Esempio n. 1
    def render_cloud(self, req, data, hacks):
        by_name = dict([(r[2].id, r) for r in hacks])

        def link_renderer(tag, count, percent):
            votes, rank, resource, tags, title = by_name[tag]
            href =
            font_size = 10.0 + (percent * 20.0)
            colour = 128.0 - (percent * 128.0)
            colour = '#%02x%02x%02x' % ((colour,) * 3)
            a = builder.a(tag, rel='tag', title=title, href=href, class_='tag',
                style='font-size: %ipx; color: %s' % (font_size, colour))
            return a

        # TODO Top-n + sample
        cloud_hacks = dict([(hack[2].id, hack[0]) for hack in hacks])
        data['body'] = render_cloud(self.env, req, cloud_hacks, link_renderer)

        return 'hacks_view.html', data, None
Esempio n. 2
    def render_new(self, req, data, hacks):

        tag_system = TagSystem(self.env)

        hacks = list(hacks)
        hack_names = set(r[2].id for r in hacks)
        users = set( for u, _ in tag_system.query(req, 'realm:wiki user'))
        exclude = hack_names.union(users).union(data['types']).union(data['releases'])

        cloud = {}

        for votes, rank, resource, tags, title in hacks:
            for tag in tags:
                if tag in exclude:
                    cloud[tag] += 1
                except KeyError:
                    cloud[tag] = 1

        # Pick the top 25 tags + a random sample of 10 from the rest.
        cloud = sorted(cloud.items(), key=lambda i: -i[1])
        remainder = cloud[25:]
        cloud = dict(cloud[:25] +
                     random.sample(remainder, min(10, len(remainder))))

        # Render the cloud
        min_px = 8
        max_px = 20

        def cloud_renderer(tag, count, percent):
            self.env.log.debug("cloud: %s = %2.2f%%" % (tag, percent * 100))
            return builder.a(tag, href='#', style='font-size: %ipx' %
                             int(min_px + percent * (max_px - min_px)))

        data['cloud'] = render_cloud(self.env, req, cloud, cloud_renderer)

        add_script(req, 'common/js/wikitoolbar.js')
        add_script(req, 'common/js/folding.js')

        data['focus'] = 'name'

        # Populate data with form submission
        if req.method == 'POST' and 'create' in req.args or 'preview' in req.args:

            context = self.form.validate(data)
            data['form_context'] = context

            vars = {}
            vars['OWNER'] = req.authname
            vars['WIKINAME'] = get_page_name(data['name'], data['type'])
            vars['TYPE'] = data.setdefault('type', 'plugin')
            vars['TITLE'] = data.setdefault('title', 'No title available')
            vars['LCNAME'] = vars['WIKINAME'].lower()
            vars['SOURCEURL'] = '%s/%s' % (self.svnbase, vars['LCNAME'])
            vars['DESCRIPTION'] = data.setdefault('description',
                                                  'No description available')
            vars['EXAMPLE'] = data.setdefault('example',
                                              'No example available')

            if 'create' in req.args and not context.errors:
                success, message = self.create_hack(req, data, vars)
                if success:
                    target = '%s?%s' % \
                        (['WIKINAME']), 'hack=created')
                    raise RequestDone
                    add_warning(req, message)
            elif 'preview' in req.args and not context.errors:
                page = WikiPage(self.env, self.template)
                if not page.exists:
                    raise TracError('New hack template %s does not exist.' % \
                template = Template(page.text).substitute(vars)
                template = re.sub(r'\[\[ChangeLog[^\]]*\]\]',
                                  'No changes yet', template)
                data['page_preview'] = wiki_to_html(template, self.env, req)
            data['form_context'] = None
            data['type'] = 'plugin'
            data['release'] = ['0.11']

        self.env.log.debug('MUPPETS AHOY')
        return 'hacks_new.html', data, None