def header(self, api):

        for module in api.modules:
            dispatcher = DllDispatcher()

        Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 2
    def header(self, api):
        print '''
static HMODULE g_hDll = NULL;

static PROC
_getPublicProcAddress(LPCSTR lpProcName)
    if (!g_hDll) {
        char szDll[MAX_PATH] = {0};
        if (!GetSystemDirectoryA(szDll, MAX_PATH)) {
            return NULL;
        strcat(szDll, "\\\\%s");
        g_hDll = LoadLibraryA(szDll);
        if (!g_hDll) {
            return NULL;
    return GetProcAddress(g_hDll, lpProcName);

''' % self.dllname

        dispatcher = Dispatcher()

        Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 3
    def header(self, api):
        print '''
static HINSTANCE g_hDll = NULL;

static PROC
__getPublicProcAddress(LPCSTR lpProcName)
    if (!g_hDll) {
        char szDll[MAX_PATH] = {0};
        if (!GetSystemDirectoryA(szDll, MAX_PATH)) {
            return NULL;
        strcat(szDll, "\\\\%s");
        g_hDll = LoadLibraryA(szDll);
        if (!g_hDll) {
            return NULL;
    return GetProcAddress(g_hDll, lpProcName);

''' % self.dllname

        dispatcher = Dispatcher()

        Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 4
    def header(self, api):
        print r'#include "dlltrace.hpp"'

        for module in api.modules:
            dispatcher = DllDispatcher()

        Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 5
    def header(self, api):
        print(r'#include "dlltrace.hpp"')

        for module in api.modules:
            dispatcher = DllDispatcher()

        Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 6
    def header(self, api):
        Tracer.header(self, api)

        print '#include "gltrace.hpp"'
        # Which glVertexAttrib* variant to use
        print 'enum vertex_attrib {'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV,'
        print '};'
        print 'gltrace::Context *'
        print 'gltrace::getContext(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    // TODO return the context set by other APIs (GLX, EGL, and etc.)'
        print '    static gltrace::Context __ctx = { gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT, false, false, false };'
        print '    return &__ctx;'
        print '}'
        print 'static vertex_attrib __get_vertex_attrib(void) {'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    if (ctx->user_arrays_arb || ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '        GLboolean __vertex_program = GL_FALSE;'
        print '        __glGetBooleanv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, &__vertex_program);'
        print '        if (__vertex_program) {'
        print '            if (ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '                GLint __vertex_program_binding_nv = 0;'
        print '                __glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV, &__vertex_program_binding_nv);'
        print '                if (__vertex_program_binding_nv) {'
        print '                    return VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '            return VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB;'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    return VERTEX_ATTRIB;'
        print '}'

        # Whether we need user arrays
        print 'static inline bool __need_user_arrays(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    if (!ctx->user_arrays) {'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'

        for camelcase_name, uppercase_name in self.arrays:
            # in which profile is the array available?
            profile_check = 'ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT'
            if camelcase_name in self.arrays_es1:
                profile_check = '(' + profile_check + ' || ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_ES1)';

            function_name = 'gl%sPointer' % camelcase_name
            enable_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY' % uppercase_name
            binding_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING' % uppercase_name
            print '    // %s' % function_name
            print '  if (%s) {' % profile_check
            self.array_prolog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '    if (__glIsEnabled(%s)) {' % enable_name
            print '        GLint __binding = 0;'
            print '        __glGetIntegerv(%s, &__binding);' % binding_name
            print '        if (!__binding) {'
            self.array_cleanup(api, uppercase_name)
            print '            return true;'
            print '        }'
            print '    }'
            self.array_epilog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '  }'

