Esempio n. 1
def obs_gen(N, N_obs, N_pc=1400, width=4):
    MIN_X = -25
    MAX_X = 25
    MIN_Y = -35
    MAX_Y = 35
    obs_list = []
    near = width * 2
    print('generating obs...')
    for i in range(N):
        obs_single = []
        for j in range(N_obs):
            low_x = -25 + width / 2
            high_x = 25 - width / 2
            low_y = -35 + width / 2
            high_y = 35 - width / 2
            while True:
                # randomly sample in the entire space
                obs = np.random.uniform(low=[low_x, low_y],
                                        high=[high_x, high_y])
                # check if it is near enough to previous obstacles
                too_near = False
                for k in range(len(obs_single)):
                    if np.linalg.norm(obs - obs_single[k]) < near:
                        too_near = True
                if not too_near:

        obs_single = np.array(obs_single)
    obs_list = np.array(obs_list)
    # convert from obs to point cloud
    obc_list = rectangle_pcd(obs_list, width, N_pc)
    return obs_list, obc_list
Esempio n. 2
def obs_gen(N, N_obs, N_pc=1400, width=4):
    # generate one obs in each phase
    LENGTH = 20.
    near = LENGTH * 1.2
    obs_list = []
    bottom_threshold = width / 10
    for i in range(N):
        obs_single = []
        for j in range(N_obs):
            The obstacle should be inside the maximal circle, but also not blocking (0,0)
            while True:
                obs = np.random.normal(size=2)
                obs = obs / np.linalg.norm(obs) * (LENGTH * 2 - LENGTH / 2)
                if j % 4 == 0:
                    obs = np.abs(obs)  # +,+
                elif j % 4 == 1:
                    obs = np.abs(obs)
                    obs[0] = -obs[0]  # -,+
                elif j % 4 == 2:
                    obs = np.abs(obs)
                    obs[1] = -obs[1]  # +,-
                elif j % 4 == 3:
                    obs = -np.abs(obs)
                while True:
                    # make sure it does not block (0,0)
                    alpha = np.random.uniform(low=0.8, high=1.)
                    obs_ = alpha * obs
                    # make sure that when the obstacle is below x-axis, it does not intersect with the pole
                    if j % 4 == 1:
                        obs_[0] = min(obs_[0], -width / 2 - bottom_threshold)
                    if j % 4 == 2:
                        obs_[0] = max(obs_[0], width / 2 + bottom_threshold)

                    if np.abs(obs_).max() > width / 2:
                        obs = obs_
                # see if it is cluttered enough by making sure obstacles can't be
                # too close
                too_near = False
                for k in range(len(obs_single)):
                    if np.linalg.norm(obs - obs_single[k]) < near:
                        too_near = True
                        #print("too near")
                if not too_near:
                    #print('not too near')

        obs_single = np.array(obs_single)

    obs_list = np.array(obs_list)
    # convert from obs to point cloud
    obc_list = rectangle_pcd(obs_list, width, N_pc)
    return obs_list, obc_list
Esempio n. 3
def obs_gen(N, N_obs, N_pc=1400, width=4):
    H = 0.5
    L = 2.5
    low_h = -width / 2 - L
    high_h = width / 2 + L
    # predefined y values
    y_up = H + width / 2 + L / 2
    y_down = H - width / 2 - L / 2
    near = width * 1.2
    obs_list = []
    for i in range(N):
        obs_single = []
        for j in range(N_obs):
            make sure the obstacle does not block the pole entirely
            by making sure the fixed point of the pole is not in the obs
            hence the valid range for y axis is:
            H + low_h ~ - width/2, H + width/2 ~ H + high_h
            while True:
                # first randomly see if it is left or right
                side = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2)
                # 0: left, 1: right
                if side == 0:
                    #obs = np.random.uniform(low=[-15, H+low_h], high=[15, -width/2])
                    obs = np.random.uniform(low=[-17, y_down],
                                            high=[17, y_down])
                    #obs = np.random.uniform(low=[-15, H+width/2], high=[15, H+high_h])
                    obs = np.random.uniform(low=[-17, y_up], high=[17, y_up])
                too_near = False
                for k in range(len(obs_single)):
                    if np.linalg.norm(obs - obs_single[k]) < near:
                        too_near = True
                if not too_near:

        obs_single = np.array(obs_single)
    obs_list = np.array(obs_list)
    # convert from obs to point cloud
    obc_list = rectangle_pcd(obs_list, width, N_pc)
    return obs_list, obc_list
Esempio n. 4
            obs = np.random.uniform(low=[low_x, low_y], high=[high_x, high_y])
            # check if it is near enough to previous obstacles
            too_near = False
            for k in range(len(obs_single)):
                if np.linalg.norm(obs - obs_single[k]) < near:
                    too_near = True
            if not too_near:

    obs_single = np.array(obs_single)
obs_list = np.array(obs_list)
# convert from obs to point cloud
obc_list = rectangle_pcd(obs_list, width, 1400)

# Create custom system
#obs_list = [[-10., -3.],
#            [0., 3.],
#            [10, -3.]]
obs_list = obs_list[0]

obs_list_to_corner = []
for i in range(len(obs_list)):
    obs_list_to_corner_i = []
    obs_list_to_corner_i.append(obs_list[i][0] - width / 2)
    obs_list_to_corner_i.append(obs_list[i][1] - width / 2)
    obs_list_to_corner_i.append(obs_list[i][0] + width / 2)