def _mass_mail_send(self, cr, uid, data, context): nbr = 0 partners = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('labo.analysis.request').browse(cr, uid, data['ids'], context) for p in partners: partner=p.ref_client for adr in partner.address: if name = or to = '%s <%s>' % (name, #TODO: add some tests to check for invalid email addresses #CHECKME: maybe we should use res.partner/email_send attach_ids = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'labo.analysis.request'), ('res_id', '=',]) res = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').read(cr, uid, attach_ids, ['datas_fname','datas']) res = map(lambda x: (x['datas_fname'], base64.decodestring(x['datas'])), res) tools.email_send_attach(data['form']['from'], [to], data['form']['subject'], data['form']['text'],attach=res) nbr += 1 # pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.partner.event').create(cr, uid, # {'name': 'Email sent through mass mailing', # 'partner_id': partner, # 'description': data['form']['text'], }) #TODO: log number of message sent return {'email_sent': nbr}
def _mass_mail_send(self, cr, uid, data, context): nbr = 0 partners = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('labo.analysis.request').browse( cr, uid, data['ids'], context) for p in partners: partner = p.ref_client for adr in partner.address: if name = or to = '%s <%s>' % (name, #TODO: add some tests to check for invalid email addresses #CHECKME: maybe we should use res.partner/email_send attach_ids = pooler.get_pool( cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').search( cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'labo.analysis.request'), ('res_id', '=',]) res = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.attachment').read( cr, uid, attach_ids, ['datas_fname', 'datas']) res = map( lambda x: (x['datas_fname'], base64.decodestring(x['datas'])), res) tools.email_send_attach(data['form']['from'], [to], data['form']['subject'], data['form']['text'], attach=res) nbr += 1 # pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.partner.event').create(cr, uid, # {'name': 'Email sent through mass mailing', # 'partner_id': partner, # 'description': data['form']['text'], }) #TODO: log number of message sent return {'email_sent': nbr}
def _mass_mail_send(cr, uid, data, context, adr): import re # change the [[field]] tags with the partner address values pattern = re.compile('\[\[\S+\]\]') fields = pattern.findall(data['form']['text']) texts = [] for field in fields: text = getattr(adr, field[2:-2]) if text and field[-5:-2] == '_id': # State or country field text = if text and field[2:-2] == 'function': # functions field text = texts.append(text or '') mail = str(pattern.sub('%s', data['form']['text'])) mail = mail % tuple(texts) #print mail # The field can contain several email addresses separated by , name = or to = ['%s <%s>' % (name, email) for email in',')] #print to # List of attached files: List of tuples with (file_name, file_content) f_attach = [] if data['form']['file1']: f_attach.append( (data['form']['name1'] or 'attached_file1', base64.decodestring(data['form']['file1']))) if data['form']['file2']: f_attach.append( (data['form']['name2'] or 'attached_file2', base64.decodestring(data['form']['file2']))) if data['form']['file3']: f_attach.append( (data['form']['name3'] or 'attached_file3', base64.decodestring(data['form']['file3']))) #TODO: add some tests to check for invalid email addresses #CHECKME: maybe we should use res.partner/email_send tools.email_send_attach(data['form']['from'], to, data['form']['subject'], mail, attach=f_attach) # Add a partner event c_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.partner.canal').search( cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', 'EMAIL'), ('active', '=', True)]) c_id = c_id and c_id[0] or False pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.partner.event').create( cr, uid, { 'name': 'Email sent through mass mailing', 'partner_id':, 'description': mail, 'canal_id': c_id, 'user_id': uid, })
