Esempio n. 1
    def __call__(self, sample):
        if np.random.random() < 0.5:

            sample['left'] = F.gaussian_blur(sample['left'], 7)
            sample['right'] = F.gaussian_blur(sample['right'], 7)

        return sample
Esempio n. 2
            def local_norm(img, kernel_size=31, cutoff_percent=80):
                Performs local normalization of a given image relative to the neighborhood
                of size (kernel_size, kernel_size)  using a global cutoffself.

                # Arguments:
                    - img: tensor with the image of shape (height, width)
                    - kernel_size: size of the averaging kernel or tuple of (kernel_height,
                        kernel_width). Should be odd ints.
                    - cutoff_percentile: int between 0 and 100. Global percentile cut-off,
                        preventing over-amplification of noise.

                # Returns:
                    - norm_img: image of the same size as the input img, with values locally
                kernel_size = hp.misc.ensure_list(kernel_size)
                if len(kernel_size) == 1:
                    kernel_size = (kernel_size[0], kernel_size[0])

                norm = ttf.gaussian_blur(img.unsqueeze(0), kernel_size, [k/3 for k in kernel_size]).squeeze(0)
                cutoff = torch.max(norm) * np.power(cutoff_percent/100, 3)
                norm_img = img / torch.maximum(norm, cutoff)
                norm_img = torch.nan_to_num(norm_img)

                img = (img-torch.min(img))/(torch.max(img)-torch.min(img))
                norm_img = (norm_img-torch.min(norm_img))/(torch.max(norm_img)-torch.min(norm_img))
                return (img+norm_img)/2
  def transform_train(self, image, mask):
    #convert image and mask to PIL Images
    mask = TF.to_pil_image(mask)
    image = Image.fromarray(image, "RGBA")  

    #random horizontal flip
    if random.random() > 0.5:
      image = TF.hflip(image)
      mask = TF.hflip(mask)

    #random vertical flip
    if random.random() > 0.5:
      image = TF.vflip(image)
      mask = TF.vflip(mask)

    #random rotation
    image = TF.rotate(image, angle=10.0)
    mask = TF.rotate(mask, angle=10.0)

    #Gaussian Blur
    image = TF.gaussian_blur(image, kernel_size=(3,3))
    #convert PIL image and mask to tensor before returning
    image = TF.to_tensor(image)
    mask = TF.to_tensor(mask)
    #normalise the image as per mean and std dev
    image = TF.normalize(image, mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406, 0.5],std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225, 0.5])

    return image, mask
Esempio n. 4
    def get_optical_aberration_img(imgT):
        r = torch.rand(1)
        r1 = 0.2 + (0.8 - 0.2) * torch.rand(1)  # 20 - 80% occlusion
        # r1 = 0.8
        if r < 0.33:
            # print('gauss', imgT.shape)
            o1 = F.gaussian_blur(imgT, kernel_size=7, sigma=(10, 10))

            m1 = torch.ones(imgT.shape)
            m1[:, :, int(imgT.shape[-1] * r1):] = 0
            if torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
                m1 = F.hflip(m1)

            x = m1 * o1 + (1-m1) * imgT
        elif r < 0.66:
            o1 = T.ColorJitter(brightness=(1.6, 2.0))(imgT)

            m1 = torch.ones(imgT.shape)
            m1[:, :, int(imgT.shape[-1] * r1):] = 0
            if torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
                m1 = F.hflip(m1)

            x = m1 * o1 + (1-m1) * imgT
        elif r < 1:
            o1 = T.ColorJitter(contrast=(0.1, 0.3))(imgT)

            m1 = (torch.rand((1, 10, 10)) < r1).float()
            # print('contrast', m1.shape, o1.shape)
            m1 = F.resize(m1, o1.shape[-2:], interpolation=0)

            x = m1 * o1 + (1-m1) * imgT

        return x
Esempio n. 5
  def transform_train(self, image, mask):
    #convert image and mask to PIL Images
    mask = TF.to_pil_image(mask)
    image = Image.fromarray(image, "RGB")
    #npimg = np.asarray(image)    

