def __evalFunction(self, toks):
     val = toks[0]
     fnName = val[0].upper()
     args = val[1:]
     args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None]  # Filter nones
     if not args:
         return 0
     if fnName == 'SUM':
         return sum(args)
     elif fnName == 'AVE':
         from tools import average
         return average(args)
     elif fnName == 'MAX':
         return max(args)
     elif fnName == "MIN":
         return min(args)
     elif fnName == "COUNT":
         return len(args)
     elif fnName == "ALARMS":
         return self.alarm_list
     elif fnName == "DISTANCE":
         dist = 0
         # self.prior_batch_last_record.columnValue()
         last_gp = None
         for gp in args:
             gp = tools.safe_geopoint(gp)
             if last_gp and gp:
                 dist += tools.calcLocDistance(last_gp, gp)
             if gp:
                 last_gp = gp
         return dist  # m
     elif fnName == "SQRT":
         arg = args[0]
         return math.sqrt(arg)
     return 0
Esempio n. 2
 def __baseline(self, space):
     if len(space) < self.baselines:
         k = len(space)
         k = self.baselines
     samples = sample(space, k)
     baselines = [ratio for ratio, _ in samples]
     return average(baselines)
Esempio n. 3
def compute_accuracy(listup):
	'''input <-- a list of tuples i.e. [(Bl1, 0.1), (Bl2,0.3)...]
				i.e. self.past self.progrss, self.all
	output: --> a number indicating accuracy'''
	all_accuracy = []
	for tup in listup:

	return average(all_accuracy) 
Esempio n. 4
	def draw_graph(self):

		#draw pie chart to show progress
		output = self.output
		labels, fracs, emphasis = ['done','progress','waiting'], [self.allNum - self.progressNum, self.progressNum, self.tot], [1]
		print fracs
		tit ='  ' +'para_quantity'
		print tit
		pie_chart(fracs,labels,tit,output,emphasis = emphasis,show = False)

		#draw correctness of progress

		cordata = {[]}
		corsub = cordata[]
		extdata = {[]}
		extsub = extdata[]
		xlabels = []
		for serialNum in self.progress:
		tit ='  ' +'most_recent_correctness'

		print 'computing understaning aggregate'

		if 'understanding' not in self.sinfo['aggregate']['current']: self.sinfo['aggregate']['past']['understanding'] = 0
		else: self.sinfo['aggregate']['past']['understanding'] = self.sinfo['aggregate']['current']['understanding']
		self.sinfo['aggregate']['current']['understanding'] = 100 - 10*average(extsub)
		try: normal_plot(cordata, xlabels, tit, output, xaxis = None, yaxis = None)
			tit = + ' ' + 'most_recent_extraction'
			#print extdata
			normal_plot(extdata, xlabels, tit, output, xaxis = None, yaxis = None)

		info =['date']
		cordata = {[]}
		corsub = cordata[]
		extdata = {[]}
		extsub = extdata[]
		dates = []
		for date in self.recent:
			if date in info:
		xlabels = dates
		tit ='  ' +'dates_recent_correctness'
		normal_plot(cordata, xlabels, tit, output, xaxis = None, yaxis = None)
		tit = + ' ' + 'dates_recent_extraction'
		normal_plot(extdata, xlabels, tit, output, xaxis = None, yaxis = None)
def pearsons_product_moment(wavx, wavy):
    :param wav1:
    :param wav2:
    avg_x = tools.average(wavx)
    avg_y = tools.average(wavy)

    xXyY = 0
    xX2 = 0
    yY2 = 0

    for i in range(len(wavx)):
        xXyY += (wavx[i] - avg_x) * (wavy[i] - avg_y)
        xX2 += math.pow(wavx[i].real - avg_x, 2)
        yY2 += math.pow(wavy[i].real - avg_y, 2)

    r = xXyY / (math.sqrt(xX2 * yY2))
    return r
def pearsons_product_moment(wavx, wavy):
    :param wav1:
    :param wav2:
    avg_x = tools.average(wavx)
    avg_y = tools.average(wavy)

    xXyY = 0
    xX2 = 0
    yY2 = 0

    for i in range(len(wavx)):
        xXyY += (wavx[i] - avg_x) * (wavy[i] - avg_y)
        xX2 += math.pow(wavx[i].real - avg_x, 2)
        yY2 += math.pow(wavy[i].real - avg_y, 2)

    r = xXyY / (math.sqrt(xX2 * yY2))
    return r
def compute_best_fit_line(data):
    Computs the line of best fit for a list of values. Assumes x value is the index of the item in the list.
    :param data: list of data points
    :return: (m, b) or .. (slope, yoffset)
    avg_x = len(data) / 2
    avg_y = tools.average(data)
    xXyY = 0
    xX2 = 0

