def __init__(self): """ AbstractPlot is a class to draw coordinate system """ self._coordinates_thickness = 2 self._coordinates_color = Color('#394659') self._grid_padding = 20 self._grid_color = Color('#A5C9FF') self._resolution = Resolution(800,600) self._image ='RGBA', tuple(self._resolution), tuple(Color('#fff')))
class AbstractPlot(object): def __init__(self): """ AbstractPlot is a class to draw coordinate system """ self._coordinates_thickness = 2 self._coordinates_color = Color('#394659') self._grid_padding = 20 self._grid_color = Color('#A5C9FF') self._resolution = Resolution(800,600) self._image ='RGBA', tuple(self._resolution), tuple(Color('#fff'))) def get_resolution(self): """ return resolution of plot (Resolution object) """ return self._resolution def _get_center(self): """ This is interface who calculate center of plot, by default is center of available space """ return self._resolution.get_center() def _draw_coordinates(self, draw): """ this method draw coordinates line """ center = self._get_center() draw.line([(center.x,0),(center.x, self._resolution.height)], fill = tuple(self._coordinates_color), width = self._coordinates_thickness) draw.line([(0,center.y),(self._resolution.width, center.y)], fill = tuple(self._coordinates_color), width = self._coordinates_thickness) # draw arrows # TODO : antialiasing for that p1 = Point(self._resolution.width - 10, center.y - 6) p2 = Point(self._resolution.width, center.y) p3 = Point(self._resolution.width - 10, center.y + 6) draw.polygon((tuple(p1),tuple(p2), tuple(p3)), fill = tuple(self._coordinates_color)) p1 = Point(center.x - 6, 10) p2 = Point(center.x, 0) p3 = Point(center.x + 6, 10) draw.polygon((tuple(p1),tuple(p2), tuple(p3)), fill = tuple(self._coordinates_color)) def _draw_grid(self, draw): """ this method draw grid """ width, height = tuple(self._resolution) vertical_lines = (((x, 0),(x, height)) \ for x in xrange(self._grid_padding, width, self._grid_padding)) horizontal_lines = (((0, y), (width, y)) \ for y in xrange(self._grid_padding, height, self._grid_padding)) draw_line = lambda points: draw.line(points, fill = tuple(self._grid_color), width = 1) map(draw_line, vertical_lines) map(draw_line, horizontal_lines) def _draw(self): """ this method draw all elements of chart """ draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(self._image) self._draw_grid(draw) self._draw_coordinates(draw) del draw def save_as_png(self, file_path): """ save created image to file (now is draw all part of chart with actual settings) """ self._draw(), "PNG")