    #random horizontal flip
    if random.random() > 0.5:
      image = TF.hflip(image)
      mask = TF.hflip(mask)

    #random vertical flip
    if random.random() > 0.5:
      image = TF.vflip(image)
      mask = TF.vflip(mask)

    #random rotation
    image = TF.rotate(image, angle=10.0)
    mask = TF.rotate(mask, angle=10.0)

    #Gaussian Blur
    image = TF.gaussian_blur(image, kernel_size=(3,3))
    #convert PIL image and mask to tensor before returning
    image = TF.to_tensor(image)
    mask = TF.to_tensor(mask)
    #normalise the image as per mean and std dev
    #for ImageNet pre-trained
    image = TF.normalize(image, mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
    #for solaris pre-trained
    #image = TF.normalize(image, mean=[0.006479, 0.009328, 0.01123],
    #                            std=[0.004986, 0.004964, 0.004950])

    return image, mask
    def augmentor(self, image, mask):
        if np.random.random() > 0.5:
            image = TF.hflip(image)
            mask = TF.hflip(mask)

        if np.random.random() > 0.5:
            image = TF.vflip(image)
            mask = TF.vflip(mask)

        if np.random.random() > 0.5:
            image = TF.rotate(image, 90)
            mask = TF.rotate(mask, 90)

        if random.random() > 0:
            i, j, h, w = transforms.RandomCrop.get_params(image,
            image = TF.crop(image, i, j, h, w)
            mask = TF.crop(mask, i, j, h, w)

        if random.random() > 0:
            sigma = np.random.uniform(0, 0.05)
            image = TF.gaussian_blur(image, 3, sigma=sigma)

        return image, mask
Esempio n. 7
 def __call__(self, image: torch.Tensor,
              context: ExpressionContext) -> torch.Tensor:
     kernel_size = context(self.kernel_size)
     kernel_size = [max(1, k + 1 if k % 2 == 0 else k) for k in kernel_size]
     if self.sigma is None:
         sigma = None
         sigma = [max(0.0001, s) for s in context(self.sigma)]
     return VF.gaussian_blur(image, kernel_size, sigma)
    def __call__(self, sample):
        image = sample["image"]

        blur_probability = torch.rand(1)

        if blur_probability[0] > 0.5:
            image = TF.gaussian_blur(image, self.kernel_size)

        if "image2" in sample:
            image2 = sample["image2"]

            blur_probability = torch.rand(1)

            if blur_probability[0] > 0.5:
                image2 = TF.gaussian_blur(image2, self.kernel_size)

            return {'image': image, "image2": image2, 'label': sample['label']}

        return {'image': image, 'label': sample['label']}
Esempio n. 9
 def __call__(self, image: torch.Tensor,
              context: ExpressionContext) -> torch.Tensor:
     kernel_size = context(self.kernel_size)
     if self.sigma is None:
         sigma = None
         sigma = context(self.sigma)
     amount = torch.Tensor(context(self.amount)).to(image.device)
     edge = VF.gaussian_blur(image, kernel_size, sigma)
     edge = torch.clamp((image - edge) * amount, 0, 1)
     return edge
Esempio n. 10
    def __call__(self, sample):
            img (PIL Image or Tensor): image to be blurred.

            PIL Image or Tensor: Gaussian blurred image
        img, target = sample['image'], sample['target']
        sigma = self.get_params(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1])
        return {'image': F.gaussian_blur(img, self.kernel_size, [sigma, sigma]), 'target': target}
Esempio n. 11
def myTransform(img, mask):
    img = torch.tensor(img)
    mask = torch.tensor(mask)
    if random.random() > 0.2:
        img, mask = rotate(img, mask)

    if random.random() > 0.5:
        img, mask = flip(img, mask)

    if random.random() > 0.5:
        img = tf.gaussian_blur(img, [3, 5], sigma=[0.1, 2.0])

    return img, mask
Esempio n. 12
def get_expression_blur(
        image: torch.Tensor,
        kernel_size: List[int],
        sigma: Optional[List[float]],
        context: ExpressionContext,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    kernel_size = context(kernel_size)
    kernel_size = [
        max(1, k+1 if k % 2 == 0 else k)
        for k in kernel_size
    if sigma is not None:
        sigma = [max(0.0001, s) for s in context(sigma)]

    return VF.gaussian_blur(image, kernel_size, sigma)
Esempio n. 13
def handle_class_max(data):
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

