def lookup_ticket(self, id): path = "ticket/?" + urllib.urlencode({'raw': True, 'query': json.dumps({'id': id})}) res = self.load_json_from_server(path) if res: return res[0] else: return scrape(id)
def lookup_ticket(server, id): url = server + "/ticket/?" + urllib.urlencode({'raw': True, 'query': json.dumps({'id': id})}) res = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url)) if res: return res[0] else: return scrape(id)
def post_report(ticket_id): """ Posting a report to the database of reports. """ try: ticket = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket_id}) if ticket is None: ticket = scrape(ticket_id) if 'reports' not in ticket: ticket['reports'] = [] report = json.loads(request.form.get('report')) assert (isinstance(report, dict)), "report is not a dict" for fld in ['status', 'spkgs', 'base', 'machine', 'time']: assert (fld in report), "{} missing in report".format(fld) machine_name = report['machine'][-1] if machine_name in BLACKLIST: msg = 'machine {} is blacklisted'.format(machine_name) raise RuntimeError(msg) prune_pending(ticket, report['machine']) ticket['reports'].append(report) db.logs.put(request.files.get('log'), _id=log_name(ticket_id, report)) if 'retry' in ticket: ticket['retry'] = False ticket['last_activity'] = now_str() db.save_ticket(ticket) return "ok (report successfully posted)" except: traceback.print_exc() return "error in posting the report"
def render_ticket_status_svg(ticket): """ Return the svg status image for the given ticket. """ try: if 'fast' in request.args: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) else: info = scrape(ticket, db=db) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if 'base' in request.args: base = request.args.get('base') else: base = latest_version(info.get('reports', [])) status = get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[1] # single status path = status_image_path(status, image_type='svg') # with no base response = make_response(open(path).read()) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/svg+xml' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return response
def render_ticket_status(ticket): """ Return the status image for the given ticket. This now only renders a png image with the base. """ try: if 'fast' in request.args: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) else: info = scrape(ticket, db=db) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if 'base' in request.args: base = request.args.get('base') else: base = latest_version(info.get('reports', [])) # status = get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[2] # composite status if 'fast' in request.args: display_base = None else: display_base = base response = make_response(create_base_image(base=display_base)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return response
def render_ticket_status(ticket): try: info = trac.scrape(ticket, db=db) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if 'reports' in info: base = latest_version(current_reports(info)) else: base = None status = get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[2] response = make_response(create_status_image(status, base=base)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return response
def render_ticket(ticket): try: info = trac.scrape(ticket, db=db, force='force' in request.args) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if info is None: return "No such ticket." if 'kick' in request.args: info['retry'] = True db.save_ticket(info) if 'reports' in info: info['reports'].sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a['time'], b['time'])) else: info['reports'] = [] old_reports = list(info['reports']) patchbot.prune_pending(info) if old_reports != info['reports']: db.save_ticket(info) def format_info(info): new_info = {} for key, value in info.items(): if key == 'patches': new_info['patches'] = format_patches(ticket, value) elif key == 'reports' or key == 'pending': pass elif key == 'depends_on': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value) elif key == 'authors': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?author=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value) elif key == 'participants': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?participant=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value) elif isinstance(value, list): new_info[key] = ', '.join(value) elif key not in ('id', '_id'): new_info[key] = value return new_info def preprocess_reports(all): for item in all: if 'patches' in item: required = info['depends_on'] + info['patches'] item['patch_list'] = format_patches(ticket, item['patches'], item.get('deps'), required) if item['base'] != base: item['base'] = "<span style='color: red'>%s</span>" % item['base'] if 'time' in item: item['log'] = log_name(info['id'], item) yield item return render_template("ticket.html", reports=preprocess_reports(info['reports']), ticket=ticket, info=format_info(info), status=get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[2])
