Esempio n. 1
    def forward(ctx, spike_a: torch.Tensor, spike_b: torch.Tensor):
        # y = spike_a * spike_b
        assert spike_a.shape == spike_b.shape, print('x.shape != spike.shape')  # 禁用广播机制
        if spike_a.dtype == torch.bool:
            spike_a_bool = spike_a
            spike_a_bool = spike_a.bool()

        if spike_b.dtype == torch.bool:
            spike_b_bool = spike_b
            spike_b_bool = spike_b.bool()

        if spike_a.dtype == torch.bool and spike_b.dtype == bool:
            # 若spike_a 和 spike_b 都是bool,则不应该需要计算梯度,因bool类型的tensor无法具有gard
            return spike_a_bool.logical_and(spike_b_bool)

        if spike_a.requires_grad and spike_b.requires_grad:
            ctx.save_for_backward(spike_b_bool, spike_a_bool)
        elif spike_a.requires_grad and not spike_b.requires_grad:
        elif not spike_a.requires_grad and spike_b.requires_grad:

        ret = spike_a_bool.logical_and(spike_b_bool).float()
        ret.requires_grad_(spike_a.requires_grad or spike_b.requires_grad)
        return ret
Esempio n. 2
    def ranking(self, scores: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor,
                filtered_mask: torch.Tensor):
        query_size = scores.size(0)
        vocabulary_size = scores.size(1)

        target_scores = scores[range(query_size), targets].unsqueeze(1).repeat(
            (1, vocabulary_size))

        # TODO(gengyuan)

        assert self.preference in ["optimistic", "pessimistic"]
        assert self.ordering in ["ascending", "descending"]

        if self.ordering == "ascending":
            scores = scores.masked_fill(filtered_mask.bool(), 1e6)

            if self.preference == "optimistic":
                comp =
                comp = scores.le(target_scores)
            scores = scores.masked_fill(filtered_mask.bool(), -1e6)

            if self.preference == "optimistic":
                comp =
                comp =

        ranks = comp.sum(1) + 1

        return ranks.float()
    def step(
            self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor, dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor,
            enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor, enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
            enc_masks: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """ Compute one forward step of the LSTM decoder, including the attention computation.
        @param Ybar_t (Tensor): Concatenated Tensor of [Y_t o_prev], with shape (b, e + h). The input for the decoder,
                                where b = batch size, e = embedding size, h = hidden size.
        @param dec_state (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both with shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's prev hidden state, second tensor is decoder's prev cell.
        @param enc_hiddens (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, with shape (b, src_len, h * 2), where b = batch size,
                                    src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_hiddens_proj (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, projected from (h * 2) to h. Tensor is with shape (b, src_len, h),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_masks (Tensor): Tensor of sentence masks shape (b, src_len),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len is maximum source length.
        @returns dec_state (tuple (Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's new hidden state, second tensor is decoder's new cell.
        @returns combined_output (Tensor): Combined output Tensor at timestep t, shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
        @returns e_t (Tensor): Tensor of shape (b, src_len). It is attention scores distribution.
                                Note: You will not use this outside of this function.
                                      We are simply returning this value so that we can sanity check
                                      your implementation.

        combined_output = None

        # 1,
        dec_state = self.decoder(Ybar_t, dec_state)
        (dec_hidden, dec_cell) = dec_state
        # 3, (b, src_len, h) .dot(b, h, 1) -> (b, src_len, 1) -> (b, src_len)
        e_t = enc_hiddens_proj.bmm(dec_hidden.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)


        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        if enc_masks is not None:
            #, -float('inf'))
  , -float('inf'))

        # 1, apply softmax to e_t
        alpha_t = F.softmax(e_t, dim=1)  # (b, src_len)
        # 2, (b, 1, src_len) x (b, src_len, 2h) = (b, 1, 2h) -> (b, 2h)
        # a_t = e_t.unsqueeze(1).bmm(enc_hiddens).squeeze(1)
        att_view = (alpha_t.size(0), 1, alpha_t.size(1))
        a_t = torch.bmm(alpha_t.view(*att_view), enc_hiddens).squeeze(1)