    # manual_seed(0)

    model = create_model(data['model'], pretrained=True)

    mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
    std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]

    x = torch.randint(0, 255, [1, 3, 224, 224]) / 255
    x = TF.normalize(x, mean, std).to(device).requires_grad_(True)

    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([x], lr=int(
        data['lr']), weight_decay=float(data['weight_decay']))

    for i in range(int(data['epochs'])):
        if bool(data['blur']) and i % int(data['blur_freq']) == 0:
   = TF.gaussian_blur(, [3, 3])

        output = model(x)
        loss = -torch.softmax(output, dim=1)[0, int(data['target'])]

        if bool(data['clip_grad']):
            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 0.1)


        filename = f'static/out/class_max_{i}_{time.time()}.png'
            x.detach(), mean, std, clamp=bool(data['clamp'])), filename, normalize=True)

        output = torch.softmax(output, dim=1).squeeze(0)
        # predictions = [{'class': cls_names[i].replace('_', ' '), 'confidence': f'{v * 100:>4.2f}'} for i,v in enumerate(output)]
        topk = torch.topk(output, 5, 0, True, True)
        topk = [{'index': f'{i}', 'class': cls_names[i].replace('_', ' '), 'confidence': f'{v * 100:>4.2f}'} for i, v in zip(
            topk.indices.detach().cpu().numpy(), topk.values.detach().cpu().numpy())]

        emit('response_class_max', {
            'epoch': i,
            'loss': loss.item(),
            'output': filename,
            'topk': topk
Esempio n. 14
 def forward(self, x):
     x = apply_all(x, remove_numpy)
     if self.isotropic:
         sigma_x = random_uniform(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1])
         sigma_y = sigma_x
         sigma_x = random_uniform(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1])
         sigma_y = random_uniform(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1])
     sigma = (sigma_x, sigma_y)
     if self.kernel_size is not None:
         kernel_size = self.kernel_size
         k_x = max(2 * int(math.ceil(3 * sigma_x)) + 1, 3)
         k_y = max(2 * int(math.ceil(3 * sigma_y)) + 1, 3)
         kernel_size = (k_x, k_y)
     return apply_all(x, lambda y: F.gaussian_blur(y, kernel_size, sigma))
 def forward_map_func(args_dict, q):
     # with global variables mdoels and main_device
     i = args_dict['id']
     x_adv = args_dict['tensor']
     diverse_input = input_diversity(x_adv)
     image_resize = models[i].default_cfg['input_size'][1:]
     mean = torch.tensor(models[i].default_cfg['mean']).view(
         3, 1, 1).to(main_device)
     std = torch.tensor(models[i].default_cfg['std']).view(
         3, 1, 1).to(main_device)
     resized_tensor = F.interpolate(diverse_input,
     gaussian_tensor = functional.gaussian_blur(resized_tensor,
                                                kernel_size=(5, 5),
                                                sigma=(0.9, 0.9))
     normalized_tensor = (gaussian_tensor - mean) / std
     output = models[i](
Esempio n. 16
def random_shadow(img: torch.Tensor, opacity_range: Tuple[float, float], **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Crop and image and associated bboxes

        img: image to modify
        opacity_range: the minimum and maximum desired opacity of the shadow

        shaded image

    shadow_mask = create_shadow_mask(img.shape[1:], **kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    opacity = np.random.uniform(*opacity_range)
    shadow_tensor = 1 - torch.from_numpy(shadow_mask[None, ...])

