Esempio n. 1
def load_model(
        path_to_model=PATH_TO_MODEL,            # model opts (.pkl)
        path_to_params=PATH_TO_PARAMS,          # model params (.npz)
    Load all model components + apply vocab expansion
    # Load the worddict
    print 'Loading dictionary...'
    with open(path_to_dictionary, 'rb') as f:
        worddict = pkl.load(f)

    # Create inverted dictionary
    print 'Creating inverted dictionary...'
    word_idict = dict()
    for kk, vv in worddict.iteritems():
        word_idict[vv] = kk
    word_idict[0] = '<eos>'
    word_idict[1] = 'UNK'

    # Load model options
    print 'Loading model options...'
    with open(path_to_model, 'rb') as f:
        options = pkl.load(f)

    # Load parameters
    print 'Loading model parameters...'
    params = init_params(options)
    params = load_params(path_to_params, params)
    tparams = init_tparams(params)

    # Extractor functions
    print 'Compiling encoder...'
    trng = RandomStreams(1234)
    trng, x, x_mask, ctx, emb = build_encoder(tparams, options)
    f_enc = theano.function([x, x_mask], ctx, name='f_enc')
    f_emb = theano.function([x], emb, name='f_emb')
    trng, embedding, x_mask, ctxw2v = build_encoder_w2v(tparams, options)
    f_w2v = theano.function([embedding, x_mask], ctxw2v, name='f_w2v')

    # Load word2vec, if applicable
    if embed_map == None:
        print 'Loading word2vec embeddings...'
        embed_map = load_googlenews_vectors(path_to_word2vec)

    # Lookup table using vocab expansion trick
    print 'Creating word lookup tables...'
    table = lookup_table(options, embed_map, worddict, word_idict, f_emb)

    # Store everything we need in a dictionary
    print 'Packing up...'
    model = {}
    model['options'] = options
    model['table'] = table
    model['f_w2v'] = f_w2v

    return model
Esempio n. 2
def trainer(Xs,
            dim_word=620, # word vector dimensionality
            dim=2400, # the number of GRU units
            batch_size = 64,

    # Model options
    model_options = {}
    model_options['dim_word'] = dim_word
    model_options['dim'] = dim
    model_options['encoder'] = encoder
    model_options['decoder'] = decoder 
    model_options['max_epochs'] = max_epochs
    model_options['dispFreq'] = dispFreq
    model_options['decay_c'] = decay_c
    model_options['grad_clip'] = grad_clip
    model_options['n_words'] = n_words
    model_options['maxlen_w'] = maxlen_w
    model_options['optimizer'] = optimizer
    model_options['batch_size'] = batch_size
    model_options['saveto'] = saveto
    model_options['dictionary'] = dictionary
    model_options['embeddings'] = embeddings
    model_options['saveFreq'] = saveFreq
    model_options['reload_'] = reload_

    print model_options

    # reload options
    if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):
        print 'reloading...' + saveto
        with open('%s.pkl'%saveto, 'rb') as f:
            models_options = pkl.load(f)

    # load dictionary
    print 'Loading dictionary...'
    worddict = load_dictionary(dictionary)

    # Load pre-trained embeddings, if applicable
    if embeddings:
        print 'Loading embeddings...'
        from gensim.models import Word2Vec as word2vec
        embed_map = word2vec.load_word2vec_format(embeddings, binary=True)
        model_options['dim_word'] = dim_word = embed_map.vector_size
        preemb = norm_weight(n_words, dim_word)
        preemb_mask = numpy.ones((n_words, 1), dtype='float32')
        for w,i in worddict.items()[:n_words-2]:
            if w in embed_map:
                preemb[i] = embed_map[w]
                preemb_mask[i] = 0 # don't propagate gradients into pretrained embs
        preemb = None

    # Inverse dictionary
    word_idict = dict()
    for kk, vv in worddict.iteritems():
        word_idict[vv] = kk
    word_idict[0] = '<eos>'
    word_idict[1] = 'UNK'

    print 'Building model'
    params = init_params(model_options, preemb=preemb)
    # reload parameters
    if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):
        params = load_params(saveto, params)

    tparams = init_tparams(params)

    trng, x, x_mask, y, y_mask, z, z_mask, \
          opt_ret, \
          cost = \
          build_model(tparams, model_options)
    inps = [x, x_mask, y, y_mask, z, z_mask]