        print '    // ES1 does not support generic vertex attributes'
        print '    if (ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_ES1)'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    vertex_attrib __vertex_attrib = __get_vertex_attrib();'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointer'
        print '    if (__vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB) {'
        print '        GLint __max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        __glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &__max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < __max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '            __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &__enabled);'
        print '            if (__enabled) {'
        print '                GLint __binding = 0;'
        print '                __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &__binding);'
        print '                if (!__binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerARB'
        print '    if (__vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB) {'
        print '        GLint __max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        __glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB, &__max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < __max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '            __glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB, &__enabled);'
        print '            if (__enabled) {'
        print '                GLint __binding = 0;'
        print '                __glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB, &__binding);'
        print '                if (!__binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerNV'
        print '    if (__vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV) {'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '            __glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV + index, &__enabled);'
        print '            if (__enabled) {'
        print '                return true;'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'

        print '    return false;'
        print '}'

        print 'static void __trace_user_arrays(GLuint maxindex);'

        print 'struct buffer_mapping {'
        print '    void *map;'
        print '    GLint length;'
        print '    bool write;'
        print '    bool explicit_flush;'
        print '};'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print 'struct buffer_mapping __%s_mapping;' % target.lower();
        print 'static inline struct buffer_mapping *'
        print 'get_buffer_mapping(GLenum target) {'
        print '    switch (target) {'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print '    case GL_%s:' % target
            print '        return & __%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print '    default:'
        print '        os::log("apitrace: warning: unknown buffer target 0x%04X\\n", target);'
        print '        return NULL;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter name
        # refers to a symbolic value or not
        print 'static bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_pname(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is glapi.GLenum:
                print '    case %s:' % name
        print '        return true;'
        print '    default:'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'
        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter value is
        # potentially symbolic or not; i.e., if the value can be represented in
        # an enum or not
        print 'template<class T>'
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_param(T param) {'
        print '    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<GLenum>(param)) == param;'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to know how many elements a parameter has
        print 'static size_t'
        print '__gl_param_size(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is not None:
                print '    case %s: return %u;' % (name, count)
        print '    case GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: {'
        print '            GLint num_compressed_texture_formats = 0;'
        print '            __glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &num_compressed_texture_formats);'
        print '            return num_compressed_texture_formats;'
        print '        }'
        print '    default:'
        print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: %s: unknown GLenum 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, pname);'
        print '        return 1;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # states such as GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH are not available in GLES
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'can_unpack_subimage(void) {'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    return (ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT);'
        print '}'
Esempio n. 7
    def header(self, api):
        Tracer.header(self, api)

        print '#include "gltrace.hpp"'

        # Which glVertexAttrib* variant to use
        print 'enum vertex_attrib {'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV,'
        print '};'
        print 'static vertex_attrib _get_vertex_attrib(void) {'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    if (ctx->user_arrays_arb || ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '        GLboolean _vertex_program = GL_FALSE;'
        print '        _glGetBooleanv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, &_vertex_program);'
        print '        if (_vertex_program) {'
        print '            if (ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '                GLint _vertex_program_binding_nv = 0;'
        print '                _glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV, &_vertex_program_binding_nv);'
        print '                if (_vertex_program_binding_nv) {'
        print '                    return VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '            return VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB;'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    return VERTEX_ATTRIB;'
        print '}'


        # Whether we need user arrays
        print 'static inline bool _need_user_arrays(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    if (!ctx->user_arrays) {'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'

        for camelcase_name, uppercase_name in self.arrays:
            # in which profile is the array available?
            profile_check = 'ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT'
            if camelcase_name in self.arrays_es1:
                profile_check = '(' + profile_check + ' || ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_ES1)'

            function_name = 'gl%sPointer' % camelcase_name
            enable_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY' % uppercase_name
            binding_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING' % uppercase_name
            print '    // %s' % function_name
            print '  if (%s) {' % profile_check
            self.array_prolog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '    if (_glIsEnabled(%s)) {' % enable_name
            print '        GLint _binding = 0;'
            print '        _glGetIntegerv(%s, &_binding);' % binding_name
            print '        if (!_binding) {'
            self.array_cleanup(api, uppercase_name)
            print '            return true;'
            print '        }'
            print '    }'
            self.array_epilog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '  }'

