class RecorderIface(TrackerIface): """ This class extends the TrackerIface to provide video acquisition and live detection (tracking). It uses openCV to run the camera and thus should work with any camera supported by openCV. It uses the first available USB/firewire camera unless the platform is a raspberry pi, in which case it will use the pi camera. """ @pyqtSlot() def load(self): # TODO: check if worth keeping pass @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def start(self): """ Start the recording and tracking. :returns: The recording was started status code """ if not hasattr(self.params, 'destPath'): return False vidExt = os.path.splitext(self.params.destPath)[1] if vidExt not in VIDEO_FORMATS: print(('Unknow format: {}'.format(vidExt))) return False self.positions = [] # reset between runs self.distancesFromArena = [] bgStart = self.params.bgFrameIdx nBackgroundFrames = self.params.nBgFrames trackFrom = self.params.startFrameIdx trackTo = self.params.endFrameIdx if ( self.params.endFrameIdx > 0) else None threshold = self.params.detectionThreshold minArea = self.params.objectsMinArea maxArea = self.params.objectsMaxArea teleportationThreshold = self.params.teleportationThreshold nSds = self.params.nSds clearBorders = self.params.clearBorders normalise = self.params.normalise extractArena = self.params.extractArena self.tracker = GuiTracker( self, srcFilePath=None, destFilePath=self.params.destPath, threshold=threshold, minArea=minArea, maxArea=maxArea, teleportationThreshold=teleportationThreshold, bgStart=bgStart, trackFrom=trackFrom, trackTo=trackTo, nBackgroundFrames=nBackgroundFrames, nSds=nSds, clearBorders=clearBorders, normalise=normalise, plot=True, fast=False, extractArena=extractArena, cameraCalibration=self.params.calib, callback=None) = self.tracker # To comply with BaseInterface self._setDisplay() self._updateImgProvider() self.tracker.setRoi(self.roi) self.timer.start(self.timerSpeed) return True def getSamplingFreq(self): """ Return the sampling frequency (note this is a maximum and can be limited by a slower CPU) """ return 1.0 / (self.timerSpeed / 1000.0) # timer speed in ms @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def camDetected(self): """ Check if a camera is available """ cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) detected = False if cap.isOpened(): detected = True cap.release() return detected def getImg(self): self.display.reload()
class RecorderIface(TrackerIface): """ This class extends the TrackerIface to provide video acquisition and live detection (tracking). It uses openCV to run the camera and thus should work with any camera supported by openCV. It uses the first available USB/firewire camera unless the platform is a raspberry pi, in which case it will use the pi camera. """ @pyqtSlot() def load(self): # TODO: check if worth keeping pass @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def start(self): """ Start the recording and tracking. :returns: The recording was started status code """ if not hasattr(self.params, 'destPath'): return False vidExt = os.path.splitext(self.params.destPath)[1] if vidExt not in VIDEO_FORMATS: print('Unknow format: {}'.format(vidExt)) return False self.positions = [] # reset between runs self.distancesFromArena = [] bgStart = self.params.bgFrameIdx nBackgroundFrames = self.params.nBgFrames trackFrom = self.params.startFrameIdx trackTo = self.params.endFrameIdx if (self.params.endFrameIdx > 0) else None threshold = self.params.detectionThreshold minArea = self.params.objectsMinArea maxArea = self.params.objectsMaxArea teleportationThreshold = self.params.teleportationThreshold nSds = self.params.nSds clearBorders = self.params.clearBorders normalise = self.params.normalise extractArena = self.params.extractArena self.tracker = GuiTracker(self, srcFilePath=None, destFilePath=self.params.destPath, threshold=threshold, minArea=minArea, maxArea=maxArea, teleportationThreshold=teleportationThreshold, bgStart=bgStart, trackFrom=trackFrom, trackTo=trackTo, nBackgroundFrames=nBackgroundFrames, nSds=nSds, clearBorders=clearBorders, normalise=normalise, plot=True, fast=False, extractArena=extractArena, cameraCalibration=self.params.calib, callback=None) = self.tracker # To comply with BaseInterface self._setDisplay() self._updateImgProvider() self.tracker.setRoi(self.roi) self.timer.start(self.timerSpeed) return True def getSamplingFreq(self): """ Return the sampling frequency (note this is a maximum and can be limited by a slower CPU) """ return 1.0 / (self.timerSpeed / 1000.0) # timer speed in ms @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def camDetected(self): """ Check if a camera is available """ cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) detected = False if cap.isOpened(): detected = True cap.release() return detected def getImg(self): self.display.reload()
