Esempio n. 1
 def user_display(self):
     living = toolbox.get_string('What would you like your living cell to be?')
     dead = toolbox.get_string('What would you like your dead cell to be?')
     Cell.set_display_user_values(living, dead)
     print(f"You now have a choice of a '{living}' as a living cell and a dead cell as '{dead}'.")
Esempio n. 2
 def change_graphics(self, whichCharacters):
     Changes the alive and dead cells to characters of the users choice
     :param whichCharacters: the characters that the user wants to change the alive and dead cells to.
     if toolbox.is_integer(whichCharacters) and \
             1 <= int(whichCharacters) <= len(Cell.displaySets.keys()):
         whichCharacters = int(whichCharacters)
         for number, set in enumerate(Cell.displaySets):
             liveChar = Cell.displaySets[set]['liveChar']
             deadChar = Cell.displaySets[set]['deadChar']
             print(f'{number + 1}: living cells: {liveChar} dead cells: {deadChar}')
         print(f'{number + 2}: pick your own characters')
         prompt = 'What character set would you like to use?'
         whichCharacters = toolbox.get_integer_between(1, number + 2, prompt)
         if whichCharacters == number + 2:
             alive = toolbox.get_string('Which character should represent alive cells?')
             dead = toolbox.get_string('Which character should represent dead cells?')
             Cell.set_display_user_values(alive, dead)
     setString = list(Cell.displaySets.keys())[whichCharacters - 1]
Esempio n. 3
 def change_rules(self, whichNumbers):
     Changes the rules of life, from how many neighbors it takes for a cell to remain alive or become alive
     :param whichNumbers:
     if whichNumbers:
         if toolbox.is_integer(whichNumbers) and \
                 1 <= int(whichNumbers) <= len(Rules.ruleSets.keys()):
             whichNumbers = int(whichNumbers)
         for number, set in enumerate(Rules.ruleSets):
             stayAlive = Rules.ruleSets[set]['stayAlive']
             stayAlive1 = stayAlive[0]
             stayAlive2 = stayAlive[1]
             becomeAlive = Rules.ruleSets[set]['becomeAlive']
             string = f'{number + 1}: Neighbors needed for cell to stay alive: {stayAlive1}, {stayAlive2}     '
             string += f'Neighbors needed for cell to become alive: {becomeAlive}'
         print(f'{number + 2}: pick your own characters')
         prompt = 'What character set would you like to use?'
         whichNumbers = toolbox.get_integer_between(1, number + 2, prompt)
         if whichNumbers == number + 2:
             string = 'You can pick 2 number amounts of neighbors so that an  alive cell stays alive. '
             string += '\nFor example, typing "23" makes it so if a cell has 2 or 3 neighbors, it stays alive. '
             string += '\nHow many neighbors do you want? Please type a 2 digit number: '
             stay = toolbox.get_string(string)
             become = toolbox.get_string('Which number of neighbors would you like to change a cell from dead to alive? (One digit number)  ')
             Rules.set_rules_user_values(stay, become)
     setString = list(Rules.ruleSets.keys())[whichNumbers - 1]
Esempio n. 4
 def guess(self):
     letter = toolbox.get_string('What is your letter guess?')
     while len(letter) != 1:
         print('Your guess has to be one character.')
         letter = toolbox.get_string('What is your letter guess?')
         while letter in [
                 '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '8', '9', '0'
             print('Your guess has to be a letter.')
             letter = toolbox.get_string('What is your letter guess?')
             while letter in game.get_lettersGuesses():
                 print('You have already guessed that.')
                 letter = toolbox.get_string('What is your letter guess?')
     return letter
Esempio n. 5
 def load(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     loads a file that user already haves and makes it the current world
     :param filename: name the user calls the world
     :param myPath: location of file it comes from
     allFiles = os.listdir(myPath)
     if filename == None:
         print("Here are your options to load:\n")
         for file in allFiles:
         filename = toolbox.get_string("Which file do you want to load? ")
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename += '.life'
     if filename not in allFiles:
         print('404: File not found...')
         if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
             filename = myPath + filename
         print(f"...loading {filename}...")
         self.__world = self.__worldType.from_file(filename, self.__worldType)
Esempio n. 6
 def open(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     open a text file and use it to populate a new world.
     :param filename: name of the file, may be None at this point.
     :param myPath: Where the file is located.
     :return: None
     if filename == None:
         filename = toolbox.get_string('Which file do you wanna open?')
     # Check for and add the correct file extension.
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename = filename + '.life'
     allFiles = os.listdir(myPath)
     if filename not in allFiles:
             '404: File not found...thanks for breaking the program, idiot.'
         # Add on the correct path for saving files if the user didn't
         # include it in the filename.
         if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
             filename = myPath + filename
         self.__world = World.from_file(filename)
Esempio n. 7
def main():
    print('---Blackjack 0.5---\n')
    table = Table(doubleOn=[9, 10, 11])
    dealer = Dealer('Dealer', 1000000)
    # Deck Stacking:
    dealer._shoe.append(Card('ace', 'spades'))
    dealer._shoe.append(Card('ace', 'hearts'))
    numberOfPlayers = get_integer_between(1, 7, 'How many players?')
    for number in range(1, numberOfPlayers + 1):
        name = get_string(f"What is player {number}'s name?")
        player = HumanPlayer(name, 100)
    while table.has_players():
    print('\n---There are no more players. Game Over.---')
Esempio n. 8
 def save(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     saves the file to a name and location which user chooses
     :param filename: name the user wants the world to be called
     :param myPath: location of file it will save to
     :return: string telling user it was saved
     allFiles = os.listdir(myPath)
     if filename == None:
         filename = toolbox.get_string("What would you like to call the file? ")
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename += '.life'
     if not os.path.isdir(myPath):
     if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
