def updatePredictions(download, preprocess, predictYN, leagues, firstSeason, firstSeasonTest, lastSeason, train): if download: downloadFiles(firstSeason=firstSeason, firstSeasonTest=firstSeasonTest, lastSeason=lastSeason, train=train, leagues=leagues) print('Files downloaded!') if preprocess: preProcess(firstSeason=firstSeason, firstSeasonTest=firstSeasonTest, lastSeason=lastSeason, train=train, leagues=leagues) print('Preprocessing done!') if predictYN: predict(leagues=leagues) print('Predictions done!') uploadFileAzure(PREDICTED_FPATH, AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING, AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME) print('Uploaded to Azure!')
def predict(self,dfTrn,dfTest): #Create feature vectors self.features_create(dfTrn,dfTest) #Make predictions mtxTrn, mtxTest, mtxTrnTarget, mtxTestTarget = train.combine_features(self, dfTrn, dfTest) train.predict(mtxTrn,mtxTrnTarget.ravel(),mtxTest,dfTest,self) #Store predictions in dataframe as class attribute self.dfPredictions = dfTest.ix[:,['id',]]
def predict(self, dfTrn, dfTest): #Create feature vectors self.features_create(dfTrn, dfTest) #Make predictions mtxTrn, mtxTest, mtxTrnTarget, mtxTestTarget = train.combine_features( self, dfTrn, dfTest) train.predict(mtxTrn, mtxTrnTarget.ravel(), mtxTest, dfTest, self) #Store predictions in dataframe as class attribute self.dfPredictions = dfTest.ix[:, ['id',]]
def main(args): mode = args.mode overwrite_flag = args.overwrite model_name = 'trajgru' data_folder = 'data' hurricane_path = os.path.join(data_folder, 'ibtracs.NA.list.v04r00.csv') results_folder = 'results' config_obj = Config(model_name) data = DataCreator(hurricane_path, **config_obj.data_params) hurricane_list, weather_list = data.hurricane_list, data.weather_list if mode == 'train': print("Starting experiments") for exp_count, conf in enumerate(config_obj.conf_list): print('\nExperiment {}'.format(exp_count)) print('-*-' * 10) batch_generator = BatchGenerator(hurricane_list=hurricane_list, weather_list=weather_list, batch_size=conf["batch_size"], window_len=conf["window_len"], phase_shift=conf["phase_shift"], return_mode=conf['return_mode'], cut_start=conf['cut_start'], vector_mode=conf['vector_mode'], vector_freq=conf['vector_freq'], **config_obj.experiment_params) train(model_name, batch_generator, exp_count, overwrite_flag, **conf) elif mode == 'test': best_model, best_conf, trainer = select_best_model(results_folder) batch_generator = BatchGenerator(hurricane_list=hurricane_list, weather_list=weather_list, batch_size=best_conf["batch_size"], window_len=best_conf["window_len"], phase_shift=best_conf["phase_shift"], return_mode=best_conf['return_mode'], cut_start=best_conf['cut_start'], vector_mode=best_conf['vector_mode'], vector_freq=best_conf['vector_freq'], **config_obj.experiment_params) print("Testing with best model...") predict(best_model, batch_generator, trainer) else: raise ValueError('input mode: {} is not found'.format(mode))
def main(_): opts = args_parser.opts D = opts.flag_values_dict()"FLAGS: ") for key in D:'{} = {}'.format(key, D[key])) if opts.run_mode == 'train': train.train(opts, export=False) elif opts.run_mode == 'predict': train.predict(opts) elif opts.run_mode == 'all': train.train(opts, export=False) train.predict(opts) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported run mode.")
