Esempio n. 1
def generate_conf(host, user, password, port, data_path, mysql_base,
                  mysql_home, extra_params):
    :param conf_dict, a dict
    mycnf = 'my.cnf_new'
    conf_tmpl = read_cnf_template()
    conf_dict = gen_conf_for_instance(host, port, data_path, mysql_base)

    if not conf_tmpl.has_section('mysqld'):

    for param_name, param_value in conf_dict.items():
        conf_tmpl.set('mysqld', param_name, param_value)

    for param in extra_params:
        param_name = param['param_name']
        param_value = param['param_value']
        conf_tmpl.set('mysqld', param_name, param_value)

    with open(mycnf, 'w') as cnf:
    tools.my_log(log_type, '生成配置文件%s!' % mycnf, '')
    sftp_upload_file(host, user, password, mycnf, '%s/my.cnf' % mysql_home)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '上传配置文件至%s/my.cnf!' % mysql_home, '')
Esempio n. 2
def mysql_startup(host, user, password):
    log_type = '启动Mysql数据库'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = '启动Mysql数据库'", '')
    # 上传脚本
    local_file = os.getcwd() + '/frame/mysql_tools/'
    sftp_upload_file(host, user, password, '/tmp/', local_file)
    # 执行命令
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/ > /tmp/mysql_startup.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, ',Mysql数据库启动成功!', '')
Esempio n. 3
def mysql_shutdown(host, user, password, ssh_port):
    log_type = '关闭Mysql数据库'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = '关闭Mysql数据库'", '')
    # 上传脚本
    local_file = os.getcwd() + '/frame/mysql_tools/'
    sftp_upload_file(host, user, password, ssh_port, '/tmp/',
    # 执行命令
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/ > /tmp/mysql_shutdown.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, ssh_port, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,Mysql数据库关闭成功!', '')
Esempio n. 4
def oracle_startup(host, user, password):
    log_type = '启动Oracle数据库'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = '启动Oracle数据库'",
    # 上传脚本
    local_file = os.getcwd() + '/frame/oracle_tools/'
    print local_file
    sftp_upload_file(host, user, password, '/tmp/', local_file)
    # 执行命令
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/ > /tmp/ora_startup.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, ',Oracle数据库启动成功!', '')
Esempio n. 5
def mysql_install(host, user, password, data_path, mysql_base, port):
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = 'MySQL部署'", '')
    extra_params = ''
    mysql_home = '/%s/my%s' % (mysql_base, port)
    # 1. 创建目录
    tools.my_log(log_type, '开始创建目录!', '')
    create_home_dir(host, user, password, port, data_path, mysql_base)
    # 2. 生成配置文件
    tools.my_log(log_type, '生成配置文件!', '')
    generate_conf(host, user, password, port, data_path, mysql_base,
                  mysql_home, extra_params)
    # 3. 初始化数据库
    install_default_database(host, user, password, data_path, mysql_base, port,
Esempio n. 6
def go_collect(local_dir):
    log_type = '日志采集'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = '日志采集'", '')
    # 指定本地保存路径
    today = time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    now = time.strftime('%H%M%S')
    # 创建当天目录
    local_today = local_dir + '/' + today
    isExists = os.path.exists(local_today)
    # cmd_find = "find %s -mtime 0 -name '*'" %log_path
    if not isExists:
    tools.my_log(log_type, '成功创建本地目录:%s' % local_today, '')

    logs = tools.mysql_query(
        "select app_name, host,user,password,log_name,log_path from log_collect_conf order by id"
    print logs
    for log in logs:
        app_name = log[0]
        host = log[1]
        user = log[2]
        password = base64.decodestring(log[3])
        log_name = log[4]
        log_path = log[5]
        # 创建程序目录
        local_log_path = local_today + '/' + log_name
        isExists = os.path.exists(local_log_path)
        # cmd_find = "find %s -mtime 0 -name '*.trc'" %log_path
        if not isExists:
        tools.my_log(log_type, '成功创建本地日志目录:%s' % local_log_path, '')

