def common_node(): """ 返回节点名及状态 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id: 集群id :return: { "message": [ { "host": , 节点IP "name": 节点名 } ], "status": 执行状态 } """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('common_node: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) nodes = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR', {}).get(cluster_id, {}) nodes_status = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_STATUS_VAR', {}) info = [] for node in nodes.get('node'): info.append({ 'host': node.get('host'), 'name': node.get('name'), 'status': nodes_status.get(node.get('host')).get('status') }) return jsonify({'message': info, 'status': True})
def node_disk(): """ 获取硬盘信息 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id node: 节点名 :return: """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('node_disk: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) host_name = rq_args.get('node') host = node_name_address(str(cluster_id), str(host_name)) if not host: _logger.write(str(host_name) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(host_name) + ' not found', 'status': False }) result = System.get_system(str(host), 'disk') return jsonify({'message': result, 'status': True})
def node_image_server_harbor(): """ 返回镜像服务器私有仓库harbor列表 该方法仅支持harbor 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id image_server: 私有镜像仓库ip :return: """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('node_image_server_harbor: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) image_server = rq_args.get('image_server') if not image_server: _logger.write('node_image_server_registry: ' + str(image_server) + ' is illegal') return jsonify({'message': 'image server is error', 'status': False}) info = _image.get_image_server_harbor(image_server) return jsonify({'message': info, 'status': True})
def container_create(): """ 创建容器 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id: 集群id node: 节点name cmd: 创建命令 :return: { "message": 容器id或执行节点 "status": 执行状态 } """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('container_create: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) host_name = rq_args.get('node') create_cmd = rq_args.get('cmd') host = node_name_address(cluster_id, host_name) if not host: _logger.write(str(host_name) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(host_name) + ' not found', 'status': False }) result = _container.create_container_shell(host, create_cmd) return jsonify(result)
def node_download(): """ 镜像下载服务的镜像仓库方式 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id image_server: 私有镜像仓库ip :return: """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') to_host = rq_args.get('to_host') image_name = rq_args.get('image_name') image_server = rq_args.get('image_server') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('node_download: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal'}) if not image_server: _logger.write('node_download: ' + str(image_server) + ' is illegal') return jsonify({'message': 'image server is error', 'status': False}) host = node_name_address(cluster_id, to_host) if not host: _logger.write(str(to_host) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(to_host) + ' not found', 'status': False }) message = _image.download_image(str(host), str(image_server), str(image_name)) return jsonify({'message': message, 'status': True})
def get_node_num(cluster_id): """ 获取指定集群的节点个数 :param cluster_id: 集群IP :return: 集群个数(int) """ return Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR', {}).get(cluster_id, {}).get('node').__len__()
def container_info(): """ 获取执行集群所有容器的信息 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id :return: { "message": [ { 'short_id': 'node': , 'name': , 'image':, 'exit_time': , 'create': , 'status': } ], "status": } """ # cluster_id = '' args = request.get_json() cluster_id = args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('container_info: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) container_info = _container.get_all_containers(cluster_id) info = [] for host, value in container_info.items(): if not value.get('status'): continue for container in value.get('message'): if container.get('message').get('paused'): status = '<span class="label label-warning"> paused </span>' elif container.get('message').get('running'): status = '<span class="label label-success">running</span>' else: status = '<span class="label label-danger"> exited </span>' info.append({ 'short_id': container.get('message').get('short_id'), 'node': node_address_name(cluster_id, host), 'name': container.get('message').get('name'), 'image': container.get('message').get('image'), 'exit_time': container.get('message').get('exit_time'), 'create': container.get('message').get('created'), 'status': status }) return jsonify({'message': info, 'status': True})
def node_name_address(cluster_id, name): """ 将节点name转化为节点IP :param cluster_id: :param name: :return: """ nodes = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR', {}).get(cluster_id, {}).get('node') for node in nodes: if name == node['name']: return node['host'] return None
def node_address_name(cluster_id, address): """ 将节点ip转化为节点name :param cluster_id: :param address: :return: """ nodes = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR', {}).get(cluster_id, {}).get('node') for node in nodes: if address == node['host']: return node['name'] return None
