Esempio n. 1
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        # args will be null if the macro is called without parenthesis.
        if not content:
            return ''
        # parse arguments
        # we expect the 1st argument to be a filename (filespec)
        args = content.split(',')
        if len(args) == 0:
            raise Exception("No argument.")
        filespec = args.pop(0)

        # style information
        size_re = re.compile('[0-9]+(%|px)?$')
        attr_re = re.compile('(align|valign|border|width|height|alt'
        quoted_re = re.compile("(?:[\"'])(.*)(?:[\"'])$")
        attr = {}
        style = {}
        link = ''
        while args:
            arg = args.pop(0).strip()
            if size_re.match(arg):
                # 'width' keyword
                attr['width'] = arg
            elif arg == 'nolink':
                link = None
            elif arg.startswith('link='):
                val = arg.split('=', 1)[1]
                elt = extract_link(self.env, formatter.context, val.strip())
                link = None
                if isinstance(elt, Element):
                    link = elt.attrib.get('href')
            elif arg in ('left', 'right'):
                style['float'] = arg
            elif arg == 'center':
                style['margin-left'] = style['margin-right'] = 'auto'
                style['display'] = 'block'
                style.pop('margin', '')
            elif arg in ('top', 'bottom', 'middle'):
                style['vertical-align'] = arg
                match = attr_re.match(arg)
                if match:
                    key, val = match.groups()
                    if (key == 'align' and 
                            val in ('left', 'right', 'center')) or \
                        (key == 'valign' and \
                            val in ('top', 'middle', 'bottom')):
                    elif key in ('margin-top', 'margin-bottom'):
                        style[key] = ' %dpx' % int(val)
                    elif key in ('margin', 'margin-left', 'margin-right') \
                             and 'display' not in style:
                        style[key] = ' %dpx' % int(val)
                    elif key == 'border':
                        style['border'] = ' %dpx solid' % int(val)
                        m = # unquote "..." and '...'
                        if m:
                            val =
                        attr[str(key)] = val # will be used as a __call__ kwd

        # parse filespec argument to get realm and id if contained.
        parts = filespec.split(':')
        url = raw_url = desc = None
        attachment = None
        if (parts and parts[0] in ('http', 'https', 'ftp')): # absolute
            raw_url = url = desc = filespec
        elif filespec.startswith('//'):       # server-relative
            raw_url = url = desc = filespec[1:]
        elif filespec.startswith('/'):        # project-relative
            # use href, but unquote to allow args (use default html escaping)
            raw_url = url = desc = unquote(formatter.href(filespec))
        elif len(parts) == 3:                 # realm:id:attachment-filename
            realm, id, filename = parts
            attachment = Resource(realm, id).child('attachment', filename)
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            # FIXME: somehow use ResourceSystem.get_known_realms()
            #        ... or directly
            from trac.versioncontrol.web_ui import BrowserModule
                browser_links = [res[0] for res in
            except Exception:
                browser_links = []
            if parts[0] in browser_links:   # source:path
                # TODO: use context here as well
                realm, filename = parts
                rev = None
                if '@' in filename:
                    filename, rev = filename.split('@')
                url = formatter.href.browser(filename, rev=rev)
                raw_url = formatter.href.browser(filename, rev=rev,
                desc = filespec
            else: # #ticket:attachment or WikiPage:attachment
                # FIXME: do something generic about shorthand forms...
                realm = None
                id, filename = parts
                if id and id[0] == '#':
                    realm = 'ticket'
                    id = id[1:]
                elif id == 'htdocs':
                    raw_url = url ='site', filename)
                    desc = os.path.basename(filename)
                    realm = 'wiki'
                if realm:
                    attachment = Resource(realm, id).child('attachment',
        elif len(parts) == 1: # it's an attachment of the current resource
            attachment = formatter.resource.child('attachment', filespec)
            raise TracError('No filespec given')
        if attachment and 'ATTACHMENT_VIEW' in formatter.perm(attachment):
            url = get_resource_url(self.env, attachment, formatter.href)
            raw_url = get_resource_url(self.env, attachment, formatter.href,
                desc = get_resource_summary(self.env, attachment)
            except ResourceNotFound, e:
                raw_url ='common/attachment.png')
                desc = _('No image "%(id)s" attached to %(parent)s',
                         parent=get_resource_name(self.env, attachment.parent))
Esempio n. 2
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        # args will be null if the macro is called without parenthesis.
        if not content:
            return ''
        # parse arguments
        # we expect the 1st argument to be a filename (filespec)
        args = content.split(',')
        if len(args) == 0:
            raise Exception("No argument.")
        filespec = args[0]