def create_database_precision(kkk): conv = cPickle.load(open("data/test_lenet","rb")) num_images_show = kkk fully = predict(weights, conv) pre = fully[-1] hiden1 = fully[0] hiden2 = fully[1] acc_pre = np.max(pre, axis = 1) label_pre = np.argmax(pre, axis = 1) number_query = label_pre.shape[0] data_pre = np.asarray(cPickle.load(open("database/"+"data_h2","rb"))) sum_all_query = 0 for i in range(number_query): data_softmax = np.linalg.norm(data_pre[:,2:data_pre.shape[-1]] -hiden2[i],ord=1, axis = 1) data_cosin = np.append(data_pre[:,:1], data_softmax.reshape(data_softmax.shape[0],1), axis = 1) data_select = data_cosin[np.argsort(data_cosin[:,-1])][0:num_images_show] array_label_select = (data_select[:,0]).astype(int) label_select = label_train_original[array_label_select] if i %100 == 0: print(i*100/number_query) sum_one_query = 0 for j in range(label_select.shape[0]): if (label_select[j] == label_test_original[i] ): sum_all_query +=1 sum_sum = sum_all_query/(number_query*label_select.shape[0]) print(sum_sum)
def processImage(image, debug=False): """ :param image: (bgr image) :param debug: (bool) :return:(float, float) """ x, y = predict(model, image) if debug: return x, y # Compute bezier path and target point control_points = computeControlPoints(x, y, add_current_pos=True) target = bezier(TARGET_POINT, control_points) # Linear Regression to fit a line # It estimates the line curve # Case x = cst, m = 0 if len(np.unique(x)) == 1: # pragma: no cover turn_percent = 0 else: # Linear regression using least squares method # x = m*y + b -> y = 1/m * x - b/m if m != 0 A = np.vstack([y, np.ones(len(y))]).T m, b = np.linalg.lstsq(A, x, rcond=-1)[0] # Compute the angle between the reference and the fitted line track_angle = np.arctan(1 / m) diff_angle = abs(REF_ANGLE) - abs(track_angle) # Estimation of the line curvature turn_percent = (diff_angle / MAX_ANGLE) * 100 return turn_percent, target[0]
def predict(self, x, batch_sizes): # compute the siamese embeddings of the input data return train.predict(self.outputs['A'], x_unlabeled=x, inputs=self.orig_inputs, y_true=self.y_true, batch_sizes=batch_sizes)
def request_move(model, board, chance=2): use_random = random.random() < chance if use_random: prediction = torch.rand(7) return prediction else: return predict(model, board)
def algorithm(type, data, token): train.DFPreprocessing(data) result = train.predict(data); new_data = train.HeartRate(data)[1] for index,row in new_data.iterrows(): saveData(token, "heartrate", row["heartRate"], row["timestamp"]); saveData(token, "predict", result); return result;
def main(): device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') cur_dir = os.getcwd() if opt.predict: save_dir = cur_dir + '/../result/' if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) save_path = save_dir +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M") + ".csv" test_dataset = MultiSessionsGraph(cur_dir + '/../datasets/' + opt.dataset, phrase='predict') test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=False) predict(opt.model_path, test_loader, save_path, device) return train_dataset = MultiSessionsGraph(cur_dir + '/../datasets/' + opt.dataset, phrase='train') train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True) test_dataset = MultiSessionsGraph(cur_dir + '/../datasets/' + opt.dataset, phrase='test') test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=False) need_feild = {"lr", "epoch", "batch_size"} log_name = "".join([k+"_"+str(v) for k,v in opt.