def node_container(): """ 返回节点容器统计信息 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id node: 节点名 :return: """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('node_container: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) host_name = rq_args.get('node') host = node_name_address(str(cluster_id), str(host_name)) if not host: _logger.write(str(host_name) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(host_name) + ' not found', 'status': False }) containers = _container.get_container(host) if not containers.get('status'): return jsonify({'message': 'host status error', 'status': False}) container_info = { 'created': 0, 'exited': 0, 'paused': 0, 'running': 0, 'restarting': 0 } for container in containers.get('message'): container_status = container.get('message').get('status') if container_status in container_info: container_info[container_status] += 1 else: container_info[container_status] = 1 return jsonify({'message': container_info, 'status': True})
def node_mem(): """ 获取内存信息 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id node: 节点名 :return: { message: { "message": { 'total_mem':, 内存总量 'free_mem': , 空闲内存量 'active_mem': 使用内存量 'cache/buffer_mem': 缓存量 }, "status": }, 'status': bool } """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('node_mem: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) host_name = rq_args.get('node') host = node_name_address(str(cluster_id), str(host_name)) if not host: _logger.write(str(host_name) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(host_name) + ' not found', 'status': False }) result = System.get_system(str(host), 'mem') return jsonify({'message': result, 'status': True})
def container_op(): """ 操作指定容器 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id 集群主服务IP action: 操作类型(str) container_id: 容器名或容器id(str) :return: { "message": 执行结果 "status": 执行状态 } """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('container_op: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) host_name = rq_args.get('node') # type_为元祖,原因未知 type_ = rq_args.get('action'), container_id = rq_args.get('container_id') args = rq_args.get('args') host = node_name_address(cluster_id, host_name) if not host: _logger.write(str(host_name) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(host_name) + ' not found', 'status': False }) result = _container.operator_container(host, action_type=type_[0], container_id_or_name=container_id, **args) return jsonify(result)
def main(): g_map = GlobalMap(read_dir=read_dir) if not load: controller = Controller(nature_num=nature_num, chromo_num=chromo_num, g_map=g_map, punish=_punish, read_dir=read_dir, save_dir=save_dir) else: try: controller: Controller = pickle_load(save_dir + '/controller.pkl') controller.set_punish(punish=_punish) except FileNotFoundError: print( 'No "controller" in given direction. New "controller" will be created.' ) controller = Controller(nature_num=nature_num, chromo_num=chromo_num, g_map=g_map, punish=_punish, read_dir=read_dir, save_dir=save_dir) for generation in range(0, generation_num): print('Generation {} start.'.format(generation)) controller.operate() best: Chromo = controller.get_best() print('Best Cost: {}\tRoute Num: {}\tPunish Num: {}'.format( best.cost, len(best.sequence), best.has_punish_num())) if generation % 10 == 9: if save: pickle_dump(controller, file_path=save_dir + '/controller.pkl') controller.set_punish(punish=controller.punish * punish_increase) best_chromo: Chromo = controller.get_best() for route in best_chromo.sequence: print(route.sequence)
def image_operator(): """ 镜像相关操作 请求携带参数: cluster_id 集群主服务IP action: 操作类型(str) image_id: 镜像名或镜像id(str) :return: { "message": 执行结果 "status": 执行状态 } :return: """ rq_args = request.get_json() cluster_id = rq_args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('image_operator: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) host_name = rq_args.get('node') # type_为元祖,原因未知 type_ = rq_args.get('action'), image_id = rq_args.get('image_id') args = rq_args.get('args') host = node_name_address(cluster_id, host_name) if not host: _logger.write(str(host_name) + ' not found', level='error') return jsonify({ 'message': str(host_name) + ' not found', 'status': False }) result = _image.operator_image(host, type_[0], image_id, **args) return jsonify(result)
def run(self) -> None: try: nature: Nature = pickle_load(self.save_dir) nature.set_punish_para(punish=self.punish) except FileNotFoundError: print('No "nature{}" in given direction. New "nature" will be created.'.format(self.idx)) nature: Nature = Nature(chromo_list=[], chromo_num=self.chromo_num, g_map=GlobalMap(self.read_dir), new_chromo_num=self.new_chromo_num, punish=self.punish) nature.operate() pickle_dump(nature, self.save_dir)
def image_info(): """ 获取集群镜像信息 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id: 集群id :return: { "message": [ 'short_id': 'node': 'tag': 'created': 'size': 'os': 'status': ], ... } """ args = request.get_json() cluster_id = args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('image_info: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) images_info = _image.get_all_images(cluster_id) info = [] image_use_list = set() container_info = _container.get_all_containers(cluster_id) for host, value in container_info.items(): if not value.get('status'): continue for container in value.get('message'): container_image = container.get('message').get('image') if ':' not in container_image: container_image += ':latest' image_use_list.add(container_image) for host, value in images_info.items(): node = node_address_name(cluster_id, host) if not value.get('status'): continue for image in value.get('message'): short_id = image.get('message').get('short_id') created = image.get('message').get('created') size = str( round( float(image.get('message').get('size')) / 1024 / 1024, 2)) + ' M' os_ = image.get('message').get('os') for tag in image.get('message').get('tags'): if tag in image_use_list: status = '<span class="label label-danger"> Using </span>' else: status = '<span class="label label-success"> NoUse </span>' info.append({ 'short_id': short_id, 'node': node, 'tag': tag, 'created': created, 'size': size, 'os': os_, 'status': status }) return jsonify({'message': info, 'status': True})
