Esempio n. 1
    def check_grad_usage(defn_name: str, derivatives: Sequence[Derivative]) -> None:
        Check for some subtle mistakes one might make when writing derivatives.
        These mistakes will compile, but will be latent until a function is
        used with double backwards.

        used_grad = 0
        used_grads = 0
        fully_implemented = True
        used_grads_indices: List[int] = []
        for d in derivatives:
            formula = d.formula
            used_grad += len(re.findall(IDENT_REGEX.format('grad'), formula))
            used_grads += len(re.findall(IDENT_REGEX.format('grads'), formula))
            fully_implemented = \
                fully_implemented and \
                not'not_implemented'), formula)
        assert used_grads >= len(used_grads_indices)
        only_used_grads_indices = used_grads == len(used_grads_indices)

        if used_grad and used_grads:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml illegally "
                               "mixes use of 'grad' and 'grads'. Consider replacing "
                               "occurrences of 'grad' with 'grads[0]'")

        if only_used_grads_indices and set(used_grads_indices) == {0}:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml solely "
                               "refers to 'grads[0]'.  If the first output is indeed the "
                               "only differentiable output, replace 'grads[0]' with 'grad'; "
                               "otherwise, there is a likely error in your derivatives "
Esempio n. 2
    def check_grad_usage(defn_name: str,
                         derivatives: Sequence[Derivative]) -> None:
        Check for some subtle mistakes one might make when writing derivatives.
        These mistakes will compile, but will be latent until a function is
        used with double backwards.

        uses_grad = False  # true if any derivative uses "grad"
        num_grads_uses = 0  # count of uses of "grads" or "grads[INDEX]"
        uses_named_grads = False  # true if any derivative uses "grad_{name}"
        used_grads_indices: List[int] = []  # which indices of grads are used
        for d in derivatives:
            formula = d.formula
            uses_grad = uses_grad or bool(
                re.findall(IDENT_REGEX.format('grad'), formula))
            num_grads_uses += len(
                re.findall(IDENT_REGEX.format('grads'), formula))
            uses_named_grads = uses_named_grads or bool(d.named_gradients)
        # This is a basic sanity check: the number of places we see
        # "grads" should be no fewer than the number of indices we see
        # inside "grads". They may not be equal because we may use
        # "grads" without an index.
        assert num_grads_uses >= len(used_grads_indices)
        # Thus if the number is equal, every use of grads is also
        # indexed.
        only_used_grads_indices = num_grads_uses == len(used_grads_indices)

        if uses_grad and num_grads_uses > 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml illegally "
                "mixes use of 'grad' and 'grads'. Consider replacing "
                "occurrences of 'grad' with 'grads[0]'")

        if only_used_grads_indices and set(used_grads_indices) == {0}:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml solely "
                "refers to 'grads[0]'.  If the first output is indeed the "
                "only differentiable output, replace 'grads[0]' with 'grad'; "
                "otherwise, there is a likely error in your derivatives "

        if uses_named_grads and (uses_grad or num_grads_uses > 0):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml illegally '
                'mixes use of "grad_RETURN_NAME" and "grad" or "grads[x]". Use '
                'only one method for identifying gradients.')
Esempio n. 3
                def replace_self_with_original_self(formula: str,
                                                    postfix: str) -> str:
                    def repl(m: Match[str]) -> str:
                        return f'{}original_self{postfix}{}'

                    return re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format(f'self{postfix}'), repl,
def create_derivative(f: NativeFunction, formula: str, var_names: Tuple[str, ...],
                      available_named_gradients: Sequence[str]) -> Derivative:
    original_formula = formula
    arguments: List[NamedCType] = [a.nctype.remove_const_ref() for a in cpp_arguments(f)]

    return_names = tuple(n if n != 'self' else 'result' for n in cpp.return_names(f))
    return_types = tuple(cpp.return_type(r).remove_const_ref() for r in f.func.returns)

    named_returns = [NamedCType(name, type) for name, type in zip(return_names, return_types)]

    formula, saved_inputs = saved_variables(formula, arguments, var_names)
    formula, saved_outputs = saved_variables(formula, named_returns, var_names)

    used_named_gradients = {name for name in available_named_gradients if, formula)}

    # Check that the referenced derivatives in the formula are in bounds
    for i in used_gradient_indices(formula):
        if i >= len(f.func.returns):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Out of bounds grads access: derivative formula for {} '
                f'used grads[{i}], but the forward only returns {len(f.func.returns)} outputs.'