    # Add some blur to make it believable
    k = 7 + 2 * int(4 * np.random.rand(1))
    sigma = np.random.uniform(0.5, 5.0)
    shadow_tensor = F.gaussian_blur(shadow_tensor, k, sigma=[sigma, sigma])

    return opacity * shadow_tensor * img + (1 - opacity) * img
Esempio n. 17
def blend_images(background_img: torch.Tensor,
                 reflect_img: torch.Tensor,
                 max_image_size: int = 560,
                 ghost_rate: float = 0.49,
                 alpha_t: float = None,
                 offset: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
                 sigma: float = None,
                 ghost_alpha: float = None):
    Blend transmit layer and reflection layer together (include blurred & ghosted reflection layer) and
    return the blended image and precessed reflection image
    if alpha_t is None:
        alpha_t = 1. - random.uniform(0.05, 0.45)
    h, w = background_img.shape[-2:]
    aspect_ratio = w / h
    h, w = (max_image_size, int(round(max_image_size * aspect_ratio))) if h > w \
        else (int(round(max_image_size / aspect_ratio)), max_image_size)
    # Original code uses cv2 INTER_CUBIC, which is slightly different from BICUBIC
    background_img = F.resize(background_img,
                              size=(h, w),
                                  0, 1)
    reflect_img = F.resize(reflect_img,
                           size=(h, w),
                               0, 1)

    background_mask = alpha_t * background_img
    if random.random() < ghost_rate:
        # generate the blended image with ghost effect
        if ghost_alpha is None:
            ghost_alpha = abs(
                round(random.random()) - random.uniform(0.15, 0.5))
        if offset[0] == 0 and offset[1] == 0:
            offset = (random.randint(3, 8), random.randint(3, 8))
        reflect_1 = F.pad(background_img,
                          [0, 0, offset[0], offset[1]])  # pad on right/bottom
        reflect_2 = F.pad(background_img,
                          [offset[0], offset[1], 0, 0])  # pad on left/top
        reflect_ghost = ghost_alpha * reflect_1 + (1 - ghost_alpha) * reflect_2
        reflect_ghost = reflect_ghost[..., offset[0]:-offset[0],
        reflect_ghost = F.resize(
            size=[h, w],
                0, 1)  # no cubic mode in original code

        reflect_mask = (1 - alpha_t) * reflect_ghost
        reflection_layer = reflect_mask.pow(1 / 2.2)
        # generate the blended image with focal blur
        if sigma is None:
            sigma = random.uniform(1, 5)
        kernel_size = int(2 * math.ceil(2 * sigma) + 1)
        reflect_blur = F.gaussian_blur(reflect_img, kernel_size, sigma)
        blend = reflect_blur + background_img

        # get the reflection layers' proper range
        att = 1.08 + random.random() / 10.0
        mask = blend > 1
        mean = torch.tensor([
            blend[i, mask[i]].mean().nan_to_num(1.0).item()
            for i in range(blend.size(0))
        ]).view(-1, 1, 1)  # (C, 1, 1)
        reflect_blur = (reflect_blur - att * (mean - 1)).clamp(0, 1)

        def gen_kernel(kern_len: int = 100, nsig: int = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
            r"""Returns a 2D Gaussian kernel tensor."""
            interval = (2 * nsig + 1.) / kern_len
            x = torch.linspace(-nsig - interval / 2., nsig + interval / 2.,
                               kern_len + 1)
            # get normal distribution
            kern1d = norm.cdf(x).diff()
            kernel_raw = kern1d.outer(kern1d).sqrt()
            kernel = kernel_raw / kernel_raw.sum(
            )  # TODO: is it auxiliary for positive numbers?
            kernel = kernel / kernel.max()
            return kernel

        h, w = reflect_blur.shape[-2:]
        new_h = random.randint(0, max_image_size - h -
                               10) if h < max_image_size - 10 else 0
        new_w = random.randint(0, max_image_size - w -
                               10) if w < max_image_size - 10 else 0
        g_mask = gen_kernel(max_image_size, 3).repeat(3, 1, 1)
        alpha_r = (1 - alpha_t / 2) * g_mask[..., new_h:new_h + h,
                                             new_w:new_w + w]

        reflect_mask = alpha_r * reflect_blur
        reflection_layer = (min(1., 4 * (1 - alpha_t)) * reflect_mask).pow(1 /