class TrackerIface(BaseInterface): """ This class implements the BaseInterface to provide a qml interface to the GuiTracker object of the tracking module. """ def __init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName, analysisProvider1, analysisProvider2): BaseInterface.__init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName) self.positions = [] self.roi = None self.analysisImageProvider = analysisProvider1 self.analysisImageProvider2 = analysisProvider2 @pyqtSlot(QVariant, result=QVariant) def getRow(self, idx): """ Get the data (position and distancesFromArena) at row idx :param int idx: The index of the row to return """ idx = int(idx) if 0 <= idx < len(self.positions): row = [idx] + list(self.positions[idx]) + list( self.distancesFromArena[idx]) return [str(e) for e in row] else: return -1 @pyqtSlot() def load(self): """ Load the video and create the GuiTracker object Also registers the analysis image providers (for the analysis tab) with QT """ self.tracker = GuiTracker(self, srcFilePath=self.params.srcPath, destFilePath=None, nBackgroundFrames=1, plot=True, fast=False, cameraCalibration=self.params.calib, callback=None) = self.tracker # To comply with BaseInterface self.tracker.roi = self.roi self.nFrames = self.tracker._stream.nFrames - 1 self.currentFrameIdx = self.tracker._stream.currentFrameIdx if self.params.endFrameIdx == -1: self.params.endFrameIdx = self.nFrames self._setDisplay() self._setDisplayMax() self._updateImgProvider() @pyqtSlot() def start(self): """ Start the tracking of the loaded video with the parameters from self.params """ self.positions = [] # reset between runs self.distancesFromArena = [] self.tracker._stream.bgStartFrame = self.params.bgFrameIdx nBackgroundFrames = self.params.nBgFrames self.tracker._stream.bgEndFrame = self.params.bgFrameIdx + nBackgroundFrames - 1 self.tracker.trackFrom = self.params.startFrameIdx self.tracker.trackTo = self.params.endFrameIdx if ( self.params.endFrameIdx > 0) else None self.tracker.threshold = self.params.detectionThreshold self.tracker.minArea = self.params.objectsMinArea self.tracker.maxArea = self.params.objectsMaxArea self.tracker.teleportationThreshold = self.params.teleportationThreshold self.tracker.nSds = self.params.nSds self.tracker.clearBorders = self.params.clearBorders self.tracker.normalise = self.params.normalise self.tracker.extractArena = self.params.extractArena self.tracker.setRoi(self.roi) self.timer.start(self.timerSpeed) @pyqtSlot() def stop(self): """ The qt slot to self._stop() """ self._stop('Recording stopped manually') def _stop(self, msg): """ Stops the tracking gracefully :param string msg: The message to print upon stoping """ self.timer.stop() self.tracker._stream.stopRecording(msg) @pyqtSlot(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant) def setRoi(self, width, height, x, y, diameter): """ Sets the ROI (in which to check for the specimen) from the one drawn in QT Scaling is applied to match the (resolution difference) between the representation of the frames in the GUI (on which the user draws the ROI) and the internal representation used to compute the position of the specimen. :param width: The width of the image representation in the GUI :param height: The height of the image representation in the GUI :param x: The center of the roi in the first dimension :param y: The center of the roi in the second dimension :param diameter: The diameter of the ROI """ if hasattr(self, 'tracker'): streamWidth, streamHeight = self.tracker._stream.size # flipped for openCV horizontalScalingFactor = streamWidth / width verticalScalingFactor = streamHeight / height radius = diameter / 2.0 scaledX = (x + radius) * horizontalScalingFactor scaledY = (y + radius) * verticalScalingFactor