        # 3, concate a_t (b, 2h) and dec_hidden (b, h) to U_t (b, 3h)
        U_t =, dec_hidden), dim=1)
        # 4, apply combined output to U_T -> V_t, shape (b, h)
        V_t = self.combined_output_projection(U_t)
        O_t = self.dropout(torch.tanh(V_t))


        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
Esempio n. 4
def compute_dice_across_patches(segmentation: torch.Tensor,
                                ground_truth: torch.Tensor,
                                allow_multiple_classes_for_each_pixel: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
    Computes the Dice scores for all classes across all patches in the arguments.
    :param segmentation: Tensor containing class ids predicted by a model.
    :param ground_truth: One-hot encoded torch tensor containing ground-truth label ids.
    :param allow_multiple_classes_for_each_pixel: If set to False, ground-truth tensor has
    to contain only one foreground label for each pixel.
    :return A torch tensor of size (Patches, Classes) with the Dice scores. Dice scores are computed for
    all classes including the background class at index 0.
    check_size_matches(segmentation, ground_truth, 4, 5, [0, -3, -2, -1],
                       arg1_name="segmentation", arg2_name="ground_truth")

    # One-hot encoded ground-truth values should sum up to one for all pixels
    if not allow_multiple_classes_for_each_pixel:
        if not torch.allclose(torch.sum(ground_truth, dim=1).float(),
                              torch.ones(segmentation.shape, device=ground_truth.device).float()):
            raise Exception("Ground-truth one-hot matrix does not sum up to one for all pixels")

    # Convert the ground-truth to one-hot-encoding
    [num_patches, num_classes] = ground_truth.size()[:2]
    one_hot_segmentation = F.one_hot(segmentation, num_classes=num_classes).permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)

    # Convert the tensors to bool tensors
    one_hot_segmentation = one_hot_segmentation.bool().view(num_patches, num_classes, -1)
    ground_truth = ground_truth.bool().view(num_patches, num_classes, -1)

    # And operation between segmentation and ground-truth - reduction operation
    # Count the number of samples in segmentation and ground-truth
    intersection = 2.0 * torch.sum(one_hot_segmentation & ground_truth, dim=-1).float()
    union = torch.sum(one_hot_segmentation, dim=-1) + torch.sum(ground_truth, dim=-1).float() + 1.0e-6

    return intersection / union
Esempio n. 5
    def step_qa(self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor, dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor,
                enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor, enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
                enc_masks: torch.Tensor):
        """One forward step of the decoder.
        :param Y_t: (batch_size, embed_size) The first tokens of each of the mini-batch of sents.
        :param dec_state: ...
        :returns dec_state: the current state of decoder.
        :returns output:  the current hidden state of decoder.

        dec_state = self.decoder2(Ybar_t, dec_state)
        dec_hidden, dec_cell = dec_state
        e_t = torch.squeeze(torch.bmm(enc_hiddens_proj,
                                      torch.unsqueeze(dec_hidden, 2)),

        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        if enc_masks is not None:
  , -float('inf'))

        alpha_t = F.softmax(e_t, dim=1)
        a_t = torch.squeeze(
            torch.bmm(torch.unsqueeze(alpha_t, 1), enc_hiddens), 1)
        U_t =, dec_hidden), dim=1)
        V_t = self.combined_output_projection2(U_t)
        O_t = self.dropout2(torch.tanh(V_t))

        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
Esempio n. 6
    def forward(self,
                query: torch.Tensor,
                states: torch.Tensor,
                states_features: torch.Tensor,
                source_mask: torch.Tensor,
                coverage: torch.Tensor,
                is_coverage: bool) \
            -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        Calculating the attention using Bahdanau approach

