src_list = None

sub_src_list = comm.scatter(name_src_list, root=0)

print(rank, "I got %d files" % len(sub_src_list))

# data is the catalog contains additional parameters, "###.tsv"
# read all data from each area
for i in range(1, 5):
    h5f = h5py.File(cata_path + "CFHT_W%d.hdf5" % i, "r")
Esempio n. 11
        nbytes_data = 0
        nbytes = 0

    win1 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nbytes, itemsize, comm=comm)
    win2 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nbytes, itemsize, comm=comm)
    win3 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nbytes_data, itemsize, comm=comm)

    buf1, itemsize = win1.Shared_query(0)
    buf2, itemsize = win2.Shared_query(0)
    buf3, itemsize = win3.Shared_query(0)

    result_1 = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf1, dtype='d', shape=(len(ch_num), shear_num*2 + 2)) # g1
    result_2 = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf2, dtype='d', shape=(len(ch_num), shear_num*2 + 2)) # g2
    total_data_buf = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf3, dtype='d', shape=(shear_num*gal_each_shear, 5)) # g2

    my_task = tool_box.allot([i for i in range(shear_num)], cpus)[rank]
    print("Rank: %d. "%rank, my_task)
    fq = Fourier_Quad(12,11)
    for ig in my_task:
        data_path = parent_path + "shear_%d.hdf5"%ig
        h5f = h5py.File(data_path,"r")
        data = h5f["/data"].value

        mg1 = data[:,0]
        mg2 = data[:,1]
        mnu1 = data[:,2] + data[:,3]
        mnu2 = data[:,2] - data[:,3]
        total_data_buf[ig*gal_each_shear:(ig+1)*gal_each_shear] = data
        for i in range(len(ch_num)):
            gh1, gh1_sig = fq.fmin_g_new(g=mg1[:ch_num[i]], nu=mnu1[:ch_num[i]], bin_num=8, scale=100)[:2]
Esempio n. 12
    mnu1 = mnu1[idx]
    mnu2 = mnu2[idx]

    itemsize = MPI.DOUBLE.Get_size()
    if rank == 0:
        # bytes for 10 double elements
        nbytes = fg2_bin_num * 4 * itemsize
        nbytes = 0

    win1 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nbytes, itemsize, comm=comm)
    buf1, itemsize = win1.Shared_query(0)
    result = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf1, dtype='d', shape=(4, fg2_bin_num))

    my_g1 = tool_box.allot([i for i in range(fg1_bin_num)], cpus)[rank]
    for i in my_g1:
        idx_1 = fg1 >= fg1_bin[i]
        idx_2 = fg1 < fg1_bin[i + 1]
        idx_t = idx_1 & idx_2
        g1, g1_sig = fq.fmin_g_new(mg1[idx_t], mnu1[idx_t], 8, fit_num=20)[:2]
        result[0, i] = g1
        result[1, i] = g1_sig

    my_g2 = tool_box.allot([i for i in range(fg2_bin_num)], cpus)[rank]
    for i in range(fg2_bin_num):
        idx_1 = fg2 >= fg2_bin[i]
        idx_2 = fg2 < fg2_bin[i + 1]
        idx_t = idx_1 & idx_2
        g2, g2_sig = fq.fmin_g_new(mg2[idx_t], mnu2[idx_t], 8, fit_num=20)[:2]
        result[2, i] = g2
Esempio n. 13
    block_boundx = grid_h5f["/background/w_%d/block_boundx" % area_id].value

    dec_bin = grid_h5f["/background/w_%d/DEC_bin" % area_id].value
    ra_bin = grid_h5f["/background/w_%d/RA_bin" % area_id].value

    grid_shape = grid_h5f["/background/w_%d" % area_id].attrs["grid_shape"]
    grid_ny = grid_shape[0]
    grid_nx = grid_shape[1]
    grid_num = grid_ny * grid_nx
    tasks = [i for i in range(grid_num)]
    if rank == 0:
        print("Area: %d, grid: %d (%d, %d)" %
              (area_id, grid_num, grid_ny, grid_nx))"Area: %d, grid: %d (%d, %d)" %
                    (area_id, grid_num, grid_ny, grid_nx))
    my_grids = tool_box.allot(tasks, cpus)[rank]

