class EntryBlock(traits.HasTraits): fieldName = traits.String( "fieldName", desc= "describes what the information to be entered in the text block is referring to" ) textBlock = traits.String() traits_view = traitsui.View( traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.Item("fieldName", show_label=False, style="readonly"), traitsui.Item("textBlock", show_label=False, style="custom"), show_border=True, label="information")) def __init__(self, **traitsDict): """user supplies arguments in init to supply class attributes defined above """ super(EntryBlock, self).__init__(**traitsDict) def clearTextBlock(self): self.textBlock = ""
class EntryBlock(traits.HasTraits): fieldName = traits.String("fieldName",desc = "describes what the information to be entered in the text block is referring to") textBlock = traits.String() commitButton = traits.Button("save",desc="commit information in text block to logFile") traits_view = traitsui.View(traitsui.VGroup( traitsui.Item("fieldName",show_label=False, style="readonly"), traitsui.Item("textBlock",show_label=False, style="custom"), traitsui.Item("commitButton",show_label=False), show_border=True, label="information" )) def __init__(self, **traitsDict): """user supplies arguments in init to supply class attributes defined above """ super(EntryBlock,self).__init__(**traitsDict) def _commitButton_fired(self):"saving %s info starting" % self.fieldName) timeStamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") blockDelimiterStart = "__"+self.fieldName+"__<start>" blockDelimiterEnd = "__"+self.fieldName+"__<end>" fullString = "\n"+blockDelimiterStart+"\n"+timeStamp+"\n"+self.textBlock+"\n"+blockDelimiterEnd+"\n" with open(self.commentFile, "a+") as writeFile: writeFile.write(fullString)"saving %s info finished" % self.fieldName) def clearTextBlock(self): self.textBlock = ""
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") # Directories base_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'),mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") # Subjects subjects = traits.List(traits.Str, mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="Subject id's. Note: These MUST match the subject id's in the \ Freesurfer directory. For simplicity, the subject id's should \ also match with the location of individual functional files.") fwhm=traits.List(traits.Float()) inputs_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/output/fwhm_%s/*.nii.gz') meanfunc_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/mean/*_mean.nii.gz') fsl_mat_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/bbreg/*.mat') unwarped_brain_template = traits.String('%s/smri/unwarped_brain/*.nii*') affine_transformation_template = traits.String('%s/smri/affine_transformation/*.nii*') warp_field_template = traits.String('%s/smri/warped_field/*.nii*') #Normalization standard_transform_template = traits.File(mandatory=True,desc='Standard template to warp to') standard_warp_field_template = traits.String() standard_affine_transformation_template = traits.String() standard_norm_template = traits.File() standard_warp_field_template = traits.File() standard_affine_transformation_template = traits.File() # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code() # Buttons check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check")
def getNode(_type,tr,config): from bips.workflows.flexible_datagrabber import Data, DataBase if _type == type(traits.Int()): col_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Int(), name=tr,description=config.trait(tr).desc) elif _type == type(traits.Float()): col_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),name=tr) elif _type == type(traits.String()) or _type==type(traits.Str()): col_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),name=tr) elif _type == type(traits.Enum('')): values=config.trait(tr).trait_type.values the_values = [] for v in values: the_values.append((v,v)) col_type = colander.SchemaNode( deform.Set(), widget=deform.widget.SelectWidget(values=the_values), name=tr) elif _type == type(traits.Bool()): col_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Boolean(),widget=deform.widget.CheckboxWidget(),name=tr) elif _type == type(traits.Code()): col_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),name=tr,widget=deform.widget.TextAreaWidget(cols=100,rows=20)) elif _type == type(traits.Instance(Data,())): from bips.workflows.flexible_datagrabber import create_datagrabber_html_view col_type = create_datagrabber_html_view() elif _type == type(traits.List()): col_type =get_list(_type,tr,config) else: print "type: ", _type, "not found!" col_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),name=tr) return col_type