         filename = myPath + filename
     if filename in allFiles:
         answer = toolbox.yes_or_no("Are you sure you want to save?")
         if answer:
             print(f'Saved {filename}')
             print(f"{filename} not saved")
         print(f'Saved {filename}')
Esempio n. 9
 def get_filename_for_saving(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     Make sure that the filename exists, that it has the right extension and that it goes into the
     correct directory.
     :param filename: name of the file, may be None at this point.
     :param myPath: Where the file should be saved.
     :return: The corrected filename with the path prepended.
     if filename == '':
         filename = get_string('What do you want to call the file? ')
     # Make sure the file has the correct file extension.
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename = filename + '.life'
     # Check if the file already exists.
     if not path.isdir(myPath):
     if filename in listdir(myPath):
         prompt = f"A file named '{filename}' already exists! Do you want to replace it?"
         replaceFile = get_boolean(prompt)
         if not replaceFile:
             filename = self.get_filename_for_saving('')
     # Add on the correct path for saving files.
     if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
         filename = path.join(myPath, filename)
     return filename
Esempio n. 10
 def open(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     open a text file and use it to populate a new world.
     :param filename: name of the file, may be None at this point.
     :param myPath: Where the file is located.
     :return: None
     if filename == None:
         filename = toolbox.get_string('Which file do you want to open?')
     # Check for and add the correct file extension.
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename = filename + '.life'
     allFiles = os.listdir(myPath)
     if filename not in allFiles:
         print('404: File not found...')
         for filenames in allFiles:
         print('Try one of these next time.')
         # Add on the correct path for saving files if the user didn't
         # include it in the filename.
         if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
             filename = myPath + filename
         self.__world = World.from_file(filename)
         print(self.__world, end='')
         print(f'You now opened {filename} world.')
     print(self.status() + '\n' +, end=' ')
Esempio n. 11
 def save(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     Save the current generation of the current world as a text file.
     :param filename: name of the file, may be None at this point.
     :param myPath: Where the file should be saved.
     :return: None
     if filename == None:
         filename = toolbox.get_string('What do you wanna call the file? ')
     # Make sure the file has the correct file extension.
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename = filename + '.life'
     # if the path doesn't already exist, create it.
     if not os.path.isdir(myPath):
     # Add on the correct path for saving files if the user didn't
     # include it in the filename.
     if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
         filename = myPath + filename
Esempio n. 12
 def get_filename_for_opening(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     """Make sure the filename has the right extension, goes in the right directory and, if no name is given, provides a list of worlds."""
     # Find the files that are available.
     filesAvailable = False
     files = os.listdir(myPath)
     availableFiles = 'Available files: '
     for file in files:
         splitFile = file.split('.')
         if splitFile[-1] == 'life':
             availableFiles += splitFile[0] + ', '
             filesAvailable = True
     availableFiles = availableFiles[:-2]
     if filesAvailable:
         # Make sure the file has the correct file extension.
         if filename[-5:] != '.life':
             filename = filename + '.life'
             while filename not in files:
                 filename = get_string('Which file do you want to open?')
                 if filename[-5:] != '.life':
                     filename = filename + '.life'
                 if filename not in files:
                     print('404: File not found...')
             # Add on the correct path for saving files.
             if filename[0:9] != myPath:
                 filename = os.path.join(myPath, filename)
         filename = ''
     return filename
Esempio n. 13
 def get_filename_for_saving(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     """Make sure that the filename exists, that it has the right extension and that it goes into the correct directory."""
     if filename == '':
         filename = get_string('What do you want to call the file? ')
     # Make sure the file has the correct file extension.
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename = filename + '.life'
     # Check if the file already exists.
     if not os.path.isdir(myPath):
     if filename in os.listdir(myPath):
         prompt = f"A file named '{filename}' already exists! Do you want to replace it?"
         replaceFile = get_boolean(prompt)
         if replaceFile == False:
             filename = self.get_filename_for_saving('')
     # Add on the correct path for saving files.
     if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
         filename = os.path.join(myPath, filename)
     return filename
Esempio n. 14
 def from_library(self, filename, myPath='./'):
     allFiles = os.listdir(myPath)
     if filename not in allFiles:
         for file in allFiles:
     if filename == None:
         filename = toolbox.get_string('Which world do you wanna use?')
     if filename[-5:] != '.life':
         filename = filename + '.life'
         if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
             filename = myPath + filename
         self.__world = World.from_file(filename)
Esempio n. 15
    def play(self, hand, dealerShowing):
        Returns the player's action for this hand. The dealer calls this method
        repeatedly for each of the player's hands until all hands are completed.
        allPlays = {
            's': '[S]tand',
            'h': '[H]it',
            'd': '[D]ouble down',
            'p': 's[P]lit',
            'u': 's[U]rrender'
        # Some plays will not be legal for a given hand. Remove those choices.
        if not hand.can_hit():
            del allPlays['h']
        if not hand.can_split() or (self._chips <
            del allPlays['p']
        if not hand.can_double() or (self._chips == 0):
            del allPlays['d']
        if hand.isStanding or hand.isBusted:
            del allPlays['s']
            del allPlays['u']

