Esempio n. 1
    def _update_velocity_data(self, wind=np.zeros((6, 1))):
        e0 = self._state[6]
        e1 = self._state[7]
        e2 = self._state[8]
        e3 = self._state[9]
        e_array = np.array([e0, e1, e2, e3])
        [phi, th, psi] = Quaternion2Euler(e_array)

        # compute airspeed
        wind_constant = Euler2Rotation(phi, th, psi) @ wind[0:3]
        wind_b = np.array([[wind_constant[0][0] + wind[3][0]],
                           [wind_constant[1][0] + wind[4][0]],
                           [wind_constant[2][0] + wind[5][0]]])
        self.Va_b = np.array([[self._state[3][0] - wind_b[0][0]],
                              [self._state[4][0] - wind_b[1][0]],
                              [self._state[5][0] - wind_b[2][0]]])

        self._Va = np.linalg.norm(self.Va_b)

        self.Vg_b = self.Va_b + wind_b
        self._Vg = np.linalg.norm(self.Vg_b)

        if self._Va == 0.0:
            self._alpha = 0.0
            self._beta = 0.0
            # compute angle of attack
            self._alpha = np.arctan2(self.Va_b[2], self.Va_b[0])[0]

            # compute sideslip angle
            self._beta = np.arcsin(self.Va_b[1][0] / self._Va)
Esempio n. 2
 def _update_true_state(self):
     # update the class structure for the true state:
     #   [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
     # phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(self._state[6:10])
     # pdot = Quaternion2Rotation(self._state[6:10]) @ self._state[3:6]
     pdot = Euler2Rotation(self._state[6], self._state[7],
                           self._state[8]) @ self._state[3:6] = self._state.item(0) = self._state.item(1)
     self.true_state.h = -self._state.item(2)
     self.true_state.Va = self._Va
     self.true_state.alpha = self._alpha
     self.true_state.beta = self._beta
     self.true_state.phi = self._state.item(6)
     self.true_state.theta = self._state.item(7)
     self.true_state.psi = self._state.item(8)
     self.true_state.Vg = np.linalg.norm(pdot)
     self.true_state.gamma = np.arcsin(pdot.item(2) / self.true_state.Vg)
     self.true_state.chi = np.arctan2(pdot.item(1), pdot.item(0))
     self.true_state.p = self._state.item(9)
     self.true_state.q = self._state.item(10)
     self.true_state.r = self._state.item(11)
     self.true_state.wn = self._wind.item(0)
     self.true_state.we = self._wind.item(1)
     self.true_state.wd = self._wind.item(2)
Esempio n. 3
    def update(self, state):
        mav_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]])  # NED coordinates
        # attitude of mav as a rotation matrix from body to inertial
        rotation = Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi)
        for face in self.faces:
            # rotate and translate points defining mav
            R = rotation
            facePoints = np.array([self.mav_points[face[0] - 1],
                                   self.mav_points[face[1] - 1],
                                   self.mav_points[face[2] - 1]]).T
            # scale points for better rendering
            scale = 50
            facePoints = scale * facePoints
            rotated_points = self.rotate_points(facePoints, R)
            translated_points = self.translate_points(rotated_points, mav_position)
            # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering
            R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

            translated_points = R @ translated_points
            # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3)
            mesh = self.points_to_mesh(translated_points)
            if self.faces.index(face) < 8:
                i = 0  # Yellow main body
            elif self.faces.index(face) < 10:
                i = 1  # Blue wing
            elif self.faces.index(face) < 12:
                i = 2  # Green horizontal stabilizer
                i = 3  # Red vertical stabilizer
            self.mav_body[self.faces.index(face)].setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.mav_meshColors[i])
Esempio n. 4
    def _update_msg_true_state(self):