    # before any regularizer
    print 'Building f_log_probs...',
    f_log_probs = theano.function(inps, cost, profile=False)
    print 'Done'

    # weight decay, if applicable
    if decay_c > 0.:
        decay_c = theano.shared(numpy.float32(decay_c), name='decay_c')
        weight_decay = 0.
        for kk, vv in tparams.iteritems():
            weight_decay += (vv ** 2).sum()
        weight_decay *= decay_c
        cost += weight_decay

    # after any regularizer
    print 'Building f_cost...',
    f_cost = theano.function(inps, cost, profile=False)
    print 'Done'

    print 'Done'
    print 'Building f_grad...',
    grads = tensor.grad(cost, wrt=itemlist(tparams))
    f_grad_norm = theano.function(inps, [(g**2).sum() for g in grads], profile=False)
    f_weight_norm = theano.function([], [(t**2).sum() for k,t in tparams.iteritems()], profile=False)

    if grad_clip > 0.:
        g2 = 0.
        for g in grads:
            g2 += (g**2).sum()
        new_grads = []
        for g in grads:
            new_grads.append(tensor.switch(g2 > (grad_clip**2),
                                           g / tensor.sqrt(g2) * grad_clip,
        grads = new_grads

    if embeddings:
        param_preemb_mask = theano.shared(preemb_mask, name='preemb_mask', broadcastable=(False, True))
        grads[0] *= param_preemb_mask

    lr = tensor.scalar(name='lr')
    print 'Building optimizers...',
    # (compute gradients), (updates parameters)
    f_grad_shared, f_update = eval(optimizer)(lr, tparams, grads, inps, cost)

    print 'Optimization'

    # Each sentence in the minibatch have same length (for encoder)
    if type(Xs[0]) is not list: Xs = [Xs]
    if type(Xs_val[0]) is not list: Xs_val = [Xs_val]
    trainXs = map(hd.grouper, Xs)
    valXs = map(hd.grouper, Xs_val)
    train_iters = [hd.HomogeneousData(trainX, batch_size=batch_size, maxlen=maxlen_w) for trainX in trainXs]
    val_iters = [hd.HomogeneousData(valX, batch_size=batch_size, maxlen=maxlen_w) for valX in valXs]

    f_progress = open('%s_progress.txt' % saveto, 'w', 1)
    uidx = 0
    lrate = 0.01
    for eidx in xrange(max_epochs):
        n_samples = 0

        print 'Epoch ', eidx

        for train_iter in train_iters:
            for x, y, z in train_iter:
                n_samples += len(x)
                uidx += 1

                x, x_mask, y, y_mask, z, z_mask = hd.prepare_data(x, y, z, worddict, maxlen=maxlen_w, n_words=n_words)

                if x == None:
                    print 'Minibatch with zero sample under length ', maxlen_w
                    uidx -= 1

                ud_start = time.time()
                cost = f_grad_shared(x, x_mask, y, y_mask, z, z_mask)
                ud = time.time() - ud_start

                if numpy.isnan(cost) or numpy.isinf(cost):
                    print 'NaN detected'
                    return 1., 1., 1.

                if numpy.mod(uidx, dispFreq) == 0:
                    print 'Epoch ', eidx, 'Update ', uidx, 'Cost ', cost, 'UD ', ud

                if numpy.mod(uidx, saveFreq) == 0:
                    val_logprob = n_val_samples = 0
                    for val_iter in val_iters:
                        for x, y, z in val_iter:
                            n_val_samples += len(x)
                            x, x_mask, y, y_mask, z, z_mask = hd.prepare_data(x, y, z, worddict, maxlen=maxlen_w, n_words=n_words)
                            val_logprob += f_log_probs(x, x_mask, y, y_mask, z, z_mask)
                    val_logprob /= n_val_samples
                    print 'LOGPROB: %s' % val_logprob
                    f_progress.write('%s\n' % val_logprob)

                    print 'Saving...',
                    params = unzip(tparams)
                    numpy.savez('%s_%.3f' % (saveto, val_logprob), history_errs=[], **params)
                    pkl.dump(model_options, open('%s_%.3f.pkl'%(saveto, val_logprob), 'wb'))
                    print 'Done'

            print 'Seen %d samples'%n_samples