    return Derivative(
Esempio n. 5
def uses_ident(info: Optional[DifferentiabilityInfo], ident: str) -> bool:
    if info is None:
        return False
    for derivative in info.derivatives:
        formula = derivative.formula
        if, formula):
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 6
    def find_required_inputs(formula: str, postfix: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        required_inputs = set()
        for arg in args_with_derivatives:
            if arg.type == 'TensorList':
                # The functions taking TensorList handle everything internally
            arg_name =

            found =, formula)
            if found:
                raise RuntimeError(f"The forward formula for {defn_name} is using the base name of the {arg_name} "
                                   f"argument which is ambiguous. You should use {arg_name}_p to access the primal "
                                   f"value and {arg_name}_t to access the tangent.")

            found = + postfix), formula)
            if found:

        return tuple(required_inputs)
Esempio n. 7
def match_differentiability_info(
    native_functions: List[NativeFunction],
    differentiability_infos: Sequence[DifferentiabilityInfo],
) -> List[NativeFunctionWithDifferentiabilityInfo]:
    """Sets the "derivative" key on declarations to matching autograd function
    In-place functions will use the out-of-place derivative definition if there
    is no in-place specific derivative.

    info_by_schema = {info.func.func: info for info in differentiability_infos}
    functional_info_by_signature = {
        info.func.func.signature(strip_default=True): info
        for info in differentiability_infos
        if info.func.func.kind() == SchemaKind.functional}

    def find_info(f: NativeFunction) -> Tuple[Optional[DifferentiabilityInfo], bool]:
        if f.func in info_by_schema:
            return info_by_schema[f.func], True

        # if there is no exact match look for the out-of-place signature.
        # i.e mul() for mul_() or mul_out()
        return functional_info_by_signature.get(f.func.signature(strip_default=True)), False

    result: List[NativeFunctionWithDifferentiabilityInfo] = []
    for f in native_functions:
        info, is_exact_match = find_info(f)

        # Currently, the '.strides()' to 'strides_or_error' replacement does not support
        # 'self' derivatives of an inplace function, so we must check for this case.
        if f.func.kind() == SchemaKind.inplace and (info is not None):
            for derivative in info.derivatives:
                if 'self' in derivative.var_names:
                    for saved_input in derivative.saved_inputs:
                        assert 'strides_or_error' not in saved_input.expr, (
                            "Calling '.strides()' in the 'self' derivative formula of an "
                            f"in-place function is not supported: {f.func}")

        # For functions that have a single def for out-of-place and inplace (like abs())
        if info and info.forward_derivatives:
            forward_derivatives = info.forward_derivatives

            if f.func.kind() == SchemaKind.inplace:
                # For inplace functions there is a little bit of work to do:
                #  1) Validate the formula and make sure the input that is modified in not used:
                #    - If there is a formula for the inplace variant of the function (is_exact_match == True) then
                #      we make sure that the original value of the input that is being modified inplace (self_p) is
                #      not used in the formula. Note that the formula can use "original_self_p" here and that would
                #      trigger a clone of the original input.
                #    - If we are re-using the out of place formula (is_exact_match == False) then we replace every
                #      occurrence of self_p and self_t by original_self_p and original_self_t. These will be
                #      populated by cloned version of the original input (either the clone done by the backward AD
                #      logic if self is also used in a backward formula or a special clone that we add).
                #  2) At this point, there cannot be a self_p in the formula.
                #  3) Change "result" into "self_p" as by design, in the inplace function codegen, the result is
                #     simply called self (as it is modified inplace).
                #  4) Update the required primals data in case it used to contain "result" but should now contain
                #     "self"
                #  5) If it is not an exact match, the user formula is not modifying the existing forward grad
                #     inplace as it should. So add some code that makes sure that we do so if the forward grad
                #     already exists.