        :param is_coverage: To use coverage or not
        :param states_features: Precalculated states features
        :param coverage: The previous coverage (B, L_src, 1)
        :param source_mask: Mask for source (B, L_src, 1)
        :param query: The state of target (B, L_tgt, H)
        :param states: The memory states of encoder (B, L_src, 2*H)
        :return: The weighted context (B, 1, H)
        # (B, L_tgt, L_src)
        alignments = self.score(query, states, states_features, coverage, is_coverage)
        # Set padding to zero
        alignments = alignments.masked_fill(~source_mask.bool().unsqueeze(2), float('-inf'))
        align_vectors = self._softmax(alignments)
        # (B, L_tgt, L_src) X (B, L_src, 2*H) = (B, L_tgt, 2*H)
        c = torch.bmm(align_vectors.transpose(1, 2), states)
        concat_c =[c, query], 2)
        attn_h = self.linear_out(concat_c)
        # (B, L_src, 1)
        # attentions = attentions.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
        new_coverage = coverage + align_vectors
        return attn_h, new_coverage, align_vectors
Esempio n. 7
    def add_sample(self, y_true: torch.Tensor, y_pred):
        if self.ignore_last_class:
            # Ignore background classes

            # y_pred = y_pred[:, :-1]
            # y_true = y_true[:, :-1]
            y_true_mask = 1 - y_true[:, [-1]]  # [ B, 1, H, W]

        y_true_bin = y_true.bool()  # [B,  C, ...]
        # Make y_pred from decimal to one hot along dim C
        y_pred_argmax = torch.argmax(y_pred, dim=1,
                                     keepdim=True)  # [B, C, ...]
        y_pred_oh = torch.zeros_like(y_pred, dtype=torch.bool).scatter_(
            1, y_pred_argmax, True)  # one-hot

        # remove the background
        _tp = (y_true_bin & y_pred_oh)[:, :-1]
        _tn = ((~y_true_bin & ~y_pred_oh) * y_true_mask)[:, :-1]  #n
        _fp = ((~y_true_bin & y_pred_oh) *
               y_true_mask)[:, :-1]  # * y_true_mask
        _fn = ((y_true_bin & ~y_pred_oh) * y_true_mask)[:, :-1]

        tp = _tp.float().sum(dim=self._data_dims)
        tn = _tn.float().sum(dim=self._data_dims)
        fp = _fp.float().sum(dim=self._data_dims)
        fn = _fn.float().sum(dim=self._data_dims)

        self.TP += tp
        self.TN += tn
        self.FP += fp
        self.FN += fn
        return tp, tn, fp, fn
Esempio n. 8
    def forward(
        pred: torch.Tensor,
        ref_kspace: torch.Tensor,
        sens_maps: torch.Tensor,
        mask: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:

        pred: Input data.
        ref_kspace: Reference k-space data.
        sens_maps: Coil sensitivity maps.
        mask: Mask to apply to the data.

        Reconstructed image.
        zero = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, 1).to(pred)
        soft_dc = torch.where(mask.bool(), pred - ref_kspace,
                              zero) * self.dc_weight

        eta = self.sens_reduce(pred, sens_maps)
        eta = self.model(eta)
        eta = self.sens_expand(eta, sens_maps)

        if not self.no_dc:
            eta = pred - soft_dc - eta

        return eta
Esempio n. 9
    def forward(self,
                query: torch.Tensor,
                states: torch.Tensor,
                source_mask: torch.Tensor) \
            -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        Calculating the attention using Bahdanau approach

        :param coverage: The previous coverage (B, L_src, 1)
        :param source_mask: Mask for source (B, L_src, 1)
        :param query: The state of target (B, L_tgt, H)
        :param states: The memory states of encoder (B, L_src, 2*H)
        :return: The weighted context (B, 1, H)
        # (B, L_tgt, L_src)
        alignments = self.score(query, states)
        # Set padding to zero
        alignments = alignments.masked_fill(~source_mask.bool().unsqueeze(1),
        attentions = self._softmax(alignments)
        # (B, L_tgt, L_src) X (B, L_src, 2*H) = (B, L_tgt, 2*H)
        context = torch.bmm(attentions, states)
        concat_context =, query), dim=2)
        # (B, L_tgt, H)
        attention_hidden = self._context(concat_context)
        # (B, L_src, 1)
        attentions = attentions.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
        return context, attention_hidden, attentions
Esempio n. 10
def dot_prod_attention(h_t: Tensor,
                       src_encodings: Tensor,
                       src_encoding_att_linear: Tensor,
                       mask: Tensor = None) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    :param h_t: (batch_size, hidden_state)
    :param src_encodings: (batch_size, src_sent_len, src_output_size)
    :param src_encoding_att_linear: (batch_size, src_sent_len, hidden_state)
    :param mask: (batch_size, src_sent_len), paddings are marked as 1
        ctx_vec: (batch_size, src_output_size)
        softmaxed_att_weight: (batch_size, src_sent_len)
    # (batch_size, src_sent_len)
    att_weight = torch.bmm(src_encoding_att_linear,

