Esempio n. 1
 def ONet_(self, caffe_img, rectangles):
     origin_h, origin_w, ch = caffe_img.shape
     self.net_48.blobs['data'].reshape(len(rectangles), 3, 48, 48)
     crop_number = 0
     for rectangle in rectangles:
         crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]),
         scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48))
         if self.test:
             scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
             scale_img = np.transpose(scale_img, (2, 0, 1))
         scale_img = np.asarray(scale_img, dtype=np.float32)
         self.net_48.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] = scale_img
         crop_number += 1
     out = self.net_48.forward()
     cls_prob = out['prob1']
     if self.test:
         roi_prob = out['conv6-2']
         pts_prob = out['conv6-3']
         #roi_prob = out['bbox_fc']
         #pts_prob = out['landmark_fc']
         roi_prob = out['bbox_fc']
         pts_prob = out['landmark_fc']
     rectangles_box = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob,
                                              rectangles, origin_w,
                                              origin_h, self.threshold[2])
     return rectangles_box
Esempio n. 2
def detectFace(img_path,threshold):
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    caffe_img = (img.copy()-127.5)/128
    origin_h,origin_w,ch = caffe_img.shape
    scales = tools.calculateScales(img)
    out = []
    for scale in scales:
        hs = int(origin_h*scale)
        ws = int(origin_w*scale)
        scale_img = cv2.resize(caffe_img,(ws,hs))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        out_ = net_12.forward()
    image_num = len(scales)
    rectangles = []
    for i in range(image_num):    
        cls_prob = out[i]['prob1'][0][1]
        roi      = out[i]['conv4-2'][0]
        out_h,out_w = cls_prob.shape
        out_side = max(out_h,out_w)
        rectangle = tools.detect_face_12net(cls_prob,roi,out_side,1/scales[i],origin_w,origin_h,threshold[0])
    rectangles = tools.NMS(rectangles,0.7,'iou')

    if len(rectangles)==0:
        return rectangles
    crop_number = 0
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]), int(rectangle[0]):int(rectangle[2])]
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img,(24,24))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        net_24.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] =scale_img 
        crop_number += 1
    out = net_24.forward()
    cls_prob = out['prob1']
    roi_prob = out['conv5-2']
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_24net(cls_prob,roi_prob,rectangles,origin_w,origin_h,threshold[1])
    if len(rectangles)==0:
        return rectangles
    crop_number = 0
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]), int(rectangle[0]):int(rectangle[2])]
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img,(48,48))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        net_48.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] =scale_img 
        crop_number += 1
    out = net_48.forward()
    cls_prob = out['prob1']
    roi_prob = out['conv6-2']
    pts_prob = out['conv6-3']
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob,roi_prob,pts_prob,rectangles,origin_w,origin_h,threshold[2])

    return rectangles
Esempio n. 3
def run_onet(filename, rectangle, Onet, display_result=True):
    img = cv2.imread(filename)
    origin_h, origin_w, ch = img.shape

    ## mmod's output rectangle is (top, left, width, height), but Onet requires rectangle to be (left, top, right, bottom)
    rectangle = (rectangle[1], rectangle[0], (rectangle[1]+rectangle[3]), (rectangle[0]+rectangle[2]))
    ## regularize rectangle to make it stay in image
    rectangle = (max(0,rectangle[0]), max(0, rectangle[1]), min(origin_w, rectangle[2]), min(origin_h, rectangle[3]))

    ## crop and scale the rectangle area of input image
    crop_img = img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]), int(rectangle[0]):int(rectangle[2])]
    scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48,48))
    x = np.array(scale_img)
    x = (x - 127.5)/127.5
    x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)

    ## conducting inference
    y = Onet.predict(x)
    ## nms and post-processing the output
    cls_prob = y[0]
    roi_prob = y[1]
    pts_prob = y[2] 
    rectangles = [rectangle]
    y = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob, rectangles, origin_w, origin_h, 0)
    y = y[0]

