Esempio n. 1
	def trace(self, rph, iters = 10000, minE = 1e-9, render = False):
		"""Commences raytracing using (rph) number of rays per heliostat, for a maximum of 
		   (iters) iterations, discarding rays with energy less than (minE). If render is
		   True, a 3D scene will be displayed which would need to be closed to proceed."""
		# Get the solar vector using azimuth and elevation
		sun_vec = solar_vector(self.sun_az*degree, self.sun_elev*degree)
        	# Calculate number of rays used. Rays per heliostat * number of heliostats.
        	num_rays = rph*len(self.field.get_heliostats())
		self.no_of_rays += num_rays
		# Generates the ray bundle
        	rot_sun = rotation_to_z(-sun_vec)
        	direct =, pillbox_sunshape_directions(num_rays, 0.00465))
        	xy = N.random.uniform(low=-0.25, high=0.25, size=(2, num_rays))
        	base_pos = N.tile(self.pos, (rph, 1)).T #Check if its is rph or num_rays
       		base_pos +=[:,:2], xy)
        	base_pos -= direct
        	rays = RayBundle(base_pos, direct, energy=N.ones(num_rays))

		# Perform the raytracing
		e = TracerEngine(self.plant)
		e.ray_tracer(rays, iters, minE, tree=True)
		e.minener = minE
		rays_in = sum(e.tree._bunds[0].get_energy())
		self.helio_hits = sum(e.tree._bunds[1].get_energy())

		# Optional rendering
		if render == True:
			trace_scene = Renderer(e)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_single_vec(self):
     """A rotation into one vector is correct"""
     vec = np.r_[1., 1., 1.] / np.sqrt(3)
     rot = sg.rotation_to_z(vec)
         rot, np.c_[np.r_[1., -1, 0.] / np.sqrt(2),
                    np.r_[1., 1., -2.] / np.sqrt(6), vec])
Esempio n. 3
    def trace(self):
        """Generate a flux map using much more rays than drawn"""
        # Generate a large ray bundle using a radial stagger much denser
        # than the field.
        sun_vec = solar_vector(self.sun_az * degree, self.sun_elev * degree)

        hstat_rays = 20
        num_rays = hstat_rays * len(self.field.get_heliostats())
        rot_sun = rotation_to_z(-sun_vec)
        direct =, pillbox_sunshape_directions(num_rays, 0.00465))

        xy = N.random.uniform(low=-0.25, high=0.25, size=(2, num_rays))
        base_pos = N.tile(self.pos, (hstat_rays, 1)).T
        base_pos +=[:, :2], xy)

        base_pos -= direct
        rays = RayBundle(base_pos, direct, energy=N.ones(num_rays))

        # Perform the trace:
        e = TracerEngine(self.plant)
        e.ray_tracer(rays, 100, 0.05, tree=True)
        e.minener = 1e-5

        # Render:
        trace_scene = Renderer(e)
Esempio n. 4
    def trace(self):
        """Generate a flux map using much more rays than drawn"""
        # Generate a large ray bundle using a radial stagger much denser
        # than the field.
        sun_vec = solar_vector(self.sun_az*degree, self.sun_elev*degree)
        hstat_rays = 20
        num_rays = hstat_rays*len(self.field.get_heliostats())
        rot_sun = rotation_to_z(-sun_vec)
        direct =, pillbox_sunshape_directions(num_rays, 0.00465))
        xy = N.random.uniform(low=-0.25, high=0.25, size=(2, num_rays))
        base_pos = N.tile(self.pos, (hstat_rays, 1)).T
        base_pos +=[:,:2], xy)
        base_pos -= direct
        rays = RayBundle(base_pos, direct, energy=N.ones(num_rays))
        # Perform the trace:
        e = TracerEngine(self.plant)
        e.ray_tracer(rays, 100, 0.05, tree=True)
        e.minener = 1e-5

		# Render:
        trace_scene = Renderer(e)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_two_vecs(self):
     """Vectorization of rotation into a vector"""
     vecs = np.vstack((np.r_[1., 1., 1.]/np.sqrt(3), np.r_[1., 0., 0.]))
     rots = sg.rotation_to_z(vecs)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(rots[0], np.c_[
         np.r_[1., -1, 0.]/np.sqrt(2), np.r_[1., 1., -2.]/np.sqrt(6), vecs[0]])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(rots[1], np.c_[
         [0., -1., 0.], [0., 0., -1.], [1., 0., 0.]])
Esempio n. 6
 def test_two_vecs(self):
     """Vectorization of rotation into a vector"""
     vecs = np.vstack((np.r_[1., 1., 1.]/np.sqrt(3), np.r_[1., 0., 0.]))
     rots = sg.rotation_to_z(vecs)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(rots[0], np.c_[
         np.r_[1., -1, 0.]/np.sqrt(2), np.r_[1., 1., -2.]/np.sqrt(6), vecs[0]])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(rots[1], np.c_[
         [0., -1., 0.], [0., 0., -1.], [1., 0., 0.]])
Esempio n. 7
    def trace(self):
        """Generate a flux map using much more rays than drawn"""
        # Generate a large ray bundle using a radial stagger much denser
        # than the field.
        sun_vec = solar_vector(self.sun_az*degree, self.sun_elev*degree)
        hstat_rays = 1000
        num_rays = hstat_rays*len(self.field.get_heliostats())
        rot_sun = rotation_to_z(-sun_vec)
        direct =, pillbox_sunshape_directions(num_rays, 0.00465))
        xy = N.random.uniform(low=-0.25, high=0.25, size=(2, num_rays))
        base_pos = N.tile(self.pos, (hstat_rays, 1)).T
        base_pos +=[:,:2], xy)
        base_pos -= direct
        rays = RayBundle(base_pos, direct, energy=N.ones(num_rays))
        # Perform the trace:
        e = TracerEngine(self.plant)
        e.ray_tracer(rays, 100, 0.05, tree=True)
        e.minener = 1e-6 # default 1e-5