def _send_mail(self, cr, uid, data, context): ptrn = re.compile('(\w+@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)') result =['form']['email']) if result==None: raise wizard.except_wizard('Error !', 'Enter Valid E-Mail Address.') fields=['Id','Name','Partner','Related Type of Carnet','Emission Date','Validity Date','Holder Name','Holder Address','Holder City','Representer Name','Representer Address','Representer City','Usage','Goods','Area','Insurer Agreement','Own Risks','Goods Value','Double Signature','Initial No. of Pages','Additional No. of Pages','Warranty','Related Warranty Product','Date of Return','State','Date of Closure','Date of Sending to the Federation','Apply the Member Price'] # For First CSV month=data['form']['month'] yr=int(time.strftime('%Y')),int(month),1),int(month),lengthmonth(yr, int(month))) period="to_date('" + self.first_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + self.last_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') +"','yyyy-mm-dd')" cr.execute('select id from cci_missions_ata_carnet where federation_sending_date is null and ok_state_date between %s'%(period)) res_file1=cr.fetchall() lines=[] root_path=tools.config.options['root_path'] if res_file1: lines=self.make_csv(cr, uid,res_file1,file2=0) self.write_csv(root_path+'/carnet_1.csv',fields,lines) # First CSV created # Process for second CSV -Start,today.month, comp_date=_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') cr.execute('select id from cci_missions_ata_carnet where federation_sending_date is null and state='"'pending'"' and return_date <='"'%s'"''%(str(comp_date))) res_file2=cr.fetchall() lines=[] if res_file2: lines=self.make_csv(cr, uid,res_file2,file2=1) self.write_csv(root_path+'/carnet_2.csv',fields,lines) # Second CSV created. if res_file1==[] and res_file2==[]: raise wizard.except_wizard('Notification !', 'No Records Found to make the CSV files.Choose other criteria.') files_attached=[] if res_file1: file_csv1=tools.file_open(root_path+'/carnet_1.csv','rb',subdir=None) files_attached=[('Ata_carnet_csv_1.csv',] if res_file2: file_csv2=tools.file_open(root_path+'/carnet_2.csv','rb',subdir=None) files_attached.append(('Ata_carnet_csv_2.csv', src=tools.config.options['smtp_user'] dest=[data['form']['email']] body="Hello,\nHere are the CSV files for Federation Sending.\nThanks You For Using TinyERP.\nThink Big Use Tiny." tools.email_send_attach(src,dest,"Federation Sending Files From TinyERP",body,attach=files_attached) return {}
def _send_mail(self, cr, uid, data, context): ptrn = re.compile('(\w+@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)') result =['form']['email']) if result == None: raise wizard.except_wizard('Error !', 'Enter Valid E-Mail Address.') fields = [ 'Id', 'Name', 'Partner', 'Related Type of Carnet', 'Emission Date', 'Validity Date', 'Holder Name', 'Holder Address', 'Holder City', 'Representer Name', 'Representer Address', 'Representer City', 'Usage', 'Goods', 'Area', 'Insurer Agreement', 'Own Risks', 'Goods Value', 'Double Signature', 'Initial No. of Pages', 'Additional No. of Pages', 'Warranty', 'Related Warranty Product', 'Date of Return', 'State', 'Date of Closure', 'Date of Sending to the Federation', 'Apply the Member Price' ] # For First CSV month = data['form']['month'] yr = int(time.strftime('%Y')) self.first_day =, int(month), 1) self.last_day =, int(month), lengthmonth(yr, int(month))) period = "to_date('" + self.first_day.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d' ) + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + self.last_day.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') + "','yyyy-mm-dd')" cr.execute( 'select id from cci_missions_ata_carnet where federation_sending_date is null and ok_state_date between %s' % (period)) res_file1 = cr.fetchall() lines = [] root_path = tools.config.options['root_path'] if res_file1: lines = self.make_csv(cr, uid, res_file1, file2=0) self.write_csv(root_path + '/carnet_1.csv', fields, lines) # First CSV created # Process for second CSV -Start today = _date = - 2, today.month, comp_date = _date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') cr.execute( 'select id from cci_missions_ata_carnet where federation_sending_date is null and state=' "'pending'" ' and return_date <=' "'%s'" '' % (str(comp_date))) res_file2 = cr.fetchall() lines = [] if res_file2: lines = self.make_csv(cr, uid, res_file2, file2=1) self.write_csv(root_path + '/carnet_2.csv', fields, lines) # Second CSV created. if res_file1 == [] and res_file2 == []: raise wizard.except_wizard( 'Notification !', 'No Records Found to make the CSV files.Choose other criteria.' ) files_attached = [] if res_file1: file_csv1 = tools.file_open(root_path + '/carnet_1.csv', 'rb', subdir=None) files_attached = [('Ata_carnet_csv_1.csv',] if res_file2: file_csv2 = tools.file_open(root_path + '/carnet_2.csv', 'rb', subdir=None) files_attached.append(('Ata_carnet_csv_2.csv', src = tools.config.options['smtp_user'] dest = [data['form']['email']] body = "Hello,\nHere are the CSV files for Federation Sending.\nThanks You For Using TinyERP.\nThink Big Use Tiny." tools.email_send_attach(src, dest, "Federation Sending Files From TinyERP", body, attach=files_attached) return {}