    ## return and/or display landmarks
    landmarks = []
    cv2.rectangle(img, (int(y[0]), int(y[1])), (int(y[2]), int(y[3])), (0, 0, 255), int(2./200*min(origin_h,origin_w)))
    for i in range(5, 15, 2):, (int(y[i + 0]), int(y[i + 1])), int(2./200*min(origin_h,origin_w)), (0, 0, 255), -1)
    if display_result:
        print("==== showing Onet's detection ====")
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.savefig(get_name("onet", filename))

    box = (int(y[0]), int(y[1]), int(y[2]), int(y[3]))
    return box , landmarks
def detectFace(img, threshold, rectangles):
    caffe_img = (img.copy() - 127.5) / 128
    origin_h, origin_w, ch = caffe_img.shape
    if len(rectangles) == 0:
        return rectangles
    net_48.blobs['data'].reshape(len(rectangles), 3, 48, 48)
    crop_number = 0
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]),
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        net_48.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] = scale_img
        crop_number += 1
    out = net_48.forward()
    cls_prob = out['prob1']
    roi_prob = out['conv6-2']
    pts_prob = out['conv6-3']
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob,
                                         rectangles, origin_w, origin_h,
    return rectangles
Esempio n. 5
def onet_forward(o_net, cls_dets, im, thresh=0.7):
    :param o_net: the trained onet
    :param cls_dets: the detection result of ssh
    :param im: the input image
    :param thresh: the score thresh
    print('pre landmark size: ', cls_dets.shape)
    o_net.blobs['data'].reshape(cls_dets.shape[0], 3, 48, 48)
    caffe_img = (im.copy() - 127.5) / 128
    crop_number = 0
    for det in cls_dets:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(det[1]):int(det[3]), int(det[0]):int(det[2])]
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)  # hwc chw
        o_net.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] = scale_img
        crop_number += 1
    out = o_net.forward()
    cls_prob = out['prob1']
    roi = out['conv6-2']
    pts = out['conv6-3']
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob, roi, pts, cls_dets,
                                         im.shape[1], im.shape[0], thresh)
    return rectangles
Esempio n. 6
def detectFace(img, threshold):

    caffe_img = (img.copy() - 127.5) / 127.5
    origin_h, origin_w, ch = caffe_img.shape
    scales = tools.calculateScales(img)
    out = []
    t0 = time.time()
    # del scales[:4]

    for scale in scales:
        hs = int(origin_h * scale)
        ws = int(origin_w * scale)
        scale_img = cv2.resize(caffe_img, (ws, hs))
        input = scale_img.reshape(1, *scale_img.shape)
        ouput = Pnet.predict(
        )  # .transpose(0,2,1,3) should add, but seems after process is wrong then.
    image_num = len(scales)
    rectangles = []
    for i in range(image_num):
        cls_prob = out[i][0][
            0][:, :,
               1]  # i = #scale, first 0 select cls score, second 0 = batchnum, alway=0. 1 one hot repr
        roi = out[i][1][0]
        out_h, out_w = cls_prob.shape
        out_side = max(out_h, out_w)
        # print('calculating img scale #:', i)
        cls_prob = np.swapaxes(cls_prob, 0, 1)
        roi = np.swapaxes(roi, 0, 2)
        rectangle = tools.detect_face_12net(cls_prob, roi, out_side,
                                            1 / scales[i], origin_w, origin_h,
    rectangles = tools.NMS(rectangles, 0.7, 'iou')

    t1 = time.time()
    print('time for 12 net is: ', t1 - t0)

    if len(rectangles) == 0:
        return rectangles

    crop_number = 0
    out = []
    predict_24_batch = []
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]),
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (24, 24))
        crop_number += 1

    predict_24_batch = np.array(predict_24_batch)

    out = Rnet.predict(predict_24_batch)

    cls_prob = out[
        0]  # first 0 is to select cls, second batch number, always =0
    cls_prob = np.array(cls_prob)  # convert to numpy
    roi_prob = out[
        1]  # first 0 is to select roi, second batch number, always =0
    roi_prob = np.array(roi_prob)
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_24net(cls_prob, roi_prob, rectangles,
                                         origin_w, origin_h, threshold[1])
    t2 = time.time()
    print('time for 24 net is: ', t2 - t1)

    if len(rectangles) == 0:
        return rectangles

    crop_number = 0
    predict_batch = []
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        # print('calculating net 48 crop_number:', crop_number)
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]),
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48))
        crop_number += 1

    predict_batch = np.array(predict_batch)

    output = Onet.predict(predict_batch)
    cls_prob = output[0]
    roi_prob = output[1]
    pts_prob = output[2]  # index
    # rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net_newdef(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob, rectangles, origin_w, origin_h,
    #                                             threshold[2])
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob,
                                         rectangles, origin_w, origin_h,
    t3 = time.time()
    print('time for 48 net is: ', t3 - t2)