        # style information
        size_re = re.compile('[0-9]+(%|px)?$')
        attr_re = re.compile('(align|border|width|height|alt'
        quoted_re = re.compile("(?:[\"'])(.*)(?:[\"'])$")
        attr = {}
        style = {}
        link = ''
        for arg in args[1:]:
            arg = arg.strip()
            if size_re.match(arg):
                # 'width' keyword
                attr['width'] = arg
            if arg == 'nolink':
                link = None
            if arg.startswith('link='):
                val = arg.split('=', 1)[1]
                elt = extract_link(self.env, formatter.context, val.strip())
                link = None
                if isinstance(elt, Element):
                    link = elt.attrib.get('href')
            if arg in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'):
                style['float'] = arg
            match = attr_re.match(arg)
            if match:
                key, val = match.groups()
                m = # unquote "..." and '...'
                if m:
                    val =
                if key == 'align':
                    style['float'] = val
                elif key == 'border':
                    style['border'] = ' %dpx solid' % int(val);
                    attr[str(key)] = val # will be used as a __call__ keyword

        # parse filespec argument to get realm and id if contained.
        parts = filespec.split(':')
        url = raw_url = desc = None
        attachment = None
        if (parts and parts[0] in ('http', 'https', 'ftp')): # absolute
            raw_url = url = desc = filespec
        elif filespec.startswith('//'):       # server-relative
            raw_url = url = desc = filespec[1:]
        elif filespec.startswith('/'):        # project-relative
            # use href, but unquote to allow args (use default html escaping)
            raw_url = url = desc = unquote(formatter.href(filespec))
        elif len(parts) == 3:                 # realm:id:attachment-filename
            realm, id, filename = parts
            attachment = Resource(realm, id).child('attachment', filename)
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            # FIXME: somehow use ResourceSystem.get_known_realms()
            #        ... or directly
            from trac.versioncontrol.web_ui import BrowserModule
                browser_links = [res[0] for res in
            except Exception:
                browser_links = []
            if parts[0] in browser_links:   # source:path
                # TODO: use context here as well
                realm, filename = parts
                rev = None
                if '@' in filename:
                    filename, rev = filename.split('@')
                url = formatter.href.browser(filename, rev=rev)
                raw_url = formatter.href.browser(filename, rev=rev,
                desc = filespec
            else: # #ticket:attachment or WikiPage:attachment
                # FIXME: do something generic about shorthand forms...
                realm = None
                id, filename = parts
                if id and id[0] == '#':
                    realm = 'ticket'
                    id = id[1:]
                elif id == 'htdocs':
                    raw_url = url ='site', filename)
                    desc = os.path.basename(filename)
                    realm = 'wiki'
                if realm:
                    attachment = Resource(realm, id).child('attachment',
        elif len(parts) == 1: # it's an attachment of the current resource
            attachment = formatter.resource.child('attachment', filespec)
            raise TracError('No filespec given')
        if attachment and 'ATTACHMENT_VIEW' in formatter.perm(attachment):
            url = get_resource_url(self.env, attachment, formatter.href)
            raw_url = get_resource_url(self.env, attachment, formatter.href,
            desc = get_resource_summary(self.env, attachment)
        for key in ('title', 'alt'):
            if desc and not key in attr:
                attr[key] = desc
        if style:
            attr['style'] = '; '.join(['%s:%s' % (k, escape(v))
                                       for k, v in style.iteritems()])
        result = tag.img(src=raw_url, **attr)
        if link is not None:
            result = tag.a(result, href=link or url,
                           style='padding:0; border:none')
        return result