    blended = (reflect_mask + background_mask).pow(1 / 2.2)
    background_layer = background_mask.pow(1 / 2.2)
    return blended, background_layer, reflection_layer
Esempio n. 18
 def __call__(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
     return TF.gaussian_blur(input, self.kernel_size, self.sigma)
Esempio n. 19
def blur_depth_map(depth: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    depth2 = tv_f.gaussian_blur(depth, 7)
    return depth2
Esempio n. 20
def image_that_feature_responds_to_most(model: nn.Module,
                                        layern: int,
                                        channel: int,
                                        size: tuple,
                                        lr: float = 0.1,
                                        iters: int = 20,
    """Algoritme dat uitzoekt op welke input image een bepaalde filter/feature
    het meest zou reageren. In een model dat gezichten herkent zou een filter 
    kunnen reageren op ogen, dus dan zou de perfecte input image dus een foto 
    met heel veel ogen zijn. Deze perfecte image wordt gevonden door met noise 
    te beginnen, en door middel van gradient descent deze noise aan te passen 
    zodat de filter/feature in de gegeven layer het meest is opgelicht.

    De noise image wordt ook een paar keer vergroot, dus je moet het 'dense' 
    deel van je model er even afhalen.

        vgg = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features
        image_that_feature_responds_to_most(vgg, 30, 23, (128, 128)) 


    assert len(size) == 2

    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    print("Device: ", device)

    noise = torch.rand(1, 3, *size, requires_grad=True)

    feature = None

    def feature_hook(_module, _input, output):
        nonlocal feature
        feature = output

    modules = [
        module for module in model.children() if type(module) != nn.Sequential
    layer = modules[layern]
        f"This will evaluate the features of channel {channel} after layer {layern}: {layer}"
    hook = layer.register_forward_hook(feature_hook)

    losses = []
    x = list(range(iters * upscaling_steps))

    for i in range(upscaling_steps):

        # image processing for better results
        size = tuple(int(x * upscaling_factor) for x in size)
        noise = FT.gaussian_blur(noise, 3)
        noise = FT.resize(noise, size)

        # resetting because noise was cloned a couple of times
        noise = torch.autograd.Variable(, requires_grad=True)
        optimizer = optim.Adam(params=[noise], lr=lr)

        for j in range(iters):

            out = model(noise)

            # the more the feature is highlighed, the better the input image
            loss = -feature[0, channel].mean()


        with torch.no_grad():
            noise = utils.normalize(noise)

        print("Done with upscaling step: ", i)

    plt.plot(x, losses)

Esempio n. 21
def _copy_paste(
    image: torch.Tensor,
    target: Dict[str, Tensor],
    paste_image: torch.Tensor,
    paste_target: Dict[str, Tensor],
    blending: bool = True,
    resize_interpolation: F.InterpolationMode = F.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]]:

    # Random paste targets selection:
    num_masks = len(paste_target["masks"])

    if num_masks < 1:
        # Such degerante case with num_masks=0 can happen with LSJ
        # Let's just return (image, target)
        return image, target

    # We have to please torch script by explicitly specifying dtype as torch.long
    random_selection = torch.randint(0,
                                     num_masks, (num_masks, ),
    random_selection = torch.unique(random_selection).to(torch.long)

    paste_masks = paste_target["masks"][random_selection]
    paste_boxes = paste_target["boxes"][random_selection]
    paste_labels = paste_target["labels"][random_selection]

    masks = target["masks"]

    # We resize source and paste data if they have different sizes
    # This is something we introduced here as originally the algorithm works
    # on equal-sized data (for example, coming from LSJ data augmentations)
    size1 = image.shape[-2:]
    size2 = paste_image.shape[-2:]
    if size1 != size2:
        paste_image = F.resize(paste_image,
        paste_masks = F.resize(paste_masks,
        # resize bboxes:
        ratios = torch.tensor((size1[1] / size2[1], size1[0] / size2[0]),
        paste_boxes = paste_boxes.view(-1, 2,

    paste_alpha_mask = paste_masks.sum(dim=0) > 0

    if blending:
        paste_alpha_mask = F.gaussian_blur(
            kernel_size=(5, 5),

    # Copy-paste images:
    image = (image * (~paste_alpha_mask)) + (paste_image * paste_alpha_mask)

    # Copy-paste masks:
    masks = masks * (~paste_alpha_mask)
    non_all_zero_masks = masks.sum((-1, -2)) > 0
    masks = masks[non_all_zero_masks]