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") # Directories base_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'),mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) run_mode = traits.Enum("flame1","ols","flame12") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) #Normalization brain_mask = traits.File(mandatory=True,desc='Brain Mask') name_of_project = traits.String("group_analysis",usedefault=True) do_randomize = traits.Bool(True) num_iterations = traits.Int(5000) #Correction: run_correction = traits.Bool(True) z_threshold = traits.Float(2.3) p_threshold = traits.Float(0.05) connectivity = traits.Int(26) # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code() # Buttons check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check")
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location to store results") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool(False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "PBSGraph","MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') # Subjects interpolation = traits.Enum('trilinear','nearestneighbour','sinc',usedefault=True) name = traits.String('flirt_output',desc='name of folder to store flirt mats') datagrabber_create = traits.Instance(Data, ()) datagrabber_apply = traits.Instance(Data, ()) create_transform = traits.Bool(True) apply_transform = traits.Bool(False) # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code()
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc="Workflow Description") # Directories sink_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'), mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) projection_stem = traits.Str('-projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1', desc='how to project data onto the surface') out_type = traits.Enum('mat', 'hdf5', desc='mat or hdf5') hdf5_package = traits.Enum('h5py', 'pytables', desc='which hdf5 package to use') target_surf = traits.Enum('fsaverage4', 'fsaverage3', 'fsaverage5', 'fsaverage6', 'fsaverage', 'subject', desc='which average surface to map to') surface_fwhm = traits.List([5], traits.Float(), mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="How much to smooth on target surface") roiname = traits.String('amygdala') use_advanced_options = Bool(False) advanced_options = traits.Code()
class Element(traits.HasTraits): """parent class for a defined element. Element can be chosen as a physics property in the physics tab and allow fits to calculate properties of atomic clouds""" nameID = traits.String( desc="name of element for dictionary key (no superscripts etc)") massATU = traits.Float(22.9897692807, label="mass (u)", desc="mass in atomic mass units") decayRateMHz = traits.Float( 9.7946, label=u"Decay Rate \u0393 (MHz)", desc="decay rate/ natural line width of 2S1/2 -> 2P3/2") crossSectionSigmaPlus = traits.Float( 1.6573163925E-13, label=u"cross section \u03C3 + (m^2)", desc= "resonant cross section 2S1/2 -> 2P3/2. Warning not accurate for 6Li yet" ) scatteringLength = traits.Float(62.0, label="scattering length (a0)") IsatSigmaPlus = traits.Float(6.260021, width=10, label=u"Isat (mW/cm^2)", desc="I sat sigma + 2S1/2 -> 2P3/2") traits_view = traitsui.View( traitsui.VGroup( traitsui.Item("nameID", style="readonly"), traitsui.Item("massATU", style="readonly"), traitsui.Item("decayRateMHz", style="readonly"), traitsui.Item("crossSectionSigmaPlus", style="readonly"), traitsui.Item("scatteringLength"), traitsui.Item("IsatSigmaPlus", style="readonly")))
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc="Workflow Description") # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") sink_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'), mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc= "Freesurfer subjects directory") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool(False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') test_mode = Bool(False, mandatory=False, usedefault=True, desc='Affects whether where and if the workflow keeps its \ intermediary files. True to keep intermediary files. ') timeout = traits.Float(14.0) datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) surface_template = traits.Enum("fsaverage","fsaverage5","fsaverage6","fsaverage4","subject") test_name = traits.String('FS_one_sample_t_test') # First Level #advanced_options use_advanced_options = Bool(False) advanced_options = traits.Code()
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories base_dir = Directory( exists=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") field_dir = Directory( exists=True, desc="Base directory of field-map data (Should be subject-independent) \ Set this value to None if you don't want fieldmap distortion correction" ) surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Subjects datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) TR = traits.Float(6.0) preproc_config = traits.File(desc="preproc config file") json_name = traits.String('preproc_metrics') # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code()
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location to store results") # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "PBSGraph", "MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') # Subjects datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) name = traits.String('mean') # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code()