def index_top(): """ 处理index页面顶端请求 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id: 集群主服务IP(集群ID) :return: { 'message': { 'cpu': 逻辑cpu个数 'disk': 所有节点硬盘之和,单位G 'mem': 所有节点内存之和,单位G 'task': 所有节点容器之和,单位个 'image': 所有节点镜像个数之和,单位个 'node': 节点个数之和,单位个 }, 'status': 执行状态 } """ args = request.get_json() cluster_id = args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('index_top: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) cpu_info = _system.get_all_system(cluster_id, type_='cpu') disk_info = _system.get_all_system(cluster_id, type_='disk') mem_info = _system.get_all_system(cluster_id, type_='mem') total_cpu = 0 total_disk = 0 total_mem = 0 total_container = 0 total_image = 0 total_node = 0 for _, value in cpu_info.items(): total_cpu += int(value.get('message').get('processor_core_num')) for _, value in disk_info.items(): total_disk += float(value.get('message').get('capacity')) / 1024 / 1024 for _, value in mem_info.items(): total_mem += float(value.get('message').get('total_mem')) / 1024 / 1024 nodes = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR', {}).get(cluster_id, {}) nodes_status = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_STATUS_VAR', {}) for node in nodes.get('node'): total_node += 1 temp_host = node.get('host') temp_node_status = nodes_status.get(temp_host).get('status') # 若节点在线 if temp_node_status: temp_node_container = _container.get_container(temp_host) temp_node_container_status = temp_node_container.get('status') # 若获取信息成功 if temp_node_container_status: total_container += temp_node_container.get('message').__len__() temp_node_image = _image.get_image(temp_host) if temp_node_image.get('status'): total_image += _image.get_image(temp_host).get('message', []).__len__() return jsonify({ 'message': { 'cpu': total_cpu, 'disk': round(total_disk, 2), 'mem': round(total_mem, 2), 'task': total_container, 'image': total_image, 'node': total_node }, 'status': True })
def index_node(): """ 处理index页面节点统计页请求 请求方式: POST 请求携带参数: cluster_id: 集群主服务IP(集群ID) :return: { "message": [ temp_name, 节点名 temp_host, 节点IP temp_container_info, 节点容器信息,格式如10(5 Running, 2 Pause, 3 Stop) temp_node_image_num, 节点镜像个数 temp_node_cpu_num, 节点cpu逻辑个数 temp_mem_info, 节点内存信息,格式如123M/1.2G temp_node_status, 节点是否连接,格式为html ] } """ args = request.get_json() cluster_id = args.get('cluster_id') all_cluster_id = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_FREE_ID_VAR', []) if cluster_id not in all_cluster_id: _logger.write('index_node: ' + str(cluster_id) + ' is illegal or not found node in cluster') return jsonify({'message': str(cluster_id) + '集群IP不合法或无加入节点'}) nodes = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_ALL_INFO_VAR', {}).get(cluster_id, {}) info = {'message': [], 'status': False} nodes_status = Gl.get_value('CLUSTER_STATUS_VAR', {}) for node in nodes.get('node'): temp_host = node.get('host') temp_name = node.get('name') temp_pause_num = 0 temp_stop_num = 0 temp_running_num = 0 temp_container_num = 0 temp_node_active_mem = 0 temp_node_total_mem = 0 temp_node_image_num = 0 temp_node_cpu_num = 0 temp_node_status = nodes_status.get(temp_host).get('status') # 若节点在线 if temp_node_status: temp_node_container = _container.get_container(temp_host) temp_node_container_status = temp_node_container.get('status') # 若获取信息成功 if temp_node_container_status: for container in temp_node_container.get('message'): temp_container_num += 1 if container.get('message').get('running'): temp_running_num += 1 continue if container.get('message').get('paused'): temp_pause_num += 1 continue temp_stop_num += 1 temp_node_image = _image.get_image(temp_host) if temp_node_image.get('status'): temp_node_image_num = _image.get_image(temp_host).get( 'message', []).__len__() else: temp_node_image_num = 0 temp_node_cpu = _system.get_system(temp_host, type_='cpu') if temp_node_cpu.get('status'): temp_node_cpu_num = temp_node_cpu.get('message').get( 'processor_core_num') else: temp_node_cpu_num = 0 temp_node_mem = _system.get_system(temp_host, type_='mem') if temp_node_mem.get('status'): temp_node_active_mem = round( float(temp_node_mem.get('message').get('active_mem')) / 1024, 2) temp_node_total_mem = round( float(temp_node_mem.get('message').get('total_mem')) / 1024 / 1024, 2) else: temp_node_active_mem = 0 temp_node_total_mem = 0 temp_container_info = '{total}({running} Running, {paused} Pause, {stop} Stop)'.format( total=temp_container_num, running=temp_running_num, paused=temp_pause_num, stop=temp_stop_num) temp_mem_info = '{active}M/{total}G'.format( active=temp_node_active_mem, total=temp_node_total_mem) if temp_node_status: temp_node_status = '<span class="label label-success">success</span>' else: temp_node_status = '<span class="label label-danger">dangers</span>' node_dic = [ temp_name, temp_host, temp_container_info, temp_node_image_num, temp_node_cpu_num, temp_mem_info, temp_node_status ] info.get('message').append(node_dic) info.update({'status': True}) return jsonify(info)