    for x in range(len(data)):
        xXyY += (x - avg_x) * (data[x].real - avg_y)
        xX2 += math.pow(x - avg_x, 2)

    slope_m = xXyY / xX2
    yoffet_b = avg_y - slope_m * avg_x
    return  slope_m, yoffet_b
def compute_best_fit_line(data):
    Computs the line of best fit for a list of values. Assumes x value is the index of the item in the list.
    :param data: list of data points
    :return: (m, b) or .. (slope, yoffset)
    avg_x = len(data) / 2
    avg_y = tools.average(data)
    xXyY = 0
    xX2 = 0

    for x in range(len(data)):
        xXyY += (x - avg_x) * (data[x].real - avg_y)
        xX2 += math.pow(x - avg_x, 2)

    slope_m = xXyY / xX2
    yoffet_b = avg_y - slope_m * avg_x
    return slope_m, yoffet_b
Esempio n. 9
 def __evalFunction(self, toks):
     val = toks[0]
     fnName = val[0].upper()
     args = val[1:]
     args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None]  # Filter nones
     if not args:
         return 0
     if fnName == 'SUM':
         return sum(args)
     elif fnName == 'AVE':
         from tools import average
         return average(args)
     elif fnName == 'MAX':
         return max(args)
     elif fnName == "MIN":
         return min(args)
     elif fnName == "COUNT":
         return len(args)
     elif fnName == "ALARMS":
         # Usage: ALARMS([rule_id])
         # Returns list of alarms in processed batch, optionally filtered by rule_id
         alarm_list = list(self.alarm_list)
         if args and args[0].isdigit():
             rule_id = int(args[0])
             if rule_id:
                 alarm_list.filter(lambda al: tools.getKey(
                     Alarm, 'rule', al, asID=True) == rule_id)
         return alarm_list
     elif fnName == "DISTANCE":
         dist = 0
         # self.prior_batch_last_record.columnValue()
         last_gp = None
         for gp in args:
             gp = tools.safe_geopoint(gp)
             if last_gp and gp:
                 dist += tools.calcLocDistance(last_gp, gp)
             if gp:
                 last_gp = gp
         return dist  # m
     elif fnName == "SQRT":
         arg = args[0]
         return math.sqrt(arg)
     return 0
Esempio n. 10
 def __evalFunction(self, toks):
     val = toks[0]
     fnName = val[0].upper()
     args = val[1:]
     args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None]  # Filter nones
     if not args:
         return 0
     if fnName == 'SUM':
         return sum(args)
     elif fnName == 'AVE':
         from tools import average
         return average(args)
     elif fnName == 'MAX':
         return max(args)
     elif fnName == "MIN":
         return min(args)
     elif fnName == "COUNT":
         return len(args)
     elif fnName == "ALARMS":
         # Usage: ALARMS([rule_id])
         # Returns list of alarms in processed batch, optionally filtered by rule_id
         alarm_list = list(self.alarm_list)
         if args and args[0].isdigit():
             rule_id = int(args[0])
             if rule_id:
                 alarm_list.filter(lambda al : tools.getKey(Alarm, 'rule', al, asID=True) == rule_id)
         return alarm_list
     elif fnName == "DISTANCE":
         dist = 0
         # self.prior_batch_last_record.columnValue()
         last_gp = None
         for gp in args:
             gp = tools.safe_geopoint(gp)
             if last_gp and gp:
                 dist += tools.calcLocDistance(last_gp, gp)
             if gp:
                 last_gp = gp
         return dist  # m
     elif fnName == "SQRT":
         arg = args[0]
         return math.sqrt(arg)
     return 0
Esempio n. 11
    def testAggregatedExpressionParsing(self):
        from models import Record
        record_list = []
        start_ms = tools.unixtime()
        ts_data = [
            long(start_ms + x) for x in range(0, 10 * 10 * 1000, 10 * 1000)
        ]  # 10 sec apart
        x_data = [4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 2, 1, 0, 1, 4]
        y_data = [0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        for i, ts, x, y in zip(range(10), ts_data, x_data, y_data):
            r = Record()
            r.setColumnValue("_ts", ts)
            r.setColumnValue("x", x)
            r.setColumnValue("y", y)
        now_ms = tools.unixtime()
        import numpy as np
        volley = [
            ["DOT({_ts},{y})",, y_data)],
            ["MAX({y})", max(y_data)],
            ["MIN({y})", 0],
            ["AVE({x})", tools.average(x_data)],
            ["COUNT({y})", 10],
            ["DOT(DELTA({_ts}), {y}) / 1000", 40]  # 40 secs