__dict__.items() if k in need_feild]) log_dir = cur_dir + '/../log/' + str(opt.dataset) + '/' + log_name model_dir = cur_dir + '/../model/' + str(opt.dataset) model_path = cur_dir + '/../model/' + str(opt.dataset) + '/' + log_name + '.pth' if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) logging.warning('logging to {}'.format(log_dir)) if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) logging.warning('model save to {}'.format(log_dir)) writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir) node_d = {'diginetica': 43097, 'yoochoose1_64': 37483, 'yoochoose1_4': 37483, 'debias': 117538} n_node = node_d.get(opt.dataset, 309) model = GNNModel(hidden_size=opt.hidden_size, n_node=n_node).to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=opt.l2) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=opt.lr_dc_step, gamma=opt.lr_dc) logging.warning(model) for epoch in tqdm(range(opt.epoch)): #scheduler.step() forward(model, train_loader, device, writer, epoch, scheduler, top_k=opt.top_k, optimizer=optimizer, train_flag=True) with torch.no_grad(): forward(model, test_loader, device, writer, epoch, top_k=opt.top_k, train_flag=False), model_path)
def test_predict(self): model = SimpleClassifier() puzzgen = SimplePuzzleGenerator() mgr = PuzzleDataLoader(puzzgen, 2, 2, 2, 2) _, loader = mgr.get_loaders(epoch=0) for (data, response) in loader: predictions = predict(model, data) expected = tensor([0, 0]) # predicts choice 0 for all questions assert compare_tensors(predictions, expected)
def main(_): config = flags.FLAGS if config.length_num == 'auto': config.length_num = config.max_packet_length // config.length_block + 4 else: config.length_num = int(config.length_num) if config.decay_step != 'auto': config.decay_step = int(config.decay_step) if config.mode == 'train': train.train(config) elif config.mode == 'prepro': preprocess.preprocess(config) elif config.mode == 'test': print(config.test_model_dir) train.predict(config) else: print('unknown mode, only support train now') raise Exception
def P3(): print("hello") while(True): choice = input("Enter choice: \n\t1. Train\n\t2. Predict") if choice == 1: train() elif choice == 2: image = input("Enter Image name: ") predict(image) else: print("Enter a valid option!") yn = input("Do you want to continue?") if yn == 'y' or yn == 'Y': continue elif yn == 'n' or yn == 'N': break else: print("Enter a valid option!")
def update(self, targets, outputs): probs = torch.sigmoid(outputs) dice, dice_neg, dice_pos, _, _ = metric(probs, targets, self.base_threshold) self.base_dice_scores.append(dice) self.dice_pos_scores.append(dice_pos) self.dice_neg_scores.append(dice_neg) preds = predict(probs, self.base_threshold) iou = compute_iou_batch(preds, targets, classes=[1]) self.iou_scores.append(iou)
def recognize_number(digit): temp = digit.resize((28, 28)) # print(np.array(temp)) temp = Image.fromarray(255 - np.array(temp)) # temp = preprocess(temp) trans = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) temp = trans(temp) temp = temp.view(1, 1, 28, 28) return predict(temp)
def chat(): msg_dict = request.get_json() speaker = msg_dict['speaker'] msg = msg_dict['msg'] output = predict(msg) if output is not None: return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'data': {'output': output}}) else: return jsonify({'status': 'fail', 'data': {}})
def do_GET(self): if "getVAD" in self.path: from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs query_components = parse_qs(urlparse(self.path).query) if(query_components): if (query_components['words'][0]): v, a, d = train.predict(query_components['words'][0]) self.respond('{"v": ' + str(v) + ', "a": ' + str(a) + ', "d": ' + str(d) + '}') else: super(MyHandler, self).do_GET() # serves the static src file by default