	# Render:
        #trace_scene = Renderer(e)

        # Initialise a histogram of hits:
        energy, pts = self.reclist.get_optics_manager().get_all_hits()
        x, y = self.reclist.global_to_local(pts)[:2]
        rngx = 0.55 #0.5
        rngy = 0.55 #0.5
        bins = 100 #50
        H, xbins, ybins = N.histogram2d(x, y, bins, \
            range=([-rngx,rngx], [-rngy,rngy]), weights=energy)
        #print(H, xbins, ybins)

        extent = [ybins[0], ybins[-1], xbins[-1], xbins[0]]
        plt.imshow(H, extent=extent, interpolation='nearest')
Esempio n. 8
	def traceMP(self, rays_per_run, iters = 10000, minE = 1e-9, render = False,procs = 1):
		"""Commences raytracing using (rph) number of rays per heliostat, for a maximum of 
		   (iters) iterations, discarding rays with energy less than (minE). If render is
		   True, a 3D scene will be displayed which would need to be closed to proceed."""
		# Get the solar vector using azimuth and elevation
		sun_vec = solar_vector(self.sun_az*degree, self.sun_elev*degree)
		rot_sun = rotation_to_z(-sun_vec)
        	# Calculate number of rays used. Rays per heliostat * number of heliostats.
		rppph = int(rays_per_run/(procs*len(self.field.get_heliostats())))
		rpp = rppph*len(self.field.get_heliostats())
		rpr = rpp*procs					#actual rays per run used

		ray_sources = []
		n = 1
		while n <= procs:
			direct =, pillbox_sunshape_directions(rpp, 0.00465))
			xy = N.random.uniform(low=-0.25, high=0.25, size=(2, rpp))
        		base_pos = N.tile(self.pos, (rppph, 1)).T
        		base_pos +=[:,:2], xy)

        		base_pos -= direct
        		rays = RayBundle(base_pos, direct, energy=N.ones(rpp))
			n += 1

		e = TracerEngineMP(self.plant)
		self.plant = e._asm
		self.helio_hits = sum(e.tree._bunds[1].get_energy())
			# Note that you may need some stuff in here
		if render == True:
			trace_scene = Renderer(e)
			render = False

		return rpr #this is special
Esempio n. 9
 def _fmap_btn_fired(self):
     """Generate a flux map using much more rays than drawn"""
     # Generate a large ray bundle using a radial stagger much denser
     # than the field.
     sun_vec = solar_vector(self.sun_az*degree, self.sun_elev*degree)
     hstat_rays = 1000
     num_rays = hstat_rays*len(self.field.get_heliostats())
     rot_sun = rotation_to_z(-sun_vec)
     direct =, pillbox_sunshape_directions(num_rays, 0.00465))
     xy = N.random.uniform(low=-0.25, high=0.25, size=(2, num_rays))
     base_pos = N.tile(self.pos, (hstat_rays, 1)).T
     base_pos +=[:,:2], xy)
     base_pos -= direct
     rays = RayBundle(base_pos, direct, energy=N.ones(num_rays))
     # Perform the trace:
     e = TracerEngine(self.plant)
     e.ray_tracer(rays, 1000, 0.05)
     # Show a histogram of hits:
     energy, pts = self.rec.get_optics_manager().get_all_hits()
     x, y = self.rec.global_to_local(pts)[:2]
     rngx = 0.5
     rngy = 0.5
     bins = 50
     H, xbins, ybins = N.histogram2d(x, y, bins, \
         range=([-rngx,rngx], [-rngy,rngy]), weights=energy)
     self.fmap.axes[0].imshow(H, aspect='auto')
Esempio n. 10
 def test_single_vec(self):
     """A rotation into one vector is correct"""
     vec = np.r_[1., 1., 1.]/np.sqrt(3)
     rot = sg.rotation_to_z(vec)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(rot, np.c_[
         np.r_[1., -1, 0.]/np.sqrt(2), np.r_[1., 1., -2.]/np.sqrt(6), vec])