        print '    // ES1 does not support generic vertex attributes'
        print '    if (ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_ES1)'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    vertex_attrib _vertex_attrib = _get_vertex_attrib();'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointer'
        print '    if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB) {'
        print '        GLint _max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        _glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &_max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint _enabled = 0;'
        print '            _glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &_enabled);'
        print '            if (_enabled) {'
        print '                GLint _binding = 0;'
        print '                _glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &_binding);'
        print '                if (!_binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerARB'
        print '    if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB) {'
        print '        GLint _max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        _glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB, &_max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint _enabled = 0;'
        print '            _glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB, &_enabled);'
        print '            if (_enabled) {'
        print '                GLint _binding = 0;'
        print '                _glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB, &_binding);'
        print '                if (!_binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerNV'
        print '    if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV) {'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint _enabled = 0;'
        print '            _glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV + index, &_enabled);'
        print '            if (_enabled) {'
        print '                return true;'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'

        print '    return false;'
        print '}'

        print 'static void _trace_user_arrays(GLuint count);'

        # Buffer mappings
        print '// whether glMapBufferRange(GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT) has ever been called'
        print 'static bool _checkBufferMapRange = false;'
        print '// whether glBufferParameteriAPPLE(GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE, GL_FALSE) has ever been called'
        print 'static bool _checkBufferFlushingUnmapAPPLE = false;'
        # Buffer mapping information, necessary for old Mesa 2.1 drivers which
        # do not support glGetBufferParameteriv(GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS/GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH)
        print 'struct buffer_mapping {'
        print '    void *map;'
        print '    GLint length;'
        print '    bool write;'
        print '    bool explicit_flush;'
        print '};'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print 'struct buffer_mapping _%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print 'static inline struct buffer_mapping *'
        print 'get_buffer_mapping(GLenum target) {'
        print '    switch (target) {'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print '    case GL_%s:' % target
            print '        return & _%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print '    default:'
        print '        os::log("apitrace: warning: unknown buffer target 0x%04X\\n", target);'
        print '        return NULL;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter name
        # refers to a symbolic value or not
        print 'static bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_pname(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is glapi.GLenum:
                print '    case %s:' % name
        print '        return true;'
        print '    default:'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter value is
        # potentially symbolic or not; i.e., if the value can be represented in
        # an enum or not
        print 'template<class T>'
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_param(T param) {'
        print '    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<GLenum>(param)) == param;'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to know how many elements a parameter has
        print 'static size_t'
        print '_gl_param_size(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is not None:
                print '    case %s: return %s;' % (name, count)
        print '    default:'
        print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: %s: unknown GLenum 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, pname);'
        print '        return 1;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # states such as GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH are not available in GLES
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'can_unpack_subimage(void) {'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    return (ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT);'
        print '}'
Esempio n. 8
    def header(self, api):
        Tracer.header(self, api)

        print '// Whether user arrays were used'
        print 'static bool __user_arrays = false;'
        # Whether we need user arrays
        print 'static inline bool __need_user_arrays(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    if (!__user_arrays) {'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'

        for camelcase_name, uppercase_name in self.arrays:
            function_name = 'gl%sPointer' % camelcase_name
            enable_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY' % uppercase_name
            binding_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING' % uppercase_name
            print '    // %s' % function_name
            self.array_prolog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '    if (__glIsEnabled(%s)) {' % enable_name
            print '        GLint __binding = 0;'
            print '        __glGetIntegerv(%s, &__binding);' % binding_name
            print '        if (!__binding) {'
            self.array_cleanup(api, uppercase_name)
            print '            return true;'
            print '        }'
            print '    }'
            self.array_epilog(api, uppercase_name)

