Esempio n. 1
def histogram_areas_AP(dict_areas_AP=None):

    if dict_areas_AP is None:
        with open('pickles/dict_areas_AP.pkl', 'rb') as cls_pkl:
            dict_areas_AP = pickle.load(cls_pkl)

    for key, value in dict_areas_AP.items():
        AP = np.mean(value)
        if math.isnan(AP):
            dict_areas_AP[key] = 0
            dict_areas_AP[key] = AP
        #   dict_areas_AP[key] = 0

#        dict_areas_AP[key] = np.mean(value)

    mAP = dict_areas_AP['mAP']
    n_classes = len(dict_areas_AP.keys())
    window_title = "AP per area"
    plot_title = "mAP = {0:.2f}%".format(mAP * 100)
    x_label = "Average Precision"
    output_path = "output/areas_AP.png"
    to_show = False
    plot_color = 'royalblue'
    draw_plot_func(dict_areas_AP, n_classes, window_title, plot_title, x_label,
                   output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")
Esempio n. 2
def histogram_areas(dict_areas=None):

    if dict_areas is None:
        with open('pickles/dict_areas.pkl', 'rb') as areas_pkl:
            dict_areas = pickle.load(areas_pkl)

    window_title = "areas"
    plot_title = "number of objects per areas"
    x_label = "number of objects per area"
    output_path = "output/areas_wide.png"
    to_show = True
    plot_color = 'forestgreen'
    draw_plot_func(dict_areas, len(dict_areas.keys()), window_title,
                   plot_title, x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")
Esempio n. 3
def histogram_resolutions_img(dict_res_img=None):

    if dict_res_img is None:
        with open('pickles/dict_res_img_images.pkl', 'rb') as gt_pkl:
            dict_res_img = pickle.load(gt_pkl)

    classes = load_classes('data/autel.resolutions')
    window_title = "img/resolution"
    plot_title = "num images per resolution"
    x_label = "num images"
    output_path = "output/resolution_img_08072018.png"
    to_show = True
    plot_color = 'royalblue'
    draw_plot_func(dict_res_img, len(classes), window_title, plot_title,
                   x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")
Esempio n. 4
def histogram_resolutions_videos(dict_res_video=None):

    if dict_res_video is None:
        with open('pickles/dict_res_videos_images.pkl', 'rb') as gt_pkl:
            dict_res_video = pickle.load(gt_pkl)

    for key, values in dict_res_video.items():
        dict_res_video[key] = len(values)

    classes = load_classes('data/autel.resolutions')

    window_title = "ground truth"
    plot_title = "number videos per resolution"
    x_label = "num videos"
    output_path = "output/resolution_videos_08072018.png"
    to_show = True
    plot_color = 'royalblue'
    draw_plot_func(dict_res_video, len(classes), window_title, plot_title,
                   x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")
Esempio n. 5
def histogram_classes_gt(dict_gt=None):

    if dict_gt is None:
        with open('pickle/dict_gt.pkl', 'rb') as gt_pkl:
            dict_gt = pickle.load(gt_pkl)

    classes = load_classes('data/autel.names')
    gt_path = '/home/alupotto/data/autel/new_labels'
    gt_list = glob.glob("{}/*.txt".format(gt_path))

    window_title = "ground truth"
    plot_title = "Ground-Truth\n"
    plot_title += "(" + str(len(gt_list)) + " files and " + str(
        len(classes)) + " classes)"
    x_label = "number ground truth objects"
    output_path = "output/ground_truth.png"
    to_show = False
    plot_color = 'forestgreen'
    draw_plot_func(dict_gt, len(classes), window_title, plot_title, x_label,
                   output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")
    return dict_gt
Esempio n. 6
def histogram_classes_AP(dict_classes=None):

    if dict_classes is None:
        with open('pickles/dict_classes.pkl', 'rb') as cls_pkl:
            dict_classes = pickle.load(cls_pkl)

    classes = load_classes('data/autel.names')
    for key, value in dict_classes.items():
        dict_classes[key] = np.mean(value)

    mAP = dict_classes['mAP']

    window_title = "AP per class"
    plot_title = "mAP = {0:.2f}%".format(mAP * 100)
    x_label = "Average Precision"
    output_path = "output/classes_AP.png"
    to_show = True
    plot_color = 'royalblue'
    draw_plot_func(dict_classes, len(classes), window_title, plot_title,
                   x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")
    return dict_classes
Esempio n. 7
def histogram_classes_gt(imgs_path, dict_gt=None):

    if dict_gt is None:
        with open('pickles/dict_part1_autel.pkl', 'rb') as gt_pkl:
            dict_gt = pickle.load(gt_pkl)


    classes = load_classes('data/autel.names')
    # load images
    img_files = sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.jpg' % imgs_path))
    window_title = "ground truth"
    plot_title = "Ground-Truth\n"
    plot_title += "(" + str(len(img_files)) + " files and " + str(
        len(classes)) + " classes)"
    x_label = "number ground truth objects"
    output_path = "output/ground_truth_08072018.png"
    to_show = True
    plot_color = 'forestgreen'
    draw_plot_func(dict_gt, len(classes), window_title, plot_title, x_label,
                   output_path, to_show, plot_color, "")