def predict(self, x): # test inputs do not require the 'Labeled' input inputs_test = { 'Unlabeled': self.inputs['Unlabeled'], 'Orthonorm': self.inputs['Orthonorm'] } return train.predict(self.outputs['Unlabeled'], x_unlabeled=x, inputs=inputs_test, y_true=self.y_true, x_labeled=x[0:0], y_labeled=self.y_train_labeled_onehot[0:0], batch_sizes=self.batch_sizes)
def evaluation(annotation_path, taxonomy_path, mel_dir, models_dir, output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(taxonomy_path, 'r') as f: taxonomy = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader) file_list = [os.path.splitext(f)[0]+'.wav' for f in os.listdir(mel_dir) if 'npy' in f] file_list.sort() test_file_idxs = range(len(file_list)) model_list = [f for f in os.listdir(models_dir) if 'pth' in f] val_loss = [float(f.split('_')[-1][:-4]) for f in model_list] model_filename = model_list[np.argmin(val_loss)] model = MyCNN() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(models_dir, model_filename))) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model.cuda() model.eval() mel_list = load_mels(file_list, mel_dir) y_pred = predict(mel_list, test_file_idxs, model) y_pred = predict(mel_list, test_file_idxs, model) aggregation_type = 'max' label_mode='coarse' generate_output_file(y_pred, test_file_idxs, output_dir, file_list, aggregation_type, label_mode, taxonomy)
def main(): args = get_args() weight_path = args.weight_path if not os.path.exists(RESPATH): os.makedirs(RESPATH) (Xtr, Ytr), (Xte, Yte) = train.load_data(DATAPATH) net_out = Ytr.shape[1] Xtr, Ytr_norm, Xte, Yte_norm, Y_means, Y_stds = train.standardize_data( Xtr, Ytr, Xte, Yte) model = train.build_model(net_out) model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam') model.load_weights(weight_path) Ytr_pred, Yte_pred = train.predict(model, Xtr, Xte, Y_means, Y_stds) train.savedata(Ytr, Ytr_pred, Yte, Yte_pred, respath=RESPATH)
def confu_matrix(): res = np.zeros((10, 10)) conv = cPickle.load(open("data/datatrain_326464", "rb")) #num_images_show = 100 fully = predict(weights, conv) pre = fully[-1] hiden1 = fully[0] acc_pre = np.max(pre, axis=1) label_pre = np.argmax(pre, axis=1) number_query = label_pre.shape[0] data_pre = np.asarray(cPickle.load(open("database/" + "data", "rb"))) for i in range(label_train_original.shape[0]): res[label_train_original[i], label_pre[i]] += 1 print(res.astype(int))
def main(): model = train.load_checkpoint(path) with open(cat_names, 'r') as json_file: cat_to_name = json.load(json_file) probabilities = train.predict(path_image, model, top_k, device) labels = [ cat_to_name[str(index + 1)] for index in np.array(probabilities[1][0]) ] probability = np.array(probabilities[0][0]) i = 0 while i < top_k: print("{} it`s probability {}".format(labels[i], probability[i])) i += 1 print("predect is done!")
def main(): args = get_args() weight_path = args.weight_path if not os.path.exists(RESPATH): os.makedirs(RESPATH) viddata, auddata = train.load_data(DATAPATH) net_out = auddata.shape[1] viddata, auddata_norm, auddata_means, auddata_stds = standardize_data( viddata, auddata) model = train.build_model(net_out) model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam') model.load_weights(weight_path) aud_pred = train.predict(model, viddata, auddata_means, auddata_stds), 'aud_pred.npy'), aud_pred)
def validate_images(): """ Used to check that the images in the validate directory are detected correctly. Results are written to a .txt file. """ file1 = open("validate/letters.txt","a") for i in range(0, 18): original_img = cv2.imread("validate/{}.jpg".format(i)) resized_img = cv2.resize(original_img, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) cv2.imwrite("validate/{}_resize.jpg".format(i), resized_img) file1.write(predict(resized_img, MODEL_VGG) + "\n") file1.close()