    if mask is not None:, -float('inf'))

    softmaxed_att_weight = F.softmax(att_weight, dim=-1)

    att_view = (att_weight.size(0), 1, att_weight.size(1))
    # (batch_size, hidden_size)
    ctx_vec = torch.bmm(softmaxed_att_weight.view(*att_view),

    return ctx_vec, softmaxed_att_weight
Esempio n. 11
    def _generate_from_sum_logits(
        logits: torch.Tensor,
        mask: torch.Tensor,
        disable_special_ids: bool = True,
        sample: bool = False,
        disable: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        # bsz, seq_len, vocab_size
        assert logits.dim() == 3
        # bart-large and bart-large-cnn have different vocab_size but there is some
        # inconsistency in the implementation.
        if disable_special_ids:
            specials_ids = self._tokenizer.all_special_ids
            specials_ids = [
                x for x in specials_ids if x < self._model.config.vocab_size
            logits[..., specials_ids] = float("-inf")

        if disable is not None:
            disable[disable == -100] = self._tokenizer.pad_token_id
                            index=disable[:, :, None],

        if sample:
            bsz, seq_len, vocab_size = logits.size()
            query_input_ids = torch.multinomial(
                logits.view(-1, vocab_size).softmax(dim=-1), 1)
            query_input_ids = query_input_ids.reshape(bsz, seq_len)
            query_input_ids = logits.argmax(-1)
        query_input_ids[~mask.bool()] = self._tokenizer.pad_token_id
        return query_input_ids
Esempio n. 12
def accuracy_thresh(y_pred: Tensor,
                    y_true: Tensor,
                    thresh: float = CLASSIFICATION_THRESHOLD,
                    sigmoid: bool = True):
    "Compute accuracy when `y_pred` and `y_true` are the same size."
    if sigmoid:
        y_pred = y_pred.sigmoid()
    return ((y_pred > thresh) == y_true.bool()).float().mean().item()
Esempio n. 13
    def iou_pytorch(self, outputs: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor):
        smooth = 1e-6
        outputs = outputs[:, 0] > 0.5
        labels = labels.squeeze(
            1).round() if labels.dtype is not torch.bool else labels
        iou = 0.0
        outputs_cls = outputs.bool()
        labels_cls = labels.bool()
        intersection = (outputs_cls & labels_cls).float().sum(
            (1, 2))  # Will be zero if Truth=0 or Prediction=0
        union = (outputs_cls | labels_cls).float().sum(
            (1, 2))  # Will be zzero if both are 0

        iou += (intersection + smooth) / (
            union + smooth)  # We smooth our devision to avoid 0/0

