def Exp(device="llvm", lib_path="./", ndim=None, dtype=None): ''' exp Args: device: lib_path: ndim: dtype: Returns: ''' shape = [tvm.var("n" + str(i)) for i in range(ndim)] opname = "Exp_ndim%d_%s" % (ndim, dtype) print(opname) # define compute in_tensor = tvm.placeholder(shape, dtype=dtype, name='in_tensor') if 'int' in dtype: input_tensor = AsType(in_tensor, 'float32') out_tensor = topi.exp(input_tensor) out_tensor = AsType(out_tensor, in_tensor.dtype) else: out_tensor = topi.exp(in_tensor) tensor_list = [in_tensor, out_tensor] s = topi.generic.schedule_injective(out_tensor) Genlib(s, tensor_list, device, opname, lib_path)
def verify_reduce_map_ele(in_shape, axis, keepdims, type="sum"): # Build the logic and compile the function dat_dtype = "float32" A = tvm.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dat_dtype) A1 = topi.sqrt(topi.exp(A)) out_dtype = "float32" if type == "sum": B = topi.sum(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "max": B = topi.max(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "min": B = topi.min(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmax": B = topi.argmax(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) out_dtype = "int32" elif type == "argmin": B = topi.argmin(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) out_dtype = "int32" else: raise NotImplementedError def check_device(device): if not tvm.module.enabled(device): print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device) return with s = topi.generic.schedule_reduce(B) ctx = tvm.context(device, 0) foo =, [A, B], device, name="sum") # Test in_npy = np.random.uniform(size=in_shape).astype(np.float32) in_npy_map = np.sqrt(np.exp(in_npy)).astype(np.float32) if type == "sum": out_npy = in_npy_map.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "max": out_npy = in_npy_map.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "min": out_npy = in_npy_map.min(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmax": out_npy = _my_npy_argmax(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmin": out_npy = _my_npy_argmin(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) else: raise NotImplementedError data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, ctx=ctx) out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, ctx=ctx, dtype=out_dtype) for _ in range(1): foo(data_tvm, out_tvm) np.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.asnumpy(), out_npy, 1E-3, 1E-3) check_device("opencl") check_device("cuda") check_device("metal") check_device("rocm")
def exp_compute(attrs, inputs, output_type, target): assert len(inputs) == 1 return [topi.exp(inputs[0])]
def verify_reduce_map_ele(in_shape, axis, keepdims, type="sum", dtype="float32"): # Build the logic and compile the function A = tvm.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dtype) A1 = topi.sqrt(topi.exp(A)) out_dtype = dtype if type == "sum": B = topi.sum(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "all": B = topi.all(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "any": B = topi.any(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "max": B = topi.max(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "min": B = topi.min(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmax": B = topi.argmax(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) out_dtype = "int32" elif type == "argmin": B = topi.argmin(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) out_dtype = "int32" else: raise NotImplementedError def check_device(device): ctx = tvm.context(device, 0) if not ctx.exist: print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device) return print("Running on target: %s" % device) with s = topi.generic.schedule_reduce(B) foo =, [A, B], device, name=type) # Test if dtype == 'bool': in_npy_map = in_npy = np.random.choice([True, False], size=in_shape) else: in_npy = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=in_shape).astype(dtype) in_npy_map = np.sqrt(np.exp(in_npy)).astype(dtype) if type == "sum": out_npy = in_npy_map.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "all" and dtype == 'bool': out_npy = in_npy_map.all(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "any" and dtype == "bool": out_npy = in_npy_map.any(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "max": out_npy = in_npy_map.