                assert len(info.forward_derivatives) == 1  # Only single output inplace should exist
                fw_info = info.forward_derivatives[0]
                formula = fw_info.formula

                def replace_self_with_original_self(formula: str, postfix: str) -> str:
                    def repl(m: Match[str]) -> str:
                        return f'{}original_self{postfix}{}'
                    return re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format(f'self{postfix}'), repl, formula)

                if"self_p"), formula):
                    if is_exact_match:
                        # For manually defined formulas, don't allow the original value to be used
                        raise RuntimeError(f'The formula for "{}" is using the original value of self '
                                           'that is being modified inplace. This would lead to wrong forward gradients. '
                                           'Please use "result" in the formula only.')
                        # When the original formula is out of place, we save a clone of the primal
                        # value to be able to access this value if needed
                        # replace "self_p"/"self_t" from the formula by "original_self_p"/"original_self_t"
                        formula = replace_self_with_original_self(formula, "_p")
                        formula = replace_self_with_original_self(formula, "_t")

                # replace "result" from the formula by "self_p"
                def repl(m: Match[str]) -> str:
                    return f'{}self_p{}'
                formula = re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format("result"), repl, formula)

                required_primals = fw_info.required_inputs_primal
                if"self_p"), formula):
                    required_primals = required_primals + ("self",) if required_primals else ("self",)

                if not is_exact_match:
                    # NOTE [In-place forward AD formula Optimization]
                    # This optimization transforms the formula to directly do inplace, i.e.
                    # instead of self_t.copy_(self_t.op()) we do self_t.op_() when the following are met:
                    # 1) the formula satisfies the pattern: "self_t.op(*args)"
                    # 2) "op" in (1) needs to be the same as the op the derivative is for
                    # (2) may seem too strict, but currently the only ops that satisfy (1) also satisfy (2)
                    # If there is a need, we can relax (2) to allow any op that has an in-place variant
                    is_single_method_on_self_t = False
                    match = re.fullmatch(r'self_t.([\w]*)\((.*)\)', formula)
                    if match:
                        op_name, between_parens =,

                        # We want to...
                        #   Match: self_t.op1(other_p.op2(arg))
                        #   Avoid: self_t.op1(args) + self_t.op2(args)
                        #   Avoid: self_t.op1(other_p.op2(arg)) + self_t.op2(args)
                        def check_parens_nest_level_gt_zero(s: str) -> bool:
                            level = 1
                            for ch in s:
                                if ch == ")":
                                    level -= 1
                                    if level == 0:
                                        return False
                                if ch == "(":
                                    level += 1
                            return True
                        is_single_method_on_self_t = check_parens_nest_level_gt_zero(between_parens)
                    directly_do_inplace = is_single_method_on_self_t and op_name ==

                    if directly_do_inplace:
                        formula = f"self_t_raw.defined() ? self_t_raw.{op_name}_({between_parens}) : {formula}"
                        # Make sure that the forward grad is modified inplace when the original formula
                        # is out of place
                        formula = f"self_t_raw.defined() ? self_t_raw.copy_({formula}) : {formula}"

                required_original_self_value = bool("original_self_p"), formula))

                forward_derivatives = [ForwardDerivative(
                    is_reusing_outplace_formula=not is_exact_match), ]
            forward_derivatives = []


    return result
Esempio n. 8
def saved_variables(
    formula: str,
    nctypes: List[NamedCType],
    var_names: Tuple[str, ...],
) -> Tuple[str, Tuple[SavedAttribute, ...]]:

    def stride_expr(name: str) -> str:
        assert var_names == (name,), (
            'Replacement for ".strides()" is currently only supported for single derivatives of the same tensor '
            'that ".strides()" is being called on.')
        return f'strides_or_error({name}, "{name}")'

    REPLACEMENTS: List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = [
        # replace self.sizes() with self_sizes
        (r'{}.sizes\(\)', {
            'suffix': '_sizes',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(intArrayRefT)),
        # replace self.options() with self_options
        (r'{}.options\(\)', {
            'suffix': '_options',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(tensorOptionsT)),
        # replace zeros_like(self) with self_info
        (r'zeros_like\({}\)', {
            'suffix': '_info',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(typeAndSizeT)),
            'expr': lambda name: name,  # at save-time
            'res': lambda name: name + '_info.zeros()',  # at eval-time
        # replace self.size(2) with self_size_2
        (r'{}.size\((\w+)\)', {
            'suffix': lambda m: '_argsize_{}'.format(*m.groups()),
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(intT)),
        # replace self.numel() with self_numel
        (r'{}.numel\(\)', {
            'suffix': '_numel',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(intT)),
        # replace to_args_sizes(self) with self_args_sizes
        (r'to_args_sizes\({}\)', {
            'suffix': '_args_sizes',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, VectorCType(VectorCType(BaseCType(intT)))),
        # replace to_args_scalartypes(self) with self_args_scalartypes
        (r'to_args_scalartypes\({}\)', {
            'suffix': '_args_scalartypes',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, VectorCType(BaseCType(scalarTypeT))),
        # replace TensorGeometry(self) with self_geometry
        (r'TensorGeometry\({}\)', {
            'suffix': '_geometry',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(tensorGeometryT)),
        (r'{}.scalar_type\(\)', {
            'suffix': '_scalar_type',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(scalarTypeT)),
        # replace self.dim() with self_dim
        (r'{}.dim\(\)', {
            'suffix': '_dim',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(intT)),
        # replace self.strides() with self_strides
        (r'{}.strides\(\)', {
            'suffix': '_strides',
            'nctype': lambda name: NamedCType(name, BaseCType(intArrayRefT)),
            'expr': stride_expr,