    # check col by col
    for i in range(10):
        # the original data and the grid data
        pre_datas = pre_h5f[pre_set_names[i]].value
        grid_datas = grid_h5f[grid_set_names[i]].value"Area: %d, %s" % (area_id, data_name[i]))

        for ig in my_grids:
            row, col = divmod(ig, grid_nx)
            block_s_id = block_start[ig, 0]
            block_e_id = block_end[ig, 0]

            grod_data_i = grid_datas[block_s_id:block_e_id]
Esempio n. 14

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

with open("/home/hkli/work/envs/envs.dat", "r") as f:
    contents = f.readlines()
for path in contents:
    if "cfht_data_path" in path:
        data_path = path.split("=")[1]
    elif "cfht_field_path" in path:
        field_path = path.split("=")[1]

cfht_dict, fields = tool_box.field_dict(data_path + "nname.dat")
field_pool = tool_box.allot(fields, cpus)

for field in field_pool[rank]:
    expos = list(cfht_dict[field].keys())
    f_path = field_path + field + "/"
    for expo in expos:
        i = 0
        for chip in cfht_dict[field][expo]:
            dat_path = data_path + "%s/result/%s_shear.dat" % (field, chip)
                temp = numpy.loadtxt(dat_path, skiprows=1)
                if i == 0:
                    data = temp
                    data = numpy.row_stack((data, temp))
                i += 1
    pre_fields = tool_box.field_dict(cfht_cata_path + "nname.dat")[1]

    # loop the areas,
    # the catalog of each area will be stored in "w_i"
    num = []
    for area_id in range(1, area_num + 1):
        # distribution the files
        field_tar = []
        for field in pre_fields:
            if "w%d" % area_id in field:

        # if fields are more than the threads,
        # some thread will get an empty "field_pool"
        field_pool = tool_box.allot(field_tar, cpus)[rank]

        # check
        anothers = ["w%d" % i for i in range(1, area_num + 1) if i != area_id]
        for field_name in field_pool:
            for ext_field in anothers:
                if ext_field in field_name:
                    print("WRONG", rank, area_id, field_name)

        field_count = 0

        for field_name in field_pool:
            # c_data_path = cfht_cata_path + "field_dat/%s_new.dat"%field_name
            c_data_path = cfht_cata_path + "field_dat/%s.hdf5" % field_name
            pz_data_path = cfht_cata_path + "field_dat/%s-pz.dat" % field_name
Esempio n. 16
from mpi4py import MPI
from sys import path, argv

import tool_box

rank = comm.Get_rank()
numprocs = comm.Get_size()

shear_num = 11
n, m = divmod(shear_num, numprocs)
tasks = [i for i in range(shear_num)]

my_task = tool_box.allot(tasks, numprocs)[rank]

print(rank, my_task)

sub_num = 300000
total_data = numpy.zeros((sub_num * 4, 4))
entry = [(0, sub_num), (sub_num, 2 * sub_num), (2 * sub_num, 3 * sub_num),
         (3 * sub_num, 4 * sub_num)]

parent_path = argv[1]

for ig in my_task:
    for i in range(len(entry)):
        data_path = parent_path + "/data_rotation_%d/data_%d_noisy.hdf5" % (i,
        h5f = h5py.File(data_path, "r")
Esempio n. 17
chisq = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf1, dtype='d', shape=(ny,nx)) # array filled with zero
chisq_new = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf2, dtype='d', shape=(ny,nx)) # array filled with zero


mg_bins = fq.set_bin(mg1, bin_num, 10)
mg_bins_test = fq.set_bin(mg1, bin_num_test, 10)

num_ini = numpy.histogram(mg1, mg_bins)[0]
n1 = num_ini[0:bin_num2][inverse]
n2 = num_ini[bin_num2:]
num_exp = (n1 + n2) / 2

task_list = [i for i in range(nx*ny)]
sub_task = tool_box.allot(task_list, cpus)[rank]

for i in sub_task:
    m, n = divmod(i, nx)
    gh = a1_range[n] + a2_range[m]*x
    # y(a2)-axis, x(a1)-axis
    chisq[m,n] = fq.get_chisq(mg1, mnu1, gh, mg_bins, bin_num2,inverse, 0)
    chisq_new[m,n] = fq.get_chisq_new(mg1, mnu1, gh, mg_bins, bin_num2, inverse, 0, num_exp)


if rank == 0:
    numpy.savez(cache_nm, chisq, chisq_new)

    img = Image_Plot(fig_x=12, fig_y=9)
    img.subplots(1, 1)
Esempio n. 18
# collect: collect the data from the files of each field. It creates the "fourier_cata.hdf5" in
#           the parent directory of the one contain the field catalog.
#           If the catalog file doesn't exist, run it firstly !!!.
#           It will add the redshift parameters from CFHT catalog into the finial catalog.

