Esempio n. 1
def random_crop(image, boxes, labels):
    original_h = image.size(1)
    original_w = image.size(2)

    while True:
        min_overlap = rand_choice([0., .1, .3, .5, .7, .9, None])

        if min_overlap is None:
            return image, boxes, labels

        max_trials = 50
        for _ in range(max_trials):
            min_scale = 0.3
            scale_h = rand_uniform(min_scale, 1)
            scale_w = rand_uniform(min_scale, 1)
            new_h = int(scale_h * original_h)
            new_w = int(scale_w * original_w)

            aspect_ratio = new_h / new_w
            if not 0.5 < aspect_ratio < 2:

            left = randint(0, original_w - new_w)
            right = left + new_w
            top = randint(0, original_h - new_h)
            bottom = top + new_h
            crop = FloatTensor([left, top, right, bottom])

            overlap = find_jaccard_overlap(crop.unsqueeze(0), boxes)
            overlap = overlap.squeeze(0)

            if overlap.max().item() < min_overlap:

            new_image = image[:, top:bottom, left:right]

            bb_centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2.

            centers_in_crop = (bb_centers[:, 0] > left) * (
                bb_centers[:, 0] < right) * (bb_centers[:, 1] >
                                             top) * (bb_centers[:, 1] < bottom)

            if not centers_in_crop.any():

            new_boxes = boxes[centers_in_crop, :]
            new_labels = labels[centers_in_crop]

            new_boxes[:, :2] = torch_max(new_boxes[:, :2], crop[:2])
            new_boxes[:, :2] -= crop[:2]
            new_boxes[:, 2:] = torch_min(new_boxes[:, 2:], crop[2:])
            new_boxes[:, 2:] -= crop[:2]

            return new_image, new_boxes, new_labels
Esempio n. 2
def _bbox_ious(box1, box2, is_corner_coordinates=True):
    """Calculation of intersection over union function **for many predictions and ground truths** as used in YOLO
    rewrite in PyTorch.

    This is implemented as shown in Modifications are made for variable names
    only. All credits to @CharlesPikachu.

    x_left = torch_min(box1[0],
                       box2[0]) if is_corner_coordinates else torch_min(
                           box1[0] - box1[2] / 2.0, box2[0] - box2[2] / 2.0)
    x_right = torch_max(box1[2],
                        box2[2]) if is_corner_coordinates else torch_max(
                            box1[0] + box1[2] / 2.0, box2[0] + box2[2] / 2.0)
    y_top = torch_min(box1[1],
                      box2[1]) if is_corner_coordinates else torch_min(
                          box1[1] - box1[3] / 2.0, box2[1] - box2[3] / 2.0)
    y_bottom = torch_max(box1[3],
                         box2[3]) if is_corner_coordinates else torch_max(
                             box1[1] + box1[3] / 2.0, box2[1] + box2[3] / 2.0)

    box1_width = box1[2] - box1[0] if is_corner_coordinates else box1[2]
    box1_height = box1[3] - box1[1] if is_corner_coordinates else box1[3]
    box2_width = box2[2] - box2[0] if is_corner_coordinates else box2[2]
    box2_height = box2[3] - box2[1] if is_corner_coordinates else box2[3]

    raw_union_width = x_right - x_left
    raw_union_height = y_bottom - y_top
    intersection_width = box1_width + box2_width - raw_union_width
    intersection_height = box1_height + box2_height - raw_union_height
    mask = ((intersection_width <= 0) + (intersection_height <= 0) > 0)

    box1_area = box1_width * box1_height
    box2_area = box2_width * box2_height

    intersection = intersection_width * intersection_height
    intersection[mask] = 0
    union = box1_area + box2_area - intersection

    return intersection / union
Esempio n. 3
def _find_intersection(set1, set2):
    """Calculation of intersection of every box combination between two sets of boxes that are in boundary
    coordinates as used in SSD rewrite in PyTorch.