        return torch.mean(iou)
Esempio n. 14
def metrics(prediction: torch.Tensor,
            target: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    prediction = prediction.squeeze() > PREDICTION_THRESHOLD
    target = target.bool().squeeze()
    tp = float(torch.sum(target & prediction).cpu())
    precision = tp / (float(prediction.sum().cpu()) + .1)
    recall = tp / float(target.sum().cpu() + .1)
    return precision, recall
Esempio n. 15
 def forward(ctx, x: torch.Tensor, spike: torch.Tensor):
     # y = x + spike
     assert x.shape == spike.shape, print('x.shape != spike.shape')  # 禁用广播机制
     if spike.dtype == torch.bool:
         spike_bool = spike
         spike_bool = spike.bool()
     return x + spike_bool
Esempio n. 16
 def forward(ctx, v: torch.Tensor, spike: torch.Tensor, v_threshold: float):
     # v = v - spike * v_threshold
     mask = spike.bool()  # 表示释放脉冲的位置
     if spike.requires_grad:
         ctx.v_threshold = v_threshold
     ret = v.clone()
     ret[mask] -= v_threshold
     return ret  # 释放脉冲的位置,电压设置为v_reset,out-of-place操作
Esempio n. 17
    def step(
            self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor, dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor,
            enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor, enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
            enc_masks: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """ Compute one forward step of the LSTM decoder, including the attention computation.
        @param Ybar_t (Tensor): Concatenated Tensor of [Y_t o_prev], with shape (b, e + h). The input for the decoder,
                                where b = batch size, e = embedding size, h = hidden size.
        @param dec_state (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both with shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's prev hidden state, second tensor is decoder's prev cell.
        @param enc_hiddens (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, with shape (b, src_len, h * 2), where b = batch size,
                                    src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_hiddens_proj (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, projected from (h * 2) to h. Tensor is with shape (b, src_len, h),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_masks (Tensor): Tensor of sentence masks shape (b, src_len),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len is maximum source length.
        @returns dec_state (tuple (Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's new hidden state, second tensor is decoder's new cell.
        @returns combined_output (Tensor): Combined output Tensor at timestep t, shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
        @returns e_t (Tensor): Tensor of shape (b, src_len). It is attention scores distribution.
                                Note: You will not use this outside of this function.
                                      We are simply returning this value so that we can sanity check
                                      your implementation.

        combined_output = None

        Ybar_t = torch.unsqueeze(
            Ybar_t, 0
        )  #input to LSTM layer should be of 3 dimension [seq, batch, embedding size]
        dec_state = (torch.unsqueeze(dec_state[0],
                                     0), torch.unsqueeze(dec_state[1], 0))
        _, dec_state = self.decoder(Ybar_t, dec_state)
        dec_state = (torch.squeeze(dec_state[0],
                                   0), torch.squeeze(dec_state[1], 0))
        dec_hidden = torch.unsqueeze(dec_state[0], 2)
        e_t = torch.squeeze(torch.bmm(enc_hiddens_proj, dec_hidden), 2)
        dec_hidden = dec_state[0]


        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        if enc_masks is not None:
  , -float('inf'))

        alpha_t = torch.unsqueeze(nn.functional.softmax(e_t, dim=1), 1)
        a_t = torch.squeeze(torch.bmm(alpha_t, enc_hiddens), 1)
        U_t =, dec_hidden), 1)
        V_t = self.combined_output_projection(U_t)
        O_t = self.dropout(torch.tanh(V_t))


        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
Esempio n. 18
 def forward(self,
             x: torch.Tensor,
             mask: torch.Tensor = None) -> torch.Tensor:
     """Forward call."""
     if mask is not None:
         x_mask = (~mask.bool()).float() * (-x.max()).float()
         x = torch.sum(x + x_mask, dim=1, keepdim=True)
     x_out = x.max(1, keepdim=True)[0]
     return x_out
Esempio n. 19
    def forward(self, query_ids: torch.Tensor, query_masks: torch.Tensor,
                doc_ids: torch.Tensor,
                doc_masks: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        query_embed = self._embedder(query_ids)
        doc_embed = self._embedder(doc_ids)
        query_context = self._encoder(
            query_embed, ~query_masks.bool().unsqueeze(1).expand(
                -1, query_masks.size(1), -1))
        doc_context = self._encoder(
            ~doc_masks.bool().unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, doc_masks.size(1), -1))
        query_embed = (self._mixer * query_embed +
                       (1 - self._mixer) * query_context)
        doc_embed = (self._mixer * doc_embed + (1 - self._mixer) * doc_context)

        logits = self._matcher(query_embed, query_masks, doc_embed, doc_masks)
        score = self._dense(logits).squeeze(-1)
        return score, logits
Esempio n. 20
    def add_sample(self, y_true: torch.Tensor, y_pred):
        y_true = y_true.bool()[None, ...]  # [Thresh, B,  C, ...]
        y_pred = y_pred[None, ...]  # [Thresh, B, C, ...]
        y_pred_offset = (y_pred - self._thresholds + 0.5).round().bool()