        assert len(
        ) > 0, " shouldn't be called if there are no legal plays."

        validPlays = allPlays.keys()
        print(f'\n{} has {hand}.')
        print(f'The dealer has a {dealerShowing} showing.')
        validMenu = f'{} can: ' + '   '.join(allPlays.values())

        choice = 'getInMyWhileLoop'
        while choice not in validPlays:
            choice = get_string(validMenu).lower()
        # If the player doubles down, they can say by how much.
        additionalBet = None
        if choice == 'd':
            maxBet =
            if self._chips < maxBet:
                maxBet = self._chips
            prompt = f'{self.player}, how much do you want to bet? [max = ${maxBet:0.2f}]'
            additionalBet = get_number_between(0, maxBet, prompt)

        return choice, additionalBet
Esempio n. 16
    def save(self, filename, myPath='./'):
        Save the current generation of the current world as a text file.
        :param filename: name of the file, may be None at this point.
        :param myPath: Where the file should be saved.
        :return: None
        replace = False
        if filename == None:
            filename = toolbox.get_string(
                'What do you want to call the file? ')

        # Make sure the file has the correct file extension.
        if filename[-5:] != '.life':
            filename = filename + '.life'
        allFiles = os.listdir(myPath)

        if filename in allFiles:
            replace = toolbox.get_boolean(
                'There is already a file with this name. Would like to replace it?'

        if replace == True:

            # if the path doesn't already exist, create it.
            if not os.path.isdir(myPath):

            # Add on the correct path for saving files if the user didn't
            # include it in the filename.
            if filename[0:len(myPath)] != myPath:
                filename = myPath + filename
            print('You now saved this world.')
            print("Okay I won't save it.")
            print(self.__world, end='')
        print(self.status() + '\n' +, end=' ')
Esempio n. 17
 def name_file(self, filename):
     Name file based on user input
     :param filename: what the user would like as filename
     :return: filename
     if filename == None:
         filename = toolbox.get_string(
             'What do you want to call the file? ')
         if filename[-5:] != '.life':
             filename = filename + '.life'
         if filename in self.__worldFiles:
             replace = toolbox.get_boolean(
                 'There is already with this file. Would you like to replace it with current world? '
             if replace == False:
     return filename