Esempio n. 1
    def test_basic(self) -> None:
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.tensor([3.0], requires_grad=True))
            log_input("x", x)
            y = x * x
            saved_x = y.grad_fn._saved_self
            grad_y = LoggingTensor(torch.tensor([1.0]))
            log_input("grad_y", grad_y)
            g, = torch.autograd.grad((y,), (x,), (grad_y,))

        self.assertEqual(g.elem, torch.tensor([6.0]))
        with torch.no_grad():
            self.assertEqual(saved_x, x)
            self.assertEqual(saved_x._version, x._version)
            self.assertEqual(saved_x, x)
            # TODO: figure out why broken
            # self.assertEqual(saved_x._version, x._version)
        self.assertExpectedInline('\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = torch._ops.aten.mul($0, $0)
$2 = input('grad_y')
$3 = torch._ops.aten.mul($2, $0)
$4 = torch._ops.aten.mul($2, $0)
$5 = torch._ops.aten.add($4, $3)''')
Esempio n. 2
    def test_torch_ops(self):
        r = make_tensor((2,), device='cpu', dtype=torch.float)
        self.assertEqual(torch.ops.prims.sin(r), torch.sin(r))

        r = LoggingTensor(r)
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            log_input("input", r)
        self.assertExpectedInline('\n'.join(logs), """\
$0 = input('input')
$1 = torch._ops.prims.sin.default($0)""")
Esempio n. 3
    def get_logs(self, func, inpt):
        input_clone_logging = LoggingTensor(inpt.clone())
        input_functional_logging = torch._to_functional_tensor(input_clone_logging)

        with capture_logs() as logs:
            log_input("input", input_clone_logging)
        return logs
Esempio n. 4
    def test_detach_appears_twice_when_called_once(self) -> None:
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.tensor([3.0]), requires_grad=True)
            log_input("x", x)
        # FIXME: We actually want this to emit a single detach. However,
        # it currently emits two, for reasons unclear to us. Leaving
        # this test here to make sure we don't regress even further (it
        # would be bad if calling .detach() once emits 3+ detaches).
        self.assertExpectedInline('\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = torch._ops.aten.detach.default($0)
$2 = torch._ops.aten.detach.default($1)''')
    def test_nesting_with_same_enable_torch_dispatch_mode(self) -> None:
        # "nested" enable_torch_dispatch_modes are allowed if they're the same mode. It's the equivalent of
        # a noop, so it will only write once to the log
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.tensor([3.]))
            log_input("x", x)
            with enable_torch_dispatch_mode(LoggingTensor):
                with enable_torch_dispatch_mode(LoggingTensor):
                    x + x

            '\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = torch._ops.aten.add.Tensor($0, $0)''')
Esempio n. 6
    def test_out(self) -> None:
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1))
            y = LoggingTensor(torch.zeros(1))
            log_input("x", x)
            log_input("y", y)
            torch.abs(x, out=y)

        self.assertEqual(y.elem, torch.ones(1))
        # TODO: arguably this shouldn't pass and we should complain
        # that out isn't a kwarg
        self.assertExpectedInline('\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = input('y')
$2 = torch._ops.aten.abs($0, out=$1)''')
Esempio n. 7
    def test_kwarg_only_and_positional_default(self) -> None:
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1))
            y = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1))
            log_input("x", x)
            log_input("y", y)
            torch.ops.aten.kl_div(x, y)
            torch.ops.aten.kl_div(x, y, 2)
            torch.ops.aten.kl_div(x, y, log_target=True)
            torch.ops.aten.kl_div(x, y, 2, log_target=True)

        # What we are testing here is that we omit reduction
        # if it is defaulted, even if a kwarg is set
        self.assertExpectedInline('\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = input('y')
$2 = torch._ops.aten.kl_div($0, $1)
$3 = torch._ops.aten.kl_div($0, $1, 2)
$4 = torch._ops.aten.kl_div($0, $1, log_target=True)
$5 = torch._ops.aten.kl_div($0, $1, 2, log_target=True)''')
Esempio n. 8
    def test_kwarg_only(self) -> None:
        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1))
            y = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1, 1))
            z = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1))
            log_input("x", x)
            log_input("y", y)
            log_input("z", z)
            torch.addmv(x, y, z)
            torch.addmv(x, y, z, beta=1)
            torch.addmv(x, y, z, beta=2)
            torch.addmv(x, y, z, alpha=2)
            torch.addmv(x, y, z, beta=2, alpha=2)

        # The expectation is that beta/alpha don't show up when they're
        # defaulted.  This is even if the user explicitly specified it.
        self.assertExpectedInline('\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = input('y')
$2 = input('z')
$3 = torch._ops.aten.addmv($0, $1, $2)
$4 = torch._ops.aten.addmv($0, $1, $2)
$5 = torch._ops.aten.addmv($0, $1, $2, beta=2)
$6 = torch._ops.aten.addmv($0, $1, $2, alpha=2)
$7 = torch._ops.aten.addmv($0, $1, $2, beta=2, alpha=2)''')
    def test_custom_autograd(self) -> None:
        escape = [None]

        class Square(torch.autograd.Function):
            def forward(ctx, x):
                y = x**2
                return y

            def backward(ctx, grad_output):
                assert isinstance(grad_output, LoggingTensor)
                x, = ctx.saved_tensors
                assert isinstance(x, LoggingTensor)
                escape[0] = x
                return grad_output * 2 * x

        with capture_logs() as logs:
            x = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1), requires_grad=True)
            log_input("x", x)
            x.grad = LoggingTensor(torch.zeros(1))
            log_input("x.grad", x.grad)
            y = Square.apply(x)
            grad_output = LoggingTensor(torch.ones(1))
            log_input("grad_output", grad_output)

        with torch.no_grad():
            self.assertEqual(escape[0], x)
            self.assertEqual(escape[0]._version, x._version)
            # TODO: figure out why x.requires_grad = False doesn't
            # trigger an error for LoggingTensor
            self.assertEqual(escape[0], x)
            # TODO: figure out why this is broken
            # self.assertEqual(escape[0]._version, x._version)

            '\n'.join(logs), '''\
$0 = input('x')
$1 = input('x.grad')
$2 = torch._ops.aten.pow.Tensor_Scalar($0, 2)
$3 = input('grad_output')
$4 = torch._ops.aten.mul.Tensor($3, 2)
$5 = torch._ops.aten.mul.Tensor($4, $0)
$6 = torch._ops.aten.add_.Tensor($1, $5)''')