        self.TP += (y_true & y_pred_offset).sum(dim=self._data_dims).float()
        self.TN += (~y_true & ~y_pred_offset).sum(dim=self._data_dims).float()
        self.FP += (y_true & ~y_pred_offset).sum(dim=self._data_dims).float()
        self.FN += (~y_true & y_pred_offset).sum(dim=self._data_dims).float()
Esempio n. 21
 def forward(ctx, x: torch.Tensor, spike: torch.Tensor):
     # y = x - spike
     # x乘spike,等价于将x中spike == 1的位置减去1
     assert x.shape == spike.shape, print(
         'x.shape != spike.shape')  # 禁用广播机制
     mask = spike.bool()
     y = x.clone()
     y[mask] -= 1
     return y
Esempio n. 22
    def forward(self, logit: torch.Tensor,
                label: torch.Tensor) -> (torch.Tensor, list):
        assert logit.shape[1] == 1

        label = label.bool().float()

        loss = -(2.0 * torch.sum(logit * label) + 1e-4) / (
            torch.sum(logit) + torch.sum(label) + 1e-4)
        return loss, [loss.detach()]
Esempio n. 23
def contrastive_distance_loss(input_vectors: torch.Tensor, ref_vectors: torch.Tensor, labels_one_hot: torch.Tensor,
                              p: Optional[Union[float, str]] = 2, temperature: float = 1.) -> \
        Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    dist = l_distance(input_vectors, ref_vectors, p=p)
    sim = -dist / temperature
    total_sim = torch.logsumexp(sim, dim=-1)
    loss = -torch.mean(sim.masked_select(labels_one_hot.bool()) - total_sim)
    pred = torch.argmax(sim, dim=-1)
    return loss, pred
    def step(self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor,
            dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor],
            enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor,
            enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
            enc_masks: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """ Compute one forward step of the LSTM decoder, including the attention computation.
        @param Ybar_t (Tensor): Concatenated Tensor of [Y_t o_prev], with shape (b, e + h). The input for the decoder,
                                where b = batch size, e = embedding size, h = hidden size.
        @param dec_state (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both with shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's prev hidden state, second tensor is decoder's prev cell.
        @param enc_hiddens (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, with shape (b, src_len, h * 2), where b = batch size,
                                    src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_hiddens_proj (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, projected from (h * 2) to h. Tensor is with shape (b, src_len, h),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_masks (Tensor): Tensor of sentence masks shape (b, src_len),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len is maximum source length. 
        @returns dec_state (tuple (Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's new hidden state, second tensor is decoder's new cell.
        @returns combined_output (Tensor): Combined output Tensor at timestep t, shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
        @returns e_t (Tensor): Tensor of shape (b, src_len). It is attention scores distribution.
                                Note: You will not use this outside of this function.
                                      We are simply returning this value so that we can sanity check
                                      your implementation.

        # Apply the decoder to `Ybar_t` and `decocer hidden states` to obtain the new decoder hidden states
        # `Ybar_t` is the new input vector at decode for the timestep t
        # split dec_state into its two parts (dec_hidden, dec_cell)
        dec_state = self.decoder(Ybar_t, dec_state)
        (dec_hidden, dec_cell) = dec_state

        # compute the attention score e_t
        e_t = torch.bmm(enc_hiddens_proj, dec_hidden.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)

        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        if enc_masks is not None:
  , -float('inf'))

        # Apply softmax to e_t to get alpha_t
        alpha_t = F.softmax(e_t, dim=-1)
        alpha_t_view = (alpha_t.size(0), 1, alpha_t.size(1))