        for v in volley:
            expr = v[0]
            target = v[1]
            tick =
            ep = ExpressionParser(expr, verbose=True, run_ms=now_ms)
            result =
            tock =
            diff = tock - tick
            ms = diff.microseconds / 1000
            logmessage = "%s took %d ms" % (expr, ms)
            if ms > 100:
                logmessage += " <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SLOW OP!"
            print logmessage
            self.assertEqual(result, target)
Esempio n. 12
def calculate_mfcc(audio_filename):
    Calculate MFCC features for the audio in a given file
        audio_filename: file name of the audio

        feature_vectors: MFCC feature vector for the given audio file
    fs, audio =

    # Make stereo audio being mono
    if len(audio.shape) == 2:
        audio = (audio[:, 0] + audio[:, 1]) / 2

    # Calculate MFCC feature with the window frame it was designed for
    input_vectors = mfcc(audio, winlen=0.02, winstep=0.01, samplerate=fs, numcep=MFCC_INPUTS)

    input_vectors = [average(input_vectors[:, i], 5) for i in range(MFCC_INPUTS)]

    feature_vectors = np.transpose(input_vectors)

    return feature_vectors
def main(args):

    # Load up the song (must be .wav) into memory
    amp_data, fs, enc = wavread(args[0])

    #   Maintenance of all calculated energies
    #   and average energies:
    energy_spikes = []
    energy_averages = []
    energy_averages_SDs = []
    energies = []

    #   Iteration over sample packs of song:
    # static parameters
    SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE = int(256 / 2)
    ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE = int((44100 * 1.3) / SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE)
    THRESHOLD_C = 1.3

    # contains the last <ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE> energies
    energy_history = deque(maxlen=ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE)

    start = int(len(amp_data) * 0.1)
    end = start + int(44100 * 120) # 120 seconds
    end = min(len(amp_data), end)
    # cuts off the extra samples at the end.
    nthIndex = range(start, end, SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE)

    for i in nthIndex:
        sample_pack = amp_data[i:i + SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE]

        if len(sample_pack) != SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE:

        # calculate the instance energy (squared) of this sample pack
        energy = tools.average(tools.squared(sample_pack), isLR=True)

        # append the instance energy to the right of the history list

        if len(energy_history) >= ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE:
            # the history buffer is full so we can begin comparing average energy


            average_energy = tools.average(energy_history)
            #average_energy_SD = tools.standard_dev(energy_history, average_energy)
            average_energy_diff = tools.linear_dev(energy_history, average_energy)


            #determined_thresh = average_energy * (THRESHOLD_C + 0.5 * average_energy_SD)
            determined_thresh = average_energy * 1.4 + 0.1 * average_energy_diff

            # print determined_C
            # check for energy spike
            if energy > determined_thresh:
                # we have an energy spike!
                # no spike

    # period = int((60.0 / bpm) * 44100 / SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE)

    BPMs = range(60, 200, 1)
    periods = [ int((60.0 / bpm) * 44100 / SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE) for bpm in BPMs]

    period_i, correlations = compute_beat_with_impulse_trains(energies, periods)

    BPM = BPMs[period_i]
    print "BPM: " + str(BPM)
    impulse_train = generate_impulse_train(periods[period_i], len(energies), 0.5)

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)

    x = BPMs
    y = correlations
    axs[0].bar(x, y, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1, width=1)

    # x = range(0, len(energy_spikes))
    # y = energy_spikes
    # y2 = impulse_train
    # # axs[1].scatter(x, y, marker="|")
    # # axs[1].bar(x, y, color='g', linewidth=0)
    # axs[1].plot(x, y, color='g', linewidth=1)
    # axs[1].plot(x, y2, color='b', linewidth=1,  alpha=0.3)
    # axs[1].set_ylabel('Energy')
    # axs[1].set_xlabel('Frame')