        # 将远端日志路径传入app_path_list,进行遍历抓取
        log_list = []
        for log_path in log_list:
                         '开始收集日志:%s->%s->%s' % (log_name, host, log_path), '')
            cmd_find = "find %s -newermt %s -type f -name '*' ! -name '.*'" % (
                log_path, today)
            lt = sftp_exec_command(host, user, password, cmd_find)
            for each in lt:
                # 取文件名
                filename = each.split('/')[-1]
                local_app_log = local_log_path + '/' + filename
                print each
                print local_app_log
                sftp_down_file(host, user, password, each, local_app_log)
                # alert_path_final=alert_path.decode('unicode-escape').encode('utf-8')
                tools.my_log(log_type, '成功获取日志:%s' % each, '')
Esempio n. 7
def oracle_switchover(p_host, p_user, p_password, s_host, s_user, s_password):
    log_type = 'Oracle容灾切换'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = 'Oracle容灾切换'", '')

    # 上传脚本
    local_file = os.getcwd(
    ) + '/frame/oracle_tools/switchover/'
    sftp_upload_file(p_host, p_user, p_password,
                     '/tmp/', local_file)
    # 执行命令 主转备
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/ > /tmp/switchOverForPrimary.log'
    exec_command(p_host, p_user, p_password, cmd)
                 'ssh to %s:执行,主库切换为备库成功!' % p_host, '')
    # 上传脚本
    local_file = os.getcwd(
    ) + '/frame/oracle_tools/switchover/'
    sftp_upload_file(p_host, p_user, p_password, '/tmp/',
    # 执行命令 开启主库
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/ > /tmp/startupPrimary.log'
    exec_command(p_host, p_user, p_password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, 'ssh to %s:执行,主库启动成功!' % p_host,
    # 上传脚本
    local_file = os.getcwd(
    ) + '/frame/oracle_tools/switchover/'
    sftp_upload_file(s_host, s_user, s_password,
                     '/tmp/', local_file)
    # 执行命令 备转主
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/ > /tmp/switchOverForStandby.log'
    print cmd
    exec_command(s_host, s_user, s_password, cmd)
                 'ssh to %s:执行,备库切换为主库成功!' % s_host, '')
Esempio n. 8
def install_default_database(host, user, password, data_path, mysql_base, port,
    # 上传安装包,解压缩
    soft_dir = os.getcwd() + '/frame/mysql_install'
    soft_name = 'mysql-5.7.24-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz'
    local_soft = '%s/%s' % (soft_dir, soft_name)
    remote_loc = '%s/%s' % (mysql_base, soft_name)
    sftp_upload_file(host, user, password, local_soft, remote_loc)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '上传安装文件至%s!' % remote_loc, '')
    cmd = 'tar -xzvf %s -C %s' % (remote_loc, mysql_base)
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '解压缩完成%s!' % remote_loc, '')
    cmd = 'mv %s/mysql*/* %s' % (mysql_base, mysql_home)
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    # 建用户,授权
    cmd = '/usr/bin/groupadd mysql'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    cmd = '/usr/bin/useradd -d /home/mysql -g mysql -m mysql'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '创建MySQL用户成功!', '')
    cmd = 'chown -R mysql:mysql %s' % mysql_base
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    cmd = 'chown -R mysql:mysql %s/my%s' % (data_path, port)
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    # 初始化MySQL
    cmd = '%s/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=%s/my.cnf --initialize-insecure --user=mysql' % (
        mysql_home, mysql_home)
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '初始化MySQL数据库成功!', '')
    # 启动MySQL数据库
    cmd = '%s/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=%s/my.cnf --user=mysql &' % (
        mysql_home, mysql_home)
    # exec_command(host,user,password,cmd)
                 "创建MySQL:%s:%s成功,初始密码为空,请运行%s启动MySQL数据库!" % (host, port, cmd),
Esempio n. 9
def create_home_dir(host, user, password, port, data_path, mysql_base):
    # 创建MySQL目录
    dirs = get_dir_for_mysql(mysql_base, port)
    for dir in dirs:
        cmd = 'mkdir -p %s' % dir
        exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
        tools.my_log(log_type, '创建目录%s!' % dir, '')
    # 创建数据目录
    datadir = '%s/my%s' % (data_path, port)
    cmd = 'mkdir -p %s' % datadir
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '创建目录%s!' % datadir, '')
    tools.my_log(log_type, '创建目录完成!', '')
Esempio n. 10
def mysql_install(host, user, password):
    log_type = 'Mysql部署'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = 'Mysql部署'", '')