        # obtain the attention output vector, a_t
        a_t = torch.bmm(alpha_t.view(*alpha_t_view), enc_hiddens).squeeze(1)

        # Concatenate the dec_hidden with a_t to compute U_t
        U_t =[dec_hidden, a_t], 1)

        # Apply the combined output projection to compute V_t
        V_t = self.combined_output_projection(U_t)

        # Compute the tesnor O_t by first applying Tanh and dropout
        O_t = self.dropout(torch.tanh(V_t))

        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
 def my_accuracy_thresh(
     y_pred: Tensor,
     y_true: Tensor,
     thresh: float = 0.7,
     sigmoid: bool = False,
     "Compute accuracy when `y_pred` and `y_true` are the same size."
     if sigmoid:
         y_pred = y_pred.sigmoid()
     return ((y_pred > thresh) == y_true.bool()).float().mean().item()
Esempio n. 26
    def forward(self, outs: torch.Tensor, labs: torch.Tensor) -> list:
        assert outs.shape[0] == 1

        labs = labs.bool().cuda().float()
        outs = (outs.cuda() > 0.5).float()

        loss = (2.0 * torch.sum(outs * labs) + 1e-4) / (torch.sum(outs) +
                                                        torch.sum(labs) + 1e-4)

        return [loss.detach()]
Esempio n. 27
def multilabel_accuracy(y_true: torch.Tensor,
                        y_pred: torch.Tensor,
                        threshhold: float = 0.5) -> float:
    """Calculates accuracy of a multilabel classification as intersection over union of
    predicted and correct classes

        y_true (torch.Tensor): Correct classes
        y_pred (torch.Tensor): Predicted probabilities
        threshhold (float, optional): Where to cut predicted probabilities. Defaults to 0.5.

        float: [description]
    pred_labels = y_pred > threshhold
    intersect = pred_labels & y_true.bool()
    union = pred_labels | y_true.bool()
    acc = intersect.sum(dim=1).float() / union.sum(dim=1).float()
    return acc.mean().item()
    def step(self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor,
            dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor],
            enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor,
            enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
            enc_masks: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """ Compute one forward step of the LSTM decoder, including the attention computation.

        @param Ybar_t (Tensor): Concatenated Tensor of [Y_t o_prev], with shape (b, e + h). The input for the decoder,
                                where b = batch size, e = embedding size, h = hidden size.
        @param dec_state (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both with shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's prev hidden state, second tensor is decoder's prev cell.
        @param enc_hiddens (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, with shape (b, src_len, h * 2), where b = batch size,
                                    src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_hiddens_proj (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, projected from (h * 2) to h. Tensor is with shape (b, src_len, h),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_masks (Tensor): Tensor of sentence masks shape (b, src_len),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len is maximum source length. 

        @returns dec_state (tuple (Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's new hidden state, second tensor is decoder's new cell.
        @returns combined_output (Tensor): Combined output Tensor at timestep t, shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
        @returns e_t (Tensor): Tensor of shape (b, src_len). It is attention scores distribution.
                                Note: You will not use this outside of this function.
                                      We are simply returning this value so that we can sanity check
                                      your implementation.

        combined_output = None

        dec_state = self.decoder(Ybar_t,dec_state)
        dec_hidden, dec_cell = dec_state
        e_t = torch.bmm(enc_hiddens_proj,dec_hidden.unsqueeze(2))     
        e_t = e_t.squeeze(2)
        ### END YOUR CODE

        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        if enc_masks is not None:
  , -float('inf'))
        softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
        alpha_t = softmax(e_t)
        alpha_t = alpha_t.unsqueeze(1)
        # torch.bmm b*n*m , b*m*p
        a_t = torch.bmm(alpha_t,enc_hiddens)
        a_t = a_t.squeeze(1)

        U_t =[a_t,dec_hidden],dim=1)
        v_t = self.combined_output_projection(U_t)
        O_t = self.dropout(torch.tanh(v_t))
        ### END YOUR CODE