        print '    // glVertexAttribPointer'
        print '    GLint __max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '    __glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &__max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '    for (GLint index = 0; index < __max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '        GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '        __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &__enabled);'
        print '        if (__enabled) {'
        print '            GLint __binding = 0;'
        print '            __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &__binding);'
        print '            if (!__binding) {'
        print '                return true;'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'

        print '    return false;'
        print '}'

        print 'static void __trace_user_arrays(GLuint maxindex);'

        print 'struct buffer_mapping {'
        print '    void *map;'
        print '    GLint length;'
        print '    bool write;'
        print '    bool explicit_flush;'
        print '};'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print 'struct buffer_mapping __%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print 'static inline struct buffer_mapping *'
        print 'get_buffer_mapping(GLenum target) {'
        print '    switch(target) {'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print '    case GL_%s:' % target
            print '        return & __%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print '    default:'
        print '        OS::DebugMessage("warning: unknown buffer target 0x%04X\\n", target);'
        print '        return NULL;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate memcpy's signature

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter name
        # refers to a symbolic value or not
        print 'static bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_pname(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch(pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is glapi.GLenum:
                print '    case %s:' % name
        print '        return true;'
        print '    default:'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter value is
        # potentially symbolic or not; i.e., if the value can be represented in
        # an enum or not
        print 'template<class T>'
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_param(T param) {'
        print '    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<GLenum>(param)) == param;'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to know how many elements a parameter has
        print 'static size_t'
        print '__gl_param_size(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch(pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is not None:
                print '    case %s: return %u;' % (name, count)
        print '    case GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: {'
        print '            GLint num_compressed_texture_formats = 0;'
        print '            __glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &num_compressed_texture_formats);'
        print '            return num_compressed_texture_formats;'
        print '        }'
        print '    default:'
        print r'        OS::DebugMessage("warning: %s: unknown GLenum 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, pname);'
        print '        return 1;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'
Esempio n. 9
    def header(self, api):
        Tracer.header(self, api)

        print '#include "gltrace.hpp"'
        # Which glVertexAttrib* variant to use
        print 'enum vertex_attrib {'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV,'
        print '};'
        print 'static vertex_attrib _get_vertex_attrib(void) {'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    if (ctx->user_arrays_arb || ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '        GLboolean _vertex_program = GL_FALSE;'
        print '        _glGetBooleanv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, &_vertex_program);'
        print '        if (_vertex_program) {'
        print '            if (ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '                GLint _vertex_program_binding_nv = 0;'
        print '                _glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV, &_vertex_program_binding_nv);'
        print '                if (_vertex_program_binding_nv) {'
        print '                    return VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '            return VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB;'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    return VERTEX_ATTRIB;'
        print '}'


        # Whether we need user arrays
        print 'static inline bool _need_user_arrays(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    if (!ctx->user_arrays) {'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'

        for camelcase_name, uppercase_name in self.arrays:
            # in which profile is the array available?
            profile_check = 'ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT'
            if camelcase_name in self.arrays_es1:
                profile_check = '(' + profile_check + ' || ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_ES1)';

            function_name = 'gl%sPointer' % camelcase_name
            enable_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY' % uppercase_name
            binding_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING' % uppercase_name
            print '    // %s' % function_name
            print '  if (%s) {' % profile_check
            self.array_prolog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '    if (_glIsEnabled(%s)) {' % enable_name
            print '        GLint _binding = 0;'
            print '        _glGetIntegerv(%s, &_binding);' % binding_name
            print '        if (!_binding) {'
            self.array_cleanup(api, uppercase_name)
            print '            return true;'
            print '        }'
            print '    }'
            self.array_epilog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '  }'