    plt.savefig("../graphs/" + args[0].split('/')[-1] + "_graph.png")
Esempio n. 14
 def __evalFunction(self, toks):
     val = toks[0]
     fnName = val[0].upper()
     args = val[1:]
     args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None]  # Filter nones
     if not args:
         return 0
     if fnName == 'SUM':
         args = self.__getArglist(args)
         if args:
             return [sum(args)]
         return [0]
     elif fnName == 'AVE':
         from tools import average
         args = self.__getArglist(args)
         if args:
             return [average(args)]
         return [0]
     elif fnName == 'MAX':
         args = self.__getArglist(args)
         if args:
             res = max(args)
             return [res]
         return [0]
     elif fnName == "MIN":
         args = self.__getArglist(args)
         if args:
             return [min(args)]
         return [0]
     elif fnName == "COUNT":
         args = self.__getArglist(args)
         return [len(args)]
     elif fnName == "ALARMS":
         from models import Alarm
         # Usage: ALARMS([rule_id])
         # Returns list of alarms in processed batch, optionally filtered by rule_id
         alarm_list = list(self.alarm_list)
         if args and type(args[0]) in [int, long, float]:
             rule_id = int(args[0])
             if rule_id:
                 alarm_list = [
                     al for al in alarm_list if tools.getKey(
                         Alarm, 'rule', al, asID=True) == rule_id
         return [alarm_list]
     elif fnName == "DISTANCE":
         dist = 0
         last_gp = None
         args = self.__getArglist(args)
         for gp in args:
             gp = tools.safe_geopoint(gp)
             if last_gp and gp:
                 dist += tools.calcLocDistance(last_gp, gp)
             if gp:
                 last_gp = gp
         return [dist]  # m
     elif fnName == "SQRT":
         arg = args[0]
         return [math.sqrt(arg)]
     elif fnName == "SINCE":
         # Returns ms since event (argument), or 0 if none found
         event = args[0]
         since = 0
         now = self.run_ms
             if event:
                 if type(event) in [long, float]:
                     # Treat as ms timestamp
                     since = now - event
                 elif isinstance(event, basestring):
                 elif event.kind() == 'Alarm':
                     since = now - tools.unixtime(event.dt_start)
                 elif event.kind() == 'Record':
                     since = now - tools.unixtime(event.dt_recorded)
         except Exception, e:
             logging.warning("Error in SINCE() - %s" % e)
         return [since]
def main(args):

    # Load up the song (must be .wav) into memory
    amp_data, fs, enc = wavread(args[0])

    #   Maintenance of all calculated energies
    #   and average energies:
    energy_spikes = []
    energy_averages = []
    energy_averages_SDs = []
    energies = []

    #   Iteration over sample packs of song:
    # static parameters
    SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE = int(256 / 2)
    ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE = int((44100 * 1.3) / SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE)
    THRESHOLD_C = 1.3

    # contains the last <ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE> energies
    energy_history = deque(maxlen=ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE)

    start = int(len(amp_data) * 0.1)
    end = start + int(44100 * 120)  # 120 seconds
    end = min(len(amp_data), end)
    # cuts off the extra samples at the end.
    nthIndex = range(start, end, SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE)

    for i in nthIndex:
        sample_pack = amp_data[i:i + SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE]

        if len(sample_pack) != SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE:

        # calculate the instance energy (squared) of this sample pack
        energy = tools.average(tools.squared(sample_pack), isLR=True)

        # append the instance energy to the right of the history list

        if len(energy_history) >= ENERGY_HISTORY_SIZE:
            # the history buffer is full so we can begin comparing average energy


            average_energy = tools.average(energy_history)
            #average_energy_SD = tools.standard_dev(energy_history, average_energy)
            average_energy_diff = tools.linear_dev(energy_history,


            #determined_thresh = average_energy * (THRESHOLD_C + 0.5 * average_energy_SD)
            determined_thresh = average_energy * 1.4 + 0.1 * average_energy_diff

            # print determined_C
            # check for energy spike
            if energy > determined_thresh:
                # we have an energy spike!
                # no spike

    # period = int((60.0 / bpm) * 44100 / SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE)

    BPMs = range(60, 200, 1)
    periods = [int((60.0 / bpm) * 44100 / SAMPLE_PACK_SIZE) for bpm in BPMs]

    period_i, correlations = compute_beat_with_impulse_trains(
        energies, periods)

    BPM = BPMs[period_i]
    print "BPM: " + str(BPM)
    impulse_train = generate_impulse_train(periods[period_i], len(energies),

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)

    x = BPMs
    y = correlations
    axs[0].bar(x, y, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1, width=1)

    # x = range(0, len(energy_spikes))
    # y = energy_spikes
    # y2 = impulse_train
    # # axs[1].scatter(x, y, marker="|")
    # # axs[1].bar(x, y, color='g', linewidth=0)
    # axs[1].plot(x, y, color='g', linewidth=1)
    # axs[1].plot(x, y2, color='b', linewidth=1,  alpha=0.3)
    # axs[1].set_ylabel('Energy')
    # axs[1].set_xlabel('Frame')

    plt.savefig("../graphs/" + args[0].split('/')[-1] + "_graph.png")
Esempio n. 16
def least_squares(t0, t1, data):
    price_average = tools.average(data['price'])
    operation_num = lambda km, price: (price - estimatedPrice(t0, t1, km)) ** 2
    operation_den = lambda km, price: (price - price_average) ** 2

    return 1 - (tools.sum(t0, t1, data, operation_num) / tools.sum(t0, t1, data, operation_den))