        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
Esempio n. 29
    def step(
            self, Ybar_t: torch.Tensor, dec_state: Tuple[torch.Tensor,
            enc_hiddens: torch.Tensor, enc_hiddens_proj: torch.Tensor,
            enc_masks: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        """ Compute one forward step of the LSTM decoder, including the attention computation.
        @param Ybar_t (Tensor): Concatenated Tensor of [Y_t o_prev], with shape (b, e + h). The input for the decoder,
                                where b = batch size, e = embedding size, h = hidden size.
        @param dec_state (tuple(Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both with shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's prev hidden state, second tensor is decoder's prev cell.
        @param enc_hiddens (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, with shape (b, src_len, h * 2), where b = batch size,
                                    src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_hiddens_proj (Tensor): Encoder hidden states Tensor, projected from (h * 2) to h. Tensor is with shape (b, src_len, h),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len = maximum source length, h = hidden size.
        @param enc_masks (Tensor): Tensor of sentence masks shape (b, src_len),
                                    where b = batch size, src_len is maximum source length.
        @returns dec_state (tuple (Tensor, Tensor)): Tuple of tensors both shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
                First tensor is decoder's new hidden state, second tensor is decoder's new cell.
        @returns combined_output (Tensor): Combined output Tensor at timestep t, shape (b, h), where b = batch size, h = hidden size.
        @returns e_t (Tensor): Tensor of shape (b, src_len). It is attention scores distribution.
                                Note: You will not use this outside of this function.
                                      We are simply returning this value so that we can sanity check
                                      your implementation.

        combined_output = None

        dec_hiddens, dec_state = self.decoder(
            (dec_state[0].unsqueeze(0), dec_state[1].unsqueeze(0)))
        dec_state = (dec_state[0].squeeze(0), dec_state[1].squeeze(0))
        dec_hidden, dec_cell = dec_state
        if dec_hidden.ndimension() == 2:
            dec_hidden = dec_hidden.unsqueeze(1)
            dec_hidden = dec_hidden.squeeze(0).unsqueeze(1)
        e_t = torch.bmm(dec_hidden, enc_hiddens_proj.permute(0, 2, 1))
        e_t = e_t.permute(0, 2, 1).squeeze(2)

        # Set e_t to -inf where enc_masks has 1
        if enc_masks is not None:
  , -float('inf'))

        alpha_t = F.softmax(e_t, dim=1)
        a_t = torch.bmm(alpha_t.unsqueeze(1), enc_hiddens)
        a_t = a_t.squeeze(1)
        if dec_hidden.ndimension() == 3 and a_t.ndimension() == 2:
            dec_hidden = dec_hidden.squeeze(1)
        U_t =, a_t), dim=1)
        V_t = self.combined_output_projection(U_t)
        O_t = self.dropout(V_t.tanh())

        combined_output = O_t
        return dec_state, combined_output, e_t
Esempio n. 30
    def forward(self,
                indicator: torch.Tensor,
                upostag: torch.Tensor,
                words: torch.Tensor = None,
                mask: torch.Tensor = None,
                seq_lens: torch.Tensor = None,
                labels: torch.Tensor = None,
                **kwargs) -> Tuple[Union[torch.Tensor, List, Dict]]:
        feat = self.word_embedding(words, mask=mask, **kwargs)
        if self.word_transform is not None:
            feat = self.word_transform(feat)

        embs = [
        if self.depsawr_forward is not None:
            dep_time = time.time()
            dep_emb = self.depsawr_mix(
                self.depsawr_forward(kwargs['dw'], kwargs['ew'], mask,
                                     self.projections), mask)
            dep_time = time.time() - dep_time
            dep_time = 0
        feat =[feat, *embs], dim=-1)

        feat = self.word_dropout(feat)
        if self.encoder is not None:
            feat = self.encoder(feat, seq_lens, **kwargs)
        feat = self.word_dropout(feat)

        scores = self.tag_projection_layer(feat)
        output = output = {'scores': scores, 'dep_time': dep_time}

        if not
            best_paths = self.crf.viterbi_tags(scores, mask, top_k=self.top_k)
            # Just get the top tags and ignore the scores.
            predicted_tags = cast(List[List[int]],
                                  [x[0][0] for x in best_paths])
            output['predicted_tags'] = predicted_tags

        if labels is not None:
            # Add negative log-likelihood as loss
            output['loss'] = -self.crf(scores, labels, mask.bool())

            if not
                predicted = torch.zeros_like(labels)
                for i, tags in enumerate(predicted_tags):
                    predicted[i, :len(tags)] = torch.tensor(
                        tags, dtype=torch.long, device=labels.device)
                output['metric'] = self.metric(indicator, mask, predicted,

        return output