Esempio n. 1
    def test_datatypes(self):
        """ test every data type """
        conn = self.connections[0]
        c = conn.cursor()
        yield c.execute("create table test_datatypes (b bit, i int, l bigint, f real, s varchar(32), u varchar(32), bb blob, d date, dt datetime, ts timestamp, td time, t time, st datetime)")
            # insert values
            v = (True, -3, 123456789012, 5.7, "hello'\" world", u"Espa\xc3\xb1ol", "binary\x00data".encode(conn.charset),,2,2), datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 15, 7, 45, 57), datetime.timedelta(5,6), datetime.time(16,32), time.localtime())
            yield c.execute("insert into test_datatypes (b,i,l,f,s,u,bb,d,dt,td,t,st) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", v)
            yield c.execute("select b,i,l,f,s,u,bb,d,dt,td,t,st from test_datatypes")
            r = c.fetchone()
            self.assertEqual(util.int2byte(1), r[0])
            self.assertEqual(v[1:10], r[1:10])
            self.assertEqual(datetime.timedelta(0, 60 * (v[10].hour * 60 + v[10].minute)), r[10])
            self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(*v[-1][:6]), r[-1])

            yield c.execute("delete from test_datatypes")

            # check nulls
            yield c.execute("insert into test_datatypes (b,i,l,f,s,u,bb,d,dt,td,t,st) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", [None] * 12)
            yield c.execute("select b,i,l,f,s,u,bb,d,dt,td,t,st from test_datatypes")
            r = c.fetchone()
            self.assertEqual(tuple([None] * 12), r)

            yield c.execute("delete from test_datatypes")

            # check sequence type
            yield c.execute("insert into test_datatypes (i, l) values (2,4), (6,8), (10,12)")
            yield c.execute("select l from test_datatypes where i in %s order by i", ((2,6),))
            r = c.fetchall()
            self.assertEqual(((4,),(8,)), r)
            yield c.execute("drop table test_datatypes")
    def encoded(self, server_id, master_id=0):
        server_id: the slave server-id
        master_id: usually 0. Appears as "master id" in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS
                   on the master. Unknown what else it impacts.

        # 1              [15] COM_REGISTER_SLAVE
        # 4              server-id
        # 1              slaves hostname length
        # string[$len]   slaves hostname
        # 1              slaves user len
        # string[$len]   slaves user
        # 1              slaves password len
        # string[$len]   slaves password
        # 2              slaves mysql-port
        # 4              replication rank
        # 4              master-id

        lhostname = len(self.hostname.encode())
        lusername = len(self.username.encode())
        lpassword = len(self.password.encode())

        packet_len = (
            1 +  # command
            4 +  # server-id
            1 +  # hostname length
            lhostname + 1 +  # username length
            lusername + 1 +  # password length
            lpassword + 2 +  # slave mysql port
            4 +  # replication rank
            4)  # master-id

        MAX_STRING_LEN = 257  # one byte for length + 256 chars

        return (struct.pack('<i', packet_len) + int2byte(COM_REGISTER_SLAVE) +
                struct.pack('<L', server_id) +
                struct.pack('<%dp' % min(MAX_STRING_LEN, lhostname + 1),
                            self.hostname.encode()) +
                struct.pack('<%dp' % min(MAX_STRING_LEN, lusername + 1),
                            self.username.encode()) +
                struct.pack('<%dp' % min(MAX_STRING_LEN, lpassword + 1),
                            self.password.encode()) +
                struct.pack('<H', self.port) + struct.pack('<l', 0) +
                struct.pack('<l', master_id))
Esempio n. 3
 def _read_table_id(self):
     # Table ID is 6 byte
     # pad little-endian number
     table_id = + int2byte(0) + int2byte(0)
     return struct.unpack('<Q', table_id)[0]
Esempio n. 4
 def _read_table_id(self):
     # Table ID is 6 byte
     # pad little-endian number
     table_id = + int2byte(0) + int2byte(0)
     return struct.unpack('<Q', table_id)[0]
    def __connect_to_stream(self):
        # log_pos (4) -- position in the binlog-file to start the stream with
        # flags (2) BINLOG_DUMP_NON_BLOCK (0 or 1)
        # server_id (4) -- server id of this slave
        # log_file (string.EOF) -- filename of the binlog on the master
        self._stream_connection = yield self.tornado_mysql_wrapper(

        self.__use_checksum = yield self.__checksum_enabled()