    return rectangles
Esempio n. 7
def detectFace(img_path,threshold):
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
#    caffe_img = (img.copy()-127.5)/127.5
    caffe_img = img.copy()
    caffe_img = caffe_img.astype(np.float32)
    caffe_img[:,:,0]  = (caffe_img[:,:,0] - 104.146) / 127.5
    caffe_img[:,:,1]  = (caffe_img[:,:,1] - 110.807) / 127.5
    caffe_img[:,:,2]  = (caffe_img[:,:,2] - 119.856) / 127.5
    caffe_img2 = (img.copy() -127.5) / 127.5

    origin_h,origin_w,ch = caffe_img.shape
    scales = tools.calculateScales(img)
    out = []
    for scale in scales:
        hs = int(origin_h*scale)
        ws = int(origin_w*scale)
        scale_img = cv2.resize(caffe_img,(ws,hs))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        out_ = net_12.forward()
    image_num = len(scales)
    rectangles = []
    for i in range(image_num):    
        cls_prob = out[i]['prob1'][0][1]
#        print(cls_prob.shape)
        roi      = out[i]['conv4-2'][0]
        out_h,out_w = cls_prob.shape
        out_side = max(out_h,out_w)
        #print("mean0:%f" % out[i]['prob1'][0][0].mean()) 
        #print("mean0:%f" % out[i]['prob1'][0][1].mean()) 
        #print(len(np.where(out[i]['prob1'][0][0] > threshold[0])[0]))
        #print(len(np.where(out[i]['prob1'][0][0] < threshold[0])[0]))
        rectangle = tools.detect_face_12net(cls_prob,roi,out_side,1/scales[i],origin_w,origin_h,threshold[0])
    rectangles = tools.NMS(rectangles,0.7,'iou')

    if len(rectangles)==0:
        return rectangles
    crop_number = 0
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]), int(rectangle[0]):int(rectangle[2])]
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img,(24,24))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        net_24.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] =scale_img 
        crop_number += 1
    out = net_24.forward()
    cls_prob = out['prob1']
    roi_prob = out['fc5-2']
    #roi_prob = out['conv5-2']
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_24net(cls_prob,roi_prob,rectangles,origin_w,origin_h,threshold[1])
    if len(rectangles)==0:
        return rectangles
    crop_number = 0
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img2[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]), int(rectangle[0]):int(rectangle[2])]
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img,(48,48))
        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
        net_48.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] =scale_img 
        crop_number += 1
    out = net_48.forward()
    cls_prob = out['prob1']
#    roi_prob = out['conv6-2']
#    pts_prob = out['conv6-3']
    roi_prob = out['fc6-2']
    pts_prob = out['fc6-3']
    #roi_prob = roi_prob - roi_prob
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob,roi_prob,pts_prob,rectangles,origin_w,origin_h,threshold[2])
    rectangles = tools.NMS(rectangles,0.7,'iou')
##  tmp code:
#    if len(rectangles)==0:
#        return rectangles
#    net_48.blobs['data'].reshape(len(rectangles),3,48,48)
#    crop_number = 0
#    bbox = "531.0 215.0 574.0 277.0 363.0 219.0 421.0 296.0 251.0 262.0 320.0 354.0 116.0 252.0 196.0 351.0 707.0 248.0 786.0 338.0 870.0 250.0 960.0 376.0 280.0 124.0 308.0 155.0"
#    boxes = np.array(bbox.split(), dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
#    for rectangle in rectangles:
#        print("%d %f" % (crop_number,np.max(IoU(rectangle,boxes))))
#        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]), int(rectangle[0]):int(rectangle[2])]
#        cv2.imwrite('./crop_file2/%d.jpg' % crop_number,crop_img*127.5 + 127.5)
#        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img,(48,48))
#        cv2.imwrite('./crop_file/%d.jpg' % crop_number,scale_img*127.5 + 127.5)
#        scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)
#        net_48.blobs['data'].data[crop_number] =scale_img 
#        crop_number += 1
#    out = net_48.forward()
#    cls_prob = out['prob1']
#    #roi_prob = out['conv6-2']
#    #pts_prob = out['conv6-3']
#    roi_prob = out['fc6-2']
#    pts_prob = out['fc6-3']
#    roi_prob = roi_prob - roi_prob
#    print(roi_prob)
#    print(cls_prob.shape)
#    print(len(rectangles))
#    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob,roi_prob,pts_prob,rectangles,origin_w,origin_h,threshold[2])
#    rectangles = tools.NMS(rectangles,0.7,'iou')
#    print(len(rectangles))
    return rectangles
Esempio n. 8
def detectFace(img, threshold):

