Esempio n. 1
    def forward(self, pred, target):
        pred_ = torch.ones_like(pred) - pred
        pred =, pred), dim=1)

        target = torch.long()

        return self.ce_loss(pred, target)
Esempio n. 2
def get_confusion_matrix(model, n_classes, dataloaders, device):
    confusion_matrix = t.zeros(n_classes, n_classes)
    with t.no_grad():
        for i, (inputs, classes) in enumerate(dataloaders):
            inputs =
            classes =
            outputs = model(inputs)
            _, preds = t.max(outputs, 1)
            for t, p in zip(classes.view(-1), preds.view(-1)):
                confusion_matrix[t.long(), p.long()] += 1

    def create_data_loader(self, bs):
        human = []
        virus = []
        interaction_idx = []

        for i in range(self.N):
            idx =  self.test[i]
            h_idx = int(self.interactions['node1'][idx])
            v_idx = int(self.interactions['node2'][idx])

            human.append(torch.from_numpy(self.human[h_idx, :]))
            virus.append(torch.from_numpy(self.virus[v_idx, :]))
        print(human, virus, interaction_idx)
    def select_action(initial_state):
        epsilon = max(epsilon - delta, 0)
        initial_state_tensor = torch.tensor(initial_state)

        sample = random.choice(100) / 100


        if sample > epsilon:
            with torch.no_grad():
                return dqn.q_netork(initial_state_tensor).max(1)[1].view(1, 1)
            return torch.tensor(random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3]),
Esempio n. 5
def calculate_mAP(det_boxes, det_labels, det_scores, true_boxes, true_labels, true_difficulties):
    Calculate the Mean Average Precision (mAP) of detected objects.

    :param det_boxes: list of tensors, one tensor for each image containing detected objects' bounding boxes
    :param det_labels: list of tensors, one tensor for each image containing detected objects' labels
    :param det_scores: list of tensors, one tensor for each image containing detected objects' labels' scores
    :param true_boxes: list of tensors, one tensor for each image containing actual objects' bounding boxes
    :param true_labels: list of tensors, one tensor for each image containing actual objects' labels
    :param true_difficulties: list of tensors, one tensor for each image containing actual objects' difficulty (0 or 1)
    :return: list of average precisions for all classes, mean average precision (mAP)

    assert len(det_boxes) == len(det_labels) == len(det_scores) == len(true_boxes) == len(true_labels) == len(true_difficulties)

    n_classes = len(label_map)

    # Store all (true) objects in a single continuous tensor while keeping track of the image it is from
    true_images = list()
    for i in range(len(true_labels)):
        true_images.extend([i] * true_labels[i].size(0))
    true_images = torch.LongTensor(true_images).to(device) # (n_objects), n_objects is the total no. of objects across all images
    true_boxes =, dim=0) # (n_objects, 4)
    true_labels = ,dim=0) # (n_objects)
    true_difficulties =, dim=0) # (n_objects)

    assert true_images.size(0) == true_boxes.size(0) == true_labels.size(0)

    # Store all detections in a single continuous tensor while keeping track of the image it is from
    det_images = list()
    for i in range(len(det_labels)):
        det_images.extend([i] * det_labels[i].size(0))
    det_images = torch.LongTensor(det_images).to(device) # (n_detections)
    det_boxes =, dim=0) # (n_detections, 4)
    det_labels =, dim=0) # (n_detections)
    det_scores =, dim=0) # (n_detections)

    assert det_images.size(0) == det_boxes.size(0) == det_labels.size(0) == det_scores.size(0)

    # Calculate APs for each class (except background)
    average_precisions = torch.zeros((n_classes - 1), dtype=torch.float) # (n_classes - 1)
    for c in range(1, n_classes):
        # Extract only objects with this class
        true_class_images = true_images[true_labels == c] # (n_class_objects)
        true_class_boxes = true_boxes[true_labels == c] # (n_class_objects, 4)
        true_class_difficulties = true_difficulties[true_labels == c] # (n_class_objects)
        n_easy_class_objects = (1 - true_class_difficulties).sum().item() # ignore difficult objects

        # Keep track of which true objects with this class have already been 'detected'
        true_class_boxes_detected = torch.zeros((true_class_difficulties.size(0)), dtype=torch.uint8).to(device)  # (n_class_objects)