        print '    // ES1 does not support generic vertex attributes'
        print '    if (ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_ES1)'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    vertex_attrib _vertex_attrib = _get_vertex_attrib();'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointer'
        print '    if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB) {'
        print '        GLint _max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        _glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &_max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint _enabled = 0;'
        print '            _glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &_enabled);'
        print '            if (_enabled) {'
        print '                GLint _binding = 0;'
        print '                _glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &_binding);'
        print '                if (!_binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerARB'
        print '    if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB) {'
        print '        GLint _max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        _glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB, &_max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint _enabled = 0;'
        print '            _glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB, &_enabled);'
        print '            if (_enabled) {'
        print '                GLint _binding = 0;'
        print '                _glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB, &_binding);'
        print '                if (!_binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerNV'
        print '    if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV) {'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint _enabled = 0;'
        print '            _glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV + index, &_enabled);'
        print '            if (_enabled) {'
        print '                return true;'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'

        print '    return false;'
        print '}'

        print 'static void _trace_user_arrays(GLuint count);'

        # Buffer mappings
        print '// whether glMapBufferRange(GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT) has ever been called'
        print 'static bool _checkBufferMapRange = false;'
        print '// whether glBufferParameteriAPPLE(GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE, GL_FALSE) has ever been called'
        print 'static bool _checkBufferFlushingUnmapAPPLE = false;'
        # Buffer mapping information, necessary for old Mesa 2.1 drivers which
        # do not support glGetBufferParameteriv(GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS/GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH)
        print 'struct buffer_mapping {'
        print '    void *map;'
        print '    GLint length;'
        print '    bool write;'
        print '    bool explicit_flush;'
        print '};'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print 'struct buffer_mapping _%s_mapping;' % target.lower();
        print 'static inline struct buffer_mapping *'
        print 'get_buffer_mapping(GLenum target) {'
        print '    switch (target) {'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print '    case GL_%s:' % target
            print '        return & _%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print '    default:'
        print '        os::log("apitrace: warning: unknown buffer target 0x%04X\\n", target);'
        print '        return NULL;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter name
        # refers to a symbolic value or not
        print 'static bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_pname(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is glapi.GLenum:
                print '    case %s:' % name
        print '        return true;'
        print '    default:'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'
        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter value is
        # potentially symbolic or not; i.e., if the value can be represented in
        # an enum or not
        print 'template<class T>'
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_param(T param) {'
        print '    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<GLenum>(param)) == param;'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to know how many elements a parameter has
        print 'static size_t'
        print '_gl_param_size(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is not None:
                print '    case %s: return %s;' % (name, count)
        print '    default:'
        print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: %s: unknown GLenum 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, pname);'
        print '        return 1;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # states such as GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH are not available in GLES
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'can_unpack_subimage(void) {'
        print '    gltrace::Context *ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
        print '    return (ctx->profile == gltrace::PROFILE_COMPAT);'
        print '}'
Esempio n. 10
 def header(self, api):
     Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 11
    def header(self, api):
        Tracer.header(self, api)

        print '// Whether user arrays were used'
        print 'static bool __user_arrays = false;'
        # Whether we need user arrays
        print 'static inline bool __need_user_arrays(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    if (!__user_arrays) {'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'

        for camelcase_name, uppercase_name in self.arrays:
            function_name = 'gl%sPointer' % camelcase_name
            enable_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY' % uppercase_name
            binding_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING' % uppercase_name
            print '    // %s' % function_name
            self.array_prolog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '    if (__glIsEnabled(%s)) {' % enable_name
            print '        GLint __binding = 0;'
            print '        __glGetIntegerv(%s, &__binding);' % binding_name
            print '        if (!__binding) {'
            self.array_cleanup(api, uppercase_name)
            print '            return true;'
            print '        }'
            print '    }'
            self.array_epilog(api, uppercase_name)

        print '    // glVertexAttribPointer'
        print '    GLint __max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '    __glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &__max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '    for (GLint index = 0; index < __max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '        GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '        __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &__enabled);'
        print '        if (__enabled) {'
        print '            GLint __binding = 0;'
        print '            __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &__binding);'
        print '            if (!__binding) {'
        print '                return true;'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'