    # find which arguments need to be saved
    saved: List[SavedAttribute] = []

    for nctype in nctypes:
        name = if isinstance(, SpecialArgName) else
        # First search the formula for expressions which can be evaluated
        # when the autograd Function is created to avoid saving variables
        for regex, info in REPLACEMENTS:
            def repl(m: Match[str]) -> str:
                suffix: str = info['suffix'](m) if callable(info['suffix']) else info['suffix']
                expr: str = info['expr'](name) if 'expr' in info else
                    nctype=info['nctype'](name + suffix),
                if 'res' in info:
                    replacement: str = info['res'](name)
                    return replacement
                return name + suffix

            formula = re.sub(regex.format(name), repl, formula)

        # Find any variables which remain in the formula and save them
        if, formula):

    return formula, tuple(saved)
Esempio n. 9
def postprocess_forward_derivatives(
    f: NativeFunction,
    defn_name: str,
    all_arg_names: List[str],
    derivatives: List[Derivative],
    forward_derivatives: List[ForwardDerivative],
    args_with_derivatives: Sequence[Binding]
) -> List[ForwardDerivative]:

    def find_required_inputs(formula: str, postfix: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        required_inputs = set()
        for arg in args_with_derivatives:
            if arg.type == 'TensorList':
                # The functions taking TensorList handle everything internally
            arg_name =

            found =, formula)
            if found:
                raise RuntimeError(f"The forward formula for {defn_name} is using the base name of the {arg_name} "
                                   f"argument which is ambiguous. You should use {arg_name}_p to access the primal "
                                   f"value and {arg_name}_t to access the tangent.")

            found = + postfix), formula)
            if found:

        return tuple(required_inputs)

    updated_derivatives: List[ForwardDerivative] = []

    for defn in forward_derivatives:
        formula = defn.formula
        required_inputs_tangent = find_required_inputs(formula, "_t")
        if formula == "auto_element_wise":
            if (not len(args_with_derivatives) == 1) or len(forward_derivatives) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml defines the "
                                   "forward definition of gradient as element_wise but this only "
                                   "works for functions with a single differentiable input and a "
                                   "single differentiable output.")
            if not len(derivatives) == 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml defines the "
                                   "forward definition of gradient as element_wise but it does not "
                                   "defines the gradient formula for its argument which is required.")
            # This transformation is based on the observation that for element-wise functions, the Jacobian
            # matrix is diagonal and thus doing J * v or v * J gives the same result.
            # So here we are going to re-use the backward formula and replace two things:
            # 1) all occurrences of "grad" with "foo_t", where foo is the name of the unique differentiable input.
            # 2) all usage of an original input "foo" with its primal value "foo_p".
            # For example, for abs, the backward formula is:
            #   grad * self.sgn()
            # And this function generates a forward formula that is:
            #   self_t * self_p.sgn()

            backward_formula = derivatives[0].original_formula
            input_name = args_with_derivatives[0].name

            # Do replacement 1) of the grad
            def repl(m: Any) -> str:
                return f"{}{input_name}_t{}"
            fw_formula = re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format("grad"), repl, backward_formula)

            # Do replacement 2) of the input variables
            for arg in args_with_derivatives:
                arg_name =

                def repl(m: Any) -> str:
                    return f"{}{arg_name}_p{}"
                fw_formula = re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format(arg_name), repl, fw_formula)