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()

data_path = "/mnt/perc/hklee/CFHT/catalog/fourier_cata_new/"
raw_cata_path = data_path + "raw_cata_new/"

dicts, fields = tool_box.field_dict(data_path + "nname.dat")

my_field = tool_box.allot(fields, cpus)[rank]

chip_num = 36

for field_nm in my_field:
    field_path = raw_cata_path + "%s/"%field_nm
    files = os.listdir(field_path)

    chip_exps = []
    for nm in files:
        if ".dat" in nm:
            exp_nm = nm.split("p")[0]
            if exp_nm not in chip_exps:
Esempio n. 19
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cmd = argv[1]

rank = comm.Get_rank()
cpus = comm.Get_size()
# cpus = 1
# rank = 0
log_path = "./log_%d.dat" % rank
logger = tool_box.get_logger(log_path)

nm_path = "/mw/w1234/original/nname.dat"
all_expos, all_fields = tool_box.field_dict(nm_path)

fields = tool_box.allot(all_fields, cpus)[rank]

chip_data_path = "/mw/w1234/original/"
result_path = "/lmc/cfht/para_fit/"

my, mx = numpy.mgrid[0:4644, 0:2112]
myf = my.flatten()
mxf = mx.flatten()
tags = numpy.arange(0, len(myf))
if cmd == "files":
    if rank == 0:
        for field_name in all_fields:
            pic_field_path = result_path + "pic/" + '%s/' % field_name
            if not os.path.exists(pic_field_path):
            data_field_path = result_path + "data/" + '%s/' % field_name
Esempio n. 20
para_contents = [["para", "total_num", 1], ["para", "stamp_size", 1],
                 ["para", "stamp_col", 1], ["para", "shear_num", 1],
                 ["para", "noise_sig", 1], ["para", "pixel_scale", 1]]
para_items = tool_box.config(para_path + "para.ini",
                             ['get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get', 'get'],

total_chip_num = int(para_items[0])
stamp_size = int(para_items[1])
columns = int(para_items[2])
shear_num = int(para_items[3])
stamp_num = 10000

psf_path = total_path + "psf.fits"

chip_labels = tool_box.allot([i for i in range(total_chip_num)], cpus)[rank]
chip_num = len(chip_labels)

fq = Fourier_Quad(stamp_size, 123)
psf_img = galsim.Image([0].data)
log_informs = "RANK: %d, SOURCE: %s, TOTAL CHIPS: %d, MY CHIPS: %d (%d ~ %d)" % (
    rank, source, total_chip_num, chip_num, chip_labels[0], chip_labels[-1])
ts = time.time()
for i in range(shear_num):
    R_factor = numpy.zeros((chip_num * stamp_num, 1))
    for tag, j in enumerate(chip_labels):
        log_informs = "%02d/gal_chip_%04d.fits start" % (i, j)
        t1 = time.time()
        chip_path = total_path + "%d/gal_chip_%04d.fits" % (i, j)
H_0 = 100 * h
coeff = 1000 * C_0_hat

# total point number
total_z = 2000001
dz = 5
z_min = 0
z_max = z_min + (total_z - 1) * dz / 1000000.
# redshift array
redshift = numpy.zeros((total_z, ))
for i in range(total_z):
    redshift[i] = z_min + i * dz / 1000000.

# task distribution
total_task = numpy.arange(0, total_z)
my_task = tool_box.allot(total_task, cpus)[rank]

# shared buffer
itemsize = MPI.DOUBLE.Get_size()
if rank == 0:
    nbytes = total_z * itemsize * 3
    nbytes = 0

win1 = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared(nbytes, itemsize, comm=comm)
buf1, itemsize = win1.Shared_query(0)
# comoving distance (Mpc/h), integrate part of co-distance
# angular diameter distance (Mpc/h) & the integrate part
data_buf = numpy.ndarray(buffer=buf1, dtype='d', shape=(total_z, 3))