def validate_epoch(model, loader, loss_fn, dtype): """ validation for MultiLabelMarginLoss using f2 score `model` is a trained subclass of torch.nn.Module `loader` is a torch.dataset.DataLoader for validation data `dtype` data type for variables eg torch.FloatTensor (cpu) or torch.cuda.FloatTensor (gpu) """ loss_history = [] model.eval() for t, (x, y) in enumerate(loader): x_var = Variable(x.type(dtype)) y_var = Variable(y.type(dtype)) y_pred = model(x_var) loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_var) loss_history.append([0]) if len(loader) == 1: returnvals = (y_pred, y_var) else: sys.exit('many batches not implemented') return np.sqrt([0]), returnvals
def un_normalized_RMSE(y_pred, y_var, mean_target, std_target): # errors = (y_pred - y_var).data.numpy() y_pred = np.multiply(,std_target) + mean_target y = np.multiply(,std_target) + mean_target y_pred = y_pred[:,0] ntest = len(y) errors = np.abs(y_pred - y) RMSE = np.sqrt(, errors) / ntest) return RMSE
def __init__(self, *args): # This function initializes all the parameters needed for the neural network layer. # It initialises the no. of hidden layers in accordance with the input argument # It also initializes the size of hidden layer, input layer, output layer and the weights inclusive of the biases #self.ip_sz=args[0] self._op_sz = args[len(args) - 1] self._theta = {} self._theta_sz = len(args) for i in range(len(args) - 1): # In this block the weights for the bias term is included self._theta[i] = torch.FloatTensor(, scale=(1 / np.sqrt(args[i] + 1)), size=(args[i] + 1, args[i + 1]))) return
def build(self,*args): # This function initializes all the parameters needed for the neural network layer. # It initialises the no. of hidden layers in accordance with the input argument # It also initializes the size of hidden layer, input layer, output layer and the weights inclusive of the biases # This function just initializes theta, dE_dtheta and a private variable # act which stores the g(z) of each layer to compute back propagation self._theta={} self.__dE_dtheta={} self.__act={} self._op_sz=args[len(args)-1] self._theta_sz=len(args)-1 for i in range(self._theta_sz): # In this block the weights for the bias term is included self._theta[i]=torch.FloatTensor(,scale=(1/np.sqrt(args[i]+1)),size=(args[i]+1,args[i+1]))) self.__dE_dtheta[i]=torch.FloatTensor([i]+1,args[i+1]))) return
def train_epoch(loader_train, model, loss_fn, optimizer, dtype, print_every=20): """ train `model` on data from `loader_train` for one epoch inputs: `loader_train` object subclassed from `model` neural net, subclassed from torch.nn.Module `loss_fn` loss function see torch.nn for examples `optimizer` subclassed from torch.optim.Optimizer `dtype` data type for variables eg torch.FloatTensor (cpu) or torch.cuda.FloatTensor (gpu) """ loss_history = [] model.train() inds = loader_train.sampler.indices for t, (x, y) in enumerate(loader_train): x_var = Variable(x.type(dtype)) y_var = Variable(y.type(dtype)) y_pred = model(x_var) loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_var) loss_history.append([0]) if (t + 1) % print_every == 0: print('t = %d, loss = %.4f, f2 = %.4f' % (t + 1,[0], acc)) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if len(loader_train) == 1: returnvals = y_pred, y_var else: sys.exit('many batches not implemented') return np.sqrt([0]), returnvals