        # update the class structure for the true state:
        #   [pn, pe, h, Va, alpha, beta, phi, theta, chi, p, q, r, Vg, wn, we, psi, gyro_bx, gyro_by, gyro_bz]
        phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(self._state[6:10]) = self._state.item(0) = self._state.item(1)
        self.msg_true_state.h = -self._state.item(2)
        self.msg_true_state.Va = self._Va
        self.msg_true_state.alpha = self._alpha
        self.msg_true_state.beta = self._beta
        self.msg_true_state.phi = phi
        self.msg_true_state.theta = theta
        self.msg_true_state.psi = psi

        R = Euler2Rotation(phi, theta, psi)
        self.Vg_i = R.T @ self.Vg_b
        self.msg_true_state.Vg = self._Vg
        self.msg_true_state.gamma = np.arctan2(
            -self.Vg_i[2], np.sqrt(self.Vg_i[0]**2 + self.Vg_i[1]**2))
        self.msg_true_state.chi = -np.arctan2(self.Vg_i[1], self.Vg_i[0])[0]
        self.msg_true_state.p = self._state.item(10)
        self.msg_true_state.q = self._state.item(11)
        self.msg_true_state.r = self._state.item(12)
        self.msg_true_state.wn = self._wind.item(0)
        self.msg_true_state.we = self._wind.item(1)
 def update(self, measurement):
     # write out estimate state = self.xhat.item(0) = self.xhat.item(1)
     self.estimated_state.h = -self.xhat.item(2)
     self.estimated_state.u = self.xhat.item(3)
     self.estimated_state.v = self.xhat.item(4)
     self.estimated_state.w = self.xhat.item(5)
     self.estimated_state.phi = self.xhat.item(6)
     self.estimated_state.theta = self.xhat.item(7)
     self.estimated_state.psi = self.xhat.item(8)
     self.estimated_state.bx = self.xhat.item(9) = self.xhat.item(10) = self.xhat.item(11)
     self.estimated_state.wn = self.xhat.item(12)
     self.estimated_state.we = self.xhat.item(13)
     # estimate needed quantities that are not part of state
     R = Euler2Rotation(self.estimated_state.phi,
     vel_body = self.xhat[3:6]
     vel_world =
     wind_world = 
     wind_body = 
     self.estimated_state.Va = 
     self.estimated_state.alpha = 
     self.estimated_state.beta = 
     self.estimated_state.Vg = 
     self.estimated_state.chi = 
     self.estimated_state.p = 
     self.estimated_state.q = 
     self.estimated_state.r = 
     return self.estimated_state
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, state, window):
        Draw the MAV.

        The input to this function is a (message) class with properties that define the state.
        The following properties are assumed:
    # north position
    # east position
            state.h   # altitude
            state.phi  # roll angle
            state.theta  # pitch angle
            state.psi  # yaw angle
        # get points that define the non-rotated, non-translated mav and the mesh colors
        self.mav_points, self.mav_meshColors = self.get_points()

        mav_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]])  # NED coordinates
        # attitude of mav as a rotation matrix R from body to inertial
        R = Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi)
        # rotate and translate points defining mav
        rotated_points = self.rotate_points(self.mav_points, R)
        translated_points = self.translate_points(rotated_points, mav_position)
        # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering
        R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        translated_points = R @ translated_points
        # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3)
        mesh = self.points_to_mesh(translated_points)
        self.mav_body = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=mesh,  # defines the triangular mesh (Nx3x3)
                                      vertexColors=self.mav_meshColors,  # defines mesh colors (Nx1)
                                      drawEdges=True,  # draw edges between mesh elements
                                      smooth=False,  # speeds up rendering
                                      computeNormals=False)  # speeds up rendering
        window.addItem(self.mav_body)  # add body to plot
Esempio n. 7
    def update(self, path, state):
        Update the drawing of the mav.