        # If checksum is enabled we need to inform the server about the that
        # we support it
        if self.__use_checksum:
            cur = self._stream_connection.cursor()
            yield cur.execute(
                "set @master_binlog_checksum= @@global.binlog_checksum")

        if self.slave_uuid:
            cur = self._stream_connection.cursor()
            yield cur.execute("set @slave_uuid= '%s'" % self.slave_uuid)

        if self.slave_heartbeat:
            # 4294967 is documented as the max value for heartbeats
            net_timeout = float(
                self.__connection_settings.get('read_timeout', 4294967))
            # If heartbeat is too low, the connection will disconnect before,
            # this is also the behavior in mysql
            heartbeat = float(min(net_timeout / 2., self.slave_heartbeat))
            if heartbeat > 4294967:
                heartbeat = 4294967

            # master_heartbeat_period is nanoseconds
            heartbeat = int(heartbeat * 1000000000)
            cur = self._stream_connection.cursor()
            yield cur.execute("set @master_heartbeat_period= %d" % heartbeat)


        if not self.auto_position:
            # only when log_file and log_pos both provided, the position info is
            # valid, if not, get the current position from master
            if self.log_file is None or self.log_pos is None:
                cur = self._stream_connection.cursor()
                yield cur.execute("SHOW MASTER STATUS")
                self.log_file, self.log_pos = cur.fetchone()[:2]

            prelude = struct.pack('<i', len(self.log_file) + 11) \
                + int2byte(COM_BINLOG_DUMP)

            if self.__resume_stream:
                prelude += struct.pack('<I', self.log_pos)
                prelude += struct.pack('<I', 4)

            if self.__blocking:
                prelude += struct.pack('<h', 0)
                prelude += struct.pack('<h', 1)

            prelude += struct.pack('<I', self.__server_id)
            prelude += self.log_file.encode()
            # Format for mysql packet master_auto_position
            # All fields are little endian
            # All fields are unsigned

            # Packet length   uint   4bytes
            # Packet type     byte   1byte   == 0x1e
            # Binlog flags    ushort 2bytes  == 0 (for retrocompatibilty)
            # Server id       uint   4bytes
            # binlognamesize  uint   4bytes
            # binlogname      str    Nbytes  N = binlognamesize
            #                                Zeroified
            # binlog position uint   4bytes  == 4
            # payload_size    uint   4bytes

            # What come next, is the payload, where the slave gtid_executed
            # is sent to the master
            # n_sid           ulong  8bytes  == which size is the gtid_set
            # | sid           uuid   16bytes UUID as a binary
            # | n_intervals   ulong  8bytes  == how many intervals are sent for this gtid
            # | | start       ulong  8bytes  Start position of this interval
            # | | stop        ulong  8bytes  Stop position of this interval

            # A gtid set looks like:
            #   19d69c1e-ae97-4b8c-a1ef-9e12ba966457:1-3:8-10,
            #   1c2aad49-ae92-409a-b4df-d05a03e4702e:42-47:80-100:130-140
            # In this particular gtid set, 19d69c1e-ae97-4b8c-a1ef-9e12ba966457:1-3:8-10
            # is the first member of the set, it is called a gtid.
            # In this gtid, 19d69c1e-ae97-4b8c-a1ef-9e12ba966457 is the sid
            # and have two intervals, 1-3 and 8-10, 1 is the start position of the first interval
            # 3 is the stop position of the first interval.

            gtid_set = GtidSet(self.auto_position)
            encoded_data_size = gtid_set.encoded_length

            header_size = (
                2 +  # binlog_flags
                4 +  # server_id
                4 +  # binlog_name_info_size
                4 +  # empty binlog name
                8 +  # binlog_pos_info_size
                4)  # encoded_data_size

            prelude = b'' + struct.pack('<i', header_size + encoded_data_size) \
                + int2byte(COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID)

            # binlog_flags = 0 (2 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<H', 0)
            # server_id (4 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<I', self.__server_id)
            # binlog_name_info_size (4 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<I', 3)
            # empty_binlog_name (4 bytes)
            prelude += b'\0\0\0'
            # binlog_pos_info (8 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<Q', 4)