def render_ticket_status(ticket): try: if 'fast' in request.args: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) else: info = trac.scrape(ticket, db=db) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if 'base' in request.args: base = request.args.get('base') else: base = latest_version(info['reports'] or []) status = get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[2] if 'fast' in request.args: display_base = None else: display_base = base response = make_response(create_status_image(status, base=display_base)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return response
def post_report(ticket_id): try: ticket = db.lookup_ticket(ticket_id) if ticket is None: ticket = trac.scrape(ticket_id) if 'reports' not in ticket: ticket['reports'] = [] report = json.loads(request.form.get('report')) assert isinstance(report, dict) for fld in ['status', 'patches', 'spkgs', 'base', 'machine', 'time']: assert fld in report patchbot.prune_pending(ticket, report['machine']) ticket['reports'].append(report) db.logs.put(request.files.get('log'), _id=log_name(ticket_id, report)) if 'retry' in ticket: ticket['retry'] = False ticket['last_activity'] = now_str() db.save_ticket(ticket) return "ok" except: traceback.print_exc() return "error"
def test_a_ticket(sage_root, server, ticket=None, nodocs=False): base = get_base(sage_root) if ticket is None: ticket = get_ticket(base=base, server=server, **conf) else: ticket = None, scrape(int(ticket)) if not ticket: print "No more tickets." if random.random() < 0.01: cleanup(sage_root, server) time.sleep(conf['idle']) return rating, ticket = ticket print "\n" * 2 print "=" * 30, ticket['id'], "=" * 30 print ticket['title'] print "score", rating print "\n" * 2 log_dir = sage_root + "/logs" if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) log = '%s/%s-log.txt' % (log_dir, ticket['id']) report_ticket(server, ticket, status='Pending', base=base, machine=conf['machine'], user=conf['user'], log=None) plugins_results = [] try: with Tee(log, time=True, timeout=conf['timeout']): t = Timer() start_time = time.time() state = 'started' os.environ['MAKE'] = "make -j%s" % conf['parallelism'] os.environ['SAGE_ROOT'] = sage_root # TODO: Ensure that sage-main is pristine. pull_from_trac(sage_root, ticket['id'], force=True) t.finish("Apply") state = 'applied' do_or_die('$SAGE_ROOT/sage -b %s' % ticket['id']) t.finish("Build") state = 'built' working_dir = "%s/devel/sage-%s" % (sage_root, ticket['id']) # Only the ones on this ticket. patches = os.popen2('hg --cwd %s qapplied' % working_dir)[1].read().strip().split('\n')[-len(ticket['patches']):] kwds = { "original_dir": "%s/devel/sage-0" % sage_root, "patched_dir": working_dir, "patches": ["%s/devel/sage-%s/.hg/patches/%s" % (sage_root, ticket['id'], p) for p in patches if p], } for name, plugin in conf['plugins']: try: print plugin_boundary(name) plugin(ticket, **kwds) passed = True except Exception: traceback.print_exc() passed = False finally: t.finish(name) print plugin_boundary(name, end=True) plugins_results.append((name, passed)) test_dirs = ["$SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-%s/%s" % (ticket['id'], dir) for dir in all_test_dirs] if conf['parallelism'] > 1: test_cmd = "-tp %s" % conf['parallelism'] else: test_cmd = "-t" do_or_die("$SAGE_ROOT/sage %s -sagenb %s" % (test_cmd, ' '.join(test_dirs))) #do_or_die("$SAGE_ROOT/sage -t $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-%s/sage/rings/integer.pyx" % ticket['id']) #do_or_die('sage -testall') t.finish("Tests") state = 'tested' if not all(passed for name, passed in plugins_results): state = 'failed_plugin' print t.print_all() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() for _ in range(5): try: print "Reporting", ticket['id'], status[state] report_ticket(server, ticket, status=status[state], base=base, machine=conf['machine'], user=conf['user'], log=log, plugins=plugins_results) print "Done reporting", ticket['id'] break except urllib2.HTTPError: traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(conf['idle']) else: print "Error reporting", ticket['id'] return status[state]