        The input to this function is a (message) class with properties that define the state.
        The following properties are assumed:
    # north position
    # east position
            state.h   # altitude
            state.phi  # roll angle
            state.theta  # pitch angle
            state.psi  # yaw angle
        mav_position = np.array([[], [],
                                 [-state.h]])  # NED coordinates
        # attitude of mav as a rotation matrix R from body to inertial
        R = Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi)
        # rotate and translate points defining mav
        rotated_points = self._rotate_points(self.points, R)
        translated_points = self._translate_points(rotated_points,
        # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering
        R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
        translated_points = R @ translated_points
        # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3)
        mesh = self._points_to_mesh(translated_points)

        # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called
        if not self.plot_initialized:
            if path.flag == 'line':
                straight_line_object = self.straight_line_plot(path)
                    straight_line_object)  # add straight line to plot
            else:  # path.flag=='orbit
                orbit_object = self.orbit_plot(path)
            # initialize drawing of triangular mesh.
            self.body = gl.GLMeshItem(
                vertexes=mesh,  # defines the triangular mesh (Nx3x3)
                vertexColors=self.meshColors,  # defines mesh colors (Nx1)
                drawEdges=True,  # draw edges between mesh elements
                smooth=False,  # speeds up rendering
                computeNormals=False)  # speeds up rendering
            self.window.addItem(self.body)  # add body to plot
            self.plot_initialized = True

        # else update drawing on all other calls to update()
            # reset mesh using rotated and translated points
            self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.meshColors)

        # update the center of the camera view to the mav location
        #view_location = Vector(,, state.h)  # defined in ENU coordinates
        #self.window.opts['center'] = view_location
        # redraw
Esempio n. 8
    def update(self, delta, wind, simulation=True):
            Integrate the differential equations defining dynamics, update sensors
            delta = (delta_a, delta_e, delta_r, delta_t) are the control inputs
            wind is the wind vector in inertial coordinates
            Ts is the time step between function calls.
        if not simulation:
            gustInInertial = Euler2Rotation(self._state.item(6),
                                            self._state.item(8)) @ wind[3:6]
            self._wind = wind[0:3] + gustInInertial
            # get forces and moments acting on rigid bod
            forces_moments = self._forces_moments(delta)

            # Integrate ODE using Runge-Kutta RK4 algorithm
            time_step = self._ts_simulation
            k1 = self._derivatives(self._state, forces_moments)
            k2 = self._derivatives(self._state + time_step / 2. * k1,
            k3 = self._derivatives(self._state + time_step / 2. * k2,
            k4 = self._derivatives(self._state + time_step * k3,
            self._state += time_step / 6 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)

            # normalize the quaternion
            '''e0 = self._state.item(6)
            e1 = self._state.item(7)
            e2 = self._state.item(8)
            e3 = self._state.item(9)
            normE = np.sqrt(e0**2 + e1**2 + e2**2 + e3**2)
            self._state[6][0] = self._state.item(6) / normE
            self._state[7][0] = self._state.item(7) / normE
            self._state[8][0] = self._state.item(8) / normE
            self._state[9][0] = self._state.item(9) / normE'''

            # update the airspeed, angle of attack, and side slip angles using new state
            # update the message class for the true state
   = self.sensors.gps_n
   = self.sensors.gps_e
            self.true_state.h = self.sensors.gps_h
            self.true_state.phi = self.telemetry.vehicle.attitude.roll
            self.true_state.theta = self.telemetry.vehicle.attitude.pitch
            self.true_state.psi = self.telemetry.vehicle.attitude.yaw
            self.true_state.p = self.sensors.gyro_x
            self.true_state.q = self.sensors.gyro_y
            self.true_state.r = self.sensors.gyro_z
            self.true_state.Vg = self.sensors.gps_Vg
            self.true_state.chi = self.sensors.gps_course
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, state, window):
        Draw the MAV.