    #3. 配置MySQL用户环境变量
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/3_mysql_profile.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,MySQL用户环境变量配置完成!', '')

    #4. 创建用户组和目录
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/4_fd_init.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,目录创建完成!', '')

    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/5_mysql_install.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,mysql安装完成!', '')
Esempio n. 11
def mysql_install(host, user, password):
    log_type = 'Mysql部署'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = 'Mysql部署'", '')

    # 清除目标目录
    cmd = 'rm -rf /tmp/mysql_install'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    # 创建文件目录
    cmd = 'mkdir -p /tmp/mysql_install'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    # 上传安装部署文件
    sftp_upload_dir(host, user, password, '/tmp', 'mysql_install')
    tools.my_log(log_type, '预上传文件完成!', '')

    # 0. 移除自带MySQL用户及安装包
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/0_mysql_delold.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,移除自带mysql完成!', '')

    # 1. 安装rpm包
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/1_mysql_yum.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,rpm包安装完成!', '')

    # 2. 配置资源限制,内核参数
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/2_mysql_init.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,环境初始化完成!', '')

    #3. 配置MySQL用户环境变量
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/3_fd_init.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,目录创建完成!', '')

    #4. 创建用户组和目录
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/mysql_install/ > /tmp/mysql_install/4_mysql_profile.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,MySQL用户环境变量配置完成!', '')
Esempio n. 12
#! /usr/bin/python
Esempio n. 13
def go_start():
    log_type = '程序启停'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = '程序启停'",'')

    starts = tools.mysql_query(
        "select oper_type,app_name,host,user,password,name,do_cmd,process_check,check_log,id from easy_start_conf order by id")
    for start in starts:
        oper_type = start[0]
        app_name = start[1]
        host = start[2]
        user = start[3]
        password = base64.decodestring(start[4])
        name = start[5]
        do = start[6]
        process_check = start[7]
        check_log = start[8]
        id = start[9]
        # 关闭程序时如执行命令为空,则选择杀进程方式
        if not do and oper_type == 'shutdown':
            cmd_do = 'ps -ef | grep %s| grep -v "grep" | cut -c 9-15 | xargs kill -s 9' % process_check
            exec_log = ''
        # 启动或关闭命令
        if oper_type == 'startup':
            exec_log = '/tmp/%s.log' % name
            cmd_do = "%s > %s 2>&1 &" % (do, exec_log)

        # 检查命令
        cmd_check = 'ps -ef|grep %s |grep -v "grep"' % process_check
        # 异常日志
        if not check_log:
            check_log = exec_log
        error_check = 'tail -100 %s' % check_log
        tools.my_log(log_type,'跳转至%s,对%s执行%s' %(host,name,oper_type),'')
        # 执行关闭或启动命令

        if oper_type == 'shutdown':
            # 进程数为0,关闭成功
            if len(exec_command(host,user,password,cmd_check)) == 0:
                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s:%s成功!' % (name,oper_type),'')
                upd_sql = "update easy_start_conf set process_check_result='green' where id = %s" %id