class OrNode(OpNode): """Parallel evaluation semantics Children of :class:`OrNode` will be evaluated in parallel, sparked in the order in which they were added as children of this node. Example: >>> @delayed() ... def foo(a): return 42 >>> foo(42) | foo(24) <cloudmesh_workflow.workflow.OrNode object at ...> """ # Implementation notes: # # Evaluation is done by sparking all children, then waiting for # all children. name = T.String('|') def start(self): for child in self.children_iter: child.start() def wait(self): for child in self.children_iter: child.wait() self.result.set_result(None)
class config(HasTraits): # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") base_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool(False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "PBSGraph","MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') test_mode = Bool(False, mandatory=False, usedefault=True, desc='Affects whether where and if the workflow keeps its \ intermediary files. True to keep intermediary files. ') timeout = traits.Float(14.0) #Subjects subjects= traits.List(traits.Str, mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="Subject id's. Bips expects dicoms to be organized by subject id's") dicom_dir_template = traits.String('%s/dicoms/') #Conversion Options embed_meta = traits.Bool(True) info_only = traits.Bool(True) no_moco = traits.Bool(False,desc="only convert non-moco files") use_heuristic = traits.Bool(False) heuristic_file = traits.File(desc="heuristic file")
class InputData(T.HasTraits): dwi_images = nifti_file fa_file = nifti_file bvec_file = T.File(filter=['*.bvec']) bvec_orientation = T.String('IMG', minlen=3, maxlen=3) min_signal = T.Float(1) @T.on_trait_change('dwi_images') def update_files(self): dir, file = path.split(self.dwi_images) base = string.split(file, path.extsep, 1)[0] if self.fa_file == '': self.fa_file = path.join(dir, base + '_fa.nii.gz') if self.bvec_file == '': self.bvec_file = path.join(dir, base + '.bvec') def read_data(self): data_img = nib.load(self.dwi_images) affine = data_img.get_affine() voxel_size = data_img.get_header().get_zooms() voxel_size = voxel_size[:3] fa_img = nib.load(self.fa_file) assert data_img.shape[:-1] == fa_img.shape bvec, bval = read_bvec_file(self.bvec_file) data_ornt = nib.io_orientation(affine) if self.bvec_orientation != 'IMG': bvec = reorient_vectors(bvec, self.bvec_orientation, data_ornt) fa = fa_img.get_data() data = data_img.get_data() return data, voxel_size, affine, fa, bvec, bval
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc="Workflow Description") # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") sink_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'), mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') test_mode = Bool( False, mandatory=False, usedefault=True, desc='Affects whether where and if the workflow keeps its \ intermediary files. True to keep intermediary files. ' ) timeout = traits.Float(14.0) datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) projection_stem = traits.Str('-projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1', desc='how to project data onto the surface') out_type = traits.Enum('mat', 'hdf5', desc='mat or hdf5') hdf5_package = traits.Enum('h5py', 'pytables', desc='which hdf5 package to use') target_surf = traits.Enum('fsaverage4', 'fsaverage3', 'fsaverage5', 'fsaverage6', 'fsaverage', 'subject', desc='which average surface to map to') surface_fwhm = traits.List([5], traits.Float(), mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="How much to smooth on target surface") roiname = traits.String('amygdala') use_advanced_options = Bool(False) advanced_options = traits.Code()
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") base_dir = Directory( os.path.abspath('.'), mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') test_mode = Bool( False, mandatory=False, usedefault=True, desc='Affects whether where and if the workflow keeps its \ intermediary files. True to keep intermediary files. ' ) timeout = traits.Float(14.0) datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) run_mode = traits.Enum("flame1", "ols", "flame12") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) #Normalization brain_mask = traits.File(mandatory=True, desc='Brain Mask') name_of_project = traits.String("group_analysis", usedefault=True) do_randomize = traits.Bool(True) num_iterations = traits.Int(5000) #Correction: run_correction = traits.Bool(True) z_threshold = traits.Float(2.3) p_threshold = traits.Float(0.05) connectivity = traits.Int(26) # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code() # Buttons check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check")