        The input to this function is a (message) class with properties that define the state.
        The following properties are assumed:
    # north position
    # east position
            state.h   # altitude
            state.phi  # roll angle
            state.theta  # pitch angle
            state.psi  # yaw angle
        # get points that define the non-rotated, non-translated mav and the mesh colors
        self.mav_points, self.mav_meshColors = self.get_points()
        self.faces = self.gatherPointNumbers()

        mav_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]])  # NED coordinates
        # attitude of mav as a rotation matrix from body to inertial
        rotation = Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi)
        self.mav_body = []
        for face in self.faces:
            R = rotation
            # rotate and translate points defining mav
            facePoints = np.array([self.mav_points[face[0] - 1],
                                   self.mav_points[face[1] - 1],
                                   self.mav_points[face[2] - 1]]).T
            # scale points for better rendering
            scale = 50
            facePoints = scale * facePoints
            rotated_points = self.rotate_points(facePoints, R)
            translated_points = self.translate_points(rotated_points, mav_position)
            # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering
            R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

            translated_points = R @ translated_points
            # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3)
            mesh = self.points_to_mesh(translated_points)
            if self.faces.index(face) < 8:
                i = 0  # Yellow main body
            elif self.faces.index(face) < 10:
                i = 1  # Blue wing
            elif self.faces.index(face) < 12:
                i = 2  # Green horizontal stabilizer
                i = 3  # Red vertical stabilizer
            self.mav_body.append(gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=mesh,  # defines the triangular mesh (Nx3x3)
                                               vertexColors=self.mav_meshColors[i],  # defines mesh colors (Nx1)
                                               drawEdges=True,  # draw edges between mesh elements
                                               smooth=False,  # speeds up rendering
                                               computeNormals=False))  # speeds up rendering
            window.addItem(self.mav_body[-1])  # add body to plot
Esempio n. 10
    def update(self, state):
        mav_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]])  # NED coordinates
        # attitude of mav as a rotation matrix R from body to inertial
        R = Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi)
        # rotate and translate points defining mav
        rotated_points = self.rotate_points(self.mav_points, R)
        translated_points = self.translate_points(rotated_points, mav_position)
        # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering
        R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        translated_points = R @ translated_points
        # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3)
        mesh = self.points_to_mesh(translated_points)
        # draw MAV by resetting mesh using rotated and translated points
        self.mav_body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.mav_meshColors)
Esempio n. 11
 def sensors(self):
     "Return value of sensors on MAV: gyros, accels, absolute_pressure, dynamic_pressure, GPS"
     # simulate rate gyros(units are rad / sec)
     self._sensors.gyro_x =
     self._sensors.gyro_y =
     self._sensors.gyro_z =
     # simulate accelerometers(units of g)
     self._sensors.accel_x =
     self._sensors.accel_y =
     self._sensors.accel_z =
     # simulate magnetometers
     # magnetic field in provo has magnetic declination of 12.5 degrees
     # and magnetic inclination of 66 degrees
     R_mag = Euler2Rotation(0.0, np.radians(-66), np.radians(12.5))
     # magnetic field in inertial frame: unit vector
     mag_inertial =
     R = Quaternion2Rotation(self._state[6:10]) # body to inertial
