def SetReleaseInformation(notesSession, sTemplateCompletePath, sName, sVersion, sBuildNumber, sBuildDate): try: myLog("Adding release information to template %s (%s.%s - %s)" % (sTemplateCompletePath, sVersion, sBuildNumber, sBuildDate)) cnvDate = datetime.strptime(sBuildDate.strip(), "%Y%m%d") TheDate = notesSession.CreateDateTime(cnvDate.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")) targetDb = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sTemplateCompletePath) targetView = targetDb.GetView("$Design") if targetView is None: print "$Design not found" else: targetDesignDoc = targetView.GetDocumentByKey( "$TemplateBuild", True) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue( "$TemplateBuild", (sVersion + "." + sBuildNumber).split()) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$move4ideasSoftware", sName) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$move4ideasBuild", sBuildNumber) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$move4ideasVersion", sVersion) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$TemplateBuildDate", TheDate.DateOnly) targetDesignDoc.Save(0, 0) except pythoncom.com_error as error: print(error) print(vars(error)) print(error.args)
def ods2nxf(sDesigner, sFrom, sTo): # Make tmp command file bResult = True; prjFile = os.path.join(sFrom, ".project") path2Result, resultName= os.path.split(sTo) path2designer, desName = os.path.split(sDesigner) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False) as commandFile: # commandFile.write('config,true,true\n') # Stop on error / Exit on error # commandFile.write('importandbuild,%s,%s\n' % (prjFile,sTo) ) # commandFile.write('clean\n') # commandFile.write('exit\n') # commandFile.flush() # # sInvoke = "%s -RPARAMS -vmargs" % (sDesigner, sInvoke = "%s -RPARAMS -vmargs,true,%s,importandbuild,%s,%s" % (sDesigner,resultName,prjFile,resultName) myLog("Invoking %s" % sInvoke) while isDesignerRunning(): time.sleep(1) myLog("End of designer build process") # Check result for line in open("HEADLESS0.log"): if "job error" in line: print line bResult = False; if (bResult == True): sTempResult ="%s/Data/%s" % (path2designer,resultName) os.rename(sTempResult, sTo) else: os.remove(sTempResult) return bResult
def SetReleaseInformation(notesSession, sTemplateCompletePath, sName, sVersion, sBuildNumber, sBuildDate): try: myLog("Adding release information to template %s (%s.%s - %s)" % (sTemplateCompletePath, sVersion, sBuildNumber, sBuildDate)) cnvDate = datetime.strptime(sBuildDate.strip(),"%Y%m%d") TheDate = notesSession.CreateDateTime(cnvDate.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")) targetDb = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sTemplateCompletePath) targetView = targetDb.GetView("$Design") if targetView is None: print "$Design not found" else: targetDesignDoc = targetView.GetDocumentByKey("$TemplateBuild",True) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$TemplateBuild",(sVersion + "." + sBuildNumber).split()) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$move4ideasSoftware",sName) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$move4ideasBuild",sBuildNumber) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$move4ideasVersion",sVersion) targetDesignDoc.ReplaceItemValue("$TemplateBuildDate",TheDate.DateOnly) targetDesignDoc.Save(0,0) except pythoncom.com_error as error: print (error) print (vars(error)) print (error.args)
def TagDirectory(notesSession, sDirectory, sName,sVersion,sBuild,sDate): myLog("Tagging %s directory" % sDirectory) # Get NTF/NSF list from directory included_ext = ['ntf'] ; fileLst = [ fn for fn in listdir(sDirectory) if any([fn.endswith(ext) for ext in included_ext])]; for notesFile in fileLst: SetReleaseInformation(notesSession, sDirectory+"\\"+notesFile, sName, sVersion, sBuild, sDate)
def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111 global notesapi if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: # Setup argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(description="", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="name", action="store", help="NSF/NTF to clean up]") parser.add_argument("-f", "--fulldir", dest="directory", action="store", help="path to compile]") parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest="user", action="store", help="user id short filename (relative to Notes/Data)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", help="set verbosity level [default: %(default)s]") # Process arguments args = parser.parse_args() SetVerbosity(args.verbose) myLog("Args are %s " % args) if (args.user is not None): SwitchUser(args.user) notesSession = SetupNotesClient(args.verbose) notesapi.NotesInitExtended(sys.argv) if not ( is None): result = CleanDatabase(notesSession, elif (not is None): result = CleanDirectory(notesSession, else: print "No input specified" notesapi.NotesTerm myLog("Returning %d " % result) return 0 if (result == True) else 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: ### handle keyboard interrupt ### return 0 except Exception, e: print 'Error on line {}\n'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print ("Error: %s.\n" % str(e)) if DEBUG or TESTRUN: raise(e) indent = len(program_name) * " " sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help") notesapi.NotesTerm return 2