                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s:%s失败!' % (name, oper_type),'')
                upd_sql = "update easy_start_conf set process_check_result='red' where id = %s" %id

        elif oper_type == 'startup':
            # 进程数为0,启动失败
            if len(exec_command(host,user,password,cmd_check)) == 0:
                # 更新启停状态
                upd_sql = "update easy_start_conf set process_check_result='red' where id = %s" % id
                tools.mysql_exec(upd_sql, '')
                # 异常日志
                err_info = exec_command(host,user,password,error_check)
                err_info_txt = ''
                for i in err_info:
                    err_info_txt = err_info_txt + i
                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s:%s失败!' % (name, oper_type),err_info_txt)
                upd_sql = "update easy_start_conf set process_check_result='green' where id = %s" % id
                tools.mysql_exec(upd_sql, '')
                err_info = exec_command(host,user,password,error_check)
                err_info_txt = ''
                for i in err_info:
                    err_info_txt = err_info_txt + i
                if 'err' in err_info_txt:
                    upd_sql = "update easy_start_conf set check_log_result='red' where id = %s" % id
                    tools.mysql_exec(upd_sql, '')
                    tools.my_log(log_type, '%s:%s失败!' % (name, oper_type), err_info_txt)
                    tools.my_log(log_type, '%s:%s成功!' % (name, oper_type),'')
                    upd_sql = "update easy_start_conf set check_log_result='green' where id = %s" % id
                    tools.mysql_exec(upd_sql, '')
Esempio n. 14
def oracle_install(host, user, password):
    log_type = 'Oracle部署'
    tools.mysql_exec("delete from many_logs where log_type = 'Oracle部署'", '')
    # 清除目标目录
    cmd = 'rm -rf /tmp/oracle_install'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    # 创建文件目录
    cmd = 'mkdir -p /tmp/oracle_install/oracle_rpms/centos6'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    # 上传安装部署文件
    sftp_upload_dir(host, user, password, '/tmp', 'oracle_install')
    tools.my_log(log_type, '预上传文件完成!', '')

    #1. 安装rpm包
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/oracle_install/ > /tmp/oracle_install/1_ora_yum.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,rpm包安装完成!', '')
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/oracle_install/ > /tmp/oracle_install/2_ora_init.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,环境初始化完成!', '')
    #3. 创建目录
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/oracle_install/ > /tmp/oracle_install/3_fd_init.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,目录创建完成!', '')
    #4. 配置Oracle用户环境变量
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/oracle_install/ > /tmp/oracle_install/4_ora_profile.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,Oracle用户环境变量配置完成!', '')
    #5. 上传安装包和安装文件
    cmd = 'sh /tmp/oracle_install/ > /tmp/oracle_install/5_init_orahome.log'
    exec_command(host, user, password, cmd)
    tools.my_log(log_type, '执行,Oracle安装文件传输完成!', '')
Esempio n. 15
def oracle_exec_sql():
    log_type = 'Oracle执行sql脚本'
    local_dir = os.getcwd()
    cmd = 'ls %s/frame/sqlscripts/*.sql' % local_dir
    status, result = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
    if status == 0:
        sql_list = result.split('\n')
        for sql in sql_list:
            print '开始执行脚本:%s' % sql
            sql_name = sql.split('/')[-1]
            sql_no = sql_name.split('_')[0]
            user = '******'
            password = '******'
            tnsname = sql.split('_')[1]
            cmd = 'sqlplus -s %s/%s@%s @%s' % (user, password, tnsname, sql)
            status, result = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if status == 0 and not 'ORA-' in result:
                print result
                print '%s执行成功!' % sql
                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s执行成功!' % sql, '')
                tools.my_log(log_type, '执行信息:%s' % result, '')
                cmd = 'rm %s' % sql
                status, result = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
                print '%s脚本已删除!' % sql
                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s脚本已删除!' % sql, '')
                sql = "update sql_list set result = '成功',result_color = 'green' where sql_no=%s" % sql_no
                tools.mysql_exec(sql, '')
                print result
                print '%s执行失败,已回滚!' % sql
                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s执行失败,已回滚!' % sql, '')
                tools.my_log(log_type, '', '异常信息:%s' % result)
                cmd = 'rm %s' % sql
                status, result = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
                print '%s脚本已删除!' % sql
                tools.my_log(log_type, '%s脚本已删除!' % sql, '')
                sql = "update sql_list set result = '失败',result_color = 'red' where sql_no=%s" % sql_no
                tools.mysql_exec(sql, '')