def main(): w = np.load('w.npy') ordering = np.load('ordering.npy') classpaths = [sys.argv[1]] X, _, _ = create_dataset(classpaths, ordering) y = np.asscalar(predict(X, w)) sorted_y = sorted(softmax( confidence = 1 if len(sorted_y) > 1: confidence = round(sorted_y[-1] - sorted_y[-2], 2) category = get_datasets()[y] print(json.dumps({"category": category, "confidence": confidence}))
def create_database_F1(): conv = cPickle.load(open("data/datatrain_326464","rb")) fully = predict(weights, conv) pre = fully[-1] hiden1 = fully[0] label_pre = np.argmax(pre, axis = 1) for i in range(conv.shape[0]): array_temp = np.append((i,label_pre[i]), hiden1[i]) database[label_pre[i]].append(array_temp) if i%200 == 0: print(str(i*100/conv.shape[0]) + "%") if not os.path.exists(folder_database): os.makedirs (folder_database) for i in range(len(database)): cPickle.dump(database[i],open(folder_database+"/"+"data_F1_"+str(i),"wb"))
def predict_by_modelMLP(model_path, test_images): ''' NOTE, this only works for MultiLayerPerceptron models :param model_path: path to the previously trained model, i.e. model.ckpt :param test_images: :return: predicted y ''' model = base.MultiLayerPerceptron() # model = base.MultiLayerPerceptron(input_dim=784, output_dim=10, \ # hidden_dims=[512], activations=['relu', None], \ # learning_rate=0.3, dropout = False, \ # costfunc = utils.cross_entropy, optimizer='GD') y = op.predict(model, model_path, test_images) return y
def main(): try: mileage = get_user_input() except: print("This is not a valid value.") return -1 theta0, theta1 = 0, 0 try: theta0, theta1 = recover() if type(theta0) is not float or type(theta1) is not float: print("Recovered datas are corrupted !") theta0, theta1 = 0, 0 except: pass prediction = predict(theta0, theta1, mileage) print(f"The prediction value is: {prediction}")
def get_accuracy(cnn, test_file, true_label): correct_count = 0 total_count = 0 accuracy = 0 f = open(test_file, "r") max_kernel_size = max(cnn.args.kernel_sizes) for line in f: tokens_count = len([val for val in line.split(" ")]) if tokens_count < max_kernel_size: line = line + " ".join(["<pad>"] * (max_kernel_size - tokens_count)) output = train.predict(line, cnn, text_field, label_field, args.cuda) if output is true_label: correct_count += 1 total_count += 1 accuracy = correct_count / total_count return accuracy, correct_count, total_count
def ImageResult(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file: filename = secure_filename(file.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) upload = '../web app implemenation/static/images/' + filename img1 = image.load_img(upload) img1 = image.img_to_array(img1) model = predict() results = model.detect([img1]) occupied, empty = draw_image_with_boxes(upload,results[0]['rois'],results[0]['class_ids']) return render_template("prediction.html", occupied=occupied, empty=empty)
def main(model_file, test_file, test_pred, write_score): print "Loading model..." model = pickle.load(open(model_file, 'r')) print "Predicting test..." predict(model, test_file, test_pred, write_score)