def render_ticket(ticket): try: info = trac.scrape(ticket, db=db, force='force' in request.args) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if info is None: return "No such ticket." if 'kick' in request.args: info['retry'] = True db.save_ticket(info) if 'reports' in info: info['reports'].sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a['time'], b['time'])) else: info['reports'] = [] base_reports = base_reports_by_machine_and_base() old_reports = list(info['reports']) patchbot.prune_pending(info) if old_reports != info['reports']: db.save_ticket(info) def format_info(info): new_info = {} for key, value in info.items(): if key == 'patches': new_info['patches'] = format_patches(ticket, value) elif key == 'reports' or key == 'pending': pass elif key == 'depends_on': deps_status = {} for dep in tickets.find({'id': {'$in': [int(a) for a in value]}}, ['status', 'id']): if 'closed' in dep['status']: dep['style'] = 'text-decoration: line-through' else: dep['style'] = '' deps_status[dep['id']] = dep new_info[key] = ', '.join("<img src='/ticket/%s/status.png?fast' height=16><a href='/ticket/%s' style='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a, deps_status[a]['style'], a) for a in value) elif key == 'authors': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?author=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value) elif key == 'participants': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?participant=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value) elif isinstance(value, list): new_info[key] = ', '.join(value) elif key not in ('id', '_id'): new_info[key] = value return new_info def preprocess_reports(all): for item in all: base_report = base_reports.get(item['base'] + "/" + "/".join(item['machine']), base_reports.get(item['base'])) if base_report: item['base_log'] = urllib.quote(log_name(0, base_report)) if 'patches' in item: required = info['depends_on'] + info['patches'] item['patch_list'] = format_patches(ticket, item['patches'], item.get('deps'), required) item['raw_base'] = item['base'] if item['base'] != base: item['base'] = "<span style='color: red'>%s</span>" % item['base'] if 'time' in item: item['log'] = log_name(info['id'], item) yield item def normalize_plugin(plugin): while len(plugin) < 3: plugin.append(None) return plugin return render_template("ticket.html", reports=preprocess_reports(info['reports']), ticket=ticket, info=format_info(info), status=get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[2], normalize_plugin=normalize_plugin)
def render_ticket(ticket): try: info = trac.scrape(ticket, db=db, force='force' in request.args) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if info is None: return "No such ticket." if 'kick' in request.args: info['retry'] = True db.save_ticket(info) if 'reports' in info: info['reports'].sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a['time'], b['time'])) else: info['reports'] = [] base_reports = base_reports_by_machine_and_base() old_reports = list(info['reports']) patchbot.prune_pending(info) if old_reports != info['reports']: db.save_ticket(info) def format_info(info): new_info = {} for key, value in info.items(): if key == 'patches': new_info['patches'] = format_patches(ticket, value) elif key == 'reports' or key == 'pending': pass elif key == 'depends_on': deps_status = {} def is_int(a): try: int(a) return True except ValueError: return False for dep in tickets.find({'id': {'$in': [int(a) for a in value if is_int(a)]}}, ['status', 'id']): if 'closed' in dep['status']: dep['style'] = 'text-decoration: line-through' else: dep['style'] = '' deps_status[dep['id']] = dep new_info[key] = ', '.join("<img src='/ticket/%s/status.png?fast' height=16><a href='/ticket/%s' style='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a, deps_status[a]['style'], a) for a in value) elif key == 'authors': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?author=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value) elif key == 'participants': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?participant=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value) elif isinstance(value, list): new_info[key] = ', '.join(value) elif key not in ('id', '_id'): new_info[key] = value return new_info base = latest_base() def format_git_describe(res): if res: if '-' in res: tag, commits = res.split('-')[:2] return "%s + %s commits" % (tag, commits) elif 'commits' in res: # old style return res else: return res + " + 0 commits" else: return '?' def preprocess_reports(all): for item in all: base_report = base_reports.get(item['base'] + "/" + "/".join(item['machine']), base_reports.get(item['base'])) if base_report: item['base_log'] = urllib.quote(log_name(0, base_report)) if 'patches' in item: required = info['depends_on'] + info['patches'] item['patch_list'] = format_patches(ticket, item['patches'], item.get('deps'), required) if 'git_base' in