            # Since there is a single differentiable inputs and we necessarily need its tangent we can
            # simply require all differentiable input's tangent.
            required_inputs_tangent = tuple(all_arg_names)
            formula = fw_formula
        elif formula == "auto_linear":
            if len(forward_derivatives) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml defines the "
                                   "forward definition of gradient as linear but this only works "
                                   "for functions with a single differentiable output.")
            # This transformation is based on the observation that linear functions can be written as:
            #   y = f(x) = A * x
            # For some matrix A and the Jacobian of the function f is also A.
            # So doing J * v = A * v = f(v).
            # Hence to do the jvp, we simply need to evaluate the function at the point v instead of x.
            # We do this by calling the forward again by replacing any occurrence of the differentiable
            # input "foo" by it's tangent "foo_t".
            # Note that multiple inputs are not a problem as long as the function is truly linear wrt to
            # the vector where all the differentiable inputs are stacked.

            diff_arg_names = [ for arg in args_with_derivatives]
            assert len(diff_arg_names) > 0

            # Do replacement of input variables
            new_args = []
            for arg_name in all_arg_names:
                if arg_name in diff_arg_names:
                    arg_name = arg_name + "_t"

            # Call into the forward again. We need two cases here to handle both Tensor methods and at:: functions.
            if Variant.function in f.variants:
                fw_formula = "at::{}({})".format(defn_name, ", ".join(new_args))
                assert f.func.kind() is not SchemaKind.inplace
                assert Variant.method in f.variants
                fw_formula = "{}.{}({})".format(new_args[0], defn_name, ", ".join(new_args[1:]))

            # All of the input tangents are always used so all of them are required here.
            required_inputs_tangent = tuple(diff_arg_names)
            formula = fw_formula

        # At this point, the formula is final and is not modified anymore.

        # During forward formula, we use the primal instead of the input Tensors.
        # This call inspects the formula to find for which input's primal are used.
        required_inputs_primal = find_required_inputs(formula, "_p")


    return updated_derivatives
Esempio n. 10
def match_differentiability_info(
    native_functions: List[NativeFunction],
    differentiability_infos: Sequence[DifferentiabilityInfo],
) -> List[NativeFunctionWithDifferentiabilityInfo]:
    """Sets the "derivative" key on declarations to matching autograd function
    In-place functions will use the out-of-place derivative definition if there
    is no in-place specific derivative.

    info_by_schema = {info.func.func: info for info in differentiability_infos}
    functional_info_by_signature = {
        info.func.func.signature(strip_default=True): info
        for info in differentiability_infos
        if info.func.func.kind() == SchemaKind.functional}

    def find_info(f: NativeFunction) -> Tuple[Optional[DifferentiabilityInfo], bool]:
        if f.func in info_by_schema:
            return info_by_schema[f.func], True

        # if there is no exact match look for the out-of-place signature.
        # i.e mul() for mul_() or mul_out()
        return functional_info_by_signature.get(f.func.signature(strip_default=True)), False

    result: List[NativeFunctionWithDifferentiabilityInfo] = []
    for f in native_functions:
        info, is_exact_match = find_info(f)

        # Currently, the '.strides()' to 'strides_or_error' replacement does not support
        # 'self' derivatives of an inplace function, so we must check for this case.
        if f.func.kind() == SchemaKind.inplace and (info is not None):
            for derivative in info.derivatives:
                if 'self' in derivative.var_names:
                    for saved_input in derivative.saved_inputs:
                        assert 'strides_or_error' not in saved_input.expr, (
                            "Calling '.strides()' in the 'self' derivative formula of an "
                            f"in-place function is not supported: {f.func}")

        # For functions that have a single def for out-of-place and inplace (like abs())
        if info and info.forward_derivatives and is_exact_match:
            forward_derivatives = info.forward_derivatives

            if f.func.kind() == SchemaKind.inplace:
                assert len(info.forward_derivatives) == 1  # Only single output inplace should exist
                fw_info = info.forward_derivatives[0]

                if"self"), fw_info.formula):
                    raise RuntimeError(f'The formula for "{}" is using the original value of self that is being '
                                       'modified inplace. This would lead to wrong forward gradients. Please use "result" in '
                                       'the formula only.')

                # replace "result" from the formula by self
                def repl(m: Match[str]) -> str:
                    return f'{}self{}'

                forward_derivatives = [ForwardDerivative(
                    formula=re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format("result"), repl, fw_info.formula),
                    required_inputs_primal=fw_info.required_inputs_primal,), ]
            forward_derivatives = []


    return result