def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111 if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: # Setup argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(description="", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-f", "--from", dest="src", action="store", help="From source On disk structure (full path)") parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="dst", action="store", help="To NSF/NTF result (full path)") parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest="user", action="store", help="user id short filename (relative to Notes/Data)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", help="set verbosity level [default: %(default)s]") # Process arguments args = parser.parse_args() SetVerbosity(args.verbose) myLog("Args are %s " % args) if isDesignerRunning(): print("Cannot run while notes is already running") return 2 if (args.user is not None): SwitchUser(args.user) designer = FindDesigner() if (designer is not None): path2designer, desName = os.path.split(designer) EnableHeadlessDesigner(path2designer) result = ods2nxf(designer, args.src, args.dst) else: result = False; return 0 if (result == True) else 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: ### handle keyboard interrupt ### return 0 except Exception, e: print 'Error on line {}\n'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print ("Error: %s.\n" % str(e)) if DEBUG or TESTRUN: raise(e) indent = len(program_name) * " " sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help") notesapi.NotesTerm return 2
def CompileDirectory(notesSession, sDirectory): myLog("Compiling %s directory" % sDirectory) # Get NTF/NSF list from directory included_ext = ['ntf'] ; fileLst = [ fn for fn in listdir(sDirectory) if any([fn.endswith(ext) for ext in included_ext])]; for notesFile in fileLst: result = CompileDatabase(notesSession, sDirectory+"\\"+notesFile) if not result: break; return result
def TagDirectory(notesSession, sDirectory, sName, sVersion, sBuild, sDate): myLog("Tagging %s directory" % sDirectory) # Get NTF/NSF list from directory included_ext = ['ntf'] fileLst = [ fn for fn in listdir(sDirectory) if any([fn.endswith(ext) for ext in included_ext]) ] for notesFile in fileLst: SetReleaseInformation(notesSession, sDirectory + "\\" + notesFile, sName, sVersion, sBuild, sDate)
def CleanDirectory(notesSession, sDirectory): myLog( "Cleaning %s directory" % sDirectory) # Get NTF/NSF list from directory included_ext = ['ntf'] ; fileLst = [ fn for fn in listdir(sDirectory) if any([fn.endswith(ext) for ext in included_ext])]; for notesFile in fileLst: result = CleanDatabase(notesSession, sDirectory+"\\"+notesFile) if not result: print result break; return result
def CleanDatabase(notesSession, sDatabaseName): global notesapi result = False # Get Database as a COM object try: comDB = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sDatabaseName) myLog("Cleaning %s (%s)" % (sDatabaseName, comDB.Title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) apiDB = notesapi.NSFDbOpen(sDatabaseName) nc = comDB.CreateNoteCollection(True) result = CleanCollection(apiDB, comDB, nc, "Cleaning design elements") notesapi.NSFDbClose(apiDB) return result except Exception,err : print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print ("Error: %s.\n" % str(err))
def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111 if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: # Setup argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(description="", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="name", action="store", help="application name]") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", help="set verbosity level [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-b", "--build", dest="build", action="store", help="build number") parser.add_argument("-r", "--release", dest="version", help="version string (1.2.1)") parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", dest="source",action="store",help="Source of code") parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest="user", action="store", help="user id short filename (relative to Notes/Data)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", dest="dir",action="store",help="directory where to apply modifications") # Process arguments args = parser.parse_args() SetVerbosity(args.verbose) if (args.user is not None): SwitchUser(args.user) notesSession = SetupNotesClient(args.verbose) result = UpgradeDesign(notesSession, args.dir,args.source) myLog("Done - result " +str( result)) return 0 if (result == True) else 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: ### handle keyboard interrupt ### return 0 except Exception, e: if DEBUG or TESTRUN: raise(e) indent = len(program_name) * " " sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help") return 2
def RecompileLS(apiDb, comDb, noteID): global lastError try: if (apiDb is None): lastError = "Database is not open" return False comNotesDocument = comDb.GetDocumentByID(noteID) hNote = notesapi.NSFNoteOpen(apiDb, noteID, 0) # notesClass = notesapi.NSFNoteGetClass(hNote) # print notesClass #** first, we compile the note result = notesapi.NSFNoteLSCompile(apiDb, hNote, 0) if (result <> 0): if (result <> 0x0222): lastError = "Cannot compile LotusScript" return False else: myLog("Compilation error %04X" % result) #** then we sign it result = notesapi.NSFNoteSign(hNote) if (result <> 0): lastError = "Cannot sign" return False #** then we save it result = notesapi.NSFNoteUpdate(hNote, 0) if (result <> 0): lastError = "Cannot save" return False notesapi.NSFNoteClose(hNote) lastError = "" return True except Exception, err: print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print("Error: %s.\n" % str(err)) return False
def RecompileLS(apiDb, comDb, noteID): global lastError try: if (apiDb is None): lastError = "Database is not open" return False comNotesDocument = comDb.GetDocumentByID(noteID) hNote = notesapi.NSFNoteOpen(apiDb,noteID,0) # notesClass = notesapi.NSFNoteGetClass(hNote) # print notesClass #** first, we compile the note result = notesapi.NSFNoteLSCompile(apiDb, hNote, 0) if (result <> 0): if (result <> 0x0222): lastError = "Cannot compile LotusScript" return False else: myLog("Compilation error %04X" % result) #** then we sign it result = notesapi.NSFNoteSign(hNote) if (result <> 0): lastError="Cannot sign" return False #** then we save it result = notesapi.NSFNoteUpdate(hNote, 0) if (result <> 0): lastError="Cannot save" return False notesapi.NSFNoteClose(hNote) lastError = "" return True except Exception,err : print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print ("Error: %s.\n" % str(err)) return False
def CompileDatabase(notesSession, sDatabaseName): global notesapi result = False try: # Get Database as a COM object comDB = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sDatabaseName) myLog("Compiling %s (%s)" % (sDatabaseName, comDB.Title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) apiDB = notesapi.NSFDbOpen(sDatabaseName) #** compile the script libraries first (note that this will NOT build a #** dependency tree -- rather, we'll try to brute-force around the #** dependencies by recompiling until either (A) there are no errors, #** or (B) the number of errors we get is the same as we got last time) nc = comDB.CreateNoteCollection(False) nc.SelectScriptLibraries = True if (CompileCollection(apiDB, comDB, nc, "Script libraries")): #** then compile everything else nc = comDB.CreateNoteCollection(True) nc.SelectScriptLibraries = False nc.SelectACL = False nc.SelectDataConnections = False nc.SelectHelpAbout = False nc.SelectHelpIndex = False nc.SelectHelpUsing = False nc.SelectIcon = False nc.SelectImageResources = False nc.SelectJavaResources = False nc.SelectProfiles = False nc.SelectScriptLibraries = False nc.SelectStyleSheetResources = False if CompileCollection(apiDB, comDB, nc, "The rest"): result = True notesapi.NSFDbClose(apiDB) return result except Exception, err: print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print("Error: %s.\n" % str(err)) return False
def CleanCollection(apiDB, comDB, theCollection, title): theCollection.BuildCollection() myLog("Cleaning %d Docs (%s)" % (theCollection.Count, title)) cleanCount = 0 noteID = theCollection.GetFirstNoteId() comNotesDocument = comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID) while not (comNotesDocument is None): #get it comNotesDocument.RemoveItem("$Updatedby") comNotesDocument.Save(True,False,False) cleanCount = cleanCount +1 noteID = theCollection.GetNextNoteId(noteID) if (noteID <> ""): comNotesDocument = comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID) else: comNotesDocument = None return True
