Esempio n. 1
def greedySolve(NodesA, NodesB, Edges, verbose = False):
    mtx = np.zeros((NodesA, NodesB))
    for j in range(NodesA):
        mtx[j, 0] = 1.0
    for j in range(1, NodesB):
        mtx[0, j] = 1.0
    mtx[1,1] = 1.0

    EdgesLeft = (int)(round(Edges - NodesA - (NodesB - 1) -1))
    [MT, Fill, deg_min, neg_delta, sums] = tb.init_nodf(mtx)
    nproc = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    for i in tqdm(range(EdgesLeft)):
        potentialPositions = mtxSearch3(mtx)
        myarg = [mtx, MT, Fill, deg_min, neg_delta, sums, potentialPositions]
        res_list = test_multiplePositions(myarg)
        opt_nodf = -100
        opt_pos = [-1, -1]
        for pos, nodf in res_list:
            if(nodf > opt_nodf):
                opt_pos = pos
                opt_nodf = nodf
            elif(nodf == opt_nodf):
                score_old = (opt_pos[0] / NodesA) + (opt_pos[1] / NodesB)
                score_new = (pos[0] / NodesA) + (pos[1] / NodesB)
                if(score_new < score_old):
                    opt_pos = pos
                    opt_nodf = nodf
        #print("--->" + str(opt_pos + 1))

        a, sums = tb.nodf_one_link_added(mtx, MT, Fill, deg_min, neg_delta, sums, opt_pos)
    return mtx
Esempio n. 2
def greedySolveAdaptive(NodesA, NodesB, Edges, R = 2, verbose = False):
    Steplimit = max(NodesA, NodesB)
    mtx = np.zeros((NodesA, NodesB))
    for j in range(NodesA):
        mtx[j, 0] = 1.0
    for j in range(1, NodesB):
        mtx[0, j] = 1.0
    mtx[1,1] = 1.0

    EdgesLeft = (int)(round(Edges - NodesA - NodesB))
    [MT, Fill, deg_min, neg_delta, sums] = tb.init_nodf(mtx)
    old_nodf = -100.0
    for i in tqdm(range(EdgesLeft)):
        potentialPositions = mtxSearch3(mtx)
        newNODFList = []
        opt_nodf = -100
        opt_pos = [-1, -1]
        for pos in potentialPositions:
            nodf = tb.test_nodf_one_link_added(mtx, MT, Fill, deg_min, neg_delta,sums, pos)
            # print(pos[0] + 1, pos[1] + 1, nodf)
            if(nodf> opt_nodf):
                opt_pos = pos
                opt_nodf = nodf
            elif(nodf == opt_nodf):
                score_old = ((opt_pos[0] / NodesA)**2) + ((opt_pos[1] / NodesB)**2)
                score_new = ((pos[0] / NodesA)**2) + ((pos[1] / NodesB)**2)
                if(score_new < score_old):
                    opt_pos = pos
                    opt_nodf = nodf
        nodf, sums = tb.nodf_one_link_added(mtx, MT, Fill, deg_min, neg_delta, sums,opt_pos)

    return mtx
Esempio n. 3
def hill_climb_test_positions(mtx, posSwapList):
    MT, F, DM, ND, S = tb.init_nodf(mtx)
    opt_mtx = np.copy(mtx)
    opt_nodf = tb.nodf(mtx)
    for oPos, zPos in posSwapList:
        n1, S = tb.nodf_one_link_removed(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, oPos)
        n1, S = tb.nodf_one_link_added(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, zPos)
        if (n1 > opt_nodf):
            # Update the optimal matrix and params
            opt_mtx = np.copy(mtx)
            opt_nodf = n1
        n1, S = tb.nodf_one_link_removed(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, zPos)
        a, S = tb.nodf_one_link_added(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, oPos)
    return opt_mtx, opt_nodf
Esempio n. 4
def sim_anneal_step(mtx, temp, iters):
    One step of the simmulated annealing algorithm.
    Supply a initial solution and nodf meta-data.
    Output will be the optimal matrix found in this process
    along with it's cost
    # Do the reqired dice rolls for this algorithm vectorised and in advance:
    decision = np.random.rand(iters)
    MT, F, DM, ND, S = tb.init_nodf(mtx)

    opt_mtx = np.copy(mtx)
    opt_cost = cost(tb.nodf(mtx))
    old_cost = opt_cost
    ones = tb.get_valid_ones(mtx)
    zeros = tb.get_promising_zeros(mtx)
    opt_time = -1
    for i in range(iters):
        o_idx = np.random.randint(len(ones))
        z_idx = np.random.randint(len(zeros))

        o_pos = ones[o_idx]
        z_pos = zeros[z_idx]
        # compute the new
        new_nodf, S = neighbor_nodf(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, o_pos, z_pos)
        new_cost = cost(new_nodf)
        if(new_cost < opt_cost):
            opt_cost = new_cost
            opt_mtx = np.copy(mtx)
            opt_time = i
        acc_prob = tb.acceptProb(old_cost, new_cost, temp)
        if(decision[i] <= acc_prob):
            # accept the new solution by not changing it back
            old_cost = new_cost
            # modify the zero and ones list accordingly:
            # ones = tb.get_valid_ones(mtx)
            ones = tb.get_valid_ones(mtx)
            zeros[z_idx] = o_pos
            # reject the new solution by reverting back
            a, S = neighbor_nodf(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, z_pos, o_pos)
            # old_cost will not be updated!
    return [opt_mtx, opt_cost, S]
Esempio n. 5
def greedy_remove_link(mtx):
    Removes a link to maximize the nodf metric.
    Return: The new nodf metric and if the matrix has changed
            return opt_mtx
    print("Greedy remove link")
    NodesA, NodesB = mtx.shape
    opt_mtx = np.zeros((NodesA, NodesB))
    opt_nodf = -100.0
    oList = tb.get_valid_ones(mtx)
    MT, F, DM, ND, S = tb.init_nodf(mtx)  # Highly optimised but awkward
    for pos in oList:
        # Compute new NODF
        new_nodf, S = tb.nodf_one_link_removed(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, pos)
        if (new_nodf > opt_nodf):
            opt_mtx = np.copy(mtx)
            opt_nodf = new_nodf
        x, S = tb.nodf_one_link_added(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, pos)
    return opt_mtx
Esempio n. 6
def greedy_gen(params):
    Generate an initial graph with the intention of using it later in a
    more sophisticated algorithm like simmulated annealing or a genetic
    algorithm. This function is not deterministic. It rather tests all
    potential positions for a new entry and then adds one using the nodf
    values to create a probability distribution.
    NodesA, NodesB, Edges = params
    #Initial fill
    mtx = np.zeros((NodesA, NodesB))
    mtx[0,:] = 1.0
    mtx[:,0] = 1.0
    mtx[1,1] = 1.0
    edges_left = Edges - NodesA - NodesB

    MT, F, DM, ND, S = tb.init_nodf(mtx)
    for i in range(edges_left):
        #greedy add a link
        greedyAddLink(mtx, MT, F, DM, ND, S, edges_left - i)
    return mtx