     # magnetic field in body frame: unit vector
     mag_body =
     self._sensors.mag_x =
     self._sensors.mag_y =
     self._sensors.mag_z =
     # simulate pressure sensors
     self._sensors.abs_pressure =
     self._sensors.diff_pressure =
     # simulate GPS sensor
     if self._t_gps >= SENSOR.ts_gps:
         self._gps_eta_n =
         self._gps_eta_e =
         self._gps_eta_h =
         self._sensors.gps_n =
         self._sensors.gps_e =
         self._sensors.gps_h =
         self._sensors.gps_Vg =
         self._sensors.gps_course =
         self._t_gps = 0.
         self._t_gps += self._ts_simulation
     return self._sensors
Esempio n. 12
 def sensors(self):
     "Return value of sensors on MAV: gyros, accels, absolute_pressure, dynamic_pressure, GPS"
     phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(self._state[6:10])
     u = self._state.item(3)
     v = self._state.item(4)
     w = self._state.item(5)
     uvw = np.array([[u, v, w]]).T
     Rib = Quaternion2Rotation(self._state[6:10])
     pdot = Rib @ uvw
     p = self._state.item(10)
     q = self._state.item(11)
     r = self._state.item(12)
     # simulate rate gyros(units are rad / sec)
     self._sensors.gyro_x = p + np.random.normal(SENSOR.gyro_x_bias,
     self._sensors.gyro_y = q + np.random.normal(SENSOR.gyro_y_bias,
     self._sensors.gyro_z = r + np.random.normal(SENSOR.gyro_z_bias,
     # simulate accelerometers(units of g)
     self._sensors.accel_x = self._forces[
         0, 0] / MAV.mass + MAV.gravity * np.sin(theta) + np.random.normal(
             0.0, SENSOR.accel_sigma)
     self._sensors.accel_y = self._forces[
         1, 0] / MAV.mass - MAV.gravity * np.cos(theta) * np.sin(
             phi) + np.random.normal(0.0, SENSOR.accel_sigma)
     self._sensors.accel_z = self._forces[
         2, 0] / MAV.mass - MAV.gravity * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(
             phi) + np.random.normal(0.0, SENSOR.accel_sigma)
     # simulate magnetometers
     # magnetic field in provo has magnetic declination of 12.5 degrees
     # and magnetic inclination of 66 degrees
     iota = np.radians(66)
     delta = np.radians(12.5)
     R_mag = Euler2Rotation(0.0, -iota, delta).T
     # magnetic field in inertial frame: unit vector
     mag_inertial = R_mag @ np.array([1, 0, 0])
     R = Rib.T  # body to inertial
     # magnetic field in body frame: unit vector
     mag_body = R @ mag_inertial
     self._sensors.mag_x = mag_body[0] + np.random.normal(
         SENSOR.mag_beta, SENSOR.mag_sigma)
     self._sensors.mag_y = mag_body[0] + np.random.normal(
         SENSOR.mag_beta, SENSOR.mag_sigma)
     self._sensors.mag_z = mag_body[0] + np.random.normal(
         SENSOR.mag_beta, SENSOR.mag_sigma)
     # simulate pressure sensors
     self._sensors.abs_pressure = MAV.rho * MAV.gravity * -self._state.item(
         2) + np.random.normal(0, SENSOR.abs_pres_sigma)
     self._sensors.diff_pressure = MAV.rho * self._Va**2 / 2 + np.random.normal(
         0.0, SENSOR.diff_pres_sigma)
     # simulate GPS sensor
     if self._t_gps >= SENSOR.ts_gps:
         self._gps_nu_n = self._gps_nu_n * np.exp(
             -SENSOR.ts_gps * SENSOR.gps_k) + np.random.normal(
                 0.0, SENSOR.gps_n_sigma)
         self._gps_nu_e = self._gps_nu_e * np.exp(
             -SENSOR.ts_gps * SENSOR.gps_k) + np.random.normal(
                 0.0, SENSOR.gps_e_sigma)
         self._gps_nu_h = self._gps_nu_h * np.exp(
             -SENSOR.ts_gps * SENSOR.gps_k) + np.random.normal(
                 0.0, SENSOR.gps_h_sigma)
         self._sensors.gps_n = self._state.item(0) + self._gps_nu_n
         self._sensors.gps_e = self._state.item(1) + self._gps_nu_e
         self._sensors.gps_h = -self._state.item(2) + self._gps_nu_h
         self._sensors.gps_Vg = np.sqrt(
             (self._Va * np.cos(psi) + self.true_state.wn)**2 +
             (self._Va * np.sin(psi) + self.true_state.we)**2
         ) + np.random.normal(0, SENSOR.gps_Vg_sigma)
         self._sensors.gps_course = np.arctan2(
             self._Va * np.sin(psi) + self.true_state.we,
             self._Va * np.cos(psi) +
             self.true_state.we) + np.random.normal(0.0,
         self._t_gps = 0.
         self._t_gps += self._ts_simulation
     return self._sensors