    # Do a shallow copy of the target dict
    out_target = {k: v for k, v in target.items()}

    out_target["masks"] =[masks, paste_masks])

    # Copy-paste boxes and labels
    boxes = ops.masks_to_boxes(masks)
    out_target["boxes"] =[boxes, paste_boxes])

    labels = target["labels"][non_all_zero_masks]
    out_target["labels"] =[labels, paste_labels])

    # Update additional optional keys: area and iscrowd if exist
    if "area" in target:
        out_target["area"] = out_target["masks"].sum(
            (-1, -2)).to(torch.float32)

    if "iscrowd" in target and "iscrowd" in paste_target:
        # target['iscrowd'] size can be differ from mask size (non_all_zero_masks)
        # For example, if previous transforms geometrically modifies masks/boxes/labels but
        # does not update "iscrowd"
        if len(target["iscrowd"]) == len(non_all_zero_masks):
            iscrowd = target["iscrowd"][non_all_zero_masks]
            paste_iscrowd = paste_target["iscrowd"][random_selection]
            out_target["iscrowd"] =[iscrowd, paste_iscrowd])

    # Check for degenerated boxes and remove them
    boxes = out_target["boxes"]
    degenerate_boxes = boxes[:, 2:] <= boxes[:, :2]
    if degenerate_boxes.any():
        valid_targets = ~degenerate_boxes.any(dim=1)

        out_target["boxes"] = boxes[valid_targets]
        out_target["masks"] = out_target["masks"][valid_targets]
        out_target["labels"] = out_target["labels"][valid_targets]

        if "area" in out_target:
            out_target["area"] = out_target["area"][valid_targets]
        if "iscrowd" in out_target and len(
                out_target["iscrowd"]) == len(valid_targets):
            out_target["iscrowd"] = out_target["iscrowd"][valid_targets]

    return image, out_target
Esempio n. 22
def get_edge_mean(image: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    blurred_image = VF.gaussian_blur(image, [3, 3], None)
    edges = (blurred_image - image)
    edges = torch.abs(edges)
    return edges.reshape(3, -1).mean(1)
Esempio n. 23
def _blur_then_jpeg(p):
    return [
        transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x if _RNG.random(
        ) > p else TF.gaussian_blur(x, kernel_size=3, sigma=_GAUSSIAN_SIGMA)),
        transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x if _RNG.random() > p else _jpeg(x))
Esempio n. 24
 def forward(self, tensor):
     kernel_size = int(
         randrange(self.kernel_size[0] - 1, self.kernel_size[1])) * 2 + 1
     return gaussian_blur(
         tensor, (kernel_size, kernel_size),
         [torch.empty(1).uniform_(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1]).item()])
Esempio n. 25
def blend_images(background_img: torch.Tensor, reflect_img: torch.Tensor,
                 max_image_size: int = 560, ghost_rate: float = 0.49, alpha_bg: float = None,
                 offset: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), sigma: float = None, ghost_alpha: float = None
                 ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Blend background layer and reflection layer together (including blurred & ghosted reflection layer).

    :attr:`background_img` is resized using :attr:`max_image_size`
    and :attr:`reflect_img` is resized to the same shape.

        This blend method is only used to generate reflect images.
        To add watermark on images, please call :meth:`add_mark()`.

        background_img (torch.Tensor): Background image tensor with shape ``([N], C, H, W)``.
        reflect_img (torch.Tensor): Reflect image tensor with shape ``([N], C, H', W')``.
        max_image_size (int): Max image size (the longer edge of height/width).
            :attr:`background_img` will be resized while keeping aspect ratio.
            Defaults to ``560``.
        ghost_rate (float): Probability to generate the blended image with ghost effect.
            Defaults to ``0.49``.
        alpha_bg (float): Weight of background image during blending.
            Defaults to ``1 - random.uniform(0.05, 0.45)``。
        offset (tuple[int, int]): Offset of height and width used in ghost effect.
            Defaults to ``(random.randint(3, 8), random.randint(3, 8))``。
        sigma (float): Gaussian kernel standard deviation.
            Defaults to ``random.uniform(1, 5)``.
        ghost_alpha (float): Weight of the first ghost image used in ghost effect.
            Defaults to ``abs(round(random.random()) - random.uniform(0.15, 0.5))``.