scaledRadius = radius * horizontalScalingFactor self.roi = Circle((scaledX, scaledY), scaledRadius) @pyqtSlot() def removeRoi(self): self.roi = None @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def save(self, defaultDest): """ Save the data (positions and distancesFromArena) as a csv style file """ diag = QFileDialog() if defaultDest: defaultDest = os.path.splitext(defaultDest)[0] + '.csv' else: defaultDest = os.getenv('HOME') destPath = diag.getSaveFileName(parent=diag, caption='Save file', directory=defaultDest, filter="Text (*.txt *.dat *.csv)", initialFilter="Text (*.csv)") destPath = destPath[0] if destPath: self.write(destPath) def write(self, dest): """ The method called by save() to write the csv file """ with open(dest, 'w') as outFile: writer = csv.writer(outFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for fid, row in enumerate(self.positions): writer.writerow([fid] + list(row)) @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setFrameType(self, outputType): """ Set the type of frame to display. (As source, difference with background or binary mask) :param string outputType: The type of frame to display. One of ['Raw', 'Diff', 'Mask'] """ self.outputType = outputType.lower() @pyqtSlot() def analyseAngles(self): """ Compute and plot the angles between the segment Pn -> Pn+1 and Pn+1 -> Pn+2 """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() angles = video_analysis.getAngles(self.positions) video_analysis.plotAngles(angles, self.getSamplingFreq()) self.analysisImageProvider._fig = fig @pyqtSlot() def analyseDistances(self): """ Compute and plot the distances between the points Pn and Pn+1 """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() distances = video_analysis.posToDistances(self.positions) video_analysis.plotDistances(distances, self.getSamplingFreq()) self.analysisImageProvider2._fig = fig @pyqtSlot() def saveAnglesFig(self): """ Save the graph as a png or jpeg image """ diag = QFileDialog() destPath = diag.getSaveFileName(parent=diag, caption='Save file', directory=os.getenv('HOME'), filter="Image (*.png *.jpg)") destPath = destPath[0] if destPath: imsave(destPath, self.analysisImageProvider.getArray()) def getSamplingFreq(self): return self.tracker._stream.fps def getImg(self): if self.tracker._stream.currentFrameIdx < self.nFrames: self.display.reload() self._updateDisplayIdx() else: self._stop('End of recording reached')
class TrackerIface(BaseInterface): """ This class implements the BaseInterface to provide a qml interface to the GuiTracker object of the tracking module. """ def __init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName, analysisProvider1, analysisProvider2): BaseInterface.__init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName) self.positions = [] self.roi = None self.analysisImageProvider = analysisProvider1 self.analysisImageProvider2 = analysisProvider2 @pyqtSlot(QVariant, result=QVariant) def getRow(self, idx): """ Get the data (position and distancesFromArena) at row idx :param int idx: The index of the row to return """ idx = int(idx) if 0 <= idx < len(self.positions): row = [idx] + list(self.positions[idx]) + list(self.distancesFromArena[idx]) return [str(e) for e in row] else: return -1 @pyqtSlot() def load(self): """ Load the video and create the GuiTracker object Also registers the analysis image providers (for the analysis tab) with QT """ self.tracker = GuiTracker(self, srcFilePath=self.params.srcPath, destFilePath=None, nBackgroundFrames=1, plot=True, fast=False, cameraCalibration=self.params.calib, callback=None) = self.tracker # To comply with BaseInterface self.tracker.roi = self.roi self.nFrames = self.tracker._stream.nFrames - 1 self.currentFrameIdx = self.tracker._stream.currentFrameIdx if self.params.endFrameIdx == -1: self.params.endFrameIdx = self.nFrames self._setDisplay() self._setDisplayMax() self._updateImgProvider() @pyqtSlot() def start(self): """ Start the tracking of the loaded video with the parameters from self.params """ self.positions = [] # reset between runs self.distancesFromArena = [] self.tracker._stream.bgStartFrame = self.params.bgFrameIdx nBackgroundFrames = self.params.nBgFrames self.tracker._stream.bgEndFrame = self.params.bgFrameIdx + nBackgroundFrames - 1 self.tracker.trackFrom = self.params.startFrameIdx self.tracker.trackTo = self.params.endFrameIdx if (self.params.endFrameIdx > 0) else None self.tracker.threshold = self.params.detectionThreshold self.tracker.minArea = self.params.objectsMinArea self.tracker.maxArea = self.params.objectsMaxArea self.tracker.teleportationThreshold = self.params.teleportationThreshold self.tracker.nSds = self.params.nSds self.tracker.clearBorders = self.params.clearBorders self.tracker.normalise = self.params.normalise self.tracker.extractArena = self.params.extractArena self.tracker.setRoi(self.roi) self.timer.start(self.timerSpeed) @pyqtSlot() def stop(self): """ The qt slot to self._stop() """ self._stop('Recording stopped manually') def _stop(self, msg): """ Stops the tracking gracefully :param string msg: The message to print upon stoping """ self.timer.stop() self.tracker._stream.stopRecording(msg) @pyqtSlot(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant, QVariant) def setRoi(self, width, height, x, y, diameter): """ Sets the ROI (in which to check for the specimen) from the one drawn in QT Scaling is applied to match the (resolution difference) between the representation of the frames in the GUI (on which the user draws the ROI) and the internal representation used to compute the position of the specimen. :param width: The width of the image representation in the GUI :param height: The height of the image representation in the GUI :param x: The center of the roi in the first dimension :param y: The center of the roi in the second dimension :param diameter: The diameter of the ROI """ if hasattr(self, 'tracker'): streamWidth, streamHeight = self.tracker._stream.size # flipped for openCV horizontalScalingFactor = streamWidth / width verticalScalingFactor = streamHeight / height radius = diameter / 2.0 scaledX = (x + radius) * horizontalScalingFactor scaledY = (y + radius) * verticalScalingFactor scaledRadius = radius * horizontalScalingFactor self.roi = Circle((scaledX, scaledY), scaledRadius) @pyqtSlot() def removeRoi(self): self.roi = None @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def save(self, defaultDest): """ Save the data (positions and distancesFromArena) as a csv style file """ diag = QFileDialog() if defaultDest: defaultDest = os.path.splitext(defaultDest)[0] + '.csv' else: defaultDest = os.getenv('HOME') destPath = diag.getSaveFileName(parent=diag, caption='Save file', directory=defaultDest, filter="Text (*.txt *.dat *.csv)", initialFilter="Text (*.csv)") destPath = destPath[0] if destPath: self.write(destPath) def write(self, dest): """ The method called by save() to write the csv file """ with open(dest, 'w') as outFile: writer = csv.writer(outFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for fid, row in enumerate(self.positions): writer.writerow([fid]+list(row)) @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setFrameType(self, outputType): """ Set the type of frame to display. (As source, difference with background or binary mask) :param string outputType: The type of frame to display. One of ['Raw', 'Diff', 'Mask'] """ self.outputType = outputType.lower() @pyqtSlot() def analyseAngles(self): """ Compute and plot the angles between the segment Pn -> Pn+1 and Pn+1 -> Pn+2 """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() angles = video_analysis.getAngles(self.positions) video_analysis.plotAngles(angles, self.getSamplingFreq()) self.analysisImageProvider._fig = fig @pyqtSlot() def analyseDistances(self): """ Compute and plot the distances between the points Pn and Pn+1 """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() distances = video_analysis.posToDistances(self.positions) video_analysis.plotDistances(distances, self.getSamplingFreq()) self.analysisImageProvider2._fig = fig @pyqtSlot() def saveAnglesFig(self): """ Save the graph as a png or jpeg image """ diag = QFileDialog() destPath = diag.getSaveFileName(parent=diag, caption='Save file', directory=os.getenv('HOME'), filter="Image (*.png *.jpg)") destPath = destPath[0] if destPath: imsave(destPath, self.analysisImageProvider.getArray()) def getSamplingFreq(self): return self.tracker._stream.fps def getImg(self): if self.tracker._stream.currentFrameIdx < self.nFrames: self.display.reload() self._updateDisplayIdx() else: self._stop('End of recording reached')