Esempio n. 1
    def loadAlbums(self, tree, node, fakeChild):
        """ Initial load of the albums of the given node, assuming it is of type TYPE_ARTIST """
        rows      = []
        path      = tree.getItem(node, ROW_FULLPATH)
        artist    = tree.getItem(node, ROW_DATA)
        allAlbums = pickleLoad(os.path.join(tree.getItem(node, ROW_FULLPATH), 'albums'))

        # Filter albums if only favorites should be shown
        if self.showOnlyFavs:
            allAlbums = [album for album in allAlbums if self.isAlbumInFavorites(artist, album[ALB_NAME])]

        # Filter artists by genre if needed
        if self.currGenre is not None:
            allAlbums = [album for album in allAlbums if album[ALB_NAME] in self.allGenres[self.currGenre][artist]]

        # The icon depends on whether the album is in the favorites
        for album in allAlbums:
            if self.isAlbumInFavorites(artist, album[ALB_NAME]): icon = icons.starDirMenuIcon()
            else:                                                icon = icons.mediaDirMenuIcon()

            rows.append((icon, '[%s]' % tools.sec2str(album[ALB_LENGTH], True), '%s' % htmlEscape(album[ALB_NAME]),
                            TYPE_ALBUM, os.path.join(path, album[ALB_INDEX]), album[ALB_NAME]))

        # Add all the rows, and then add a fake child to each of them
        tree.appendRows(rows, node)
        for child in tree.iterChildren(node):
            tree.appendRow(FAKE_CHILD, child)
Esempio n. 2
    def switchFavoriteStateOfSelectedItems(self, tree):
        """ Add to/remove from favorites the selected items """
        # Go through selected items and switch their state
        removed = False
        for path in tree.getSelectedPaths():
            if tree.getItem(path, ROW_TYPE) == TYPE_ALBUM:
                album  = tree.getItem(path, ROW_DATA)
                artist = tree.getItem(path[:-1], ROW_DATA)

                if self.isAlbumInFavorites(artist, album):
                    removed = True
                    tree.setItem(path, ROW_PIXBUF, icons.mediaDirMenuIcon())
                    self.removeFromFavorites(artist, album)
                    tree.setItem(path, ROW_PIXBUF, icons.starDirMenuIcon())
                    self.addToFavorites(artist, album)

        # If some favorites were removed, we may have to reload the tree
        if self.showOnlyFavs and removed:
            self.loadArtists(self.tree, self.currLib)