def edition_widget(engine, environment): ''' Edition GUI for FSL config - see :class:`~capsul.qt_gui.widgets.settings_editor.SettingsEditor` ''' from soma.qt_gui.controller_widget import ScrollControllerWidget from soma.controller import Controller import types import traits.api as traits def validate_config(widget): controller = widget.controller_widget.controller with widget.engine.settings as session: conf = session.config('fsl', widget.environment) values = {'config_id': 'fsl'} for k in ('directory', 'config', 'prefix'): value = getattr(controller, k) if value is traits.Undefined: value = None values[k] = value if conf is None: session.new_config('fsl', widget.environment, values) else: for k, value in values.items(): if k == 'config_id': continue setattr(conf, k, values[k]) controller = Controller() controller.add_trait( 'directory', traits.Directory(traits.Undefined, desc='Directory where FSL is installed')) controller.add_trait( 'config', traits.File(traits.Undefined, output=False, desc='Parameter to specify the path')) controller.add_trait( 'prefix', traits.String(traits.Undefined, desc='Prefix to add to FSL commands')) conf = engine.settings.select_configurations(environment, {'fsl': 'any'}) if conf: fconf = conf.get('capsul.engine.module.fsl', {}) = fconf.get('directory', traits.Undefined) controller.config = fconf.get('config', traits.Undefined) controller.prefix = fconf.get('prefix', traits.Undefined) widget = ScrollControllerWidget(controller, live=True) widget.engine = engine widget.environment = environment widget.accept = types.MethodType(validate_config, widget) return widget
class newDarkPictureDialog(traits.HasTraits): # pathSourceImages = traits.Directory( os.path.join("\\\\","Humphry","Data","eagleLogs") ) pathSourceImages = traits.Directory( eagleLogsFolder ) pathNewDarkPicture = traits.File( defaultDarkPictureFilename, editor = traitsui.FileEditor(dialog_style='save') ) cancelButton = traitsui.Action(name = 'Cancel', action = '_cancel') okButton = traitsui.Action(name = 'Calculate dark picture', action = '_ok') date = traits.String( time.strftime('%Y %m %d'), desc='Date' ) camera = traits.String( "Andor1" ) interval = traits.Float(0.003) filterCountLi = traits.Int(1) temperature = traits.Float(-40.0) autoFilename = traits.Button('Auto Filename') traits_view = traitsui.View( traitsui.Group( traitsui.Item('pathSourceImages'), traitsui.Group( traitsui.Item('date'), traitsui.Item('camera'), traitsui.Item('interval'), traitsui.Item('temperature'), traitsui.Item('autoFilename'), label='Auto Filename', show_border=True ), traitsui.Item('pathNewDarkPicture') ), buttons = [cancelButton, okButton], handler = newDarkPictureDialogHandler() ) def _autoFilename_fired(self): filename = + ' - dark ' + + ' - ' filename += 'interval {} '.format(self.interval) filename += 'temperature {} '.format(self.temperature) filename = filename.replace('.','_') # filename += '.gz' filename += '.npy' path = os.path.join( defaultDarkPictureFilename, if not os.path.exists( path ): os.mkdir( path ) self.pathNewDarkPicture = os.path.join( path, filename )
class Model(traits.HasTraits): model = traits.Instance(lmfit.Model) function = None #python function for fitting guessFunction = None definitionString = traits.String() modelName = traits.String("") def __init__(self, function, **traitsDict): super(Model, self).__init__(**traitsDict) self.function = function self.model = lmfit.Model(function) self.parameters = self.model.make_params() try: self.definitionString = inspect.getsource(function) except IOError as e: self.definitionString = e.message if hasattr(fittingFunctions, function.__name__ + "_guess"): self.guessFunction = getattr(fittingFunctions, function.__name__ + "_guess")
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories base_dir = Directory( os.path.abspath('.'), exists=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") field_dir = Directory( exists=True, desc="Base directory of field-map data (Should be subject-independent) \ Set this value to None if you don't want fieldmap distortion correction" ) json_sink = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store json_files") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") # Subjects subjects = traits.List( traits.Str, mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="Subject id's. Note: These MUST match the subject id's in the \ Freesurfer directory. For simplicity, the subject id's should \ also match with the location of individual functional files." ) func_template = traits.String('%s/functional.nii.gz') run_datagrabber_without_submitting = Bool(True, usedefault=True) # Motion Correction do_slicetiming = Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc="Perform slice timing correction") SliceOrder = traits.List(traits.Int) TR = traits.Float(mandatory=True, desc="TR of functional") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Buttons check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check") def _check_func_datagrabber_fired(self): subs = self.subjects for s in subs: if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.func_template % s)): print "ERROR", os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.func_template % s), "does NOT exist!" break else: print os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.func_template % s), "exists!"