        # Extrack only detections with this class
        det_class_images = det_images[det_labels == c] # (n_class_detections)
        det_class_boxes = det_boxes[det_labels == c] # (n_class_detections, 4)
        det_class_scores = det_scores[det_labels == c] # (n_class_detections)
        n_class_detections = det_class_boxes.size(0)

        if n_class_detections == 0:

        # Sort detections in decreasing order of confidence/scores
        det_class_scores, sort_ind = torch.sort(det_class_scores, dim=0, descending=True) # (n_class_detections)
        det_class_images = det_class_images[sort_ind] # (n_class_detections)
        det_class_boxes = det_class_boxes[sort_ind] # (n_class_detections, 4)

        # In the order of decreasing scores, check if true of false positive
        true_positives = torch.zeros((n_class_detections), dtype=torch.float).to(device) # (n_class_detections)
        false_positives = torch.zeros((n_class_detections), dtype=torch.float).to(device)

        for d in range(n_class_detections):
            this_detection_box = det_class_boxes[d].unsqueeze(0) # (1, 4)
            this_image = det_class_images[d] # (), scalar

            # Find objects in the same image with this class, their difficulties, and whether they have been detected
            object_boxes = true_class_boxes[true_class_images == this_image] # (n_class_objects_in_img)
            object_difficulties = true_class_difficulties[true_class_images == this_image] # (n_class_objects_in_img)

            # If no such object in this image, then the detection is a false positive
            if object_boxes.size(0) == 0:
                false_positives[d] = 1

            # Find maximum overlap of this detection with objects in this image of this class
            overlaps = find_jaccard_overlap(this_detection_box, object_boxes) # (1, n_class_objects_in_img)
            max_overlap, ind = torch.max(overlaps.squeeze(0), dim=0) # (), () - scalars

            # 'ind' is the index of the object in these image-level tensors 'object_boxes', 'object_difficulties'
            # In the original class-level tensors 'true_class_boxes', etc., 'ind' corresponds to object with index.
            original_ind = torch.long(range(true_class_boxes.size(0)))[true_class_images == this_image][ind]
            # We need 'original_ind' to update 'true_class_boxes_detected'

            # If the maximum overlap is greater than the threshold of 0.5, it's a match
            if max_overlap.item() > 0.5:
                # If the object it matched with is 'difficult', ignore it
                if object_difficulties[ind] == 0:
                    # If this object has already not been detected, it's a true positive
                    if true_class_boxes_detected[original_ind] == 0:
                        true_positives[d] = 1
                        true_class_boxes_detected[original_ind] = 1 # this object has now been detected/accounted for
                    # Otherwise, it's a false positive (since this object is already accounted for)
                        false_positives[d] = 1
            # Otherwise, the detection occurs in a different location than the actual object, and is a false positive
                false_positives[d] = 1

        # Compute cumulative precision and recall at each detection in the order of decreasing scores
        cumul_true_positives = torch.cumsum(true_positives, dim=0) # (n_class_detections)
        cumul_false_positives = torch.cumsum(false_positives, dim=0) # (n_class_detections)
        cumul_precision = cumul_true_positives / (cumul_true_positives + cumul_false_positives + 1e-10) # (n_class_detections)
        cumul_recall = cumul_true_positives / n_easy_class_objects # (n_class_detections)

        # Find the mean of the maximum of the precisions corresponding to recalls above the threshold 't'
        recall_thresholds = torch.arange(start=0, end=1.1, step=.1).tolist() # (11)
        precisions = torch.zeros((len(recall_thresholds)), dtype=torch.float).to(device) # (11)

        for i, t in enumerate(recall_thresholds):
            recalls_above_t = cumul_recall >= t
            if recalls_above_t.any():
                precisions[i] = cumul_precision[recalls_above_t].max()
                precisions[i] = 0.

        average_precisions[c - 1] = precisions.mean() # c is in [1, n_classes - 1]

    # Calculate Mean Average Precision (mAP)
    mean_average_precision = average_precisions.mean().item()

    # Keep class-wise average precisions in a dictionary
    average_precisions = {rev_label_map[c + 1]: v for c, v in enumerate(average_precisions.tolist())}

    return average_precisions, mean_average_precision
Esempio n. 6
def log_sum_exp(vec):
    # 注:这是pytorch学习教程上的代码
    # TODO:还不太清楚这个函数的作用,待补充
    max_score = vec[0, argmax(vec)]
    max_score_broadcast = max_score.view(1, -1).expand(1, vec.size()[1])
    return max_score + torch.long(torch.sum(torch.exp(vec - max_score_broadcast)))