def CompileDatabase(notesSession, sDatabaseName): global notesapi result = False try: # Get Database as a COM object comDB = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sDatabaseName) myLog("Compiling %s (%s)" % (sDatabaseName, comDB.Title.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) apiDB = notesapi.NSFDbOpen(sDatabaseName) #** compile the script libraries first (note that this will NOT build a #** dependency tree -- rather, we'll try to brute-force around the #** dependencies by recompiling until either (A) there are no errors, #** or (B) the number of errors we get is the same as we got last time) nc = comDB.CreateNoteCollection(False) nc.SelectScriptLibraries = True if (CompileCollection(apiDB,comDB, nc,"Script libraries")): #** then compile everything else nc = comDB.CreateNoteCollection(True) nc.SelectScriptLibraries = False nc.SelectACL = False nc.SelectDataConnections= False nc.SelectHelpAbout= False nc.SelectHelpIndex= False nc.SelectHelpUsing= False nc.SelectIcon= False nc.SelectImageResources= False nc.SelectJavaResources= False nc.SelectProfiles= False nc.SelectScriptLibraries= False nc.SelectStyleSheetResources= False if CompileCollection(apiDB, comDB,nc,"The rest"): result = True notesapi.NSFDbClose(apiDB) return result except Exception,err : print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print ("Error: %s.\n" % str(err)) return False
def SignCollection(apiDB, comDB, theCollection, title): theCollection.BuildCollection() myLog("Signing %d Docs (%s)" % (theCollection.Count, title)) cleanCount = 0 noteID = theCollection.GetFirstNoteId() comNotesDocument = comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID) while not (comNotesDocument is None): #** a little trick to avoid this message on recompiled forms: #** This document has been altered since the last time it was signed! Intentional tampering may have occurred. comNotesDocument.Sign() comNotesDocument.Save(True, False) signCount = cleanCount +1 noteID = theCollection.GetNextNoteId(noteID) if (noteID <> ""): comNotesDocument = comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID) else: comNotesDocument = None return True
def CompileCollection(apiDB,comDB, theCollection,title): theCollection.BuildCollection() myLog("Compiling %d items (%s)" % (theCollection.Count, title)) compileCount = 0 noteID = theCollection.GetFirstNoteId() while (noteID <> ""): if RecompileLS(apiDB,comDB,noteID): myLog(" - " + GetTitle(comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID))) compileCount = compileCount +1 else: print "Error (%s) compiling %s " % (lastError,GetTitle(comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID))) break noteID = theCollection.GetNextNoteId(noteID) myLog("Compiled %d items\n" % compileCount) return (theCollection.Count == compileCount)
def CompileCollection(apiDB, comDB, theCollection, title): theCollection.BuildCollection() myLog("Compiling %d items (%s)" % (theCollection.Count, title)) compileCount = 0 noteID = theCollection.GetFirstNoteId() while (noteID <> ""): if RecompileLS(apiDB, comDB, noteID): myLog(" - " + GetTitle(comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID))) compileCount = compileCount + 1 else: print "Error (%s) compiling %s " % ( lastError, GetTitle(comDB.GetDocumentByID(noteID))) break noteID = theCollection.GetNextNoteId(noteID) myLog("Compiled %d items\n" % compileCount) return (theCollection.Count == compileCount)
def UpgradeDesign(notesSession, sTargetRootDir, sSourceCode): try: myLog("Upgrade design %s <= %s " % (sTargetRootDir, sSourceCode)) sourceDb = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sSourceCode) srcDesignView = sourceDb.GetView("$Design") # Get projets projects = sourceDb.GetView("Projects") if not projects: raise Exception('No projects found') # build all projects #for myProject in iterateDocuments(projects): myProject = projects.GetFirstDocument() projectCount = 1 while myProject: myLog("Project " + str(projectCount)) DesignList = myProject.GetItemValue("ProjectDesigns") DatabasesList = myProject.GetItemValue("ProjectDatabases") myProject = projects.GetNextDocument(myProject) projectCount = projectCount + 1 # iterate through notes databases for DbFilename in DatabasesList: # first open the db targetDb = notesSession.GetDatabase( "", sTargetRootDir + "\\" + DbFilename) if not (targetDb.IsOpen): myLog("Cannot open local database: %s\\%s" % (sTargetRootDir, DbFilename)) return False else: myLog("Opened: %s\\%s" % (sTargetRootDir, DbFilename)) targetView = targetDb.GetView("$Design") if targetView is None: myLog("Cannot find $Design in %s" % DbFilename) ForceCopy = True else: targetView.Refresh ForceCopy = False # iterate through design documents for designElt in DesignList: myLog("Applying : %s" % designElt) curDesignDoc = srcDesignView.GetDocumentByKey( designElt, True) if not (curDesignDoc is None): if not ForceCopy: # try to find targetDesignDoc in targetView key = curDesignDoc.GetItemValue("$Title") targetDesignDoc = targetView.GetDocumentByKey( key, True) if not (targetDesignDoc is None): targetDesignDoc.Remove(True) myLog("Design copy of %s" % designElt) curDesignDoc.CopyToDatabase(targetDb) # We need to copy it to the destination database else: myLog("Source design element %s not found" % designElt) return False return True except Exception, err: print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print("Error: %s.\n" % str(err))