class OrNode(OpNode): name = T.String('|') def start(self): for child in self.children_iter: child.start() def wait(self): for child in self.children_iter: child.wait()
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") base_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'),mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool(False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') test_mode = Bool(False, mandatory=False, usedefault=True, desc='Affects whether where and if the workflow keeps its \ intermediary files. True to keep intermediary files. ') timeout = traits.Float(14.0) # Subjects subjects = traits.List(traits.Str, mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="Subject id's. Note: These MUST match the subject id's in the \ Freesurfer directory. For simplicity, the subject id's should \ also match with the location of individual functional files.") fwhm=traits.List(traits.Float()) inputs_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/output/fwhm_%s/*.nii.gz') meanfunc_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/mean/*_mean.nii.gz') fsl_mat_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/bbreg/*.mat') #Normalization norm_template = traits.File(mandatory=True,desc='Template to warp to') do_segment = traits.Bool(False) do_anatomical_only = traits.Bool(True) # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code() save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Buttons check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check")
class Option(traits.HasTraits): name = traits.String( desc="key from options dictionary. describes the option") value = traits.Any() traits_view = traitsui.View( traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("name", style="readonly", springy=True, show_label=False), traitsui.Item("value", show_label=False, springy=True)))
class config(HasTraits): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories working_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location of the Nipype working directory") base_dir = Directory( exists=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") field_dir = Directory( exists=True, desc="Base directory of field-map data (Should be subject-independent) \ Set this value to None if you don't want fieldmap distortion correction" ) crash_dir = Directory(mandatory=False, desc="Location to store crash files") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Execution run_using_plugin = Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="True to run pipeline with plugin, False to run serially") plugin = traits.Enum("PBS", "PBSGraph", "MultiProc", "SGE", "Condor", usedefault=True, desc="plugin to use, if run_using_plugin=True") plugin_args = traits.Dict({"qsub_args": "-q many"}, usedefault=True, desc='Plugin arguments.') test_mode = Bool( False, mandatory=False, usedefault=True, desc='Affects whether where and if the workflow keeps its \ intermediary files. True to keep intermediary files. ' ) # Subjects datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) TR = traits.Float(6.0) preproc_config = traits.File(desc="preproc config file") json_name = traits.String('preproc_metrics') # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code()
class SBFindOptParamInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): freq_loc = File(exists=True, desc='Input freq filename', argstr="%s", position=1, copyfile=False, mandatory=True) reliability_mask_loc = File(exists=True, desc='Phase voxels to leave out of data fidelity term', argstr="%s", position=3, copyfile=False, mandatory=False) mask_loc = File(exists=True, desc = 'Mask (3D)', argstr="%s", position=2,copyfile=False,mandatory=True) result_mat_file_loc = File(desc="Output mat filename where optimal param is stored",argstr='%s',position=4, mandatory=True) quit_matlab = traits.String(';quit;"',desc='needed to quit matlab',argstr='%s', position=7,mandatory=False,usedefault=True)
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location to store results") # Subjects datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) name = traits.String('mean') # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code()