item: git_log = item.get('git_log') item['git_log_len'] = '?' if git_log is None else len(git_log) item['raw_base'] = item['base'] if compare_version(item['base'], base) < 0: item['base'] = "<span style='color: red'>%s</span>" % item['base'] if 'time' in item: item['log'] = log_name(info['id'], item) if 'git_commit_human' not in item: item['git_commit_human'] = "%s new commits" % len(item['log']) for x in ('commit', 'base', 'merge'): field = 'git_%s_human' % x item[field] = format_git_describe(item.get(field, None)) yield item def normalize_plugin(plugin): while len(plugin) < 3: plugin.append(None) return plugin def sort_fields(items): return sorted(items, key=(lambda x: (x[0] != 'title', x))) return render_template("ticket.html", reports=preprocess_reports(info['reports']), ticket=ticket, info=format_info(info), status=get_ticket_status(info, base=base)[2], normalize_plugin=normalize_plugin, sort_fields=sort_fields)
def test_a_ticket(self, ticket=None): self.reload_config() if ticket is None: ticket = self.get_ticket() else: ticket = None, scrape(int(ticket)) if not ticket: print "No more tickets." time.sleep(self.config['idle']) return rating, ticket = ticket print "\n" * 2 print "=" * 30, ticket['id'], "=" * 30 print ticket['title'] print "score", rating print "\n" * 2 self.log_dir = self.sage_root + "/logs/patchbot" if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir): os.makedirs(self.log_dir) log = '%s/%s-log.txt' % (self.log_dir, ticket['id']) history = open("%s/history.txt" % self.log_dir, "a") history.write("%s %s\n" % (datetime(), ticket['id'])) history.close() if not self.plugin_only: self.report_ticket(ticket, status='Pending', log=log) plugins_results = [] try: t = Timer() with Tee(log, time=True, timeout=self.config['timeout'], timer=t): print "Sage Patchbot", patchbot_version.get_version() if ticket['spkgs']: state = 'spkg' print "\n".join(ticket['spkgs']) print for spkg in ticket['spkgs']: print print '+' * 10, spkg, '+' * 10 print try: self.check_spkg(spkg) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() t.finish(spkg) if not ticket['spkgs']: state = 'started' os.environ['MAKE'] = "make -j%s" % self.config['parallelism'] os.environ['SAGE_ROOT'] = self.sage_root os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'] = os.environ['GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'] = 'patchbot' os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'] = os.environ['GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'] = 'patchbot@localhost' os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'] = os.environ['GIT_COMMITTER_DATE'] = '1970-01-01T00:00:00' pull_from_trac(self.sage_root, ticket['id'], force=True, use_ccache=self.config['use_ccache']) t.finish("Apply") state = 'applied' if not self.plugin_only: self.report_ticket(ticket, status='Pending', log=log, pending_status=state) do_or_die("$MAKE") t.finish("Build") state = 'built' if not self.plugin_only: self.report_ticket(ticket, status='Pending', log=log, pending_status=state) # TODO: Exclude dependencies. patch_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if ticket['id'] != 0: do_or_die("git format-patch -o '%s' patchbot/base..patchbot/ticket_merged" % patch_dir) kwds = { "original_dir": self.sage_root, "patched_dir": os.getcwd(), "patches": [os.path.join(patch_dir, p) for p in os.listdir(patch_dir)], "sage_binary": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sage'), "dry_run": self.dry_run, } for name, plugin in self.config['plugins']: try: if ticket['id'] != 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.log_dir, '0', name)): baseline = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(self.log_dir, '0', name))) else: baseline = None print plugin_boundary(name) do_or_die("git checkout patchbot/ticket_merged") res = plugin(ticket, is_git=True, baseline=baseline, **kwds) passed = True except Exception: traceback.print_exc() passed = False res = None finally: if isinstance(res, PluginResult): if res.baseline is not None: plugin_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, str(ticket['id'])) if not os.path.exists(plugin_dir): os.mkdir(plugin_dir) pickle.dump(res.baseline, open(os.path.join(plugin_dir, name), 'w')) passed = res.status == PluginResult.Passed print name, res.status plugins_results.append((name, passed, else: plugins_results.append((name, passed, None)) t.finish(name) print plugin_boundary(name, end=True) plugins_passed = all(passed for (name, passed, data) in plugins_results) self.report_ticket(ticket, status='Pending', log=log, pending_status='plugins_passed' if plugins_passed else 'plugins_failed') if self.plugin_only: state = 'plugins' if plugins_passed else 