        (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor):
            ``blended, background_layer, reflection_layer``
            with shape ``([N], C, H, W)``.
    if alpha_bg is None:
        alpha_bg = 1. - random.uniform(0.05, 0.45)
    h, w = background_img.shape[-2:]
    aspect_ratio = w / h
    h, w = (max_image_size, int(round(max_image_size * aspect_ratio))) if h > w \
        else (int(round(max_image_size / aspect_ratio)), max_image_size)
    # Original code uses cv2 INTER_CUBIC, which is slightly different from BICUBIC
    background_img = F.resize(background_img, size=(h, w), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC).clamp(0, 1)
    reflect_img = F.resize(reflect_img, size=(h, w), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC).clamp(0, 1)

    background_mask = alpha_bg * background_img
    if random.random() < ghost_rate:
        # generate the blended image with ghost effect
        if ghost_alpha is None:
            ghost_alpha = abs(round(random.random()) - random.uniform(0.15, 0.5))
        if offset[0] == 0 and offset[1] == 0:
            offset = (random.randint(3, 8), random.randint(3, 8))
        reflect_1 = F.pad(background_img, [0, 0, offset[0], offset[1]])  # pad on right/bottom
        reflect_2 = F.pad(background_img, [offset[0], offset[1], 0, 0])  # pad on left/top
        reflect_ghost = ghost_alpha * reflect_1 + (1 - ghost_alpha) * reflect_2
        reflect_ghost = reflect_ghost[..., offset[0]: -offset[0], offset[1]: -offset[1]]
        reflect_ghost = F.resize(reflect_ghost, size=[h, w],
                                 ).clamp(0, 1)  # no cubic mode in original code

        reflect_mask = (1 - alpha_bg) * reflect_ghost
        reflection_layer = reflect_mask.pow(1 / 2.2)
        # generate the blended image with focal blur
        if sigma is None:
            sigma = random.uniform(1, 5)
        kernel_size = int(2 * math.ceil(2 * sigma) + 1)
        reflect_blur = F.gaussian_blur(reflect_img, kernel_size, sigma)
        blend = reflect_blur + background_img

        # get the reflection layers' proper range
        att = 1.08 + random.random() / 10.0
        mask = blend > 1
        mean = torch.tensor([blend[i, mask[i]].mean().nan_to_num(1.0).item()
                            for i in range(blend.size(0))]).view(-1, 1, 1)    # (C, 1, 1)
        reflect_blur = (reflect_blur - att * (mean - 1)).clamp(0, 1)

        def gen_kernel(kern_len: int = 100, nsig: int = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
            r"""Returns a 2D Gaussian kernel tensor."""
            interval = (2 * nsig + 1.) / kern_len
            x = torch.linspace(-nsig - interval / 2., nsig + interval / 2., kern_len + 1)
            # get normal distribution
            kern1d = norm.cdf(x).diff()
            kernel_raw = kern1d.outer(kern1d).sqrt()
            kernel = kernel_raw / kernel_raw.sum()  # TODO: is it auxiliary for positive numbers?
            kernel = kernel / kernel.max()
            return kernel
        h, w = reflect_blur.shape[-2:]
        new_h = random.randint(0, max_image_size - h - 10) if h < max_image_size - 10 else 0
        new_w = random.randint(0, max_image_size - w - 10) if w < max_image_size - 10 else 0
        g_mask = gen_kernel(max_image_size, 3).repeat(3, 1, 1)  # TODO: try to avoid hard encode 3 as channel
        alpha_r = (1 - alpha_bg / 2) * g_mask[..., new_h: new_h + h, new_w: new_w + w]

        reflect_mask = alpha_r * reflect_blur
        reflection_layer = (min(1., 4 * (1 - alpha_bg)) * reflect_mask).pow(1 / 2.2)

