Esempio n. 1
def test_rbf():
    """Assert that the TPOT RBFSampler outputs the input dataframe when # of
    training features is 0"""
    tpot_obj = TPOT()

    assert np.array_equal(tpot_obj._rbf(training_testing_data.ix[:, -3:], 0.1),
                          training_testing_data.ix[:, -3:])
Esempio n. 2
def test_rbf():
    """Assert that the TPOT RBFSampler outputs the input dataframe when # of
    training features is 0"""
    tpot_obj = TPOT()

    assert np.array_equal(tpot_obj._rbf(training_testing_data.ix[:, -3:], 0.1),
                          training_testing_data.ix[:, -3:])
Esempio n. 3
def test_rbf_2():
    """Assert that RBF returns an object of the same type as the input dataframe

    Also assert that the number of rows is identical between the input dataframe
    and output dataframe.
    tpot_obj = TPOT()

    input_df = training_testing_data
    output_df = tpot_obj._rbf(input_df, 0.1)

    assert type(input_df) == type(output_df)

    (in_rows, in_cols) = input_df.shape
    (out_rows, out_cols) = output_df.shape

    assert in_rows == out_rows
Esempio n. 4
def test_rbf_2():
    """Assert that RBF returns an object of the same type as the input dataframe

    Also assert that the number of rows is identical between the input dataframe
    and output dataframe.
    tpot_obj = TPOT()

    input_df = training_testing_data
    output_df = tpot_obj._rbf(input_df, 0.1)

    assert type(input_df) == type(output_df)

    (in_rows, in_cols) = input_df.shape
    (out_rows, out_cols) = output_df.shape

    assert in_rows == out_rows