        print '    return false;'
        print '}'

        print 'static void __trace_user_arrays(GLuint maxindex);'

        print 'struct buffer_mapping {'
        print '    void *map;'
        print '    GLint length;'
        print '    bool write;'
        print '};'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print 'struct buffer_mapping __%s_mapping;' % target.lower();
        print 'static inline struct buffer_mapping *'
        print 'get_buffer_mapping(GLenum target) {'
        print '    switch(target) {'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print '    case GL_%s:' % target
            print '        return & __%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print '    default:'
        print '        OS::DebugMessage("warning: unknown buffer target 0x%04X\\n", target);'
        print '        return NULL;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate memcpy's signature

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter name
        # refers to a symbolic value or not
        print 'static bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_pname(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch(pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is glapi.GLenum:
                print '    case %s:' % name
        print '        return true;'
        print '    default:'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'
        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter value is
        # potentially symbolic or not; i.e., if the value can be represented in
        # an enum or not
        print 'template<class T>'
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_param(T param) {'
        print '    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<GLenum>(param)) == param;'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to know how many elements a parameter has
        print 'static size_t'
        print 'pname_size(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch(pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is not None:
                print '    case %s: return %u;' % (name, count)
        print '    case GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: {'
        print '            GLint num_compressed_texture_formats = 0;'
        print '            __glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &num_compressed_texture_formats);'
        print '            return num_compressed_texture_formats;'
        print '        }'
        print '    default:'
        print r'        OS::DebugMessage("warning: %s: unknown GLenum 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, pname);'
        print '        return 1;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'
Esempio n. 12
 def header(self, api):
     Tracer.header(self, api)
Esempio n. 13
    def header(self, api):
        Tracer.header(self, api)

        print '#include "gltrace.hpp"'
        print 'enum tracer_context_profile {'
        print '    PROFILE_COMPAT,'
        print '    PROFILE_ES1,'
        print '    PROFILE_ES2,'
        print '};'
        print 'struct tracer_context {'
        print '    enum tracer_context_profile profile;'
        print '    bool user_arrays;'
        print '    bool user_arrays_arb;'
        print '    bool user_arrays_nv;'
        print '};'
        # Which glVertexAttrib* variant to use
        print 'enum vertex_attrib {'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB,'
        print '    VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV,'
        print '};'
        print 'static tracer_context *__get_context(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    // TODO return the context set by other APIs (GLX, EGL, and etc.)'
        print '    static tracer_context __ctx = { PROFILE_COMPAT, false, false, false };'
        print '    return &__ctx;'
        print '}'
        print 'static vertex_attrib __get_vertex_attrib(void) {'
        print '    tracer_context *ctx = __get_context();'
        print '    if (ctx->user_arrays_arb || ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '        GLboolean __vertex_program = GL_FALSE;'
        print '        __glGetBooleanv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, &__vertex_program);'
        print '        if (__vertex_program) {'
        print '            if (ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
        print '                GLint __vertex_program_binding_nv = 0;'
        print '                __glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV, &__vertex_program_binding_nv);'
        print '                if (__vertex_program_binding_nv) {'
        print '                    return VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '            return VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB;'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    return VERTEX_ATTRIB;'
        print '}'

        # Whether we need user arrays
        print 'static inline bool __need_user_arrays(void)'
        print '{'
        print '    tracer_context *ctx = __get_context();'
        print '    if (!ctx->user_arrays) {'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'

        for camelcase_name, uppercase_name in self.arrays:
            # in which profile is the array available?
            profile_check = 'ctx->profile == PROFILE_COMPAT'
            if camelcase_name in self.arrays_es1:
                profile_check = '(' + profile_check + ' || ctx->profile == PROFILE_ES1)';