dfTrn_ML=dfTrn_All_5_8; dfTest_ML= dfTest_All_1_5; mtxTrn,mtxTest = features.standardize(dfTrn_ML,dfTest_ML,quant_features) #--Combine the standardized quant features and the vectorized categorical features--# #mtxTrn = hstack([mtxTrn,vecTrn_BusOpen]) #vecTrn_BusOpen,vecTrn_Cats,vecTrn_Zip, #mtxTest = hstack([mtxTest,vecTest_BusOpen]) #vecTest_Master_Cats,vecTest_Master_Zip, #--Test without the vecZip and vecCats--# #mtxTrn = hstack([mtxTrn,vecTrn_BusOpen]) #mtxTest = hstack([mtxTest,vecTest_Master_BusOpen]) #--select target--# mtxTarget = dfTrn_ML.ix[:,['rev_stars']].as_matrix() #--Use classifier for cross validation--# train.cross_validate(mtxTrn,mtxTarget,clf,folds=10,SEED=42,test_size=.2) #may require mtxTrn.toarray() #--Use classifier for predictions--# dfTest_ML, clf = train.predict(mtxTrn,mtxTarget,mtxTest,dfTest_ML,clf,clf_name) #may require mtxTest.toarray() #--Save predictions to file--# train.save_predictions(dfTest_ML,clf_name,'_All_1_5_KitchenSink',submission_no) #---------End Machine Learning Section-------------# #------------------------------Optional Steps----------------------------------# #--Memory cleanup prior to running the memory intensive classifiers--# dfTrn,dfTest,dfAll = utils.data_garbage_collection(dfTrn,dfTest,dfAll) #--use a benchmark instead of a classifier--# benchmark_preds = train.cross_validate_using_benchmark('3.5', dfTrn, dfTrn[0].merge(dfTrn[1],how='inner',on='business_id').as_matrix(),dfTrn[0].ix[:,['rev_stars']].as_matrix(),folds=3,SEED=42,test_size=.15) benchmark_preds = train.cross_validate_using_benchmark('global_mean', dfTrn, dfTrn[0].merge(dfTrn[1],how='inner',on='business_id').as_matrix(),dfTrn[0].ix[:,['rev_stars']].as_matrix(),folds=3,SEED=42,test_size=.15) benchmark_preds = train.cross_validate_using_benchmark('business_mean', dfTrn, dfTrn[0].merge(dfTrn[1],how='inner',on='business_id').as_matrix(),dfTrn[0].ix[:,['rev_stars']].as_matrix(),folds=3,SEED=42,test_size=.15) benchmark_preds = train.cross_validate_using_benchmark('usr_mean', dfTrn, dfTrn[0].merge(dfTrn[2],how='inner',on='user_id').as_matrix(),dfTrn[0].merge(dfTrn[2],how='inner',on='user_id').ix[:,['rev_stars']].as_matrix(),folds=3,SEED=22,test_size=.15)
folds=10,SEED=42,test_size=.1,clf=clf,clf_name=clf_name,pred_fg=True) train.cross_validate(mtxTrn,mtxTrnTarget.ravel(),folds=8,SEED=888,test_size=.1,clf=clf,clf_name=clf_name,pred_fg=False) train.cross_validate_temporal(mtxTrn,mtxTest,mtxTrnTarget.ravel(),mtxTestTarget.ravel(),clf=clf, clf_name=clf_name,pred_fg=False) train.cross_validate_using_benchmark('global_mean',dfTrn, mtxTrn,mtxTrnTarget,folds=20) ################################################################################################ #---Calculate the degree of variance between ground truth and the mean of the CV predictions.----# #---Returns a list of all training records with their average variance---# train.calc_cv_preds_var(dfTrn,cv_preds) ################################################################################################ #--Use estimator for manual predictions--# dfTest, clf = train.predict(mtxTrn,mtxTrnTarget.ravel(),mtxTest,dfTest,clf,clf_name) #may require mtxTest.toarray() dfTest, clf = train.predict(mtxTrn.todense(),mtxTrnTarget.ravel(),mtxTest.todense(),dfTest,clf,clf_name) #may require mtxTest.toarray() ################################################################################################ #--Save feature matrices in svm format for external modeling--# y_trn = np.asarray(dfTrn.num_votes) y_test = np.ones(mtxTest.shape[0], dtype = int ) dump_svmlight_file(mtxTrn, y_trn, f = 'Data/Votes_trn.svm', zero_based = False ) dump_svmlight_file(mtxTest, y_test, f = 'Data/Votes_test.svm', zero_based = False ) ################################################################################################ #--Save a model to joblib file--# data_io.save_cached_object(clf,'rf_500_TextAll') #--Load a model from joblib file--# data_io.load_cached_object('Models/040513--rf_500_TextAll.joblib.pk1')
def output(): output = open('output.dta', 'w+') with open('qual.dta', 'r') as qual: for line in qual: user_id, movie_id, time = [int(v) for v in line.split()] output.write(str(predict(movie_id - 1, user_id - 1, uf, mf)) + "\n")