'plugins_failed' else: if self.dry_run: test_target = "$SAGE_ROOT/src/sage/misc/a*.py" # TODO: Remove test_target = "$SAGE_ROOT/src/sage/doctest/*.py" else: test_target = "--all --long" if self.config['parallelism'] > 1: test_cmd = "-tp %s" % self.config['parallelism'] else: test_cmd = "-t" do_or_die("$SAGE_ROOT/sage %s %s" % (test_cmd, test_target)) t.finish("Tests") state = 'tested' if not plugins_passed: state = 'tests_passed_plugins_failed' except (urllib2.HTTPError, socket.error): # Don't report failure because the network/trac died... print t.print_all() traceback.print_exc() state = 'network_error' except Exception: traceback.print_exc() for _ in range(5): try: print "Reporting", ticket['id'], status[state] self.report_ticket(ticket, status=status[state], log=log, plugins=plugins_results, dry_run=self.dry_run) print "Done reporting", ticket['id'] break except IOError: traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(self.config['idle']) else: print "Error reporting", ticket['id'] maybe_temp_root = os.environ['SAGE_ROOT'] if maybe_temp_root.endswith("-sage-git-temp-%s" % ticket['id']): shutil.rmtree(maybe_temp_root) return status[state]
def render_ticket(ticket): """ reports on a given ticket possible options: ?force and ?kick ?force will refresh the info in the patchbot-server database ?kick will tell the patchbot-clients to retry the ticket ?base to select reports according to their base """ latest = latest_base() if 'base' in request.args: chosen_base = request.args.get('base') else: chosen_base = 'all' if ticket != 0 else 'develop' if chosen_base == 'latest' or chosen_base == 'develop': chosen_base = latest try: info = scrape(ticket, db=db, force='force' in request.args) except: info = tickets.find_one({'id': ticket}) if info is None: return "No such ticket." if 'kick' in request.args: info['retry'] = True db.save_ticket(info) if 'reports' in info: info['reports'].sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a['time'], b['time'])) else: info['reports'] = [] base_reports = base_reports_by_machine_and_base() old_reports = list(info['reports']) prune_pending(info) if old_reports != info['reports']: db.save_ticket(info) def format_info(info): new_info = {} for key, value in info.items(): if key in ['patches', 'reports', 'pending']: pass elif key == 'depends_on': deps_status = {} def is_int(a): try: int(a) return True except ValueError: return False for dep in tickets.find({'id': {'$in': [int(a) for a in value if is_int(a)]}}, ['status', 'id']): if 'closed' in dep['status']: dep['style'] = 'text-decoration: line-through' else: dep['style'] = '' deps_status[dep['id']] = dep new_info[key] = ', '.join("<img src='/ticket/%s/status.svg?fast' height=16><a href='/ticket/%s' style='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a, deps_status[a]['style'], a) for a in value) elif key == 'authors': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?author=%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value) elif key == 'authors_fullnames': link = u"<a href='{}'>{}</a>" auths = u", ".join(link.format(a.replace(u" ", u"%20"), a) for a in value) trust_check = u"(<a href='/trust_check?who=" trust_check += u",".join(u"{}".format(a) for a in value) trust_check += u"'>Check trust</a>) " new_info[key] = trust_check + auths elif key == 'participants': parts = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?participant=%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value) new_info[key] = parts elif key == 'git_branch': new_info[key] = '<a href="">%s</a>' % (value, value) elif key == 'spkgs': new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value) elif isinstance(value, list): new_info[key] = ', '.join(value) elif key not in ('id', '_id'): new_info[key] = value return new_info def format_git_describe(res): if res: if '-' in res: tag, commits = res.split('-')[:2] return "%s + %s commits" % (tag, commits) elif 'commits' in res: # old style return res else: return res + " + 0 commits" else: return '?' def preprocess_reports(all): for item in all: base_of_this_report = item['base'] base_report = base_reports.get(item['base'] + "/" + "/".join(item['machine']), base_reports.get(item['base'])) if base_report: item['base_log'] = quote(log_name(0, base_report)) if 'git_base' in item: git_log = item.get('git_log') item['git_log_len'] = '?' if git_log is None else len(git_log) item['raw_base'] = item['base'] if compare_version(item['base'], latest) < 0: item['base'] = "<span style='color: red'>%s</span>" % item['base'] if 'time' in item: item['log'] = log_name(info['id'], item) if 'git_commit_human' not in item: item['git_commit_human'] = "%s new commits" % len(item['log']) for x in ('commit', 'base', 'merge'): field = 'git_%s_human' % x item[field] = format_git_describe(item.get(field, None)) if chosen_base == 'all' or chosen_base == base_of_this_report: yield item def normalize_plugin(plugin): while len(plugin) < 3: plugin.append(None) return plugin def sort_fields(items): return sorted(items, key=(lambda x: (x[0] != 'title', x))) status_data = get_ticket_status(info, base=latest)[1] # single status return render_template("ticket.html", reports=preprocess_reports(info['reports']), ticket=ticket, info=format_info(info), status=status_data, normalize_plugin=normalize_plugin, sort_fields=sort_fields)