    blended = (reflect_mask + background_mask).pow(1 / 2.2)
    background_layer = background_mask.pow(1 / 2.2)
    return blended, background_layer, reflection_layer
Esempio n. 26
 def __call__(self, image, label):
     sigma = self.get_params(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1])
     # TODO need a higher version of torchvision
     return F.gaussian_blur(image, self.kernel_size, [sigma, sigma]), label
Esempio n. 27
def _apply_op(img: Tensor, op_name: str, magnitude: float,
              interpolation: InterpolationMode, fill: Optional[List[float]],
              img2: Tensor):
    # "Samplesharing": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.4, num_bins), True),
    # "Gaussian": (torch.linspace(0.0, 0.4, num_bins), True),
    # "Flip": (torch.linspace(0.0), False),
    # "Cutout": (torch.linspace(0.0, 60.0, num_bins), True),
    # "Colorshift": (torch.linspace(-20.0, 20.0, num_bins), True),
    # "Scale": (torch.linspace(0.6, 1.4, num_bins), True),
    # "EqualizeYUV": (torch.linspace(0.0), False),

    if op_name == "ShearX":
        img = F.affine(img,
                       translate=[0, 0],
                       shear=[math.degrees(magnitude), 0.0],
    elif op_name == "ShearY":
        img = F.affine(img,
                       translate=[0, 0],
                       shear=[0.0, math.degrees(magnitude)],
    elif op_name == "TranslateX":
        img = F.affine(img,
                       translate=[int(magnitude), 0],
                       shear=[0.0, 0.0],
    elif op_name == "TranslateY":
        img = F.affine(img,
                       translate=[0, int(magnitude)],
                       shear=[0.0, 0.0],
    elif op_name == "Rotate":
        img = F.rotate(img, magnitude, interpolation=interpolation, fill=fill)
    elif op_name == "Brightness":
        img = F.adjust_brightness(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
    elif op_name == "Color":
        img = F.adjust_saturation(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
    elif op_name == "Contrast":
        img = F.adjust_contrast(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
    elif op_name == "Sharpness":
        img = F.adjust_sharpness(img, 1.0 + magnitude)
    elif op_name == "Posterize":
        img = F.posterize(img, int(magnitude))
    elif op_name == "Solarize":
        img = F.solarize(img, magnitude)
    elif op_name == "AutoContrast":
        img = F.autocontrast(img)
    elif op_name == "Equalize":
        img = F.equalize(img)
    elif op_name == "Invert":
        img = F.invert(img)
    elif op_name == "Identity":
    elif op_name == "Gaussian":
        img = F.gaussian_blur(img, [3, 3], magnitude)
    elif op_name == "Flip":
        if torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
            img = F.hflip(img)
        if torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
            img = F.vflip(img)
    elif op_name == "Cutout":
        x = int(torch.randint(0, int(224 - magnitude), (1, )))
        y = int(torch.randint(0, int(224 - magnitude), (1, )))
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        img = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)
        img[y:y + int(magnitude), x:x + int(magnitude)] = 124
        img = Image.fromarray(img)
    elif op_name == "Colorshift":
        img = np.asarray(img)
        img = np.array(img + magnitude, dtype=np.uint8)
        img = Image.fromarray(img)
    elif op_name == "Scale":
        w, h = img.size
        # print(w,h,magnitude)
        img = F.resize(img, [int(h * magnitude), int(w * magnitude)])
    elif op_name == "EqualizeYUV":
        img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
        img = F.equalize(
            torch.tensor(np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.uint8))
        # print(img.size())
        img = img.permute(1, 2, 0)
        # print(img.size())
        img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR))
        # print(img.size)
    elif op_name == "Samplesharing":
        img = np.asarray(img)
        img2 = np.asarray(img2)
        img = np.array(img2 * magnitude + img * (1 - magnitude),
        img = Image.fromarray(img)
        raise ValueError(
            "The provided operator {} is not recognized.".format(op_name))
    return img
Esempio n. 28
 def forward(self, image, mask):
     sigma = self.get_params(self.sigma[0], self.sigma[1])
     return F.gaussian_blur(image, self.kernel_size, [sigma, sigma]), mask