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "min": out_npy = in_npy_map.min(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmax": out_npy = _my_npy_argmax(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmin": out_npy = _my_npy_argmin(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) else: raise NotImplementedError data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, ctx=ctx) out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, ctx=ctx, dtype=out_dtype) for _ in range(1): foo(data_tvm, out_tvm) if type == "argmax" or type == "argmin": out_tvm_indices = out_tvm.asnumpy() if keepdims: out_tvm_indices = np.take(out_tvm_indices, indices=0, axis=axis) if axis is None: out_tvm_val = in_npy_map.ravel()[out_tvm_indices] else: other_indices = tuple( np.indices(in_shape[0:axis] + in_shape[(axis + 1):])) sel_indices = other_indices[0:axis] + ( out_tvm_indices, ) + other_indices[axis:] out_tvm_val = in_npy_map[sel_indices] if type == "argmax": tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.max(axis=axis), 1E-3, 1E-3) elif type == "argmin": tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.min(axis=axis), 1E-3, 1E-3) else: tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.asnumpy(), out_npy, 1E-3, 1E-3) for device in get_all_backend(): check_device(device)
def verify_reduce_map_ele(in_shape, axis, keepdims, type="sum"): # Build the logic and compile the function dat_dtype = "float32" A = tvm.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dat_dtype) A1 = topi.sqrt(topi.exp(A)) out_dtype = "float32" if type == "sum": B = topi.sum(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "max": B = topi.max(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "min": B = topi.min(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmax": B = topi.argmax(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) out_dtype = "int32" elif type == "argmin": B = topi.argmin(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) out_dtype = "int32" else: raise NotImplementedError def check_device(device): ctx = tvm.context(device, 0) if not ctx.exist: print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device) return print("Running on target: %s" % device) with s = topi.generic.schedule_reduce(B) foo =, [A, B], device, name=type) # Test in_npy = np.random.uniform(size=in_shape).astype(np.float32) in_npy_map = np.sqrt(np.exp(in_npy)).astype(np.float32) if type == "sum": out_npy = in_npy_map.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "max": out_npy = in_npy_map.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "min": out_npy = in_npy_map.min(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmax": out_npy = _my_npy_argmax(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) elif type == "argmin": out_npy = _my_npy_argmin(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) else: raise NotImplementedError data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, ctx=ctx) out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, ctx=ctx, dtype=out_dtype) for _ in range(1): foo(data_tvm, out_tvm) if type == "argmax" or type == "argmin": out_tvm_indices = out_tvm.asnumpy() if keepdims: out_tvm_indices = np.take(out_tvm_indices, indices=0, axis=axis) if axis is None: out_tvm_val = in_npy_map.ravel()[out_tvm_indices] else: other_indices = tuple(np.indices(in_shape[0:axis] + in_shape[(axis+1):])) sel_indices = other_indices[0:axis] + (out_tvm_indices,) + other_indices[axis:] out_tvm_val = in_npy_map[sel_indices] if type == "argmax": np.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.max(axis=axis), 1E-3, 1E-3) elif type == "argmin": np.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.min(axis=axis), 1E-3, 1E-3) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.asnumpy(), out_npy, 1E-3, 1E-3) for device in ["cuda", "opencl", "metal", "llvm", "rocm", "vulkan"]: check_device(device)
# import tvm import topi import numpy x = tvm.te.placeholder((3, ), name='x') w = tvm.te.placeholder((3, ), name='w') z1 = topi.multiply(x, w) z2 = topi.sum(z1) z3 = topi.multiply(z2, -1) z4 = topi.exp(z3) z5 = topi.add(z4, 1) z6 = topi.divide(1, z5) [dw] = tvm.te.gradient(z6, w) s = tvm.te.create_schedule(dw.op) g =, [x, w, dw]) # The default tensor type in tvm dtype = "float32" target = 'llvm' ctx = tvm.context(target, 0) # # Random generated tensor for testing x1 = tvm.nd.array(numpy.array([1, 3, 2]).astype(dtype), ctx) w1 = tvm.nd.array(numpy.array([2, 1, -2]).astype(dtype), ctx) dw1 = tvm.nd.empty(shape=(3, ), dtype='float32', ctx=ctx) g(x1, w1, dw1) print("ret=", dw1)