def create_custom_ir(robot, manip_base_iterator, n=IR_DATABASE_SAMPLES):
  if DEBUG: print 'Creating inverse reachability database'
  ir_database = []
  for manip_trans, base_trans in take(manip_base_iterator, n):
    manip_trans2D = trans_from_base_values([manip_trans[0, 3], manip_trans[1, 3], get_manip_angle(robot, manip_trans)])
    base_trans2D = trans2D_from_trans(base_trans)
    ir_database.append(base_values_from_trans(np.linalg.solve(manip_trans2D, base_trans2D))) # M * T = B
  return ir_database
def pap_ir_samples(env, max_failures=100, max_attempts=INF): # NOTE - max_failures should be large to prevent just easy placements
  from manipulation.inverse_reachability.inverse_reachability import openrave_base_iterator, create_custom_ir
  from manipulation.pick_and_place import PickAndPlace
  oracle = pap_ir_oracle(env)
  body_name = oracle.objects[0]
  table_name = oracle.tables[0]

  for pose in take(random_region_placements(oracle, body_name, [table_name]), max_attempts):
    grasp = choice(get_grasps(oracle, body_name))
    pap = PickAndPlace(None, pose, grasp)
    if pap.sample(oracle, body_name, base_iterator_fn=openrave_base_iterator,
                  max_failures=max_failures, check_base=False):
      yield pap.manip_trans, pap.base_trans
Esempio n. 3
  def grow(self, goal, iterations=50, store=ts.PATH, max_tree_size=500):
    if goal in self: self[goal].retrace()
    if self.collision(goal): return None
    nodes1, new_nodes1 = list(take(randomize(self.nodes.values()), max_tree_size)), []
    nodes2, new_nodes2 = [], [TreeNode(goal)]
    for _ in irange(iterations):
      if len(nodes1) + len(new_nodes1) > len(nodes2) + len(new_nodes2):
        nodes1, nodes2 = nodes2, nodes1
        new_nodes1, new_nodes2 = new_nodes2, new_nodes1

      s = self.sample()
      last1 = argmin(lambda n: self.distance(n.config, s), nodes1 + new_nodes1)
      for q in self.extend(last1.config, s):
        if self.collision(q): break
        last1 = TreeNode(q, parent=last1)

      last2 = argmin(lambda n: self.distance(n.config, last1.config), nodes2 + new_nodes2)
      for q in self.extend(last2.config, last1.config):
        if self.collision(q): break
        last2 = TreeNode(q, parent=last2)
        if len(nodes1) == 0:
          nodes1, nodes2 = nodes2, nodes1
          new_nodes1, new_nodes2 = new_nodes2, new_nodes1
          last1, last2 = last2, last1
        path1, path2 = last1.retrace(), last2.retrace()[:-1][::-1]
        for p, n in pairs(path2): n.parent = p
        if len(path2) == 0: # TODO - still some kind of circular error
          for n in new_nodes2:
            if n.parent == last2:
              n.parent = path1[-1]
          path2[0].parent = path1[-1]
        path = path1 + path2

        if store in [ts.ALL, ts.SUCCESS]:
          self.add(*(new_nodes1 + new_nodes2[:-1]))
        elif store == ts.PATH:
          new_nodes_set = set(new_nodes1 + new_nodes2[:-1])
          self.add(*[n for n in path if n in new_nodes_set])
        return path
    if store == ts.ALL:
    return None
def pap_ir_statistics(env, trials=100):
  from manipulation.inverse_reachability.inverse_reachability import display_custom_ir
  from manipulation.pick_and_place import PickAndPlace
  oracle = pap_ir_oracle(env)
  body_name = oracle.objects[0]
  table_name = oracle.tables[0]

  successes = []
  for pose in take(random_region_placements(oracle, body_name, [table_name]), trials):
    grasp = choice(get_grasps(oracle, body_name))
    pap = PickAndPlace(None, pose, grasp)
    oracle.set_pose(body_name, pap.pose)
    #if pap.sample(oracle, body_name, max_failures=50, base_iterator_fn=openrave_base_iterator, check_base=False):
    if pap.sample(oracle, body_name, max_failures=50, check_base=False):
    handles = display_custom_ir(oracle, pap.manip_trans)
  return float(len(successes))/trials, np.mean(successes), np.std(successes)
Esempio n. 5
def srivastava_table(env, n=INF):
  env.Load(ENVIRONMENTS_DIR + '../srivastava/good_cluttered.dae')
  body_names = [get_name(body) for body in env.GetBodies() if not body.IsRobot()]
  table_names = [body_name for body_name in body_names if 'table' in body_name]

  dx = .5
  for body_name in body_names:
    body = env.GetKinBody(body_name)
    set_point(body, get_point(body) + np.array([dx, 0, 0]))

  objects = [env.GetKinBody(body_name) for body_name in body_names if body_name not in table_names]
  for obj in objects: env.Remove(obj)
  object_names = []
  for obj in take(objects, n):
    randomly_place_body(env, obj, table_names)

  goal_holding = 'object1'
  goal_config = 'initial' # None

  return ManipulationProblem(None,
      object_names=object_names, table_names=table_names,
      goal_config=goal_config, goal_holding=goal_holding)
Esempio n. 6
  def grow(self, goal_sample, iterations=50, goal_probability=.2, store=ts.PATH, max_tree_size=500):
    if not callable(goal_sample): goal_sample = lambda: goal_sample
    nodes, new_nodes = list(take(randomize(self.nodes.values()), max_tree_size)), []
    for i in irange(iterations):
      goal = random() < goal_probability or i == 0
      s = goal_sample() if goal else self.sample()

      last = argmin(lambda n: self.distance(n.config, s), nodes + new_nodes)
      for q in self.extend(last.config, s):
        if self.collision(q): break
        last = TreeNode(q, parent=last)
        if goal:
          path = last.retrace()
          if store in [ts.ALL, ts.SUCCESS]:
          elif store == ts.PATH:
            new_nodes_set = set(new_nodes)
            self.add(*[n for n in path if n in new_nodes_set])
          return path
    if store == ts.ALL:
    return None