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc='Workflow description') # Directories base_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'),mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'),mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") field_dir = Directory(desc="Base directory of field-map data (Should be subject-independent) \ Set this value to None if you don't want fieldmap distortion correction") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc= "Freesurfer subjects directory") # Subjects subjects= traits.List(traits.Str, mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="Subject id's. Note: These MUST match the subject id's in the \ Freesurfer directory. For simplicity, the subject id's should \ also match with the location of individual functional files.") func_template = traits.String('%s/functional.nii.gz') run_datagrabber_without_submitting = traits.Bool(desc="Run the datagrabber without \ submitting to the cluster") timepoints_to_remove = traits.Int(0,usedefault=True) do_slicetiming = Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc="Perform slice timing correction") SliceOrder = traits.List(traits.Int) order = traits.Enum('motion_slicetime','slicetime_motion',use_default=True) TR = traits.Float(mandatory=True, desc = "TR of functional") motion_correct_node = traits.Enum('nipy','fsl','spm','afni', desc="motion correction algorithm to use", usedefault=True,) csf_prob = traits.File(desc='CSF_prob_map') grey_prob = traits.File(desc='grey_prob_map') white_prob = traits.File(desc='white_prob_map') # Artifact Detection norm_thresh = traits.Float(1, min=0, usedefault=True, desc="norm thresh for art") z_thresh = traits.Float(3, min=0, usedefault=True, desc="z thresh for art") # Smoothing fwhm = traits.Float(6.0,usedefault=True) save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check") def _check_func_datagrabber_fired(self): subs = self.subjects for s in subs: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.base_dir,self.func_template % s)): print "ERROR", os.path.join(self.base_dir,self.func_template % s), "does NOT exist!" break else: print os.path.join(self.base_dir,self.func_template % s), "exists!"
class ImHistMatchInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, desc='Input filename', argstr='%s', position=1, copyFile=False, mandatory=True) ref = File(exists=True, desc = 'Reference filename', argstr='%s', position=2,copyFile=False,mandatory=True) result_filename = File(desc="Output LFS filename",argstr='%s',position=3, mandatory=True) quit_matlab = traits.String(';quit;"',desc='needed to quit matlab',argstr='%s', position=4,mandatory=False,usedefault=True)
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") # Directories base_dir = Directory( os.path.abspath('.'), mandatory=True, desc='Base directory of data. (Should be subject-independent)') sink_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="Freesurfer subjects directory") # Subjects subjects = traits.List( traits.Str, mandatory=True, usedefault=True, desc="Subject id's. Note: These MUST match the subject id's in the \ Freesurfer directory. For simplicity, the subject id's should \ also match with the location of individual functional files." ) fwhm = traits.List(traits.Float()) inputs_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/output/fwhm_%s/*.nii.gz') meanfunc_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/mean/*_mean.nii.gz') fsl_mat_template = traits.String('%s/preproc/bbreg/*.mat') #Normalization norm_template = traits.File(mandatory=True, desc='Template to warp to') do_segment = traits.Bool(False) do_anatomical_only = traits.Bool(True) # Advanced Options use_advanced_options = traits.Bool() advanced_script = traits.Code() save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) # Buttons check_func_datagrabber = Button("Check")
class config(BaseWorkflowConfig): uuid = traits.Str(desc="UUID") desc = traits.Str(desc="Workflow Description") # Directories sink_dir = Directory(os.path.abspath('.'), mandatory=True, desc="Location where the BIP will store the results") surf_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc= "Freesurfer subjects directory") save_script_only = traits.Bool(False) datagrabber = traits.Instance(Data, ()) surface_template = traits.Enum("fsaverage","fsaverage5","fsaverage6","fsaverage4","subject") test_name = traits.String('FS_one_sample_t_test') # First Level #advanced_options use_advanced_options = Bool(False) advanced_options = traits.Code()