            # encoded_data_size (4 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<I', gtid_set.encoded_length)
            # encoded_data
            prelude += gtid_set.encoded()

        if tornado_mysql.__version__ < "0.6":
            self._stream_connection._next_seq_id = 1
        self.__connected_stream = True
    def __connect_to_stream(self):
        # log_pos (4) -- position in the binlog-file to start the stream with
        # flags (2) BINLOG_DUMP_NON_BLOCK (0 or 1)
        # server_id (4) -- server id of this slave
        # log_file (string.EOF) -- filename of the binlog on the master
        self._stream_connection = yield tornado_mysql.connect(**self.__connection_settings)

        self.__use_checksum = yield self.__checksum_enabled()

        # If checksum is enabled we need to inform the server about the that
        # we support it
        if self.__use_checksum:
            cur = self._stream_connection.cursor()
            yield cur.execute("set @master_binlog_checksum= @@global.binlog_checksum")

        if not self.auto_position:
            # only when log_file and log_pos both provided, the position info is
            # valid, if not, get the current position from master
            if self.log_file is None or self.log_pos is None:
                cur = self._stream_connection.cursor()
                yield cur.execute("SHOW MASTER STATUS")
                self.log_file, self.log_pos = cur.fetchone()[:2]

            prelude = struct.pack('<i', len(self.log_file) + 11) \
                + int2byte(COM_BINLOG_DUMP)

            if self.__resume_stream:
                prelude += struct.pack('<I', self.log_pos)
                prelude += struct.pack('<I', 4)

            if self.__blocking:
                prelude += struct.pack('<h', 0)
                prelude += struct.pack('<h', 1)

            prelude += struct.pack('<I', self.__server_id)
            prelude += self.log_file.encode()
            # Format for mysql packet master_auto_position
            # All fields are little endian
            # All fields are unsigned

            # Packet length   uint   4bytes
            # Packet type     byte   1byte   == 0x1e
            # Binlog flags    ushort 2bytes  == 0 (for retrocompatibilty)
            # Server id       uint   4bytes
            # binlognamesize  uint   4bytes
            # binlogname      str    Nbytes  N = binlognamesize
            #                                Zeroified
            # binlog position uint   4bytes  == 4
            # payload_size    uint   4bytes

            # What come next, is the payload, where the slave gtid_executed
            # is sent to the master
            # n_sid           ulong  8bytes  == which size is the gtid_set
            # | sid           uuid   16bytes UUID as a binary
            # | n_intervals   ulong  8bytes  == how many intervals are sent for this gtid
            # | | start       ulong  8bytes  Start position of this interval
            # | | stop        ulong  8bytes  Stop position of this interval

            # A gtid set looks like:
            #   19d69c1e-ae97-4b8c-a1ef-9e12ba966457:1-3:8-10,
            #   1c2aad49-ae92-409a-b4df-d05a03e4702e:42-47:80-100:130-140
            # In this particular gtid set, 19d69c1e-ae97-4b8c-a1ef-9e12ba966457:1-3:8-10
            # is the first member of the set, it is called a gtid.
            # In this gtid, 19d69c1e-ae97-4b8c-a1ef-9e12ba966457 is the sid
            # and have two intervals, 1-3 and 8-10, 1 is the start position of the first interval
            # 3 is the stop position of the first interval.

            gtid_set = GtidSet(self.auto_position)
            encoded_data_size = gtid_set.encoded_length

            header_size = (2 +  # binlog_flags
                           4 +  # server_id
                           4 +  # binlog_name_info_size
                           4 +  # empty binlog name
                           8 +  # binlog_pos_info_size
                           4)  # encoded_data_size

            prelude = b'' + struct.pack('<i', header_size + encoded_data_size) \
                + int2byte(COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID)

            # binlog_flags = 0 (2 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<H', 0)
            # server_id (4 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<I', self.__server_id)
            # binlog_name_info_size (4 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<I', 3)
            # empty_binlog_name (4 bytes)
            prelude += b'\0\0\0'
            # binlog_pos_info (8 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<Q', 4)

            # encoded_data_size (4 bytes)
            prelude += struct.pack('<I', gtid_set.encoded_length)
            # encoded_data
            prelude += gtid_set.encoded()

        if tornado_mysql.__version__ < "0.6":
        self.__connected_stream = True