    caffe_img = (img.copy() - 127.5) / 127.5
    origin_h, origin_w, ch = caffe_img.shape
    scales = tools.calculateScales(img)

    print("scales: ", scales)
    out = []
    t0 = time.time()
    # del scales[:4]

    for scale in scales:
        hs = int(origin_h * scale)
        ws = int(origin_w * scale)
        scale_img = cv2.resize(caffe_img, (ws, hs))
        input = scale_img.reshape(1, *scale_img.shape)
        #print("DEBUG 00: input.shape: ",input.shape)
        ouput = Pnet.predict(
        )  # .transpose(0,2,1,3) should add, but seems after process is wrong then.
        # --------- rmaria -----------
        # For every scale, the we have 2 predictions and 4 bbox regressor coordinates

        classifier = Pnet.predict(
        )[0]  # shape (1,outshape1, outshape2,2)     where outshape1 = the output of the image after applying KaoPnet forward pass
        bbox_regressor = Pnet.predict(input)[
            1]  # shape (1, outshape1, outshape2,4)
        #print("DEBUG 0")
        classifier = np.array(classifier)
        bbox_regressor = np.array(bbox_regressor)
        #print("classifier.shape: ",classifier.shape)
        #print("bbox_regressor.shape: ",bbox_regressor.shape)
        #print("classifier = :",classifier)
        # ---------------------------


    image_num = len(scales)

    rectangles = []
    for i in range(image_num):
        cls_prob = out[i][0][
            0][:, :,
               1]  # i = #scale, first 0 select cls score, second 0 = batchnum, alway=0. 1 one hot repr

        #print("cls_prob.shape: ",cls_prob.shape)
        roi = out[i][1][0]
        out_h, out_w = cls_prob.shape

        out_side = max(out_h, out_w)
        # print('calculating img scale #:', i)
        cls_prob = np.swapaxes(cls_prob, 0, 1)
        roi = np.swapaxes(roi, 0, 2)
        rectangle = tools.detect_face_12net(cls_prob, roi, out_side,
                                            1 / scales[i], origin_w, origin_h,
    rectangles = tools.NMS(rectangles, 0.7, 'iou')

    t1 = time.time()
    print('time for 12 net is: ', t1 - t0)

    if len(rectangles) == 0:
        return rectangles

    crop_number = 0
    out = []
    predict_24_batch = []
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]),
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (24, 24))
        crop_number += 1

    predict_24_batch = np.array(predict_24_batch)

    out = Rnet.predict(predict_24_batch)

    cls_prob = out[
        0]  # first 0 is to select cls, second batch number, always =0
    cls_prob = np.array(cls_prob)  # convert to numpy
    roi_prob = out[
        1]  # first 0 is to select roi, second batch number, always =0
    roi_prob = np.array(roi_prob)
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_24net(cls_prob, roi_prob, rectangles,
                                         origin_w, origin_h, threshold[1])
    t2 = time.time()
    print('time for 24 net is: ', t2 - t1)

    if len(rectangles) == 0:
        return rectangles

    crop_number = 0
    predict_batch = []
    for rectangle in rectangles:
        # print('calculating net 48 crop_number:', crop_number)
        crop_img = caffe_img[int(rectangle[1]):int(rectangle[3]),
        scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48))
        crop_number += 1

    predict_batch = np.array(predict_batch)

    if (use_custom_model):
        output = custom_Onet_original(weights_biases_original_model,
        output = Onet.predict(predict_batch)

    cls_prob = output[0]
    roi_prob = output[1]
    pts_prob = output[2]  # index
    # rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net_newdef(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob, rectangles, origin_w, origin_h,
    #                                             threshold[2])
    rectangles = tools.filter_face_48net(cls_prob, roi_prob, pts_prob,
                                         rectangles, origin_w, origin_h,
    t3 = time.time()
    print('time for 48 net is: ', t3 - t2)

    return rectangles