Esempio n. 1
    def test_demangler_multiple_manglers(self):
        PackageDemangler should be able to demangle name generated by any PackageMangler.
        a = PackageMangler()
        b = PackageMangler()

        self.assertEqual("", demangle(a.mangle("")))
        self.assertEqual("", demangle(b.mangle("")))
Esempio n. 2
def _qualified_name(obj) -> str:
    # This special case allows us to override the qualified name on a type.
    # It's currently used in conjunction with tracing, where we create a
    # fake module to filter only supported attributes. However, since this
    # new type is defined as a local class, we need a mechanism to override
    # its qualname so it appears correctly in the TorchScript system. This,
    # we set '_jit_override_qualname' with the original traced module's
    # qualified name, which is picked up here
    if hasattr(obj, '_jit_override_qualname'):
        return obj._jit_override_qualname
    # short-circuit in cases where the object already has a known qualified name
    if isinstance(obj, torch._C.ScriptFunction):
        return obj.qualified_name

    if getattr(obj, "__name__", None):
        name = obj.__name__
    # Enum classes do not have `__name__` attr, instead they have `name`.
    elif isinstance(obj, enum.Enum):
        name =
        raise RuntimeError("Could not get name of python class object")

    if name == '<lambda>':
        name = '_lambda'  # make name a valid identifier

    module_name = obj.__module__

    # If the module is actually a torchbind module, then we should short circuit
    if module_name == "torch._classes":
        return obj.qualified_name

    # The Python docs are very clear that `__module__` can be None, but I can't
    # figure out when it actually would be.
    if module_name is None:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Could not get qualified name for class '{name}': "
                           "__module__ can't be None.")

    # if getattr(sys.modules[module_name], name) is not obj:
    #     raise RuntimeError(f"Could not get qualified name for class '{name}': "
    #                        f"the attr {name} on module {module_name} is not the the class")

    # torch.package and TorchScript have separate mangling schemes to avoid
    # name collisions from multiple packages. To avoid them interfering with
    # each other, remove the package mangling here.
    module_name = package_mangling.demangle(module_name)

    # __main__ is a builtin module, so rewrite it to "__torch__".
    if module_name == "__main__":
        module_name = "__torch__"
        # Everything else gets a "__torch__" prefix to avoid name collisions
        # with the names of user values.
        module_name = "__torch__." + module_name

    if "." in name:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Could not get qualified name for class '{name}': "
                           f"'{name}' is not a valid identifier")

    return module_name + "." + name
Esempio n. 3
 def test_demangle_base(self):
     Demangling a mangle parent directly should currently return an empty string.
     a = PackageMangler()
     mangled = a.mangle("foo")
     mangle_parent = mangled.partition(".")[0]
     self.assertEqual("", demangle(mangle_parent))
Esempio n. 4
    def test_is_mangled(self):
        a = PackageMangler()
        b = PackageMangler()

Esempio n. 5
 def test_roundtrip_mangling(self):
     a = PackageMangler()
     self.assertEqual("foo", demangle(a.mangle("foo")))