def test_a_ticket(self, ticket=None): self.reload_config() if ticket is None: ticket = self.get_ticket() else: ticket = None, scrape(int(ticket)) if not ticket: print "No more tickets." time.sleep(conf['idle']) return rating, ticket = ticket print "\n" * 2 print "=" * 30, ticket['id'], "=" * 30 print ticket['title'] print "score", rating print "\n" * 2 log_dir = self.sage_root + "/logs" if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) log = '%s/%s-log.txt' % (log_dir, ticket['id']) if not self.plugin_only: self.report_ticket(ticket, status='Pending', log=None) plugins_results = [] try: with Tee(log, time=True, timeout=self.config['timeout']): t = Timer() start_time = time.time() if ticket['spkgs']: state = 'spkg' print "\n".join(ticket['spkgs']) print for spkg in ticket['spkgs']: print print '+' * 10, spkg, '+' * 10 print try: self.check_spkg(spkg) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() t.finish(spkg) else: state = 'started' os.environ['MAKE'] = "make -j%s" % self.config['parallelism'] os.environ['SAGE_ROOT'] = self.sage_root # TODO: Ensure that sage-main is pristine. pull_from_trac(self.sage_root, ticket['id'], force=True) t.finish("Apply") state = 'applied' do_or_die('$SAGE_ROOT/sage -b %s' % ticket['id']) t.finish("Build") state = 'built' working_dir = "%s/devel/sage-%s" % (self.sage_root, ticket['id']) # Only the ones on this ticket. patches = os.popen2('hg --cwd %s qapplied' % working_dir)[1].read().strip().split('\n')[-len(ticket['patches']):] kwds = { "original_dir": "%s/devel/sage-0" % self.sage_root, "patched_dir": working_dir, "patches": ["%s/devel/sage-%s/.hg/patches/%s" % (self.sage_root, ticket['id'], p) for p in patches if p], "sage_binary": os.path.join(self.sage_root, 'sage') } for name, plugin in self.config['plugins']: try: if ticket['id'] != 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(log_dir, '0', name)): baseline = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(log_dir, '0', name))) else: baseline = None print plugin_boundary(name) res = plugin(ticket, baseline=baseline, **kwds) passed = True except Exception: traceback.print_exc() passed = False res = None finally: if isinstance(res, PluginResult): if res.baseline is not None: plugin_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, str(ticket['id'])) if not os.path.exists(plugin_dir): os.mkdir(plugin_dir) pickle.dump(res.baseline, open(os.path.join(plugin_dir, name), 'w')) passed = res.status == PluginResult.Passed print name, res.status plugins_results.append((name, passed, else: plugins_results.append((name, passed, None)) t.finish(name) print plugin_boundary(name, end=True) plugins_passed = all(passed for (name, passed, data) in plugins_results) if self.plugin_only: state = 'plugins' if plugins_passed else 'plugins_failed' else: if self.dry_run: test_dirs = ["$SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-%s/sage/misc/a*.py" % (ticket['id'])] else: test_dirs = ["--sagenb"] + ["$SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-%s/%s" % (ticket['id'], dir) for dir in all_test_dirs] if conf['parallelism'] > 1: test_cmd = "-tp %s" % conf['parallelism'] else: test_cmd = "-t" do_or_die("$SAGE_ROOT/sage %s %s" % (test_cmd, ' '.join(test_dirs))) t.finish("Tests") state = 'tested' if not plugins_passed: state = 'tests_passed_plugins_failed' print t.print_all() except urllib2.HTTPError: # Don't report failure because the network/trac died... traceback.print_exc() return 'Pending' except Exception: traceback.print_exc() for _ in range(5): try: print "Reporting", ticket['id'], status[state] if not self.dry_run: self.report_ticket(ticket, status=status[state], log=log, plugins=plugins_results) print "Done reporting", ticket['id'] break except urllib2.HTTPError: traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(conf['idle']) else: print "Error reporting", ticket['id'] if not conf['keep_open_branches'] and str(ticket['id']) != '0' and not ticket['spkgs']: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.sage_root, "devel", "sage-%s" %ticket['id'])) return status[state]