    This is implemented as shown in Some 
    modifications are made. All credits to @sgrvinod.

    lower_bounds = torch_max(set1[:, :2].unsqueeze(1),
                             set2[:, :2].unsqueeze(0))
    upper_bounds = torch_min(set1[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1), set2[:,

    intersection_dims = torch_clamp(upper_bounds - lower_bounds, min=0)

    return intersection_dims[:, :, 0] * intersection_dims[:, :, 1]
Esempio n. 4
    def trainStep(self, batchSize=None):
        Performs a training step or update for the actor and critic models, based on transitions gathered in the
        buffer. It then resets the buffer.
        If provided with a batchSize, this is used instead of default self.batch_size

        :param: batchSize: int
        :return: None
        if batchSize is None:
            if len(self.buffer) < self.batch_size:
            batchSize = self.batch_size

        state = tensor([t.state for t in self.buffer], dtype=torch_float)
        action = tensor([t.action for t in self.buffer], dtype=torch_long).view(-1, 1)
        reward = [t.reward for t in self.buffer]
        old_action_log_prob = tensor([t.a_log_prob for t in self.buffer], dtype=torch_float).view(-1, 1)

        # Unroll rewards
        R = 0
        Gt = []
        for r in reward[::-1]:
            R = r + self.gamma * R
            Gt.insert(0, R)
        Gt = tensor(Gt, dtype=torch_float)

        if self.use_cuda:
            state, action, old_action_log_prob = state.cuda(), action.cuda(), old_action_log_prob.cuda()
            Gt = Gt.cuda()

        for _ in range(self.ppo_update_iters):
            for index in BatchSampler(SubsetRandomSampler(range(len(self.buffer))), batchSize, False):
                # Calculate the advantage at each step
                Gt_index = Gt[index].view(-1, 1)
                V = self.critic_net(state[index])
                delta = Gt_index - V
                advantage = delta.detach()

                # Get the current prob
                action_prob = self.actor_net(state[index]).gather(1, action[index])  # new policy

                # PPO
                ratio = (action_prob / old_action_log_prob[index])
                surr1 = ratio * advantage
                surr2 = clamp(ratio, 1 - self.clip_param, 1 + self.clip_param) * advantage

                # update actor network
                action_loss = -torch_min(surr1, surr2).mean()  # MAX->MIN descent
                nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.actor_net.parameters(), self.max_grad_norm)

                # update critic network
                value_loss = F.mse_loss(Gt_index, V)
                nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic_net.parameters(), self.max_grad_norm)

        del self.buffer[:]
Esempio n. 5
    def trainStep(self, batchSize=None):
        Performs a training step for the actor and critic models, based on transitions gathered in the
        buffer. It then resets the buffer.

        :param batchSize: Overrides agent set batch size, defaults to None
        :type batchSize: int, optional
        # Default behaviour waits for buffer to collect at least one batch_size of transitions
        if batchSize is None:
            if len(self.buffer) < self.batch_size:
            batchSize = self.batch_size

        # Extract states, actions, rewards and action probabilities from transitions in buffer
        state = tensor([t.state for t in self.buffer], dtype=torch_float)
        action = tensor([t.action for t in self.buffer],
                        dtype=torch_long).view(-1, 1)
        reward = [t.reward for t in self.buffer]
        old_action_log_prob = tensor([t.a_log_prob for t in self.buffer],
                                     dtype=torch_float).view(-1, 1)

        # Unroll rewards
        R = 0
        Gt = []
        for r in reward[::-1]:
            R = r + self.gamma * R
            Gt.insert(0, R)
        Gt = tensor(Gt, dtype=torch_float)

        # Send everything to cuda if used
        if self.use_cuda:
            state, action, old_action_log_prob = state.cuda(), action.cuda(
            ), old_action_log_prob.cuda()
            Gt = Gt.cuda()

        # Repeat the update procedure for ppo_update_iters
        for i in range(self.ppo_update_iters):
            # Create randomly ordered batches of size batchSize from buffer
            for index in BatchSampler(
                    SubsetRandomSampler(range(len(self.buffer))), batchSize,
                # Calculate the advantage at each step
                Gt_index = Gt[index].view(-1, 1)
                V = self.critic_net(state[index])
                delta = Gt_index - V
                advantage = delta.detach()

                # Get the current probabilities
                # Apply past actions with .gather()
                action_prob = self.actor_net(state[index]).gather(
                    1, action[index])  # new policy

                # PPO
                ratio = (
                    action_prob / old_action_log_prob[index]
                )  # Ratio between current and old policy probabilities
                surr1 = ratio * advantage
                surr2 = clamp(ratio, 1 - self.clip_param,
                              1 + self.clip_param) * advantage

                # update actor network
                action_loss = -torch_min(surr1,
                                         surr2).mean()  # MAX->MIN descent
                self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad()  # Delete old gradients
                )  # Perform backward step to compute new gradients
                                         self.max_grad_norm)  # Clip gradients
                )  # Perform training step based on gradients

                # update critic network
                value_loss = F.mse_loss(Gt_index, V)

        # After each training step, the buffer is cleared
        del self.buffer[:]