            function_name = 'gl%sPointer' % camelcase_name
            enable_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY' % uppercase_name
            binding_name = 'GL_%s_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING' % uppercase_name
            print '    // %s' % function_name
            print '  if (%s) {' % profile_check
            self.array_prolog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '    if (__glIsEnabled(%s)) {' % enable_name
            print '        GLint __binding = 0;'
            print '        __glGetIntegerv(%s, &__binding);' % binding_name
            print '        if (!__binding) {'
            self.array_cleanup(api, uppercase_name)
            print '            return true;'
            print '        }'
            print '    }'
            self.array_epilog(api, uppercase_name)
            print '  }'

        print '    // ES1 does not support generic vertex attributes'
        print '    if (ctx->profile == PROFILE_ES1)'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    vertex_attrib __vertex_attrib = __get_vertex_attrib();'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointer'
        print '    if (__vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB) {'
        print '        GLint __max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        __glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &__max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < __max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '            __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &__enabled);'
        print '            if (__enabled) {'
        print '                GLint __binding = 0;'
        print '                __glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &__binding);'
        print '                if (!__binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerARB'
        print '    if (__vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB) {'
        print '        GLint __max_vertex_attribs = 0;'
        print '        __glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB, &__max_vertex_attribs);'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < __max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '            __glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB, &__enabled);'
        print '            if (__enabled) {'
        print '                GLint __binding = 0;'
        print '                __glGetVertexAttribivARB(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB, &__binding);'
        print '                if (!__binding) {'
        print '                    return true;'
        print '                }'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'
        print '    // glVertexAttribPointerNV'
        print '    if (__vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV) {'
        print '        for (GLint index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {'
        print '            GLint __enabled = 0;'
        print '            __glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV + index, &__enabled);'
        print '            if (__enabled) {'
        print '                return true;'
        print '            }'
        print '        }'
        print '    }'

        print '    return false;'
        print '}'

        print 'static void __trace_user_arrays(GLuint maxindex);'

        print 'struct buffer_mapping {'
        print '    void *map;'
        print '    GLint length;'
        print '    bool write;'
        print '    bool explicit_flush;'
        print '};'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print 'struct buffer_mapping __%s_mapping;' % target.lower();
        print 'static inline struct buffer_mapping *'
        print 'get_buffer_mapping(GLenum target) {'
        print '    switch (target) {'
        for target in self.buffer_targets:
            print '    case GL_%s:' % target
            print '        return & __%s_mapping;' % target.lower()
        print '    default:'
        print '        os::log("apitrace: warning: unknown buffer target 0x%04X\\n", target);'
        print '        return NULL;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter name
        # refers to a symbolic value or not
        print 'static bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_pname(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is glapi.GLenum:
                print '    case %s:' % name
        print '        return true;'
        print '    default:'
        print '        return false;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'
        # Generate a helper function to determine whether a parameter value is
        # potentially symbolic or not; i.e., if the value can be represented in
        # an enum or not
        print 'template<class T>'
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'is_symbolic_param(T param) {'
        print '    return static_cast<T>(static_cast<GLenum>(param)) == param;'
        print '}'

        # Generate a helper function to know how many elements a parameter has
        print 'static size_t'
        print '__gl_param_size(GLenum pname) {'
        print '    switch (pname) {'
        for function, type, count, name in glparams.parameters:
            if type is not None:
                print '    case %s: return %u;' % (name, count)
        print '    case GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: {'
        print '            GLint num_compressed_texture_formats = 0;'
        print '            __glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &num_compressed_texture_formats);'
        print '            return num_compressed_texture_formats;'
        print '        }'
        print '    default:'
        print r'        os::log("apitrace: warning: %s: unknown GLenum 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__, pname);'
        print '        return 1;'
        print '    }'
        print '}'

        # states such as GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH are not available in GLES
        print 'static inline bool'
        print 'can_unpack_subimage(void) {'
        print '    tracer_context *ctx = __get_context();'
        print '    return (ctx->profile == PROFILE_COMPAT);'
        print '}'