def SwitchUser(sIdFile): path2notes, desName = os.path.split(FindNotes()) notesIniFile = os.path.join(path2notes, "notes.ini") myLog("Switching to ID file %s" % sIdFile) setIniKey(notesIniFile, "Notes", "KeyfileName", sIdFile)
def SwitchUser(sIdFile): path2notes, desName = os.path.split(FindNotes()) notesIniFile= os.path.join(path2notes, "notes.ini") myLog("Switching to ID file %s" % sIdFile) setIniKey(notesIniFile, "Notes","KeyfileName",sIdFile)
def UpgradeDesign(notesSession, sTargetRootDir, sSourceCode): try: myLog("Upgrade design %s <= %s " % (sTargetRootDir, sSourceCode)) sourceDb = notesSession.GetDatabase("", sSourceCode) srcDesignView = sourceDb.GetView("$Design") # Get projets projects = sourceDb.GetView("Projects") if not projects: raise Exception('No projects found') # build all projects #for myProject in iterateDocuments(projects): myProject = projects.GetFirstDocument() projectCount = 1 while myProject: myLog("Project " + str(projectCount)) DesignList = myProject.GetItemValue("ProjectDesigns") DatabasesList = myProject.GetItemValue("ProjectDatabases") myProject = projects.GetNextDocument(myProject) projectCount = projectCount + 1 # iterate through notes databases for DbFilename in DatabasesList: # first open the db targetDb = notesSession.GetDatabase("",sTargetRootDir+"\\"+DbFilename) if not(targetDb.IsOpen): myLog("Cannot open local database: %s\\%s" % (sTargetRootDir, DbFilename)) return False else: myLog("Opened: %s\\%s" % (sTargetRootDir,DbFilename)) targetView = targetDb.GetView("$Design") if targetView is None: myLog("Cannot find $Design in %s" % DbFilename) ForceCopy = True else: targetView.Refresh ForceCopy = False # iterate through design documents for designElt in DesignList: myLog("Applying : %s" % designElt) curDesignDoc = srcDesignView.GetDocumentByKey(designElt,True) if not (curDesignDoc is None): if not ForceCopy: # try to find targetDesignDoc in targetView key = curDesignDoc.GetItemValue("$Title") targetDesignDoc = targetView.GetDocumentByKey(key,True) if not (targetDesignDoc is None): targetDesignDoc.Remove(True) myLog("Design copy of %s" % designElt) curDesignDoc.CopyToDatabase(targetDb) # We need to copy it to the destination database else: myLog("Source design element %s not found" % designElt) return False return True except Exception,err : print 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) print ("Error: %s.\n" % str(err))
def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111 if argv is None: argv = sys.argv else: sys.argv.extend(argv) program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: # Setup argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(description="", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="name", action="store", help="application name]") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", help="set verbosity level [default: %(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-b", "--build", dest="build", action="store", help="build number") parser.add_argument("-r", "--release", dest="version", help="version string (1.2.1)") parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", dest="source", action="store", help="Source of code") parser.add_argument( "-u", "--user", dest="user", action="store", help="user id short filename (relative to Notes/Data)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", dest="dir", action="store", help="directory where to apply modifications") # Process arguments args = parser.parse_args() SetVerbosity(args.verbose) if (args.user is not None): SwitchUser(args.user) notesSession = SetupNotesClient(args.verbose) result = UpgradeDesign(notesSession, args.dir, args.source) myLog("Done - result " + str(result)) return 0 if (result == True) else 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: ### handle keyboard interrupt ### return 0 except Exception, e: if DEBUG or TESTRUN: raise (e) indent = len(program_name) * " " sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write(indent + " for help use --help") return 2