Esempio n. 1
    def pointwiseSigma(self, points):
        "Test sigma value per point"

        m = self.config["G_m"]
        dimfactor = self.config["G_dimfactor"]
        outputPath = self.config["TEST_outputPath"]

        label = "MP"

        with t_utils.timing() as t:
            res = list(
                map(lambda s: (s, self.SigmaEvaluatorInstance.compute(s)),
            with open(self.path("meta"), "a") as f:
                    f, "%s::sigma_evaltime(%d) %f" % (label, len(points), t()))

        with open(self.path("sigma"), "a") as f:
            self.iwrite(f, "# %s" % label)
            self.iwrite(f, "s, sigma")
            for pair in res:
                self.iwrite(f, "%e, %e" % pair)

        plt.savefig(self.path("sigma_plot." + label + ".png"))
Esempio n. 2
        def evalPrec(p):
            self.cmel.relErr = 2**(-p)
            for point in range(points):
                thepoint = minP + (maxP - minP) / points * point

                with t_utils.timing() as t:
                    res = self.cmel.compute(thepoint, maxP / 1.5, 0.2, 0)
                    answ[p].append((res, t()))
            answ[p] = sp.array(answ[p]).T
            self.iwrite(fdata, answ[p])
Esempio n. 3
        def evalPrec(p):
            self.crsc.relErr = 2**(-p)
            for point in range(points):
                thepoint = minS + (maxS - minS) / points * point

                with t_utils.timing() as t:
                    res = self.crsc.compute(thepoint)
            answ[p] = sp.array(answ[p]).T
            self.iwrite(fdata, answ[p])
Esempio n. 4
 def evalPrec(p):
     self.dmel.absErr = 2**(-p)
     n = 1
     l = 0
     while (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2 + l < points:
         with t_utils.timing() as t:
             res = self.dmel.compute(n, l)
             answ[p].append((res, t()))
         buf = l
         l = (buf + 1) % n
         n += (buf + 1) // n
     answ[p] = sp.array(answ[p]).T
     self.iwrite(fdata, answ[p])
Esempio n. 5
    def dosum(self, mp):
        "evaluate sumrule for specific MP"
        label = mp.__name__

        mpEvaluator = evals.TrivialEvaluator(mp)
        self.SigmaEvaluatorInstance.MPEvaluatorInstance = mpEvaluator

        self.SumruleEvaluatorInstance.monitor =\
                Monitor(self.path("monitor_sr::%s.dat" % label))

        with t_utils.timing() as t:
            sr = self.SumruleEvaluatorInstance.compute()
            with open(self.path("meta"), "a") as f:
                self.iwrite(f, "%s::sumrule_evaltime %f" % (label, t()))

        with open(self.path("sumrule"), "a") as f:
            self.iwrite(f, "%s::sumrule %f" % (label, sr))
        return sr
Esempio n. 6
    def doDiscSum(self, mp, psi):
        "evaluate sumrule for specific MP"
        label = "disc::"+mp.__name__

        self.McolPDiscEvaluatorInstance.MP = mp
        self.McolPDiscEvaluatorInstance.psiColP = psi

        with t_utils.timing() as t:
            sr = self.SumruleDiscEvaluatorInstance.compute()
            with open(self.path("meta"), "a") as f:
                self.iwrite(f, "%s::sumrule_evaltime %f" % (label, t()))

        with open(self.path("sumrule"), "a") as f:
            self.iwrite(f, "%s::sumrule %f" % (label, sr))

        # flush to initial
        self.McolPDiscEvaluatorInstance.MP = None
        self.McolPDiscEvaluatorInstance.psiColP = None
        return sr
Esempio n. 7
    def doContSum(self, mp):
        "evaluate sumrule for specific MP"
        label = "cont::"+mp.__name__

        self.McolPEvaluatorInstance.MP = mp
        self.SumruleEvaluatorInstance.monitor =\
                Monitor(self.path("monitor_sr-%s" % label))

        with t_utils.timing() as t:
            sr = self.SumruleEvaluatorInstance.compute()
            with open(self.path("meta"), "a") as f:
                self.iwrite(f, "%s::sumrule_evaltime %f" % (label, t()))

        with open(self.path("sumrule"), "a") as f:
            self.iwrite(f, "%s::sumrule %f" % (label, sr))

        # flush to initial
        self.McolPEvaluatorInstance.MP = None
        self.SumruleEvaluatorInstance.monitor = None
        return sr